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94.3 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do that we are not doing to remedy this situation so that the instrument does not experience this pain or as much of it?

Ra: I am Ra. There is little that can be done due to a complex of pre-existing distortions. The distortions are triple in the source:

There is the, shall we say, less-than-adequate work of your chirurgeons which allows for various distortions in the left wrist area.*

There is the distortion called systemic lupus erythematosus which causes the musculature of the lower left and right arms to allow for distortions in the normal, shall we say, configuration of both.

Lastly, there is the nerve damage, more especially to the left, but in both appendages from the thoracic outlet.

In the course of the waking behaviour the instrument can respond to the various signals which ring the tocsin of pain, thus alerting the mind complex, which in turn moves the physical complex in many and subtle configurations which relieve the various distortions. Your friend greets these distortions, as has been stated before, immediately prior to the beginning of the working.**

However, during the working the instrument is not with its yellow-ray chemical vehicle, and thusly the many small movements which could most effectively aid in the decrease of these distortions is not possible. Ra must carefully examine the mental configurations of the mind complex in order to make even the grossest manipulation. It is not our skill to use a yellow-ray vehicle.

The weight of the cover has some deleterious effect upon these distortions in some cases, and thus we mentioned that there was a small thing which could be done; that is, the framing of that which lifted the coverlet from the body slightly. In order to compensate for loss of warmth the wearing of material warming the manual appendages would then be indicated.

60.6 Questioner: Aside from the workings I am concerned about the physical distortions of the instrument in the area of hands and arms. Is there a, shall we say, mental exercise or something else that the instrument could work on to help to alleviate the extreme problems she has at this time with her hands, etc.?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

104.19 Questioner: I’m sorry to belabour this subject so much, but I was really hoping to come up with some way of helping Gandalf. I assume, then, that Ra has suggested that we just leave things as they are.

How many applications of drops would be necessary to get some help for the eyes, roughly?

Ra: Approximately 40 to 60.

87.22 Questioner: OK. In our particular illusion, the sexual potential, it seems, for the male peaks somewhere prior to age twenty and the female some ten years later. What is the cause of this difference in peaking sexual energy, I will say?

Ra: I am Ra. We must make clear distinction between the yellow-ray, third-density, chemical bodily complex, and the body complex which is a portion of the mind/body/spirit complex. The male, as you call this polarity, has an extremely active yellow-ray desire at the space/time in its incarnation when its sperm is the most viable and full of the life-giving spermata. Thusly the red ray seeks to reproduce most thickly at the time when this body is most able to fulfil the red-ray requirements.

The yellow-ray, chemical body complex of the female, as you call this polarity, must needs have a continued and increasing desire for the sexual intercourse, for it can only conceive once in one fifteen to eighteen month period, given that it carries the conceived body complex, bears it, and suckles it. This is draining to the physical body of yellow ray. To compensate for this the desire increases so that the yellow-ray body is predisposed to continue in sexual congress, thus fulfilling its red-ray requirement to reproduce as thickly as possible.

The more, shall we say, integral sexuality or polarity of the body complex, which is a portion of the mind/body/spirit complex, does not concern itself with these yellow-ray manifestations but, rather, follows the ways of the seeking of energy transfer and the furthering of aid and service to others or to the self.

80.5 Questioner: As Ra well knows, the information that we accumulate here will be illuminating to but a very minor percentage of those who populate this planet presently simply because there are very, very few people who can understand it. However, it seems that our fifth-density visitor is, shall we say, dead set against this communication.

Can you tell me why this is so important to him since it is of such a limited effect, I would guess, upon the harvest of this planet? Since it seems to me that those who will understand this information will quite possibly already be within the limits of harvestability.

Ra: I am Ra. Purity does not end with the harvest of third density. The fidelity of Ra towards the attempt to remove distortions is total. This constitutes an acceptance of responsibility for service to others which is of relative purity.

The instrument through which we speak and its support group have a similar fidelity and, disregarding any inconvenience to self, desire to serve others.

Due to the nature of the group the queries made to us by the group have led rapidly into somewhat abstruse regions of commentary. This content does not mitigate against the underlying purity of the contact. Such purity is as a light. Such an intensity of light attracts attention.

103.3 Ra: I am Ra. The channel is now satisfactory. We find the yellow-ray, chemical body of the instrument to be exhausted but to be attempting the improvement by action such as exercise and diet.

We may state that the infection has not completely left the body complex, although it is far less virulent.

65.10 Questioner: So we have the distinct possibility of two different types of catalyst creating an atmosphere of seeking that is greater than that which we experience at present. There will be much confusion, especially in the scenario of earth changes, simply because there have been many predictions of these changes by many groups giving various and sundry reasons for the changes. Can you comment on the effectiveness of this type of catalyst and the rather wide pre-knowledge of the coming changes, but also the rather wide variation in, shall I say, explanation for these changes?

Ra: I am Ra. Given the amount of strength of the possibility/probability vortex which posits the expression by the planet itself of the difficult birthing of the planetary self into fourth density, it would be greatly surprising were not many which have some access to space/time* able to perceive this vortex. The amount of this cold cereal in the grocery, to use our previous analogy, is disproportionately large. Each which prophesies does so from an unique level, position, or vibratory configuration. Thus biases and distortions will accompany much prophecy.

85.3 Questioner: What is the current situation with respect to our fifth-density, service-to-self polarised companion, shall I say?

Ra: I am Ra. Your companion has never been more closely associated with you than at the present nexus. You may see a kind of crisis occurring upon the so-called magical level at this particular space/time nexus.

36.3 Questioner: Out of the Seth Material we have a statement here: Seth says that each entity here on Earth is one aspect, or part, of a higher self, or oversoul, which has many aspects, or parts, in many dimensions, all of which learn lessons which enable the higher self to progress in a balanced manner. Am I to understand from this, is it correct that there are, shall we say, possibly many experiences similar to the one that we experience here in the third density that are governed by a single higher self? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The correctness of this statement is variable. The more in balance an entity becomes, the less the possibility/probability vortices may need to be explored in parallel experiences.

88.18 Questioner: I will ask the following questions to clear up . . . possibly . . . only . . . the method of teaching these concepts which may give me important clues to understanding the concepts themselves. Did Ra use cards similar to the tarot cards for the training purpose in third density?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

16.8 Questioner: This is a profound revelation, I believe, in the Law of Free Will. Thank you.

This is a minor question further to make an example of this principle, but if the Confederation landed on Earth, they would be taken as gods, breaking the Law of Free Will and thus reducing their polarisation towards service to all. I assume that the same thing would happen if the Orion group landed. How would this affect their polarisation towards service to self if they were able to land and became known as gods?

Ra: I am Ra. In the event of mass landing of the Orion group, the effect of polarisation would be strongly towards an increase in the service to self, precisely the opposite of the former opportunity which you mentioned.

42.2 Questioner: I will just read it very rapidly, the question, then.

I am going to make a statement and ask you to comment on its degree of accuracy. I am assuming that the balanced entity would not be swayed either towards positive or negative emotions by any situation which he might confront. By remaining unemotional in any situation, the balanced entity may clearly discern the appropriate and necessary responses in harmony with the Law of One for each situation.

