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44.13 Questioner: What I am trying to get at in this session is any practises that we might be able to do to best revitalise the instrument, for it is going to be necessary to do all we can, to do this, in order to maintain our contacts. Can you tell us what we could best do to increase the instrument’s vitality for these contacts?

Ra: I am Ra. Your experience was a function of your ability to contact intelligent infinity. Therefore, it does not have a direct bearing upon this instrument’s vital energy.

We have spoken before of those things which aid this instrument in the vital energy: the sensitivity to beauty, to the singing of sacred music, to the meditation and worship, to the sharing of self with self in freely given love either in social or sexual intercourse. These things work quite directly upon the vitality. This instrument has a distortion towards appreciation of variety of experiences. This, in a less direct way, aids vitality.

105.16 Questioner: Would you clear up my thinking on that? I didn’t quite understand your statement.

Ra: I am Ra. Each mind/body/spirit, or mind/body/spirit complex, has an existence simultaneous with that of creation. It is not dependent upon any physical vehicle. However, in order to evolve, change, learn, and manifest the Creator, the physical vehicles appropriate to each density are necessary. Your query implied that physical vehicles accelerated growth. The more accurate description is that they permit growth.

15.3 Questioner: Then I should ask my questions rapidly so that I do not reduce the time. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. You shall do as you deem fit. However, we may suggest that to obtain the answers you require may mean that you invest some of what you experience as time. Although you lose the answer-time, you gain thereby in the specificity of the answer, as many times in the past we have needed clarification of hastily phrased questions.

77.13 Questioner: Then for me to condense your statement, I see it meaning that there are seven basic philosophical foundations for mental experience, seven for bodily, seven for spiritual, and that these produce the polarisation that we experience some time during the third-density cycle. This may be very poorly stated on my part. Am I close to correct?

Ra: I am Ra. You are correct in that you perceive the content of our prior statement with accuracy. You are incorrect in that you have no mention of the, shall we say, location of all of these concept complexes; that is, they exist within the roots of the mind, and it is from this resource that their guiding influence and leitmotifs may be traced.* You may further note that each foundation is, itself, not single but a complex of concepts.

Furthermore, there are relationships betwixt mind, body, and spirit of the same location in octave—for instance, one, eight, fifteen—and relationships within each octave which are helpful in the pursuit of The Choice by the mind/body/spirit complex.

The Logos under which these foundations stand is one of free will. Thusly the foundations may be seen to have unique facets and relationships for each mind/body/spirit complex. Only twenty-two, The Choice, is relatively fixed and single.

72.10 Questioner: In the last session you mentioned that if the instrument used any of the increased vital energy that she experiences now for physical activity she would pay a “harsh toll.” Could you tell me the nature of that harsh toll, and why it would be experienced?

Ra: I am Ra. The physical energy level is a measure of the amount of available energy of the body complex of a mind/body/spirit complex. The vital energy measurement is one which expresses the amount of energy of being of the mind/body/spirit complex.

This entity has great distortions in the direction of mind complex activity, spirit complex activity, and that great conduit to the Creator, the will. Therefore, this instrument’s vital energy, even in the absence of any physical reserve measurable, is quite substantial.

However, the use of this energy of will, mind, and spirit for the things of the physical complex causes a far greater distortion in the lessening of the vital energy than would the use of this energy for those things which are in the deepest desires and will of the mind/body/spirit complex. In this entity these desires are for service to the Creator. This entity sees all service as service to the Creator, and this is why we have cautioned the support group and the instrument itself in this regard. All services are not equal in depth of distortion. The over-use of this vital energy is, to be literal, the rapid removal of life force.

93.7 Questioner: With the third tarot card we come to the first addition of archetypes after the veiling process, as I understand it. And I am assuming that this third archetype is, shall I say, loaded in a way so as to create, if possible, polarisation, since that seems to be one of the primary objectives of this particular Logos in the evolutionary process. Am I in any way correct on this?

Ra: I am Ra. Before we reply to your query we ask your patience as we must needs examine the mind complex of this instrument in order that we might attempt to move the left manual appendage of the instrument. If we are not able to effect some relief from pain we shall take our leave. Please have patience while we do that which is appropriate.

[Thirty-second pause.]

I am Ra. There will continue to be pain flares. However, the critical portion of the intense pain has been alleviated by repositioning.

Your supposition is correct.

77.25 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do after this contact to increase the instrument’s comfort as related to the psychic attack, or is there anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact in this present situation?

Ra: I am Ra. The faculties of healing which each has commenced energising may be used. The entity may be encouraged to remain motionless for a period. As it will not appreciate this, we suggest the proper discussion.

The physical appurtenance called the censer was just a degree off, this having no deeper meaning. We do ask, for reasons having to do with the physical comfort of the instrument, that you continue in your careful efforts at alignment. You are conscientious. All is well.

We leave you, my friends, in the glorious love and light of the One Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. I am Ra. Adonai.

67.28 Questioner: Thank you very much. I have a statement here that I will quickly read and have you comment on the accuracy or inaccuracy. In general, the archetypical mind is a representation of facets of the One Infinite Creator.*

The Father archetype corresponds to the male or positive aspect of electromagnetic energy and is active, creative, and radiant, as is our local sun. The Mother archetype corresponds to the female or negative aspect of electromagnetic energy and is receptive or magnetic as is our earth as it receives the sun’s rays and brings forth life via third-density fertility. The Prodigal Son or the Fool archetype corresponds to every entity who seems to have strayed from unity and seeks to return to the One Infinite Creator. The Devil archetype represents the illusion of the material world and the appearance of evil but is more accurately the provider of catalyst for the growth of each entity within the third-density illusion.

The Magician, Saint, Healer, or Adept corresponds to the higher self and, because of the balance within its energy centres, pierces the illusion to contact intelligent infinity and, thereby, demonstrates mastery of the catalyst of third density. The archetype of Death symbolises the transition of an entity from the yellow-ray body to the green-ray body either temporarily between incarnations or, more permanently, at harvest.

Each archetype presents an aspect of the One Infinite Creation to teach the individual mind/body/spirit complex according to the calling, or the electromagnetic configuration of mind, of the entity. Teaching is done via the intuition. With proper seeking, or mind configuration, the power of will uses the spirit as a shuttle to contact the appropriate archetypical aspect necessary for the teach/learning.

In the same way each of the other informers of intuition are contacted. They are hierarchical and proceed from the entity’s own subconscious mind to group, or planetary mind, to guides, to higher self, to archetypical mind, to cosmic mind or intelligent infinity. Each is contacted by the spirit serving as shuttle according to the harmonised electromagnetic configuration of the seeker’s mind and the information sought.

Will you please comment on the accuracy of these observations and correct any errors or fill in any omissions?

Ra: I am Ra. The entity has been using transferred energy for most of this session due to its depleted physical levels. We shall begin this rather complex answer, which is interesting, but do not expect to finish it. Those portions which we do not respond to we ask that you re-question us upon at a working in your future.

103.8 Questioner: I didn’t mean to cover previously covered material. I meant to add any of this to specifically focus on at this time, the best possible thing that we or the instrument could do to improve these energies, the salient activity.

Ra: I am Ra. Before responding we ask your vigilance during pain flares as the channel is acceptable but is being distorted periodically by the severe physical distortions of the yellow-ray, chemical body of the instrument.

Those salient items for the support group are praise and thanksgiving in harmony. These the group has accomplished with such a degree of acceptability that we cavil not at the harmony of the group.*

As to the instrument, the journey from worth-in-action to worth-in-esse is arduous.** The entity has denied itself in order to be free from that which it calls addiction.*** This sort of martyrdom—and here we speak of the small but symbolically great sacrifice of the clothing—causes the entity to frame a selfhood in poorness which feeds unworthiness, unless the poverty is seen to be true richness.

In other words, good works for the wrong reasons cause confusion and distortion. We encourage the instrument to value itself and to see that its true requirements are valued by the self. We suggest contemplation of true richness of being.

32.7 Questioner: And then finally, the violet ray. What is the difference between violet ray and the others?

Ra: I am Ra. The violet ray, just as the red ray, is constant in the sexual experience. Its experience by other-self may be distorted, or completely ignored, or not apprehended by other-self. However, the violet ray, being the sum and substance of the mind/body/spirit complex, surrounds and informs any action by a mind/body/spirit complex.

32.11 Questioner: Would then many wanderers of the higher densities have considerable problems with respect to incarnation in third density because of this different orientation?

Ra: I am Ra. The possibility/probability of such problems, as you call them, due to sixth density incarnating in third is rather large. It is not necessarily a problem if you would call it thusly. It depends upon the unique orientation of each mind/body/spirit complex having this situation or placement of vibratory relativities.

46.14 Questioner: Then cancer is a training catalyst operating for both polarities in approximately the same way but attempting, let’s say, to create polarisation in both directions, positive and negative, depending upon the orientation of the entity experiencing the catalyst. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect in that catalyst is unconscious and does not work with intelligence but rather is part of the, shall we say, mechanism of learn/teaching set up by the sub-Logos before the beginning of your space/time.

55.11 Questioner: This would indicate to me that in the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Queen’s Chamber, as it is called, would be the chamber for initiation. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Again, you penetrate the outer teaching.

