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The Law of One Session 69

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Plenum Healer: offering metaphysical healing

L/L Research

29 August 1981

Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator.

Before we proceed, may we make a small request for future workings. At this particular working there is some slight interference with the contact due to the hair of the instrument. We may suggest the combing of this antenna-like material into a more orderly configuration prior to the working.

We communicate now.

Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated.

Questioner: Do you mean that the physical energy is completely depleted?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, although we have physical energy transferred and available for this working.

Questioner: Thank you. A question I didn’t get to ask the previous session which I will be forced to continue at this time: is the trance state the only condition from which a mind/body/spirit positive entity may be lured by a negative adept to a negative time/space configuration?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a misperceived concept. The mind/body/spirit complex which freely leaves the third-density physical complex is vulnerable when the appropriate protection is not at hand. You may perceive carefully that very few entities which choose to leave their physical complexes are doing work of such a nature as to attract the polarised attention of negatively oriented entities. The danger to most in trance state, as you term the physical complex being left, is the touching of the physical complex in such a manner as to attract the mind/body/spirit complex back thereunto, or to damage the means by which that which you call ectoplasm is being recalled.

This instrument is an anomaly in that it is well that the instrument not be touched, or artificial light thrown upon it, while in the trance state. However, the ectoplasmic activity is interiorized. The main difficulty, as you are aware, is then the previously discussed negative removal of the entity under its free will.

That this can happen only in the trance state is not completely certain, but it is highly probable that in an other out-of-body experience, such as death, the entity here examined would, as most positively polarised entities, have a great deal of protection from comrades, guides, and portions of the self which would be aware of the transfer you call the physical death.

Questioner: Then you are saying that the protective friends, I will call them, would be available in every condition except for what we call the trance state which seems to be anomalistic with respect to the others. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: Why is this trance state, as we call it, different? Why are there not protective entities available in this particular state?

Ra: I am Ra. The uniqueness of this situation is not the lack of friends, for this, as all entities, has its guides or angelic presences and, due to polarisation, teachers and friends also. The unique characteristic of the workings, which the social memory complex Ra and your group have begun, is the intent to serve others with the highest attempt at near purity which we as comrades may achieve.

This has alerted a much more determined friend of negative polarity which is interested in removing this particular opportunity.

We may say once again two notes: Firstly, we searched long to find an appropriate channel or instrument and an appropriate support group. If this opportunity is ended we shall be grateful for that which has been done, but the possibility/probability vortices indicating the location of this configuration again are slight. Secondly, we thank you, for we know what you sacrifice in order to do that which you, as a group, wish to do.

We will not deplete this instrument insofar as we are able. We have attempted to speak of how the instrument may deplete itself through too great a dedication to the working. All these things and all else we have said has been heard. We are thankful. In the present situation we express thanks to the entities who call themselves Latwii.

Questioner: Do I understand, then, that death, whether it is by natural means, or accidental death, or suicide—all deaths of this type would create the same after-death condition which would avail an entity to its protection from friends? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We presume you mean to inquire whether in the death experience, no matter what the cause, the negative friends are not able to remove an entity. This is correct largely because the entity without the attachment to the space/time physical complex is far more aware and without the gullibility which is somewhat the hallmark of those who love wholeheartedly.

However, the death, if natural, would undoubtedly be the more harmonious; the death by murder being confused and the entity needing some time/space in which to get its bearings, so to speak; the death by suicide causing the necessity for much healing work and, shall we say, the making of a dedication to the third density for the renewed opportunity of learning the lessons set by the higher self.

Questioner: Is this also true of unconscious conditions due to accident, or medical anaesthetic, or drugs?

Ra: I am Ra. Given that the entity is not attempting to be of service in this particular way which is proceeding now, the entities of negative orientation would not find it possible to remove the mind/body/spirit. The unique characteristic, as we have said, which is, shall we say, dangerous, is the willing of the mind/body/spirit complex outward from the physical complex of third density for the purpose of service to others. In any other situation this circumstance would not be in effect.

Questioner: Would this be a function of the balancing action under the First Distortion?

Ra: I am Ra. Your query is somewhat opaque. Please restate for specificity.

Questioner: I was just guessing that since the mind/body/spirit complex is willed from the third-density body for a particular duty of service to others, that this then would create a situation primarily with respect to the First Distortion where the opportunity for balancing this service by the negative service would be available and, therefore, shall I say, magically possible for the intrusion of the other polarisation. Is this thinking at all correct?

Ra: I am Ra. No. The free will of the instrument is, indeed, a necessary part of the opportunity afforded the Orion group. However, this free will and the First Distortion applies only to the instrument. The entire hope of the Orion group is to infringe upon free will without losing polarity. Thus this group, if represented by a wise entity, attempts to be clever.

Questioner: Now, has a wanderer ever been so infringed upon by, shall I say, a negative adept or whoever and then placed in negative time/space?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: Can you tell me of the situation that the wanderer finds itself in, and why the path back cannot be the simple moving back into the same value of positive time/space?

Ra: I am Ra. The path back revolves, firstly, about the higher self’s reluctance to enter negative space/time. This may be a significant part of the length of that path.

Secondly, when a positively oriented entity incarnates in a thoroughly negative environment it must needs learn/teach the lessons of the love of self thus becoming one with its other-selves.

When this has been accomplished the entity may then choose to release the potential difference and change polarities.