Most entities on our planet find themselves unconsciously caught up into every emotional situation which they come in contact with according to their own unique biases. And, because of these biases, they are unable to see clearly teach/learning opportunities and appropriate response in each emotional situation and must, therefore, through a process of much trial and error and enduring of resulting pain, repeat such situations many, many times until they become consciously aware of the need to balance their energy centres and thusly their responses and behaviours.

Once a person becomes consciously aware of the need to balance their energy centres and responses, the next step is to allow the appropriately positive or negative responses to emotional situations to flow smoothly through their being without retaining any of the emotional colouration after it has been consciously observed and allowed to flow through the being. And I am assuming that this ability to consciously observe the positively or negatively charged energy flowing through the being may be augmented by practise of the balancing exercises you have given us, with the result in balance being achieved for the entity which would allow him to remain unemotional and undistorted in regards to the Law of One in any situation, much like the objective viewer of the television movie.

Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is an incorrect application of the balancing which we have discussed.* The exercise of first experiencing feelings and then consciously discovering their antitheses within the being has as its objective not the smooth flow of feelings, both positive and negative, while remaining unswayed, but rather the objective of becoming unswayed. This is a simpler result and takes much practise, shall we say.

The catalyst of experience works in order for the learn/teachings of this density to occur. However, if there is seen in the being a response, even if it is simply observed, the entity is still using the catalyst for learn/teaching. The end result is that the catalyst is no longer needed. Thus this density is no longer needed.

This is not indifference or objectivity but a finely tuned compassion and love which sees all things as love. This seeing elicits no response due to catalytic reactions. Thus the entity is now able to become co-Creator of experiential occurrences. This is the truer balance.

86.2 Questioner: What was the nature of these significant calls on the vital energy?

Ra: I am Ra. There are those entities which entertain the thought-distortion towards this entity that it shall remove, for the other-selves, all distortions for the other-self. This entity has recently been in close contact with a larger than normal number of entities with these thought-complex distortions. This entity is of the distortion to provide whatever service is possible and is not consciously aware of the inroads made upon the vital energies.

69.4 Questioner: Then you are saying that the protective friends, I will call them, would be available in every condition except for what we call the trance state which seems to be anomalistic with respect to the others. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

46.9 Questioner: Certainly.

Ra: The entity polarising positively perceives the anger. This entity, if using this catalyst mentally, blesses and loves this anger in itself. It then intensifies this anger consciously in mind alone until the folly of this red-ray energy is perceived, not as folly in itself, but as energy subject to spiritual entropy due to the randomness of energy being used.

Positive orientation then provides the will and faith to continue this mentally intense experience of letting the anger be understood, accepted, and integrated with the mind/body/spirit complex. The other-self which is the object of anger is thus transformed into an object of acceptance, understanding, and accommodation, all being reintegrated using the great energy which anger began.

The negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complex will use this anger in a similarly conscious fashion, refusing to accept the undirected, or random, energy of anger and instead, through will and faith, funnelling this energy into a practical means of venting the negative aspect of this emotion so as to obtain control over other-self or otherwise control the situation causing anger.

Control is the key to negatively polarised use of catalyst. Acceptance is the key to positively polarised use of catalyst. Between these polarities lies the potential for this random and undirected energy creating a bodily complex analogue of what you call the cancerous growth of tissue.

95.26 Questioner: Am I to understand, then, that there is no protection at all if the Experience of the Mind has become negative and the negative path is travelled? All random catalyst may affect the negatively polarised individual as a function of the statistical nature of the random catalyst. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. You may note some of those of your peoples which, at this space/time nexus, seek places of survival. This is due to the lack of protection when service to self is invoked.

102.20 Questioner: In other words, the removal of ulcers. Would this be a duodenic ulcer? Would this be the type of operation that you would perform for a duodenic ulcer?

Ra: I am Ra. If the ulceration occurs, it shall be past the jejunum and most likely include the ileum and upper portions of the transverse colon.

May we ask for one more query of normal length as this entity, though filled with enough transferred energy, has the most fragile framework through which we may channel this and our energies.

12.33 Questioner: Thank you. Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable?

Ra: I am Ra. We ask you to realign the object upon which the symbols sit. It is not a significant distortion for one session only, but you will find upon measuring the entire assemblage that the resting place is one point four degrees [1.4°] from the correct alignment, the resting place an additional one-half degree [0.5°] away from proper orientation. Do not concern yourselves overly with this in the space/time nexus present, but do not allow these distortions to remain over a long period or the contact will be gradually impaired.

I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

63.1 Questioner: Could you give me an indication of the condition of the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument’s vital energies are at the distortion which is normal for this mind/body/spirit complex. The body complex is distorted due to psychic attack in the area of the kidneys and urinary tract. There is also distortion continuing due to the distortion called arthritis.

You may expect this psychic attack to be constant, as this instrument has been under observation by negatively oriented force for some time.

60.11 Questioner: The next statement that I make may or may not be enlightening to me in my investigation of the pyramid energy, but it has occurred to me that the so-called effect in the so-called Bermuda Triangle is possibly due to the large pyramid beneath the water which releases this third spiral at discrete and varying intervals, and when other entities, or craft, are in the vicinity of this it creates a situation where they change space/time continuum in some way. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

74.2 Questioner: Before I get to new material, last session there seems to have been a small error that I corrected then having to do with the statement, “no working comes from it but only through it.” Was this an error in transmission? Or what caused this problem?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument, while fully open to our narrow-band contact, at times experiences a sudden strengthening of the distortion which you call pain. This weakens the contact momentarily. This type of increased distortion has been occurring in this instrument’s bodily complex with more frequency in the time period which you may term the previous fortnight. Although it is not normally a phenomenon which causes difficulties in transmission, it did so twice in the previous working. Both times it was necessary to correct or rectify the contact.

100.12 Questioner: There is the forty-five minute signal. Does Ra suggest a termination of this session, taking into consideration the instrument’s condition and all the other conditions that we have placed on this?

Ra: I am Ra. Information pertinent to this query has been previously covered.* The choice of termination time, as you call it, is solely that of the questioner until the point at which we perceive the instrument beginning to use its vital resources due to the absence of transferred or native physical energy. The instrument remains open, as always.

12.10 Questioner: Which group was it that contacted Henry Puharich in Israel, right around 1972?

Ra: I am Ra. We must refrain from answering this query due to the possibility/probability that the one you call Henry will read this answer. This would cause distortions in his future. It is necessary that each being use free and complete discernment from within the all-self which is at the heart of the mind/body/spirit complex.

37.6 Questioner: In that case, we’ll go ahead with the questions we have here, continuing the last session.

You said that each third-density entity has an higher self in the sixth density which is moving to the mind/body/spirit complex of the entity as needed. Does this higher self also evolve in growth through the densities beginning with the first density, and does each higher self have a corresponding higher self advanced in densities beyond it?

Ra: I am Ra. To simplify this concept is our intent. The higher self is a manifestation given to the late sixth-density mind/body/spirit complex as a gift from its future selfness. The mid-seventh density’s last action before turning towards the allness of the Creator and gaining spiritual mass is to give this resource to the sixth-density self, moving, as you measure time, in the stream of time.