The Queen’s Chamber would not be appropriate or useful for healing work as that work involves the use of energy in a more synergic configuration rather than the configuration of the centred being.*

90.29 Questioner: That’s OK. I don’t think that was that good a question anyway.

Now, when Ra initially planned for helping the Egyptians with their evolution, what was the most, or the primary concept—and also secondary and tertiary, if you can name those—that Ra wished to impart to the Egyptians? In other words, what was Ra’s training plan or schedule for making the Egyptians aware of what was necessary for their evolution?

Ra: I am Ra. We came to your peoples to enunciate the Law of One. We wished to impress upon those who wished to learn of unity that in unity all paradoxes are resolved; all that is broken is healed; all that is forgotten is brought to light.

We had no teaching plan, as you have called it, in that our intention when we walked among your peoples was to manifest that which was requested by those learn/teachers to which we had come.

We are aware that this particular line of querying—that is, the nature and architecture of the archetypical mind—has caused the questioner to attempt, to its own mind unsuccessfully, to determine the relative importance of these concepts. We cannot learn/teach for any, nor would we take this opportunity from the questioner. However, we shall comment.

The adept has already worked much, not only within the red, orange, yellow, and green energy centres, but already in the opening of blue and indigo. Up through this point the archetypes function as the great base or plinth of a builded structure or statue, keeping the mind complex viable, level, and available as a resource whenever it may be evoked.

There is a point at which the adept takes up its work. This is the point at which a clear and conscious consideration of the archetypical mind is useful.

62.10 Questioner: Is there anything we can do for the instrument after she comes out of trance to help her recover from this attack?

Ra: I am Ra. There is little to be done. You may watch to see if distortions persist and see that the appropriate healers are brought into contact with this mind/body/spirit complex in the event that difficulty persists. It may not. This battle is even now being accomplished. Each may counsel the instrument to continue its work as outlined previously.

8.31 Questioner: Would it be possible for any of us to have some type of contact with the Confederation in a more direct way?

Ra: I am Ra. In observing the distortions of those who underwent this experiential sequence we decided to gradually back off, shall I say, from direct contact in thought-form. The least distortion seems to be available in mind-to-mind communication. Therefore, the request to be taken aboard is not one we care to comply with. You are most valuable in your present orientation.

77.23 Questioner: In that case, it seems that a thorough knowledge of the precise nature of these philosophical foundations would be of primary importance to the study of evolution of mind, body, and spirit, and I would like to carefully go through each of the basic twenty-one, starting with the mind, if this is agreeable with Ra.

Ra: I am Ra. This is agreeable with two requests which must be made.

Firstly, that an attempt be made to state the student’s grasp of each archetype. We may then comment. We cannot teach/learn to the extent of learn/teaching.

Secondly, we request that it be constantly kept before the mind, as the candle before the eye, that each mind/body/spirit complex shall, and should, and indeed must perceive each archetype, if you use this convenient term, in its own way.

Therefore, you may see that precision is not the goal; rather, quality of general concept complex perception is the goal.

96.18 Questioner: And as to the thing that she wears on her head—that, I believe, is a bit confusing. What should it be shaped like?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall allow the student to ponder this point. We note that although it is an astrologically based addition to the concept complex, it is not entirely unacceptable when viewed with a certain feeling. Therefore, we suggest, O student, that you choose whether to remove the crown or to name its meaning in such a way as to enhance the concept complex.

78.33 Questioner: It just seemed to me that since the planets were an outgrowth of the Logos, and since the archetypical mind was the foundation for the experience, that the planets of this Logos would be in some way related. We will certainly follow your suggestion.

I have been trying to get a foothold into an undistorted doorway, you might say, into the archetypical mind. It seems to me that everything that I have read having to do with archetypes is, to some degree or another, distorted by those who have written, and the fact that our language is not really capable of description.

You have spoken of the Magician as a basic archetype, and that this seems to have been carried through from the previous octave. Would this then be, if there is an order, the first archetypical concept of this Logos?

Ra: I am Ra. We would first respond to your confusion as regards the various writings upon the archetypical mind.

You may well consider the very informative difference between a thing in itself and its relationships or functions. There is much study of archetype which is actually the study of functions, relationships, and correspondences. The study of planets, for instance, is an example of archetype seen as function. However, the archetypes are, first and most profoundly, things in themselves, and the pondering of them and their purest relationships with each other should be the most useful foundation for the study of the archetypical mind.

We now address your query as to the archetype which is the Matrix of the Mind. As to its name, the name of Magician is understandable when you consider that consciousness is the great foundation, mystery, and revelation which makes this particular density possible. The self-conscious entity is full of the magic of that which is to come. It may be considered first, for the mind is the first of the complexes to be developed by the student of spiritual evolution.

43.7 Questioner: These other second-density types need the blood to remain in the physical? Do they come in and out of our physical density from one of the astral planes?

Ra: I am Ra. These entities are, shall we say, creatures of the Orion group. They do not exist in astral planes, as do the thought-forms, but wait within the earth’s surface. We, as always, remind you that it is our impression that this type of information is unimportant.

99.10 Questioner: In that case I will just ask one additional short question as we terminate for this session. May I ask if the Logos of this system planned for the mating process as possibly depicted in Card Six—I don’t know if this is related—by some type of DNA imprinting as has been studied by our science? Many second-density creatures seem to have some sort of imprinting that creates a lifetime mating relationship, and I was wondering if this was designed by the Logos for that particular mechanism, and if it was also carried into third density?

Ra: I am Ra. There are some of your second-density fauna which have instinctually imprinted monogamous mating processes. The third-density physical vehicle which is the basic incarnational tool of manifestation upon your planet arose from entities thusly imprinted, all the aforesaid being designed by the Logos.

The free will of third-density entities is far stronger than the rather mild carryover from second-density DNA encoding, and it is not part of the conscious nature of many of your mind/body/spirit complexes to be monogamous due to the exercise of free will. However, as has been noted there are many signposts in the deep mind indicating to the alert adept the more efficient use of catalyst. As we have said, the Logos of your peoples has a bias towards kindness.

42.20 Questioner: Thank you. Using the teach/learning relationship of parent to its child, what type of actions would demonstrate the activation of each energy centre in sequence from red through violet?

Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working.

The entity, child or adult, as you call it, is not an instrument to be played. The appropriate teach/learning device of parent to child is the open-hearted beingness of the parent and the total acceptance of the beingness of the child. This will encompass whatever material the child entity has brought into the life experience in this plane.

There are two things especially important in this relationship other than the basic acceptance of the child by the parent.

Firstly, the experience of whatever means the parent uses to worship and give thanksgiving to the One Infinite Creator should, if possible, be shared with the child entity upon a daily basis, as you would say.

Secondly, the compassion of parent to child may well be tempered by the understanding that the child entity shall learn the biases of service to others or service to self from the parental other-self. This is the reason that some discipline is appropriate in the teach/learning. This does not apply to the activation of any one energy centre, for each entity is unique, and each relationship with self and other-self doubly unique. The guidelines given are only general for this reason.

Is there a brief query before we leave this instrument?

89.26 Questioner: All right, we’ll attempt to do that. Ra stated that a major breakthrough was made when proper emphasis was put on Arcanum Twenty-Two. This didn’t happen until after Ra had completed third density. I assume from this that Ra, being polarised positively, probably had some of the same difficulty that occurred prior to the veil in that the negative polarity was not appreciated. That’s a guess. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. In one way it is precisely correct. Our harvest was overwhelmingly positive, and our appreciation of those which were negative was relatively uninformed.

However, we were intending to suggest that (in the use of the system known to you as the tarot for advancing the spiritual evolution of the self) a proper understanding, if we may use this misnomer, of Archetype Twenty-Two is greatly helpful in sharpening the basic view of the Significator of Mind, Body, and Spirit; and, further, throws into starker relief the Transformation and Great Way of Mind, Body, and Spirit complexes.

95.22 Questioner: And it seems that the square upon which the entity sits, which is almost totally black, is a representation of the material illusion, and the white cat is guarding the right-hand path which is now separated in experience from the left. Would Ra comment on that observation?

Ra: I am Ra. O student, your sight almost sees that which was intended. However, the polarities need no guardians. What, then, O student, needs the guard?

26.38 Questioner: As you have stated before, it is a strait and narrow path. There are many distractions.

I plan to create an introduction, shall I say, to the Law of One, travelling through and hitting the high points of this 75,000 year cycle, possibly a few questions into the general future. After this introduction to the Law of One, as I call it, I would like to get directly to the main work, which is creating an understanding that can be disseminated to those who would ask for it—and only to those who would ask for it—for an understanding that can allow them to greatly accelerate their evolution. I am very appreciative and feel it a great honour and privilege to be doing this and hope that we can accomplish this next phase.

I have a question that the instrument has asked that I would like to ask for the instrument. She says, “You speak of various types of energy blockages and transfers, positive and negative, that may take place due to participation in our sexual reproductive complex of actions.” She states, “Please explain these blockages and energy transfers with emphasis upon what an individual seeking to be in accordance with the Law of One may positively do in this area.” Is it possible for you to answer this question?

Ra: I am Ra. It is partially possible, given the background we have laid. This is properly a more advanced question. Due to the specificity of the question we may give general answer.

The first energy transfer is red ray. It is a random transfer having to do only with your reproductive system.