However, the process of learning the accumulated lessons of love of self may be quite lengthy. Also the entity, in learning these lessons, may lose much positive orientation during the process, and the choice of reversing polarities may be delayed until the mid-sixth density. All of this is, in your way of measurement, time-consuming, although the end result is well.

Questioner: Is it possible to tell me, roughly, how many wanderers that have come to this planet within this master cycle have experienced this displacement into a negative time/space? Just wondering if there have been many.

Ra: I am Ra. We can note the number of such occurrences. There has been only one. We cannot, due to the Law of Confusion, discuss the entity.

Questioner: You said the higher self is reluctant to enter negative space/time. Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The incarnative process involves being incarnated from time/space to space/time. This is correct.

Questioner: Then the positively polarised entity (I will make this statement and see if I am correct), when first moved into time/space of a negative polarisation, experiences nothing but darkness. Then, on incarnation into negative space/time by the higher self, it experiences a negative space/time environment with negatively polarised other-selves. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: It would seem to me that this would be an extremely difficult situation for the positively polarised entity, and the learning process would be extremely traumatic. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Let us say that the positively polarised individual makes a poor student of the love of self and thus spends much more time, if you will, than those native to that pattern of vibrations.

Questioner: Is there no process or way by which the entity, once misplaced, and . . . I am assuming this misplacement must be a function of his free will in some way. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is absolutely correct.

Questioner: Now, this is a point that I find quite confusing to me.

It is a function of the free will of the positively polarised entity to move into negatively polarised time/space. However, it is also a function of his lack of understanding of what he is doing. I am sure if the entity had full understanding of what he was doing that he would not do it. It is a function of his negatively polarised other-self creating a situation by which he is, shall I say, lured to that configuration.

What is the principle with respect to the First Distortion that allows this to occur since we have two portions of the Creator, each of equal value, or equal potential, shall I say, but oppositely polarised, and we have this situation resulting. Could you tell me the philosophical principle behind this particular act?

Ra: I am Ra. There are two important points in this regard. Firstly, we may note the situation wherein an entity gets a road map which is poorly marked and, in fact, is quite incorrect. The entity sets out to its destination. It wishes only to reach the point of destination but, becoming confused by the faulty authority and not knowing the territory through which it drives, it becomes hopelessly lost.

Free will does not mean that there will be no circumstances when calculations will be awry. This is so in all aspects of the life experience. Although there are no mistakes, there are surprises.

Secondly, that which we and you do in workings such as this carries a magical charge, if you would use this much misunderstood term. Perhaps we may say, a metaphysical power. Those who do work of power are available for communication to and from entities of roughly similar power.

It is fortunate that the Orion entity does not have the native power of this group. However, it is quite disciplined, whereas this group lacks the finesse equivalent to its power. Each is working in consciousness, but the group has not begun a work as a group. The individual work is helpful, for the group is mutually an aid, one to another.

[There is a 48-second pause between the end of this answer and the beginning of the next question.]

Questioner: This instrument performs services on Sunday night channelling other members of the Confederation. We are reluctant to continue this because of the possibility of her slipping into trance and being offered the services of the negatively polarised adept. Are there any safeguards to create a situation where she cannot go into trance other than at a protected working such as this one?

Ra: I am Ra. There are three. Firstly, the instrument must needs improve the disciplined subconscious taboo against requesting Ra. This would involve daily conscious and serious thought. The second safeguard is the refraining from the opening of the instrument to questions and answers for the present. The third is quite gross in its appearance but suffices to keep the instrument in its physical complex. The hand may be held.

Questioner: Then you are saying just by holding the instrument’s hand during the channelling sessions that this would prevent trance?

Ra: I am Ra. This would prevent those levels of meditation which necessarily precede trance. Also in the event that, unlikely as it might seem, the entity grew able to leave the physical complex, the auric infringement and tactile pressure would cause the mind/body/spirit complex to refrain from leaving.

Questioner: We keep bringing up points out of the Esmerelda Sweetwater book, that being one particularly in the book. I was wondering, in that we were attempting to retrieve the space girl’s mind/body/spirit complex from what must have been negative time/space, as it was placed there by the magician Trostrick: was the scenario of Trostrick’s actions working with the space girl—and in Esmerelda Sweetwater’s magical ritual that she designed to help retrieve the space girl’s mind/body/spirit complex—were both of these techniques approximately reasonable? Or were there any errors in the design of these magical techniques?

Ra: I am Ra. There were no errors. We only remind each that this particular character imaged forth by you was an experienced adept.

Questioner: You mean the character Trostrick?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. We referred to Esmerelda, as this imagined entity was called.

We may note that long practise at the art which each intuits here would be helpful. We cannot speak of methodology, for the infringement would be most great. However, to speak of group efforts is, as we scan each, merely confirmation of what is known. Therefore, this we may do.

We have the available energy for one fairly brief query.

Questioner: There are many techniques and ways of practising so-called white magical arts. Are rituals designed by a particular group for their own particular use just as good, or possibly better, than those that have been practised by groups such as the Order of the Golden Dawn and other magical groups?

Ra: I am Ra. Although we are unable to speak with precision on this query, we may note some gratification that the questioner has penetrated some of the gist of a formidable system of service and discipline.

I am Ra. May we thank you again, my friends, for your conscientiousness. All is well. We leave you rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth with joy. Adonai.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
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