This self, the mind/body/spirit complex of late sixth density, has then the honour/duty of using both the experiences of its total living bank, or memory, of experienced thoughts and actions and using the resource of the mind/body/spirit complex totality left behind as a type of infinitely complex thought-form.

In this way you may see your self, your higher self or oversoul, and your mind/body/spirit complex totality as three points in a circle. The only distinction is that of your time/space continuum. All are the same being.

102.21 Questioner: Obviously we would very much like to not get to the point of surgery, and the only other alternative that comes to mind—other than the diet and the instrument’s personal mental work—is healing through a healer. And I would like Ra’s recommendation with respect to a non-allopathic type healer and any recommendations Ra could make for either Jim or myself to act in that capacity, or anyone else Ra could recommend so that we wouldn’t have to go through this surgical operation if it seems to become necessary. And if we could start working on one of these other approaches right away I think it might be highly recommended.

Would Ra comment on that, please?

Ra: I am Ra. We salute the opening of compassion circuitry in the questioner but note that that which is being experienced by this group is being experienced within an healing atmosphere. The healing hands of each have limited use when the distortion has so many metaphysical layers and mixtures.

Therefore, look not to a healing but to the joy of companionship, for each is strong and has its feet set upon the way. The moon casts its shadows. What shall you see? Link hands and walk towards the sun. In this instance this is the greatest healing. For the physical vehicle we can suggest far less than you had hoped.

9.17 Questioner: Do these beings then evolve from second density to third density?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, although no guarantee can be made of the number of cycles it will take an entity to learn the lessons of consciousness of self which are the prerequisite for transition to third density.

63.25 Questioner: Then at some time in the future the fourth-density sphere will be fully activated. What is the difference between full activation and partial activation for this sphere?

Ra: I am Ra. At this time the cosmic influxes are conducive to true-colour green core particles being formed and material of this nature thus being formed. However, there is a mixture of the yellow-ray and green-ray environments at this time necessitating the birthing of transitional mind/body/spirit complex types of energy distortions.

At full activation of the true-colour green density of love, the planetary sphere will be solid and inhabitable upon its own, and the birthing that takes place will have been transformed through the process of time, shall we say, to the appropriate type of vehicle to appreciate in full the fourth-density planetary environment. At this nexus the green-ray environment exists to a far greater extent in time/space than in space/time.

49.4 Questioner: Well, please . . . will you go ahead and comment on it?

Ra: I am Ra. The lobes of your physical complex brain are alike in their use of weak electrical energy. The entity ruled by intuition and impulse is equal to the entity governed by rational analysis when polarity is considered. The lobes may both be used for service to self or service to others.

It may seem that the rational, or analytical, mind might have more of a possibility of successfully pursuing the negative orientation due to the fact that, in our understanding, too much order is, by its essence, negative. However, this same ability to structure abstract concepts and to analyse experiential data may be the key to rapid positive polarisation. It may be said that those whose analytical capacities are predominant have somewhat more to work with in polarising.

The function of intuition is to inform intelligence. In your illusion the unbridled predominance of intuition will tend to keep an entity from the greater polarizations due to the vagaries of intuitive perception. As you may see, these two types of brain structure need to be balanced in order that the net sum of experiential catalyst will be polarisation and illumination, for without the acceptance by the rational mind of the worth of the intuitive faculty, the creative aspects which aid in illumination will be stifled.

There is one correspondence between right and left, and positive and negative. The web of energy which surrounds your bodies contains somewhat complex polarizations. The left area of the head and upper shoulder is most generally seen to be of a negative polarisation, whereas the right is of positive polarisation, magnetically speaking. This is the cause of the tone’s meaning for you.

87.18 Questioner: Thank you. We will make the corrections. In the last session you made the statement that before veiling, sexual energy transfer was always possible. I would like to know what you meant by “it was always possible” and why it was not always possible after the veiling, just to clear up that point?

Ra: I am Ra. We believe that we grasp your query and will use the analogy in your culture of the battery which lights the flashlight bulb. Two working batteries placed in series always offer the potential of the bulb’s illumination. After the veiling, to continue this gross analogy, the two batteries being placed not in series would then offer no possible illumination of the bulb. Many mind/body/spirit complexes after the veiling have, through blockages, done the equivalent of reversing the battery.

79.27 Questioner: I was just wondering—since this seems to be the crux of the experiment, this seems to be the large breaking point between no extension of the First Distortion and the extension of the First Distortion—what the result of this original experiment was with respect to that which was created from it. What was the result of that?

Ra: I am Ra. This is previously covered material.* The result of these experiments has been a more vivid, varied, and intense experience of Creator by Creator.

64.19 Questioner: He also asked (and I know this is unimportant) why there were no Bigfoot remains found, that is, after the Bigfoot entities had died on our surface. He had asked why there had never been any remains of these entities found. Could you answer this for him? It’s just of no importance, but just as a service to him I ask it.

Ra: I am Ra. You may suggest that exploration of the caves which underlie some of the western coastal mountain regions of your continent will one day offer such remains. They will not be generally understood if this culture survives in its present form long enough, in your time measurement, for this probability/possibility vortex to occur.

There is enough energy for one more full query at this time.

92.19 Questioner: Are all activities that the entity has, as it experiences things from the state of infancy, a function of the Potentiator of Mind?

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, although the functions of the mind are indeed paramount over those of the body—the body being the creature of the mind—certainly not all actions of a mind/body/spirit complex could be seen to be due to the potentiating qualities of the mind complex alone, as the body and in some cases the spirit also potentiates action.

Secondly, as a mind/body/spirit complex becomes aware of the process of spiritual evolution, more and more of the activities of the mind and body which precipitate activity are caused by those portions of the mind/body/spirit complex which are articulated by the archetypes of Transformation.

83.5 Questioner: You mentioned it did exist in a small way prior to the veil. What was the source of its development prior to the veiling process?

Ra: I am Ra. The source was as random as the nature of disease distortions are, at heart, in general. Each portion of the body complex is in a state of growth at all times. The reversal of this is seen as disease and has the benign function of ending an incarnation at an appropriate space/time nexus. This was the nature of disease, including that which you call venereal.

34.9 Questioner: Thank you. Would you give me the same type of information about the self in relation to the societal self?

Ra: I am Ra. The unmanifested self may find its lessons those which develop any of the energy influx centres of the mind/body/spirit complex. The societal and self interactions most often concentrate upon the second and third energy centres. Thus those most active in attempting to remake or alter the society are those working from feelings of being correct personally, or of having answers which will put power in a more correct configuration. This may be seen to be of a full travel from negative to positive in orientation. Either will activate these energy ray centres.

There are some few whose desires to aid society are of a green-ray nature or above. These entities, however, are few due to the understanding, may we say, of fourth ray that universal love freely given is more to be desired than principalities, or even the rearrangement of peoples or political structures.