The orange- and the yellow-ray attempts to have sexual intercourse create, firstly, a blockage if only one entity vibrates in this area, thus causing the entity vibrating sexually in this area to have a never-ending appetite for this activity. What these vibratory levels are seeking is green-ray activity. There is the possibility of orange- or yellow-ray energy transfer; this being polarising towards the negative: one being seen as object rather than other-self, the other seeing itself as plunderer, or master, of the situation.

In third* ray there are two possibilities. Firstly, if both vibrate in third ray, there will be a mutually strengthening energy transfer. The negative or female, as you call it, drawing the energy from the roots of the beingness up through the energy centres, thus being physically revitalised; the positive, or male, polarity, as it is deemed in your illusion, finding in this energy transfer an inspiration which satisfies and feeds the spirit portion of the body/mind/spirit complex; thus both being polarised and releasing the excess of that which each has in abundance by nature of intelligent energy, that is, negative/intuitive, positive/physical energies as you may call them—this energy transfer being blocked only if one or both entities have fear of possession, of being possessed, of desiring possession, or desiring being possessed.

The other green-ray possibility is that of one entity offering green-ray energy, the other not offering energy of the universal love energy, this resulting in a blockage of energy for the one not green ray, thus increasing frustration or appetite; the green-ray being polarising slightly towards service to others.

The blue-ray energy transfer is somewhat rare among your people at this time but is of great aid due to energy transfers involved in becoming able to express the self without reservation or fear.

The indigo-ray transfer is extremely rare among your people. This is the sacramental portion of the body complex whereby contact may be made through the violet ray with intelligent infinity. No blockages may occur at these latter two levels due to the fact that if both entities are not ready for this energy, it is not visible, and neither transfer nor blockage may take place. It is as though the distributor were removed from a powerful engine.

This instrument was able, as an example of this working, to baffle the Orion group during [tape blank] experiences, as you call this substance, due to the fact that it effectively completely opened other-self to third-ray—we correct this instrument, it is growing low in vital energy—green-ray energy and partially open other-self to blue-ray interaction.**

May we ask if you have any queries before we close?

42.1 Questioner: I have a question on balancing. It’s quite long, and we’ll copy it directly into the book as it is. If you can answer it without me reading it, it would save time, otherwise I will read it.

Ra: I am Ra. We understand your desire to preserve your opportunity. However, a summary of the query would be well. For if we answer a mentally requested query, this query shall not be published. If you wish this answer to be for private use only, we shall proceed.

28.18 Questioner: Thank you. When this major galaxy is formed by the Logos, polarity then exists in a sense that we have electrical polarity, a gravitational effect that probably isn’t polarity, I’m . . . I’ll have to ask that question. We do have electrical polarity existing at that time. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. I accept this as correct with the stipulation that what you term electrical be understood as not only the one, Larson, stipulated its meaning but also in what you would call the metaphysical sense.

58.9 Questioner: Do you mean that if I drew a line through two opposite corners of the pyramid at the base and aimed that at magnetic north—that would be precisely 45° out of the orientation of one side aimed at magnetic north—it would work just as well? Is that what you are saying?

Ra: I am Ra. It would work much better than if the pyramid shape were quite unaligned. It would not work quite as efficiently as the aforementioned configuration.

90.12 Questioner: Was there a reason for choosing the forms that have evolved upon this planet, and if so, what was it?

Ra: I am Ra. We are not entirely sure why our Logos and several neighbouring Logoi of approximately the same space/time of flowering chose the bipedal, erect form of the second-density apes to invest. It has been our supposition—which we share with you as long as you are aware that this is mere opinion—that our Logos was interested in, shall we say, further intensifying the veiling process by offering to the third-density form the near complete probability for the development of speech taking complete precedence over concept communication or telepathy.

We also have the supposition that the so-called opposable thumb was looked upon as an excellent means of intensifying the veiling process so that, rather than rediscovering the powers of the mind, the third-density entity would, by the form of its physical manifestation, be drawn to the making, holding, and using of physical tools.

93.14 Questioner: Then the adept, in becoming familiar with the Logos’s archetype in each case, would then be able to most efficiently use the Logos’s plan for evolution. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. In the archetypical mind one has the resource of not specifically a plan for evolution, but rather a blueprint or architecture of the nature of evolution. This may seem to be a small distinction, but it has significance in perceiving more clearly the use of this resource of the deep mind.

41.26 Questioner: This may be too long a question for this working, but I will ask it, and if it is too long we can continue it at a later time.

Could you tell me of the development of the social memory complex Ra from its first beginnings, and what catalyst it used to get to where it is now in activation of rays? Is this too long a question?

Ra: I am Ra. The question does not demand a long answer, for we who experienced the vibratory densities upon that planetary sphere which you call Venus were fortunate in being able to move in harmony with the planetary vibrations with an harmonious graduation to second, to third, and to fourth, and a greatly accelerated fourth-density experience.

We spent much time/space, if you will, in fifth density balancing the intense compassion we had gained in fourth density. The graduation, again, was harmonious, and our social memory complex, which had become most firmly cemented in fourth density, remained of a very strong and helpful nature.

Our sixth-density work was also accelerated because of the harmony of our social memory complex so that we were able to set out as members of the Confederation to even more swiftly approach graduation to seventh density. Our harmony, however, has been a grievous source of naïveté as regards working with your planet. Is there a brief query before we leave this instrument?

36.24 Questioner: I’ll just ask one little short one that you may not be able to answer before the final . . .

The short one is: Can you tell me what percentage of the wanderers on Earth today have been successful in penetrating the memory block and becoming aware who they are, and then finally, is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. We can approximate the percentage of those penetrating intelligently their status. This is between eight and one-half and nine and three-quarters percent. There is a larger percentile group of those who have a fairly well defined, shall we say, symptomology indicating to them that they are not of this, shall we say, insanity. This amounts to a bit over fifty percent of the remainder. Nearly one-third of the remainder are aware that something about them is different.

So you see there are many gradations of awakening to the knowledge of being a wanderer. We may add that it is to the middle and first of these groups that this information will, shall we say, make sense.

This instrument is well. The resting place is somewhat deleterious in its effect upon the comfort of the dorsal side of this instrument’s physical vehicle. We have mentioned this before.

You are conscientious. We leave you now, my friends.

I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing merrily in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

59.25 Questioner: Only if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. All is well. We are aware that you experience difficulties at this time, but they are not due to your lack of conscientiousness or dedication.

I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

94.15 Questioner: In the fourth archetype the card shows a male whose body faces forward. I assume this indicates that the Experience of the Mind will reach for catalyst. However, the face is to the left, indicating to me that, in reaching for catalyst, negative catalyst will be more apparent in its power and effect than the positive. Would Ra comment on this?

Ra: I am Ra. The archetype of Experience of the Mind reaches not, O student, but with firm authority grasps what it is given. The remainder of your remarks are perceptive.

92.30 Questioner: Would this crux ansata then be indicating a sign of life or spirit enlivening matter?

Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct. Moreover, it illuminates a concept which is a portion of the archetype which has to do with the continuation of the consciousness which is being potentiated in incarnation, beyond incarnation.

17.20 Questioner: How did this aggressive action against a playmate affect Jesus in his spiritual growth? Where did he go after his physical death?

Ra: I am Ra. The entity you call Jesus was galvanised by this experience and began a lifetime of seeking and searching. This entity studied first day and night in its own religious constructs, which you call Judaism, and was learned enough to be a rabbi, as you call the teach/learners of this particular rhythm or distortion of understanding, at a very young age.

At the age of approximately thirteen and one-half of your years, this entity left the dwelling place of its earthly family, as you would call it, and walked into many other places seeking further information. This went on sporadically until the entity was approximately twenty-five, at which time it returned to its family dwelling and learned and practised the art of its earthly father.

When the entity had become able to integrate or synthesise all experiences, the entity began to speak to other-selves and teach/learn what it had felt during the preceding years to be of an worthwhile nature.

The entity was absolved karmically of the destruction of an other-self when it was in its last portion of lifetime and spoke upon what you would call a cross saying, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” In forgiveness lies the stoppage of the wheel of action, or what you call karma.

57.5 Questioner: Which crystal is that?

Ra: I am Ra. The flawed but sufficient crystal which rests upon the digit of this instrument’s right hand.

83.23 Questioner: Now before the veil the mind could blank out pain. I assume then that the function of the pain at that time was to signal the body to assume a different configuration so that the source of the pain would leave, but then the pain could be eliminated mentally. Is that correct, and was there another function for pain prior to the veiling?

Ra: I am Ra. Your assumption is correct. The function of pain at that time was as the warning of the fire alarm to those not smelling the smoke.

86.6 Questioner: In the last session you had mentioned the properties precipitating from the veiling of the mind, the first being visioning, envisioning, or far-seeing. Would you explain the meaning of that?

Ra: I am Ra. Your language is not overstrewn with non-emotional terms for the functional qualities of what is now termed the unconscious mind. The nature of mind is something which we have requested that you ponder. However, it is, shall we say, clear enough to the casual observer that we may share some thoughts with you without infringing upon your free learn/teaching experiences.