90.29 Questioner: That’s OK. I don’t think that was that good a question anyway.

Now, when Ra initially planned for helping the Egyptians with their evolution, what was the most, or the primary concept—and also secondary and tertiary, if you can name those—that Ra wished to impart to the Egyptians? In other words, what was Ra’s training plan or schedule for making the Egyptians aware of what was necessary for their evolution?

Ra: I am Ra. We came to your peoples to enunciate the Law of One. We wished to impress upon those who wished to learn of unity that in unity all paradoxes are resolved; all that is broken is healed; all that is forgotten is brought to light.

We had no teaching plan, as you have called it, in that our intention when we walked among your peoples was to manifest that which was requested by those learn/teachers to which we had come.

We are aware that this particular line of querying—that is, the nature and architecture of the archetypical mind—has caused the questioner to attempt, to its own mind unsuccessfully, to determine the relative importance of these concepts. We cannot learn/teach for any, nor would we take this opportunity from the questioner. However, we shall comment.

The adept has already worked much, not only within the red, orange, yellow, and green energy centres, but already in the opening of blue and indigo. Up through this point the archetypes function as the great base or plinth of a builded structure or statue, keeping the mind complex viable, level, and available as a resource whenever it may be evoked.

There is a point at which the adept takes up its work. This is the point at which a clear and conscious consideration of the archetypical mind is useful.

67.13 Questioner: I was wondering about the magical, shall I say, principles behind the fifth-density entity giving this service and his ability to give it. Why is he able to utilise these particular physical distortions from a philosophical or magical point of view?

Ra: I am Ra. This entity is able to, shall we say, penetrate in time/space configuration the field of this particular entity. It has moved through the quarantine without any vehicle and, thus, has been more able to escape detection by the net of the Guardians.

This is the great virtue of the magical working whereby consciousness is sent forth, essentially without vehicle, as light. The light would work instantly upon an untuned individual by suggestion; that is, the stepping out in front of the traffic because the suggestion is that there is no traffic. This entity, as each in this group, is enough disciplined in the ways of love and light that it is not suggestible to any great extent.

However, there is a predisposition of the physical complex which this entity is making maximal use of as regards the instrument, hoping, for instance, by means of increasing dizziness to cause the instrument to fall or to, indeed, walk in front of your traffic because of impaired vision.

The magical principles, shall we say, may be loosely translated into your system of magic whereby symbols are used and traced and visualised in order to develop the power of the light.

94.11 Questioner: I have drawn a small diagram in which I simply show an arrow which represents catalyst penetrating a line at right angles to the arrow, which is the veil, and then depositing in one of two repositories: one which I would call on the right-hand path, one on the left-hand path. And I have labelled these two repositories for the catalytic action as it’s filtered through the veil “the Experience.” Would this be a very rough analogy of the way the catalyst is filtered through the veil to become experience?

Ra: I am Ra. Again, you are partially correct. The deeper biases of a mind/body/spirit complex pilot the catalyst around the many isles of positivity and negativity as expressed in the archipelago of the deeper mind. However, the analogy is incorrect in that it does not take into account the further polarisation which most certainly is available to the conscious mind after it has perceived the partially polarised catalyst from the deeper mind.

87.12 Questioner: It seems to me that this is a service-to-others action in offering the possibility of the self-serving path. What is the relative effect of polarisation of this? I don’t understand that point.

Ra: I am Ra. In your armed bands a large group marauds and pillages successfully. The success of the privates is claimed by the corporals, the success of corporals by sergeants, then lieutenants, captains, majors, and finally the commanding general. Each successful temptation, each successful harvestable entity is a strengthener of the power and polarity of the fourth-density social memory complex which has had this success.

63.20 Questioner: OK. Now as this transition continues into fourth-density activation, in order to inhabit this fourth-density sphere, it will be necessary for all third-density physical bodies to go through the process which we refer to as death. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

8.25 Questioner: Do you say the United States actually has a manufacturing plant in Mexico?

Ra: I am Ra. I spoke thusly. May I, at this time, reiterate that this type of information is very shallow and of no particular consequence compared to the study of the Law of One. However, we carefully watch these developments in hopes that your peoples are able to be harvested in peace.

81.18 Questioner: Why does Ra not have any knowledge of that which was prior to the beginning of this octave?

Ra: I am Ra. Let us compare octaves to islands. It may be that the inhabitants of an island are not alone upon a planetary sphere, but if an ocean-going vehicle in which one may survive has not been invented, true knowledge of other islands is possible only if an entity comes among the islanders and says, “I am from elsewhere.” This is a rough analogy. However, we have evidence of this sort, both of previous creation and creation to be, as we in the stream of space/time and time/space view these apparently non-simultaneous events.

65.12 Questioner: Then each of the wanderers here acts as a function of the biases he has developed in any way he sees fit to communicate—or simply be in his polarity—to aid the total consciousness of the planet.

Is there any, shall I say, more physical way that he aids in— What I mean is, do his vibrations somehow add to the process, just as electrical polarity or charging a battery or something? Does that also aid the planet, just the physical presence of the wanderers?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, and the mechanism is precisely as you state. We intended this meaning in the second portion of our previous answer.

You may at this time note that as with any entities, each wanderer has its unique abilities, biases, and specialties, so that from each portion of each density represented among the wanderers comes an array of pre-incarnative talents which then may be expressed upon this plane which you now experience; so that each wanderer, in offering itself before incarnation, has some special service to offer in addition to the doubling effect of planetary love and light and the basic function of serving as beacon or shepherd.

Thus there are those of fifth density whose abilities to express wisdom are great. There are fourth- and sixth-density wanderers whose ability to serve as, shall we say, passive radiators or broadcasters of love and love/light are immense. There are many others whose talents brought into this density are quite varied.

Thus wanderers have three basic functions once the forgetting is penetrated, the first two being basic, the tertiary one being unique to that particular mind/body/spirit complex.

We may note at this point while you ponder the possibility/probability vortices, that although you have many, many items which cause distress and thus offer seeking and service opportunities, there is always one container in that store of peace, love, light, and joy. This vortex may be very small, but to turn one’s back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment. Could your planet polarise towards harmony in one fine, strong moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends. It is not probable; but it is ever possible.

78.22 Questioner: I did not understand that. Could you say that in a different way?

Ra: I am Ra. As you have noted, the creation of which your Logos is a part is a protean entity which grows and learns upon a macrocosmic scale.* The Logos is not a part of time. All that is learned from experience in an octave is, therefore, the harvest of that Logos and is, further, the nature of that Logos.

The original Logos’ experience was, viewed in space/time, small; Its experience now, more.

Therefore, we say, as we now speak to you at this space/time, the nature of creation is as we have described. This does not deny the process by which this nature has been achieved but merely ratifies the product.

20.1 Questioner: I was thinking the best way to do the book is to continue working on the history of evolution and its mechanism until we completely make it through the third density and what will occur into the first part of the fourth density, so that the mechanisms of developing the mind/body/spirit complex will be brought out. If I get stymied some place in one of these sessions as to what questions to ask and where—not to waste time—I may ask some questions that I will use later in the book, but we’ll try to always continue along these lines.

First question, to go back just a little bit, is what happened to the second-density entities who were on this planet who were unharvestable? I assume there were some that didn’t make the harvest into the third density. Can you tell me this?

Ra: I am Ra. The second density is able to repeat, during third density, a portion of its cycle.

63.8 Questioner: From last session, I would like to continue with a few questions about the fact that in fourth density, red, orange, and green energies will be activated; yellow, blue, etc., being in potentiation. Right now you say we have green energies activated. They have been activated for the last 45 years. I am wondering about the transition through this period, so that the green is totally activated, and the yellow is in potentiation. What will we lose as the yellow goes from activation into potentiation, and what will we gain as the green comes into total activation, and what is that process?

Ra: I am Ra. It is misleading to speak of gains and losses when dealing with the subject of the cycle’s ending and the green-ray cycle beginning upon your sphere. It is to be kept in the forefront of the faculties of intelligence that there is One Creation in which there is no loss. There are progressive cycles for experiential use by entities. We may now address your query.

As the green-ray cycle or the density of love and understanding begins to take shape the yellow-ray plane or Earth, which you now enjoy in your dance, will cease to be inhabited for some period of your space/time as the space/time necessary for fourth-density entities to learn their ability to shield their density from that of third is learned. After this period there will come a time when third density may again cycle on the yellow-ray sphere.

Meanwhile there is another sphere, congruent to a great extent with yellow ray, forming. This fourth-density sphere coexists with first, second, and third. It is of a denser nature due to the rotational core atomic aspects of its material. We have discussed this subject with you.*

The fourth-density entities which incarnate at this space/time are fourth density, in the view of experience, but are incarnating in less dense vehicles due to desire to experience and aid in the birth of fourth density upon this plane.

You may note that fourth-density entities have a great abundance of compassion.

20.2 Questioner: Then the second-density entities that did not get harvested at the beginning of this 75,000-year period—some are still in second density on this planet. Were any of these who remained in second density harvested into third density in the past 75,000 years?

Ra: I am Ra. This has been increasingly true.

51.5 Questioner: Thank you. I would like to make a statement. I’m sure I’m somewhat off with this. It’s a very difficult question to ask for me, because I don’t really know what I’m talking about. But it seems to me—and you can tell me where I am going wrong with this statement—that we have seven bodies, each corresponding to one of the seven colours of the spectrum. And that energy that creates these seven bodies is a universal type of energy that streams into our planetary environment and comes in through seven energy centres that we have called chakras to develop and perfect these bodies.

And this is— Each of these bodies is in somehow related to the mental configuration that we have, and the perfection of each of these bodies and the total instreaming, you might say, of this energy is a function of this mental configuration. And through this mental configuration we may block, to some extent, the instreamings of energy that create each of these seven bodies. Could you comment on where I am wrong and correct me in this that I have stated?

Ra: I am Ra. Your statement is substantially correct. To use the term “mental configuration” is to oversimplify the manners of blockage of instreaming which occur in your density. The mind complex has a relationship to the spirit and body complexes which is not fixed. Thus blockages may occur betwixt spirit and mind, or body and mind, upon many different levels. We reiterate that each energy centre has seven sub-colours, let us say for convenience. Thus spiritual/mental blockages combined with mental/bodily blockages may affect each of the energy centres in several differing ways. Thus you may see the subtle nature of the balancing and evolutionary process.

102.12 Questioner: The second thing that the instrument must do to effect this cure is to be careful of diet which includes all that Ra has just stated and what Bob recommends from his readings.

There seem to be so many different things that could cause this spasm. I was just wondering if there is a general approach to foods. Could Ra recommend, say, those foods the instrument could eat that would have no chance of creating the problem that caused the spasm. Could Ra do that, please?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

6.28 Questioner: In that case perhaps we should continue at a later time.

Ra: We shall agree. Therefore, unless you have a short question we will take our leave.

65.4 Questioner: I noticed that you are speaking more slowly than usual. Is there a reason for this?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is somewhat weak and, although strong in vital energy and well able to function at this time, is somewhat more fragile than the usual condition we find. We may note a continuing bearing of the physical distortion called pain which has a weakening effect upon physical energy. In order to use the considerable store of available energy without harming the instrument we are attempting to channel even more narrow-band than is our wont.

12.14 Questioner: Would this be the origin of what we call black magic?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct in one sense, incorrect in another. The Orion group has aided the so-called negatively oriented among your mind/body/spirit complexes. These same entities would be concerning themselves with service to self in any case, and there are many upon your so-called inner planes which are negatively oriented and thus available as inner teachers, or guides, and so-called possessors of certain souls who seek this distortion of service to self.

106.13 Questioner: Could Ra recommend what I should do to improve my state of health?

Ra: I am Ra. We tread most close to the Law of Confusion in this instance but feel the appropriateness of speaking due to potentially fatal results to the instrument. We pause to give the questioner and the scribe a few moments of space/time to aid us by stepping away from those distortions which cause us to invoke the Law of Confusion. This would be helpful.

[A few moments pause.]

I am Ra. We appreciate your attempts. Even confusion on your behalves is helpful.

The questioner has, in the recent past, allowed a complete transfer of mental/emotional pain from the questioner to the instrument. The key to this deleterious working was when the instrument said words to the effect of the meaning that it would be the questioner and be the strong one; the questioner could be as the instrument, small and foolish. The questioner, in full ignorance of the firm intent of the instrument, and not grasping the possibility of any such energy transfer, agreed.

These two entities have been as one for a timeless period and have manifested this in your space/time. Thusly, the deleterious working occurred. By agreement in care and caution it may be undone.

We urge the attention to thanksgiving and harmony on the part of the questioner.

We may affirm the previous recommendation, in general, of the skills and the purity of intention of the one known as Bob, and may note the sympathetic illness which has occurred due to the instrument’s sensitivities.

Lastly, we may note that, to the one known as Peter, several aspects of the distortions experienced by the questioner, the instrument, and the scribe may be quite apparent and rather simply traduced to lesser distortions.

75.10 Questioner: Did the exercise of the fire that was just performed before the session help the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. There was some slight physical aid to the instrument. This will enlarge itself as the practitioner learns/teaches its healing art. Further, there is distortion in the mental/emotional complex which feeds the vital energy towards comfort due to support which tends to build up the level of vital energy as this entity is a sensitive instrument.

41.24 Questioner: Jim has read the entire book. I have only read part of it, but I was wondering if the teachings in the book with respect to balancing were your teachings, Ra’s teachings?

Ra: I am Ra. This is basically correct with distortions that may be seen when this material is collated with the material we have offered.

16.58 Questioner: Do they ever use any, shall I say, gratifications of the physical body to amplify such daydreams?

Ra: I am Ra. They are able to do this only when there is a strong ability on the part of the receiving mind/body/spirit complex towards the perception of thought-forms. This could be termed an unusual characteristic but has indeed been a method used by Orion entities.

14.1 Questioner: Going back over this morning’s work, [inaudible]. You said the second density strives towards the third density, which is the density of self-consciousness, or self-awareness. The striving takes place through higher second-density forms invested by third-density beings. Could you explain what you mean by this?