The nature of the unconscious is of the nature of concept rather than word. Consequently, before the veiling the use of the deeper mind was that of the use of unspoken concept. You may consider the emotive and connotative aspects of a melody. One could call out, in some stylized fashion, the terms for the notes of the melody. One could say, “a quarter note A, a quarter note A, a quarter note A, whole note F.” This bears little resemblance to the beginning of the melody of one of your composers’ most influential melodies, that known to you as a symbol of victory.

This is the nature of the deeper mind. There are only stylized methods with which to discuss its functions. Thusly our descriptions of this portion of the mind, as well as the same portions of body and spirit, were given terms such as “far-seeing,” indicating that the nature of penetration of the veiled portion of the mind may be likened unto the journey too rich and exotic to contemplate adequate describing thereof.

66.4 Questioner: Which practises are those?

Ra: I am Ra. These practises concern exercises which we have outlined previously. We may say that the variety of experiences which this entity seeks is helpful, as we have said before, but as this instrument works in these practises the distortion seems less mandatory.

26.36 Questioner: Then I am assuming all of the UFO groups who were getting telepathic contact from the Confederation were, shall we say, high-priority targets for the Orion crusaders, and I would assume that a large percentage of them were, shall we say, had their information polluted then.

Can you tell me, do you have any idea what percentage of these groups were heavily polluted by the Orion information, and if any of them were able to remain purely a Confederation channel?

Ra: I am Ra. To give you this information would be to infringe upon the free will, or confusion, of some living. We can only ask each group to consider the relative effect of philosophy and your so-called specific information. It is not the specificity of the information which attracts negative influences; it is the importance placed upon it.

This is why we iterate quite often, when asked for specific information, that it pales to insignificance, just as the grass withers and dies while the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator redounds to the very infinite realms of creation forever and ever, creating and creating itself in perpetuity.

Why, then, be concerned with the grass that blooms, withers, and dies in its season only to grow once again due to the infinite love and light of the One Creator? This is the message we bring. Each entity is only superficially that which blooms and dies. In the deeper sense, there is no end to beingness.

63.32 Questioner: When the third density goes out of activation and into potentiation, that will leave us with a planet that is first, second, and fourth density. At that time there will be no activated third-density vibrations on this planet. Am I correct in assuming that all third-density vibrations on this planet now are those vibrations that compose the bodily complexes of entities such as us, and that that is the sum total of third-density vibrations on this planet at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this working. This instrument has energy left due to transfer, but there is discomfort. We do not wish to deplete this instrument. May we say that this instrument seems in better configuration, despite attack, than previous workings.

To answer your query, this is incorrect only in that in addition to the mind/body/spirit complexes of third density there are the artefacts, thought-forms, and feelings which these co-Creators have produced. This is third density.

May we answer any brief queries as we leave this instrument?

94.18 Questioner: In Card Three the feet of the female entity are upon the unstable platform, signifying dual polarity by its colour. In Card Four, one foot pointed indicates that if the male entity stands on the toe it would be carefully balanced. The other foot is pointed to the left. Would Ra comment on my observation that if the entity stands on this foot it will be very, very carefully balanced?

Ra: I am Ra. This is an important perception, for it is a key to not only this concept complex but to others as well.

You may see the T-square which at times riven as is one foot from secure fundament by the nature of experience, yet still—by this same nature of experience—is carefully, precisely, and architecturally placed in the foundation of this concept complex, and, indeed, in the archetypical mind complex.*

Experience** has the nature of more effectively and poignantly expressing the architecture of experience, both the fragility of structure and the surety of structure.

71.20 Questioner: Can you tell me if we have covered the necessary material to this point to, if published, make the necessary reparations for the naïve actions?

Ra: I am Ra. We mean no disrespect for your service, but we do not expect to make full reparations for these distortions. We may, however, offer our thoughts in the attempt. The attempt is far more important to us than the completeness of the result. The nature of your language is such that what is distorted cannot, to our knowledge, be fully undistorted but only illuminated somewhat.

19.18 Questioner: I assume that an entity on either path can decide to choose paths at any time and possibly retrace steps, the path-changing being more difficult the farther along is gone. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The further an entity has, what you would call, polarised, the more easily this entity may change polarity, for the more power and awareness the entity will have.

Those truly helpless are those who have not consciously chosen but who repeat patterns without knowledge of the repetition or the meaning of the pattern.

32.12 Questioner: Can you give me an idea how the different colours . . . this is a difficult question to ask. I hardly have any words.

What I’m trying to get at is how the different colours, I might say, originate as these functions . . . or the essence, you might say, of the origin of these colours as functions for these different expressions in consciousness. I don’t know if this question is sufficient.

Ra: I am Ra. This question is sufficiently clear for us to attempt explanation of what, as you have observed, is not easily grasped material for the intellectual mind. The nature of vibration is such that it may be seen as having mathematically strait or narrow steps. These steps may be seen as having boundaries. Within each boundary there are infinite gradations of vibration or colour.

However, as one approaches a boundary, an effort must be made to cross that boundary. These colours are a simplistic way of expressing the boundary divisions of your density. There is also the time/space analogy which may be seen as the colour itself in a modified aspect.

36.14 Questioner: Was Himmler in any way in contact with his higher self at that time while he was incarnate in the 1940s?

Ra: I am Ra. We remind you that the negative path is one of separation. What is the first separation? The self from the self.

The one known as Himmler did not choose to use its abilities of will and polarisation to seek guidance from any source but its conscious drives, self-chosen in the life experience and nourished by previous biases created in other life experiences.

79.5 Questioner: We have been ending our banishing ritual prior to the session here by a gesture that relieves us of the magical personality. I was just wondering if we should omit that gesture—so as to maintain the magical personality while performing the Circle of One—and then only relinquish the magical personality, either after that has formed or after the session? Which would be more appropriate?

Ra: I am Ra. The practise of magical workings demands the most rigorous honesty. If your estimate of your ability is that you can sustain the magical personality throughout this working, it is well. As long as you have some doubt, it is inadvisable.

In any case it is appropriate for this instrument to return its magical personality rather than carry this persona into the trance state, for it does not have the requisite magical skill to function in this circumstance and would be far more vulnerable than if the waking personality is offered as channel. This working is, indeed, magical in nature in the basic sense. However, it is inappropriate to move more quickly than one’s feet may walk.

30.15 Questioner: Thank you. I was wondering if any of the other planets had a metaphysical evolution.

You stated yesterday that much of this major galactic system dwells spiritually as a part of the Logos. By that do you mean that nearer the centre of this major galactic system that the stars there do not have planetary systems? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The Logos has distributed itself throughout your galactic system. However, the time/space continua of some of your more central sun systems is much further advanced.

102.10 Questioner: Then what else causes the spasm?

Ra: I am Ra. We speak of two types of cause:

The first or proximate cause was a meal with too much oil and too large a burden of undercooked vegetable material. The sugar of the dessert and the few sips of your coffee mixture also were not helpful.

The second cause—and this shall be stated clearly—is the energising of any pre-existing condition in order to keep this group from functioning by means of removing the instrument from the ranks of those able to work with those of Ra.

21.3 Questioner: Andrija Puharich will be visiting later this month. Can he read the unpublished healing material?

Ra: I am Ra. The entity of whom you speak has a knowledge of this material in its conscious memory in somewhat altered form. Therefore, it is harmless to allow this entity to become acquainted with this material. However, we request the mind/body/spirit complex, Henry, be sufficiently prepared by means of meditation, contemplation, or prayer before entering these workings. At present, as we have said before, this mind/body/spirit complex is not of proper vibrational distortion.

59.4 Questioner: At the end of the second major cycle there were a few hundred thousand people incarnate on Earth. There are over four billion incarnate today. Were the over four billion people who are incarnate today, were they in the earth planes but not incarnate at that time, or did they come in from elsewhere during the last 25,000-year cycle?

Ra: I am Ra. There were three basic divisions of origin of these entities.

Firstly and primarily, those of the planetary sphere you call Maldek, having become able to take up third density once again, were gradually loosed from self-imposed limitations of form.

Secondly, there were those of other third-density entrance, or neophytes, whose vibratory patterns matched the Terran experiential nexus. These then filtered in through incarnative processes.

Thirdly, in the past approximate 200 of your years you have experienced much visiting of the wanderers.

It may be noted that all possible opportunities for incarnation are being taken at this time due to your harvesting process and the opportunities which this offers.

88.23 Questioner: You mentioned earlier that the tarot was a method of divination. Would you explain that?

Ra: I am Ra. We must first divorce the tarot as a method of divination from this Major Arcana as representative of twenty-two archetypes of the archetypical mind.

The value of that which you call astrology is significant when used by those initiated entities which understand, if you will pardon the misnomer, the sometimes intricate considerations of the Law of Confusion. As each planetary influence enters the energy web of your sphere, those upon the sphere are moved much as the moon which moves about your sphere moves the waters upon your deeps.

Your own nature is water in that you as mind/body/spirit complexes are easily impressed and moved. Indeed, this is the very fibre and nature of your journey and vigil in this density: to not only be moved but to instruct yourself as to the preferred manner of your movement in mind, body, and spirit.

Therefore, as each entity enters the planetary energy web each entity experiences two major planetary influxes: that of the conception—which has to do with the physical, yellow-ray manifestation of the incarnation—and that of the moment you call birth when the breath is first drawn into the body complex of chemical yellow ray.

Thus those who know the stars and their configurations and influences are able to see a rather broadly drawn map of the country through which an entity has travelled, is travelling, or may be expected to travel, be it upon the physical, the mental, or the spiritual level. Such an entity will have developed abilities of the initiate which are normally known among your peoples as psychic or paranormal.

When the archetypes are shuffled into the mix of astrologically oriented cards which form the so-called Court Arcana and Minor Arcana, these archetypes become magnetised to the psychic impressions of the one working with the cards, and thusly become instruments of a linkage between the practitioner of the astrological determinations and divinations and the one requesting information.

Oft times such archetypical representations will appear in such a manner as to have seemingly interesting results, meaningful in configuration to the questioner. In and of themselves the Major Arcana have no rightful place in divination, but rather are tools for the further knowledge of the self by the self for the purpose of entering a more profoundly, acutely realised present moment.

94.10 Questioner: From the previous session the statement was made that much is veiled to the most apparently clear observation. Would Ra expand on what was meant by that statement? I assume that this means the veiling of all of that that is outside the limits of what we call our physical perception having to do with the spectrum of light, etc., but I also intuit there is more than that veiled. Would Ra expand on that concept?

Ra: I am Ra. You are perceptive in your supposition. Indeed, we meant not any suggestions that the physical apparatus of your current illusion were limited as part of the veiling process. Your physical limits are as they are.

However, because of the unique biases of each mind/body/spirit complex, there are sometimes quite simple instances of distortion when there is no apparent cause for such distortion. Let us use the example of the virile and immature male who meets and speaks clearly with a young female whose physical form has the appropriate configuration to cause, for this male entity, the activation of the red-ray sexual arousal.

The words spoken may be upon a simple subject such as naming, information as to the occupation, and various other common interchanges of sound vibratory complex. The male entity, however, is using almost all the available consciousness it possesses in registering the desirability of the female. Such may also be true of the female.

Thusly an entire exchange of information may be meaningless because the actual catalyst is of the body. This is unconsciously controlled and is not a conscious decision. This example is simplistic.

72.6 Questioner: The instrument has scheduled an operation on her hand next month. If a general anaesthetic is used to create the unconscious state will this or any other parameters of the operation allow for any inroads by the Orion entities?

Ra: I am Ra. It is extremely improbable due to the necessity for the intention of the mind/body/spirit complex, when departing the yellow-ray physical complex, to be serving the Creator in the most specific fashion. The attitude of one approaching such an experience as you describe would not be approaching the unconscious state with such an attitude.

82.12 Questioner: I was interested in specifically how this very first division showed up in this octave. I was interested to know if it made the transition through first, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc., densities?

I would like to take the first mind/body/spirit complexes and trace their experience from the very start to the present so that I would better understand the condition that we are in now by comparing it with this original growth. Could you please tell me precisely how this came about as to the formation, possibly, of the planets and the growth through the densities, if that is the way it happened, please?

Ra: I am Ra. Your queries seem more confused than your basic mental distortions in this area. Let us speak in general, and perhaps you may find a less confused and more simple method of eliciting information in this area.

A very great deal of creation was manifested without the use of the concepts involved in consciousness, as you know it. The creation itself is a form of consciousness which is unified—the Logos being the one great heart of creation.

The process of evolution through this period, which may be seen to be timeless, is most valuable to take into consideration, for it is against the background of this essential unity of the fabric of creation that we find the ultimate development of the Logoi which chose to use that portion of the harvested consciousness of the Creator to move forward with the process of knowledge of self.

As it had been found to be efficient to use the various densities, which are fixed in each octave, in order to create conditions in which self-conscious sub-Logoi could exist, this was carried out throughout the growing flower-strewn field, as your simile suggests, of the One Infinite Creation.

The first beings of mind, body, and spirit were not complex. The experience of mind/body/spirits at the beginning of this octave of experience was singular. There was no third-density forgetting. There was no veil. The lessons of third density are predestined by the very nature of the vibratory rates experienced during this particular density, and by the nature of the quantum jump to the vibratory experiences of fourth density.

14.11 Questioner: I will make this statement. You can tell me if I am correct. The way I understand it, the balancing pyramids were to do what we call increase the life span of entities here so that they would gain more wisdom of the Law of One while in the physical at one time. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. However, the pyramids not called by us by the vibrational sound complex, balancing pyramids, were more numerous and were used exclusively for the above purpose and the teach/learning of healers to charge and enable these processes.

10.13 Questioner: Would you state in a little different way how you empower this call?

Ra: I am Ra. We understand you to speak now of our previous information. The call begins with one. This call is equal to infinity and is not, as you would say, counted. It is the cornerstone. The second call is added. The third call empowers or doubles the second, and so forth, each additional caller doubling or granting power to all the preceding call. Thus, the call of many of your peoples is many, many-powered and overwhelmingly heard to the infinite reaches of the One Creation.

53.14 Questioner: Well, are both those who are taken on Confederation and Orion craft then experiencing a seeming physical examination?

Ra: I am Ra. Your query indicates incorrect thinking. The Orion group uses the physical examination as a means of terrifying the individual and causing it to feel the feelings of an advanced second-density being such as a laboratory animal. The sexual experiences of some are a sub-type of this experience. The intent is to demonstrate the control of the Orion entities over the Terran inhabitant.

The thought-form experiences are subjective and, for the most part, do not occur in this density.

70.23 Questioner: I was asking these questions primarily to understand or to build a base for an attempt to get a little bit of enlightenment on the way that time/space and space/time are related to the evolution of the mind/body/spirit complex so that I could better understand the techniques, you might say, of that evolution.

For instance, you stated that “the potential difference may be released and polarities changed after an entity has learned/taught the lessons of love of self”—if the entity is a positive entity that has found itself in negative time/space and then had to incarnate in negative space/time. And what I was trying to do was build a base for attempting to understand, or at least get a slight understanding of, what you meant by this statement: that potential difference may be released and polarities changed after the above step.

I am very interested in knowing, if placed in a negative time/space, why it is necessary to incarnate in negative space/time and learn/teach love of self and develop, I guess, a sixth-density level of polarity before you can release that potential difference. I was trying to build a little foothold, or platform, from which to make that more apparent. Could you speak on that subject, please?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this working.

The entity which incarnates into negative space/time will not find it possible to maintain any significant positive polarity as negativity, when pure, is a type of gravity well, shall we say, pulling all into it. Thus the entity, while remembering its learned and preferred polarity, must needs make use of the catalyst given and recapitulate the lessons of service to self in order to build up enough polarity in order to cause the potential to occur for reversal.

There is much in this line of questioning which is somewhat muddled. May we, at this point, allow the questioner to rephrase the question or to turn the direction of query more towards that which is the heart of its concern.

87.22 Questioner: OK. In our particular illusion, the sexual potential, it seems, for the male peaks somewhere prior to age twenty and the female some ten years later. What is the cause of this difference in peaking sexual energy, I will say?

Ra: I am Ra. We must make clear distinction between the yellow-ray, third-density, chemical bodily complex, and the body complex which is a portion of the mind/body/spirit complex. The male, as you call this polarity, has an extremely active yellow-ray desire at the space/time in its incarnation when its sperm is the most viable and full of the life-giving spermata. Thusly the red ray seeks to reproduce most thickly at the time when this body is most able to fulfil the red-ray requirements.

The yellow-ray, chemical body complex of the female, as you call this polarity, must needs have a continued and increasing desire for the sexual intercourse, for it can only conceive once in one fifteen to eighteen month period, given that it carries the conceived body complex, bears it, and suckles it. This is draining to the physical body of yellow ray. To compensate for this the desire increases so that the yellow-ray body is predisposed to continue in sexual congress, thus fulfilling its red-ray requirement to reproduce as thickly as possible.

The more, shall we say, integral sexuality or polarity of the body complex, which is a portion of the mind/body/spirit complex, does not concern itself with these yellow-ray manifestations but, rather, follows the ways of the seeking of energy transfer and the furthering of aid and service to others or to the self.

39.2 Questioner: Is there anything that the instrument could do, in addition to what she is attempting to do, to help her condition get better faster? I know that she hasn’t been able to exercise because of her foot problem for the last couple of days . . . not able to walk, but we are hoping to get back to that. Is there anything else that she could do?

Ra: I am Ra. As we have implied, the negative entities are moving all stops out to undermine this instrument at this time. This is the cause of the aforementioned problem with the pedal digit. It is fortunate that this instrument shall be greatly involved in the worship of the One Infinite Creator through the vibratory complexes of sacred song during this period. The more active physical existence, both in the movements of exercise and in the sexual sense, are helpful. However, the requirements of this instrument’s distortions towards what you would call ethics have an effect upon this latter activity.

Again, it is fortunate that this instrument has the opportunities for loving social intercourse which are of some substantial benefit. Basically, in your third-density continuum, this is a matter of time.

35.4 Questioner: I would now like to ask for the same type of information with respect to Adolf Hitler. You have given a little of this already. It is not necessary to re-cover what you have already given, but if you could complete that information it would be helpful.

Ra: I am Ra. In speaking of the one you call Adolf we have some difficulty due to the intense amount of confusion present in this entity’s life patterns as well as the great confusion which greets any discussion of this entity.