Ra: I am Ra. Much as you would put on a vestment, so do your third-density beings invest or clothe some second-density beings with self-awareness. This is often done through the opportunity of what you call pets. It has also been done by various other means of investiture. These include many so-called religious practise complexes which personify and send love to various natural second-density beings in their group form.

21.8 Questioner: I don’t mean to be covering ground that we’ve already covered, but there’re some points that we have trouble with fully understanding, and sometimes I have to ask the question a different way to fully understand it. Thank you.

So at the start of this 75,000-year cycle we know that the quarantine was set up. I am assuming then that the Guardians were aware of the infringements on free will that would occur if they didn’t set this up at that time and therefore did it. This— Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially incorrect. The incorrectness is as follows: those entities whose third-density experience upon your Red Planet was brought to a close prematurely were aided genetically while being transferred to this third density. This, although done in a desire to aid, was seen as infringement upon free will. The light quarantine, which consists of the Guardians, or gardeners, as you may call them, which would have been in effect thus was intensified.

11.15 Questioner: Is it impossible for you to tell us precisely how he does this service?

Ra: I am Ra. It is possible for us to speak to this query. However, we use any chance we may have to reiterate the basic understanding/learning that all beings serve the Creator.

The one you speak of as Genghis Khan, at present, is incarnate in a physical light body which has the work of disseminating material of thought control to those who are what you may call crusaders. He is, as you would term this entity, a shipping clerk.

93.10 Questioner: The bird, I am guessing, might be a messenger, the two paths depicted by the position of the wings, bringing catalyst which could be used to polarise on either path. Is this in any way correct?

Ra: I am Ra. It is a correct perception that the position of the wingèd creature is significant. The more correct perception of this entity and its significance is the realisation that the mind/body/spirit complex is, having made contact with its potentiated self, now beginning its flight towards that great Logos which is that which is sought by the adept.

Further, the nature of the wingèd creature is echoed both by the female holding it and the symbol of the female upon which the figure’s feet rest; that is, the nature of catalyst is overwhelmingly of an unconsciousness, coming from that which is not of the mind and which has no connexion with the intellect, as you call it, which precedes or is concomitant with catalytic action.

All uses of catalyst by the mind are those consciously applied to catalyst. Without conscious intent the use of catalyst is never processed through mentation, ideation, and imagination.

37.2 Questioner: I don’t know if you can comment on the difficulty we will have in making the Law of One available to those who would require it and want it. It is not something that is easy to disseminate to those who want it at this time. I am sure there are many, especially the wanderers, who want this information, but we will have to do something else in order to get it into their hands in the way of added material, I am afraid.

Is it possible for you to comment on this?

Ra: I am Ra. It is possible.

63.14 Questioner: You are saying, then, that for the transition from third to fourth density for one of the entities with doubly activated bodies, in order to make the transition, the third-density body will go through the process of what we call death. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The third and fourth, combination, density’s body will die according to the necessity of third-density mind/body/spirit-complex distortions.

We may respond to the heart of your questioning by noting that the purpose of such combined activation of mind/body/spirit complexes is that such entities, to some extent, consciously are aware of those fourth-density understandings which third density is unable to remember due to the forgetting. Thus fourth-density experience may be begun with the added attraction, to an entity oriented towards service to others, of dwelling in a troubled third-density environment and offering its love and compassion.

20.24 Questioner: Can you tell me why nine hundred years is the optimum life span?

Ra: I am Ra. The mind/body/spirit complex of third density has perhaps one hundred times as intensive a programme of catalytic action from which to distil distortions and learn/teachings than any other of the densities. Thus the learn/teachings are most confusing to the mind/body/spirit complex which is, shall we say, inundated by the ocean of experience.

During the first, shall we say, perhaps 150 to 200 of your years, as you measure time, a mind/body/spirit complex is going through the process of a spiritual childhood, the mind and the body not enough in a disciplined configuration to lend clarity to the spiritual influxes. Thus, the remaining time span is given to optimise the understandings which result from experience itself.

85.17 Questioner: What changes of functions, or control, or understanding, etc., of the mind/body/spirits were most effective in producing the evolution desired due to the veiling process?

Ra: I am Ra. We are having difficulty retaining clear channel through this instrument. It has a safe margin of transferred energy but is experiencing pain flares. May we ask that you repeat the query as we have a better channel now.

42.3 Questioner: I will attempt to make an analogy.

If an animal, shall I say a bull in a pen, attacks you because you have wandered into his pen, you get out of his way rapidly, but you do not blame him. Or, you do not have much of an emotional response other than the fear response that he might damage you.

However, if you encounter another self in his territory and he attacks you, your response may be more of an emotional nature creating physical bodily responses. Am I correct in assuming that when your response to the animal and to the other-self, seeing both as the Creator, and loving both, and understanding their action in attacking you is the action of their free will, then you have balanced yourself correctly in this area? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is basically correct. However, the balanced entity will see in the seeming attack of an other-self the causes of this action which are, in most cases, of a more complex nature than the cause of the attack of the second-density bull, as was your example. Thus, this balanced entity would be open to many more opportunities for service to a third-density other-self.

13.18 Questioner: Could you define what you mean by growth?

Ra: I am Ra. Picture, if you will, the difference between first-vibrational mineral or water life and the lower second-density beings which begin to move about within and upon its being. This movement is the characteristic of second density, the striving towards light and growth.

40.12 Questioner: You mentioned that thoughts of anger now are causing cancer. Can you expand on this mechanism as it acts as a catalyst or its complete purpose?

Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density is one of revealed information. Selves are not hidden to self or other-selves. The imbalances or distortions which are of a destructive nature show, therefore, in more obvious ways, the vehicle of the mind/body/spirit complex thus acting as a teaching resource for self-revelation. These illnesses such as cancer are correspondingly very amenable to self-healing once the mechanism of the destructive influence has been grasped by the individual.

69.12 Questioner: Is it possible to tell me, roughly, how many wanderers that have come to this planet within this master cycle have experienced this displacement into a negative time/space? Just wondering if there have been many.

Ra: I am Ra. We can note the number of such occurrences. There has been only one. We cannot, due to the Law of Confusion, discuss the entity.

18.26 Questioner: Thank you very much. I believe that to be a very important point in understanding the total workings of the Law of One. It’ll be helpful. As you probably know, I must work for the next three days, so we will possibly have another session tonight if you think it is possible. And the next session after that would not be until four days from now. Do you believe another session tonight is possible?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is somewhat weak. This is a distortion caused by lack of vital energy. Thus, nurturing the instrument in physical balancing will allow another session. Do you understand?

32.5 Questioner: OK. Thank you. I believe that for the time being we’ve amply covered green ray, so I am going to skip over green ray and go to blue ray.

Could you tell me the difference that occurs between green and blue with the emphasis on blue ray?

Ra: I am Ra. With the green-ray transfer of energy you now come to the great turning point sexually as well as in each other mode of experience. The green ray may then be turned outward, the entity then giving rather than receiving. The first giving beyond green ray is the giving of acceptance, or freedom, thus allowing the recipient of blue-ray energy transfer the opportunity for a feeling of being accepted, thus freeing that other-self to express itself to the giver of this ray.