Here we see an example of one who, in attempting activation of the highest rays of energy while lacking the green-ray key, cancelled itself out as far as polarisation either towards positive or negative. This entity was basically negative. However, its confusion was such that the personality disintegrated, thus leaving the mind/body/spirit complex unharvestable and much in need of healing.

This entity followed the pattern of negative polarisation which suggests the elite and the enslaved, this being seen by the entity to be of an helpful nature for the societal structure. However, in drifting from the conscious polarisation into what you may call a twilight world where dream took the place of events in your space/time continuum, this entity failed in its attempt to serve the Creator in an harvestable degree along the path of service to self. Thus we see the so-called insanity which may often arise when an entity attempts to polarise more quickly than experience may be integrated.

We have advised and suggested caution and patience in previous communications and do so again, using this entity as an example of the over-hasty opening of polarisation without due attention to the synthesised and integrated mind/body/spirit complex. To know yourself is to have the foundation upon firm ground.

78.11 Questioner: Could you elaborate please on the nature and quality of the Matrix and the Potentiator?

Ra: I am Ra. In the mind complex the Matrix may be described as consciousness. It has been called the Magician. It is to be noted that, of itself, consciousness is unmoved. The Potentiator of consciousness is the unconscious. This encompasses a vast realm of potential in the mind.

In the body the Matrix may be seen as Balanced Working or Even Functioning. Note that here the Matrix is always active with no means of being inactive. The Potentiator of the body complex, then, may be called Wisdom, for it is only through judgement that the unceasing activities and proclivities of the body complex may be experienced in useful modes.

The Matrix of the Spirit is what you may call the Night of the Soul, or Primaeval Darkness. Again we have that which is not capable of movement or work. The potential power of this extremely receptive Matrix is such that the Potentiator may be seen as Lightning. In your archetypical system called the tarot this has been refined into the concept complex of the Lightning Struck Tower. However, the original Potentiator was light in its sudden and fiery form; that is, the lightning itself.

15.4 Questioner: Thank you. The first question is: Why does rapid ageing occur on this planet?

Ra: I am Ra. Rapid ageing occurs upon this third-density planet due to an ongoing imbalance of receptor web complex in the etheric portion of the energy field of this planet. The thought-form distortions of your peoples have caused the energy streamings to enter the planetary magnetic atmosphere—if you would so term this web of energy patterns—in such a way that the proper streamings are not correctly imbued with balanced vibratory light/love from the, shall we say, cosmic level of this octave of existence.

94.19 Questioner: It would seem to me that from the configuration of this male entity in Card Four—who looks to the left, and the right foot is pointed to the left—that this card would indicate that you must be in a defensive position with respect to the left-hand path, with no need to concern yourself about protection with respect to the right-hand path. Would Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. Again, this is not the suggestion we wished to offer by constructing this image. However, the perception cannot be said to be incorrect.

18.22 Questioner: Then the Orion group . . . I’m not quite sure that I understand this. Do you mean that the Orion group produced this larger body complex to create an elite so that the Law of One could be applied in what we call the negative sense?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The entities of Yahweh were responsible for this procedure in isolated cases as experiments in combating the Orion group.

However, the Orion group were able to use this distortion of mind/body complex to inculcate the thoughts of the elite rather than concentrations upon the learning/teaching of oneness.

79.28 Questioner: Well, I was aware of that. I probably didn’t state the question correctly. It’s a very difficult question to state. I don’t know if it’s worth attempting to continue with, but what I meant was when this very first experiment with the veiling process occurred, did it result in service-to-self polarisation with the first experiment?

Ra: I am Ra. The early, if we may use this term, Logoi produced service-to-self and service-to-others mind/body/spirit complexes immediately. The harvestability of these entities was not so immediate, and thus refinements of the archetypes began apace.

46.2 Questioner: In that case, we’d better ask you only one question unless you deem it all right to ask any more questions than that. But the one question that is bothering us, which I got in meditation, may be an inappropriate question, but I feel it my duty to ask it because it is central to the instrument’s mental condition and ours.

It has to do with the two cats which we were going to take to have worked upon today for teeth cleaning and the small growth removed from Gandalf’s leg. I got the impression that there might be an inroad there for the Orion group, and I was primarily concerned about anything that we could do for protection for these two cats. I may be out of line in asking this, but I feel it my duty to ask it. Would you please give me information, all the information you can on that subject?

Ra: I am Ra. The entity, mind/body/spirit complex, Gandalf, being harvestable third density, is open to the same type of psychic attack to which you yourselves are vulnerable. Therefore, through the mechanism of images and dreams, it is potentially possible for negative concepts to be offered to this mind/body/spirit complex, thus having possible deleterious results. The entity, Fairchild, though harvestable through investment, does not have the vulnerability to attack in as great an amount due to a lack of the mind complex activity in the distortion of conscious devotion.

For protection of these entities we might indicate two possibilities. Firstly, the meditation putting on the armour of light. Secondly, the repetition of short ritual sentences known to this instrument from the establishment which distorts spiritual oneness for this instrument. This instrument’s knowledge will suffice. This will aid due to the alerting of many discarnate entities also aware of these ritual sentences. The meditation is appropriate at the time of the activity on behalf of these entities. The ritual may be repeated with efficacy from this time until the safe return at convenient intervals.

95.7 Questioner: Let me see if I have the scenario correctly. I’ll repeat my version of it. We would hang garlic, fresh-cut garlic, in the area of the wet bar and the area of the bedroom that is adjacent to the kitchen area. We would salt all window sills, and all outer wall door sills, and then sprinkle blessed water from our fingers on all of the salted areas. We would then say appropriate words to bid farewell to lower astrals. Those words I am not sure of. Would Ra comment on the scenario that I’ve just stated?

Ra: I am Ra. Your grasp of our suggestions is good. We note that the salt be poured in the straight line with no gaps. There are various ritual words of blessing and farewell to entities such as you are removing. We might suggest the following:

When the salt is laid you may repeat: “We praise the One Creator which gave to salt the ability to enable those friends, to which we wish to bid farewell, to find a new home.”

As the water is sprinkled you may say: “We give thanks to the One Creator for the gift of water. Over it the Creator moves Its hand and stirs Its will to be done.”

The hanging of the cut garlic may be accompanied by the words: “We praise the One Creator for the gift of garlic, and bless its ability to offer to those friends to whom we wish to bid farewell the arrow which points their way of egress.”

When the sweeping is done you may say: “We praise the One Creator and give thanksgiving for the spiritual cleanliness of this dwelling place.”

As the garlic is burned you may say: “We give thanks to the One Creator for the gift of spiritual cleanliness in our dwelling place, and seal the departure of all those who have left by this exit, by the consuming of this substance.”

50.10 Questioner: I know of people who have been recently trained in meditation who, after a very short period of intense meditation, a couple of days or so, are able to cause the action at a distance effect on metal, bending it. It’s my understanding that they are wearing a pyramid-shaped wire on their heads while doing this. I was invited to one of the meditation sessions a couple of years ago, but I couldn’t get there. Could you comment on this process, and if they are accomplishing anything of value or not?

Ra: I am Ra. No. Please ask one more full query at this working.

47.7 Questioner: Can you define what you mean by a “crystallised entity”?

Ra: I am Ra. We have used this particular term because it has a fairly precise meaning in your language. When a crystalline structure is formed of your physical material the elements present in each molecule are bonded in a regularised fashion with the elements in each other molecule. Thus the structure is regular and, when fully and perfectly crystallised, has certain properties. It will not splinter or break; it is very strong without effort; and it is radiant, traducing light into a beautiful refraction giving pleasure of the eye to many.

98.5 Questioner: I have a question from the instrument. She states: “Could Ra tell us what factors are allowing our fifth-density negative companion to be able to continue greeting the instrument in the throat area as well as with other unusual sensations such as dizziness, smelling of orange blossoms, the feeling of stepping on imaginary creatures? And what can be done to lessen these greetings? And why the greetings occur on walks?”

Ra: I am Ra. There are various portions of the query. We shall attempt answer to each. We tread close to the Law of Confusion, saved only by the awareness that given lack of information this instrument would, nonetheless, continue to offer its service.

The working of your fifth-density companion, which still affects the instrument, was, as we have stated, a potent working. The totality of those biases which offer to the instrument opportunities for increased vital and physical strength, shall we say, were touched by the working.

The blue-ray difficulties were not entirely at an end after the first asking. Again, this group experienced blockage rare for the group; that is, the blue-ray blockage of unclear communication. By this means the efficacy of the working was reinforced.

The potential of this working is significant. The physical exercising, the sacred music, the varieties of experience, and indeed simple social intercourse are jeopardised by a working which attempts to close the throat and the mouth. It is to be noted that there is also the potential for the loss of this contact.

We suggest that the instrument’s allergies create a continuous means whereby the distortion created by the magical working may be continued. As we have stated, it shall be necessary, in order to remove the working, to completely remove the distortion within the throat area caused by this working. The continuous aggravation of allergic reactions makes this challenging.

The orange blossom is the odour which you may associate with the social memory complex of fifth-density positive which is known to you as sound vibration, Latwii. This entity was with the instrument as requested by the instrument. The odour was perceived due to the quite sensitive nature of the instrument due again to its, shall we say, acme in the eighteen-day cycle.

The sensation of stepping upon the small animal and killing it was a greeting from your fifth-density negative companion also made possible by the above circumstance.

As to the removal of the effects of the magical working, we may make two suggestions, one immediate and one general.

Firstly, within the body of knowledge which those healers known among your peoples as medical doctors have is the use of harsh chemical substances which you call medicine. These substances almost invariably cause far more changes than are intended in the mind/body/spirit complex. However, in this instance the steroids or, alternately, the antibiotic family might be useful in the complete removal of the difficulty within which the working is still able to thrive. Of course, the allergies would persist after this course of medicine were ended, but the effects of the working would no longer come into play.

The one you call Jerome might well be of aid in this somewhat unorthodox medical situation.

As allergies are quite misunderstood by your orthodox healers, it would be inappropriate to subject the instrument to the services of your medical doctors which find the amelioration of allergic effects to be connected with the intake of these same toxins in milder form. This, shall we say, treats the symptom. However, the changes offered to the body complex are quite inadvisable.

The allergy may be seen to be the rejection, upon a deep level of the mind complex, of the environment of the mind/body/spirit complex. Thus the allergy may be seen in its pure form as the mental/emotional distortion of the deeper self.

The more general recommendation lies with one which does not wish to be identified. There is a code name “Prayer Wheel.” We suggest ten treatments from this healer, and further suggest a clear reading and subsequent following, upon the part of the instrument, of the priorities of allergy, especially to your foodstuffs.

Lastly, the effects of the working become apparent upon the walking when the body complex has begun to exert itself to the point of increased respiration.

Also a contributing factor is the number of your second-density substances to which this instrument is allergic.

71.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated with the exception of a slight improvement in the vital-energy distortions. One may note to the support group, without infringement, that it is well to aid the instrument in the reminders that, while physical-complex distortions remain as they are, it is not advisable to use the increased vital energies for physical complex activities, as this will take a somewhat harsh toll.

[There is a 57-second pause between the end of this answer and the beginning of the next question.]

63.6 Questioner: Could you give me a definition of vital energy?

Ra: I am Ra. Vital energy is the complex of energy levels of mind, body, and spirit. Unlike physical energy, it requires the integrated complexes vibrating in an useful manner.

The faculty of will can, to a variable extent, replace missing vital energy, and this has occurred in past workings, as you measure time, in this instrument. This is not recommended. At this time, however, the vital energies are well-nourished in mind and spirit, although the physical energy level is, in and of itself, low at this time.

79.35 Questioner: OK. Sorry about that.

The next archetype, the Empress, is the Catalyst of the Mind, that which acts upon the conscious mind to change it. The fourth being the Emperor, which is the Experience of the Mind, which is that material stored in the unconscious which creates its continuing bias. Am I correct with those statements?

Ra: I am Ra. Though far too rigid in your statements, you perceive correct relationships. There is a great deal of dynamic interrelationship in these first four archetypes.

17.44 Questioner: My only question: is there anything we can do to make the instrument [inaudible]?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is not wearing the appropriate apparel for this work. As inpourings occur in the regions of the, what you may call, seventh chakra, as you speak of these energy centres, filtering through the sixth and so forth, the entity’s other, or base, chakras become somewhat de-energised. Thus, this entity should be more careful in its selection of warm apparel for the part of the body complex you call the feet.

May we answer any other brief questions?

18.12 Questioner: You stated yesterday that forgiveness is the eradicator of karma. I am assuming that balanced forgiveness for the full eradication of karma would require forgiveness not only of other-selves, but forgiveness of self. Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. You are correct. We will briefly expand upon this understanding in order to clarify.

Forgiveness of other-self is forgiveness of self. An understanding of this insists upon full forgiveness upon the conscious level of self and other-self, for they are one. A full forgiveness is thus impossible without the inclusion of self.

25.2 Questioner: The second question the instrument requested was: “How may I best revitalise myself, not only now, but in the future?”

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is aware of the basic needs of its constitution, those being: meditation, acceptance of limitations, experiences of joy through association with others and with the beauty as of the singing; and the exercising with great contact, whenever possible, with the life forces of second density, especially those of trees; this entity also needing to be aware of the moderate but steady intake of foodstuffs, exercise being suggested at a fairly early portion of the day and at a later portion of the day before the resting.

51.5 Questioner: Thank you. I would like to make a statement. I’m sure I’m somewhat off with this. It’s a very difficult question to ask for me, because I don’t really know what I’m talking about. But it seems to me—and you can tell me where I am going wrong with this statement—that we have seven bodies, each corresponding to one of the seven colours of the spectrum. And that energy that creates these seven bodies is a universal type of energy that streams into our planetary environment and comes in through seven energy centres that we have called chakras to develop and perfect these bodies.

And this is— Each of these bodies is in somehow related to the mental configuration that we have, and the perfection of each of these bodies and the total instreaming, you might say, of this energy is a function of this mental configuration. And through this mental configuration we may block, to some extent, the instreamings of energy that create each of these seven bodies. Could you comment on where I am wrong and correct me in this that I have stated?

Ra: I am Ra. Your statement is substantially correct. To use the term “mental configuration” is to oversimplify the manners of blockage of instreaming which occur in your density. The mind complex has a relationship to the spirit and body complexes which is not fixed. Thus blockages may occur betwixt spirit and mind, or body and mind, upon many different levels. We reiterate that each energy centre has seven sub-colours, let us say for convenience. Thus spiritual/mental blockages combined with mental/bodily blockages may affect each of the energy centres in several differing ways. Thus you may see the subtle nature of the balancing and evolutionary process.

62.26 Questioner: Have I missed anything now that we can do at all to aid the instrument during, before, or after a session, or at any time?

Ra: I am Ra. The love and devotion of this group misses nothing. Be at peace. There is some toll for this work. This instrument embraces this, or we could not speak.

Rest, then, in that peace and love, and do as you will, as you wish, as you feel. Let there be an end to worry when this is accomplished. The great healer of distortions is love.

102.19 Questioner: You mentioned the possibility of surgery. What would be the surgery to be done, specifically?

Ra: I am Ra. The body cannot long bear the extreme acidity which is the environment of such spasms and will develop the holes or ulcerations which then do appear upon the allopathic testings and suggest to the chirurgeon that which is to be excised.

53.9 Questioner: In a “close encounter” by a Confederation type of craft I assume that this “close encounter” is with a thought-form type of craft. Do wanderers within the past few years have “close encounters” with landed thought-form type of craft?

Ra: I am Ra. This has occurred, although it is much less common than the Orion type of so-called “close encounter.” We may note that in a universe of unending unity the concept of a “close encounter” is humorous, for are not all encounters of a nature of self with self? Therefore, how can any encounter be less than very, very close?

26.28 Questioner: I was thinking specifically if an entity was in Hiroshima or Nagasaki at that time and he was reaching harvestability at the end of our cycle, would this death by nuclear bomb possibly create such trauma that he would not be able to be harvestable at the end of the cycle? That was specifically my question.

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. Once the healing has taken place the harvest may go forth unimpeded. However, the entire planet will undergo healing for this action, no distinction being made betwixt victim and aggressor, this due to damage done to the planet.

105.21 Questioner: I see, then, that it is, shall we say, when an individual reaches a very old age, then it becomes apparent to him in third density that he’s worn out. Therefore, he’s not attached to this vehicle as firmly, with a desire to stay in it, as he would be with a good-looking, well-functioning one.

Now, after the veil, the body is definitely an athanor for the mind. Prior to the veiling, did the body serve as an athanor for the mind at all?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

You may ask one more full query.

14.8 Questioner: Let me make a synopsis and you tell me if I am correct. All of these visits for the last 75,000 years were for the purpose of giving to the people of Earth an understanding of the Law of One, and this way allow them to progress upward through the fourth, fifth, sixth densities. This was to be a service to Earth. The pyramids were used also in giving the Law of One in their own way. The balancing pyramids, I’m not quite sure of. Am I right so far?

Ra: I am Ra. You are correct to the limits of the precision allowed by language.

10.8 Questioner: Is there any danger of this happening to Earth at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. We feel this evaluation of your planetary mind/body/spirit complex’s so-called future may be less than harmless. We say only the conditions of mind exist for such development of technology and such deployment.

It is the distortion of our vision/understanding that the mind and spirit complexes of those of your people need orientation rather than the “toys” needing dismantlement, for are not all things that exist part of the Creator? Therefore, freely to choose is your honour/duty.

106.13 Questioner: Could Ra recommend what I should do to improve my state of health?

Ra: I am Ra. We tread most close to the Law of Confusion in this instance but feel the appropriateness of speaking due to potentially fatal results to the instrument. We pause to give the questioner and the scribe a few moments of space/time to aid us by stepping away from those distortions which cause us to invoke the Law of Confusion. This would be helpful.

[A few moments pause.]

I am Ra. We appreciate your attempts. Even confusion on your behalves is helpful.

The questioner has, in the recent past, allowed a complete transfer of mental/emotional pain from the questioner to the instrument. The key to this deleterious working was when the instrument said words to the effect of the meaning that it would be the questioner and be the strong one; the questioner could be as the instrument, small and foolish. The questioner, in full ignorance of the firm intent of the instrument, and not grasping the possibility of any such energy transfer, agreed.

These two entities have been as one for a timeless period and have manifested this in your space/time. Thusly, the deleterious working occurred. By agreement in care and caution it may be undone.