It will be noted that once green-ray energy transfer has been achieved by two mind/body/spirits in mating, the further rays are available without both entities having the necessity to progress equally. Thus a blue-ray vibrating entity or indigo-ray vibrating entity whose other ray vibrations are clear may share that energy with the green-ray other-self, thus acting as catalyst for the continued learn/teaching of the other-self. Until an other-self reaches green ray, such energy transfers through the rays is not possible.

71.2 Questioner: I have several different questions. In this session I hope to establish, by searching around with several different types of questions, a point of entry into an investigation that will be fruitful. I would first ask, is it possible to increase polarity without increasing harvestability?

Ra: I am Ra. The connexion between polarisation and harvestability is most important in third-density harvest. In this density an increase in the serving of others, or the serving of self, will almost inevitably increase the ability of an entity to enjoy an higher intensity of light. Thus, in this density, we may say, it is hardly possible to polarise without increasing in harvestability.

52.9 Questioner: Well, I would just include the question as to why time of harvest is selected by so many wanderers as time for incarnation?

Ra: I am Ra. There are several reasons for incarnation during harvest. They may be divided by the terms self and other-self.

The overriding reason for the offering of these Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow in incarnative states is the possibility of aiding other-selves by the lightening of the planetary-consciousness distortions and the probability of offering catalyst to other-selves which will increase the harvest.

There are two other reasons for choosing this service which have to do with the self.

The wanderer, if it remembers and dedicates itself to service, will polarise much more rapidly than is possible in the far more etiolated realms of higher-density catalyst.*

The final reason is within the mind/body/spirit totality or the social memory complex totality which may judge that an entity, or members of a societal entity, can make use of third-density catalyst to recapitulate a learning/teaching which is adjudged to be less than perfectly balanced. This especially applies to those entering into and proceeding through sixth density wherein the balance between compassion and wisdom is perfected.

59.13 Questioner: Then the first spiral has a different factor of cohesion, you might say, than the second. What is the difference between this first and second spiral?

Ra: I am Ra. As the light is funnelled into what you term the zero position, it reaches the point of turning. This acts as a compression of the light, multiplying tremendously its coherence and organisation.

44.2 Questioner: Could you please terminate this contact as soon as necessary since we are not aware of the vitality of the instrument at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. In your way of speaking our hands are, to a certain extent, tied. This instrument has called upon inner reserves which are dearly bought. Therefore, we have the honour/duty of using this energy to the best of our ability. When it becomes low we shall most certainly, as always, express the need for ending the working. The only way of avoiding this sharing of service at whatever cost is to refrain from the working. It is a dilemma.

78.13 Questioner: Then we have, at the beginning of this galactic evolution, an archetypical mind that is the product of the previous octave which this galaxy then uses and acts upon under the First Distortion of Free Will to evolve the total experience of this galaxy. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.

54.17 Questioner: I would like then to trace the evolution of catalyst upon the mind/body/spirit complexes and how it comes into use and is fully used to create this tuning. I assume that the sub-Logos that formed our tiny part of the creation, using the intelligence of the Logos of which it is a part, provides, shall I say, the base catalyst that will act upon mind/body complexes and mind/body/spirit complexes before they reach the state of development where they can begin to programme their own catalyst. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. The sub-Logos offers the catalyst at the lower levels of energy, the first triad; these have to do with the survival of the physical complex. The higher centres gain catalyst from the biases of the mind/body/spirit complex itself in response to all random and directed experiences.

Thus the less developed entity will perceive the catalyst about it in terms of survival of the physical complex, with the distortions which are preferred. The more conscious entity, being conscious of the catalytic process, will begin to transform the catalyst offered by the sub-Logos into catalyst which may act upon the higher energy nexi.

Thus the sub-Logos can offer only a basic skeleton, shall we say, of catalyst. The muscles and flesh—having to do with the, shall we say, survival of wisdom, love, compassion, and service—are brought about by the action of the mind/body/spirit complex on basic catalyst so as to create a more complex catalyst which may, in turn, be used to form distortions within these higher energy centres.

The more advanced the entity, the more tenuous the connexion between the sub-Logos and the perceived catalyst until, finally, all catalyst is chosen, generated, and manufactured by the self, for the self.

95.12 Questioner: On one end of the house there are four stalls that have been occupied by horses. Would it be appropriate or necessary to modify in any way the condition of that area even though it is outside the living area of the house?

Ra: I am Ra. There has been no undesirable negative energy stored in this area. Therefore, it is acceptable if physically cleaned.

63.3 Questioner: You are saying that the instrument itself then created the kidney problem at that time?

Ra: I am Ra. The instrument’s desire to leave this density lowered the defences of an already predisposed weak body complex, and an allergic reaction was so intensified as to cause the complications which distorted the body complex towards unviability.

The will of the instrument, when it found that there was, indeed, work to be done in service, was again the guiding factor, or complex of vibratory patterns, which kept the body complex from surrendering to dissolution of the ties which cause the vitality of life.

106.20 Questioner: I am quite concerned about the instrument’s health at this point and must ask if there is anything I failed to consider with respect to the health of the instrument? Anything at all that we could do for her to improve her condition other than that which has already been recommended?

Ra: I am Ra. All is most whole-heartedly oriented for support here. Perceive the group as here: a location in time/space. Within this true home, keep the light touch. Laugh together, and find joy in and with each other. All else is most fully accomplished or planned for accomplishment.

40.14 Questioner: In dietary matters, what would be the foods that one would include, and what would be the foods that one would exclude, in a general way, for the most or the greatest care of one’s bodily complex?

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, we underline and emphasise that this information is not to be understood literally but as a link, or psychological nudge, for the body and the mind and spirit. Thus it is the care and respect for the self that is the true thing of importance. In this light we may iterate the basic information given for this instrument’s diet. The vegetables, the fruits, the grains, and to the extent necessary for the individual metabolism, the animal products. These are those substances showing respect for the self.

In addition, though this has not been mentioned, for this instrument is not in need of purification, those entities in need of purging the self of a poison thought-form or emotion complex do well to take care in following a programme of careful fasting until the destructive thought-form has been purged analogously with the by-products of ridding the physical vehicle of excess material. Again you see the value not to the body complex, but used as a link for the mind and spirit. Thus self reveals self to self.

54.19 Questioner: In the case of service-to-self polarisation, what type of catalyst would entities following this path programme when they reach the level of programming their own catalyst?

Ra: I am Ra. The negatively oriented entity will programme for maximal separation from, and control over, all those things and conscious entities which it perceives as being other than the self.

34.3 Questioner: Is it possible for you to tell me what I experienced, around 1964 I believe it was, when in meditation I became aware of what I would consider to be a different density and different planet, and seemed to experience moving onto that planet? Is it possible for you to tell me what experience that was?

Ra: I am Ra. We see some harm in full disclosure due to infringement. We content ourselves with suggesting that this entity, which is not readily able to subject itself to the process of hypnotic regression instigated by others, nevertheless, has had its opportunities for understanding of its beingness.