We urge the attention to thanksgiving and harmony on the part of the questioner.

We may affirm the previous recommendation, in general, of the skills and the purity of intention of the one known as Bob, and may note the sympathetic illness which has occurred due to the instrument’s sensitivities.

Lastly, we may note that, to the one known as Peter, several aspects of the distortions experienced by the questioner, the instrument, and the scribe may be quite apparent and rather simply traduced to lesser distortions.

31.15 Questioner: Would the Orion group then be able, shall we say, to impress on entities this orange-ray effect? Or did they— Is this the way that this came about, is what I’m trying to get at. Is this the way these concepts came about on this planet? Because if we go back to the beginning of third density, there must be a primal cause of this.

Ra: I am Ra. The cause of this is not Orion. It is the free choice of your peoples. This is somewhat difficult to explain. We shall attempt.

The sexual energy transfers and blockages are more a manifestation, or example, of that which is more fundamental than the other way about. Therefore, as your peoples became open to the concepts of bellicosity and the greed of ownership, these various distortions then began to filter down through the tree of mind into body complex expressions, the sexual expression being basic to that complex. Thus these sexual energy blockages, though Orion influenced and intensified, are basically the product of the beingness chosen freely by your peoples.

This will be the final question unless we may speak further upon this question to clarify, or answer any short queries before we close.

22.27 Questioner: I see. Then I will state the picture I have now of Atlantis, and you can tell me if I’m correct.

We have a condition where a large enough number of the entities of Atlantis had started at least going in the direction of the Law of One and living the Law of One for their call to be heard by the Confederation. This call was heard because, using the Law of Squares, it overrode the opposition of the Atlantean entities that were not calling. The Confederation then used channels such as we use now for communication and also made contact directly, but this turned out to be a mistake because it was perverted by some of the entities of Atlantis. Is this correct?

Ra: This is correct with one exception. There is only one law. That is the Law of One. Other so-called laws are distortions of this law, some of them primal and most important for progress to be understood. However, it is well that each so-called law, which we also call “way,” be understood as a distortion rather than a law. There is no multiplicity to the Law of One.

This will be the final question in length of this working. Please ask it now.

73.22 Questioner: Could you define this statement “energy transfer between two mind/body/spirit complexes?”

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this working. This entity still has transferred energy available, but we find rapidly increasing distortions towards pain in the neck, the dorsal area, and the wrists and manual appendages.

The physical energy transfer may be done numerous ways.

We shall give two examples. Each begins with some sense of the self as Creator or in some way the magical personality being invoked. This may be consciously or unconsciously done. Firstly, that exercise of which we have spoken called the exercise of fire: this is, though physical energy transfer, not that which is deeply involved in the body complex combinations. Thusly the transfer is subtle and each transfer unique in what is offered and what is accepted. At this point we may note that this is the cause for the infinite array of possible energy transfers.

The second energy transfer of which we would speak is the sexual energy transfer. This takes place upon a non-magical level by all those entities which vibrate green ray active.

It is possible, as in the case of this instrument which dedicates itself to the service of the One Infinite Creator, to further refine this energy transfer. When the other-self also dedicates itself in service to the One Infinite Creator, the transfer is doubled. Then the amount of energy transferred is dependent only upon the amount of polarised sexual energy created and released. There are refinements from this point onward leading to the realm of the high sexual magic.

In the realm of the mental bodies there are variations of mental energy transferred. This is, again, dependent upon the knowledge sought and the knowledge offered. The most common mental energy transfer is that of the teacher and the pupil. The amount of energy is dependent upon the quality of this offering upon the part of the teacher as regards the purity of the desire to serve and the quality of information offered and, upon the part of the student, the purity of the desire to learn and the quality of the mind vibratory complex which receives knowledge.

Another form of mental energy transfer is that of the listener and the speaker. When the speaker is experiencing mental/emotional-complex distortions towards anguish, sorrow, or other mental pain, from what we have said before, you may perhaps garner knowledge of the variations possible in this transfer.

The spiritual energy transfers are at the heart of all energy transfers, as a knowledge of self and other-self as Creator is paramount, and this is spiritual work. The varieties of spiritual energy transfer include those things of which we have spoken this day as we spoke upon the subject of the adept.

Are there any brief queries before we leave this working?

25.12 Questioner: Thank you very much. We do not wish to deplete the instrument, so is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable?

Ra: I am Ra. You are very conscientious. As we requested previously, it would be well to observe the angles taken by the more upright posture of the entity. It is causing some nerve blockage in the portion of the body complex called the elbows.

I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

32.16 Questioner: I think anything would be too long. I’ll just ask if there’s anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or make the contact better?

Ra: I am Ra. All is well. We caution not only this instrument but each to look well to the vital energies necessary for non-depletion of the instrument and the contact level. You are most conscientious, my friends. We shall be with you.

I leave you now in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

52.1 Questioner: In the previous session you stated that “the other type of experience is the fourth, fifth, and sixth densities of other galaxies, and some within your own galaxy, which have learned necessary disciplines of personality to view the universe as one being, and, therefore, are able to proceed from locus to locus by thought alone, materialising the necessary craft.”

I would like to ask you when you say that “fourth, fifth, and sixth densities of other galaxies, and some within your own galaxy,” are you stating here that more of the entities in other galaxies have developed the abilities of personality than have in this galaxy for this type of, shall I say, travel? I am using the term galaxy with respect to the lenticular shape of 250 billion stars.

Ra: I am Ra. We have once again used a meaning for this term, galaxy, that does not lie within your vocabulary at this time, if you will call it so. We referred to your star system.

It is incorrect to assume that other star systems are more able to manipulate the dimensions than your own. It is merely that there are many other systems besides your own.

93.5 Questioner: Would you correct me on that?

Ra: I am Ra. The description of polarity as service to self and service to others, from the beginning of our creation, dwelt within the architecture of the primal Logos. Before the veiling process the impact of actions taken by mind/body/spirits upon their consciousnesses was not palpable to a significant enough degree to allow the expression of this polarity to be significantly useful. Over the period of what you would call time this expression of polarity did, indeed, work to alter the biases of mind/body/spirits so that they might eventually be harvested. The veiling process made the polarity far more effective.

61.4 Questioner: Would it be helpful to plot the cycles for the instrument and attempt to have these sessions at the most favourable points with respect to the cycle?

Ra: I am Ra. To that specific query we have no response.

It may be noted that the three in this triad bring in this energy pattern which is Ra. Thus each energy input of the triad is of note.

We may say that while these information systems are interesting they are in sway only insofar as the entity or entities involved have not made totally efficient use of catalyst, and, therefore, instead of accepting the, shall we say, negative or retrograde moments or periods without undue notice, have the distortion towards the retaining of these distortions in order to work out the unused catalyst.

It is to be noted that psychic attack continues upon this entity although it is only effective at this time in physical distortions towards discomfort.

We may suggest that it is always of some interest to observe the road map, both of the cycles and of the planetary and other cosmic influences, in that one may see certain wide roads or possibilities. However, we remind that this group is an unit.

58.14 Questioner: Then if I just used a wire frame that were four pieces of wire and joined at the apex running down to the base, and the pyramid were totally open, this would do the same thing to the spiralling light energy? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The concept of the frame as equal to the solid form is correct. However, there are many metals not recommended for use in pyramid shapes designed to aid the meditative process. Those that are recommended are, in your system of barter, what you call expensive. The wood, or other natural materials, or the man-made plastic rods will also be of service.

37.2 Questioner: I don’t know if you can comment on the difficulty we will have in making the Law of One available to those who would require it and want it. It is not something that is easy to disseminate to those who want it at this time. I am sure there are many, especially the wanderers, who want this information, but we will have to do something else in order to get it into their hands in the way of added material, I am afraid.

Is it possible for you to comment on this?

Ra: I am Ra. It is possible.

79.13 Questioner: The archetypical mind of the Logos prior to this experiment in extension of the First Distortion, then, was what I would consider to be less complex than it is now, possibly containing fewer archetypes. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We must ask your patience. We perceive a sudden flare of the distortion known as pain in this instrument’s left arm and manual appendage. Please do not touch this instrument. We shall examine the mind complex and attempt to reposition the limb so that the working may continue. Then please repeat the query.

[Two-minute pause.]

I am Ra. You may proceed.

32.14 Questioner: I just meant was it possible, say, for a green-ray . . . when we’re talking about green-ray activation and energy transfers, is it possible for a green-ray person who is primarily green-ray activation to vary on both sides of green ray a large or a small amount in energy activation, or does he stay primarily green-ray?

Ra: I am Ra. We grasp the newness of material requested by you. It was unclear, for we thought we had covered this material. The portion covered is this: the green-ray activation is always vulnerable to the yellow or orange ray of possession, this being largely yellow ray but often coming into orange ray. Fear of possession, desire for possession, fear of being possessed, desire to be possessed: these are the distortions which will cause the deactivation of green-ray energy transfer.

The new material is this: once the green ray has been achieved, the ability of the entity to enter blue ray is immediate and is only awaiting the efforts of the individual. The indigo ray is opened only through considerable discipline and practise largely having to do with acceptance of self, not only as the polarised and balanced self but as the Creator, as an entity of infinite worth. This will begin to activate the indigo ray.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
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