103.12 Questioner: I am guessing that the wheels on this chariot indicate the ability of the mind to be able now to move in time/space. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We cannot say that the observation is totally incorrect, for there is as much work in time/space as the individual who evokes this complex of concepts has assimilated.

However, it would be more appropriate to draw the attention to the fact that although the chariot is wheeled, it is not harnessed to that which draws it by a physical or visible harness. What then, O student, links and harnesses the chariot’s power of movement to the chariot?

81.13 Questioner: We have already discussed the Significator, so I will skip to number thirteen. Transformation of Body is called Death, for with death the body is transformed to a higher-vibration body for additional learning. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and may be seen to be additionally correct in that each moment, and certainly each diurnal period of the bodily incarnation, offers death and rebirth to one which is attempting to use the catalyst which is offered it.

77.11 Questioner: Thank you. I would like to go back to the plan of this Logos for Its creation and examine the philosophical basis that is the foundation for what was created in this local creation and the philosophy of the plan for experience. I am assuming that I am correct in stating that the foundation for this, as we have stated many times before, is the First Distortion. After that, what was the plan in a philosophical sense?

Ra: I am Ra. We cannot reply due to a needed portion of your query which has been omitted; that is, do we speak of this particular Logos?

2.4 Questioner: Yes. You mentioned that the pyramids were an outgrowth of this. Could you expand a little bit on— Were you responsible for the building of the pyramid, and what was the purpose of the pyramid?

Ra: I am Ra. The larger pyramids were built by our ability using the forces of One. The stones are alive. It has not been so understood by the mind/body/spirit [complex] distortions of your culture. The purposes of the pyramids were two:

Firstly, to have a properly oriented place of initiation for those who wished to become purified or initiated channels for the Law of One.

Two, we wished then to carefully guide the initiates in developing a healing of the people whom they sought to aid and the planet itself. Pyramid after pyramid, charged by the crystal and initiate, were designed to balance the incoming energy of the One Creation with the many and multiple distortions of the planetary mind/body/spirit. In this effort we were able to continue work that brothers within the Confederation had effected through building of other crystal-bearing structures and thus complete a ring, if you will, of these about the earth’s, as this instrument would have us vibrate it, surface.

This instrument begins to lose energy. We ask for one more query or subject, and then we shall take our leave for this time/space.

16.3 Questioner: Could these windows that occur let the Orion group come through once in a while? Does this have anything to do with this free-will distortion?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

75.33 Questioner: You mentioned in an earlier session that the hair was an antenna. Could you expand on that statement as to how that works?

Ra: I am Ra. It is difficult to so do due to the metaphysical nature of this antenna-effect. Your physics are concerned with measurements in your physical complex of experience. The metaphysical nature of the contact of those in time/space is such that the hair, as it has significant length, becomes as a type of electrical battery which stays charged and tuned and is then able to aid contact, even when there are small anomalies in the contact.

44.9 Questioner: In that case, since the energy is already lost, we might as well continue with this session, and we should very carefully monitor the instrument and be the sole judge of when the sessions should occur. Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is profoundly correct. This instrument’s determination to continue contact during this period has already extended the low energy period.

19.15 Questioner: Then the newest third-density beings who’ve just made the transition from second are still strongly biassed towards self-service. There must be many other mechanisms to create an awareness of the possibility of service to others.

I am wondering, first—two things. I’m wondering about the mechanism, and I am wondering when the split takes place, where the entity is able to continue on the road towards service to self that will eventually take him to fourth or fifth density.

I would assume that an entity can continue . . . can start, say, in second density with service totally to self and continue right on through and just stay on what we would call the path of service to self and never ever be pulled over. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The second-density concept of serving self includes the serving of those associated with tribe or pack. This is not seen in second density as separation of self and other-self. All is seen as self since in some forms of second-density entities, if the tribe or pack becomes weakened, so does the entity within the tribe or pack.

The new or initial third-density entity has this innocent, shall we say, bias or distortion towards viewing those in the family, the society, as you would call, perhaps, country, as self. Thus, though a distortion not helpful for progress in third density, it is without polarity.

The break becomes apparent when the entity perceives other-selves as other-selves and consciously determines to manipulate other-selves for the benefit of the self. This is the beginning of the road of which you speak.

79.4 Questioner: In that case, she would like to know the function of the energy transfer during the session.

Ra: I am Ra. The function of this energy transfer is a most helpful one in that it serves to strengthen the shuttle through which the instreaming contact is received.

The contact itself will monitor the condition of the instrument and cease communication when the distortions of the instrument begin to fluctuate towards the distortions of weakness or pain. However, while the contact is ongoing, the strength of the channel through which this contact flows may be aided by the energy transfer of which you spoke.

6.19 Questioner: Is it possible to estimate what percentage of the present population will inhabit the fourth-density planet?

Ra: The harvesting is not yet, thus estimation is meaningless.

50.2 Questioner: In the last session you made the statement that experiences are attracted to the entity through the south pole. Could you expand on that and give us a definition of what you mean?

Ra: I am Ra. It takes some consideration to accomplish the proper perspective for grasping the sense of the above information. The south, or negative, pole is one which attracts. It pulls unto itself those things magnetised to it. So with the mind/body/spirit complex the in-flow of experience is of the south pole influx. You may consider this a simplistic statement.

The only specific part of this correctness is that the red-ray, or foundation energy centre, being the lowest, or root, energy centre of the physical vehicle, will have the first opportunity to react to any experience. In this way only you may see a physical locus of the south pole being identified with the root energy centre. In every facet of mind and body the root, or foundation, will be given the opportunity to function first.

What is this opportunity but survival? This is the root possibility of response and may be found to be characteristic of the basic functions of both mind and body. You will find this instinct the strongest, and once this is balanced much is open to the seeker. The south pole then ceases blocking the experiential data, and higher energy centres of mind and body become availed of the opportunity to use the experience drawn to it.

89.39 Questioner: I just can’t understand why they would think that a planet that was doing as well as Ra was doing, as far as I can tell, would need wanderers in order to help with a harvest. Was this at an early point in Ra’s third density?

Ra: I am Ra. It was in the second cycle of 25,000 years. We had a harvest of six out of thirty, to speak roughly, millions of mind/body/spirit complexes, less than 20%. Wanderers are always drawn to whatever percentage has not yet polarised and come when there is a call. There was a call from those which were not positively polarised as such but which sought to be positively polarised and sought wisdom, feeling the compassion of other-selves upon Venus as complacent or pitying towards other-selves.

43.31 Questioner: I was really trying to get at whether it would be of great importance to construct a better place for our meditations. We have distractions here of the types which I mentioned, and I know that it is our total free will as to whether we construct this or not, but I was just trying to get at the principles. For instance, the Faraday cage would be quite a big construction, and I was wondering if it would be of any real value?

Ra: I am Ra. Without infringing upon free will we feel it possible to state that the Faraday cage and the isolation tank are gadgets.

The surrounding of self in a sylvan atmosphere, apart from distractions, in a place of working used for no other purpose, in which you and your associates agree to lay aside all goals but that of the meditative seeking of the Infinite Creator is, shall we say, not gadgetry but the making use of the creation of the Father in second-density love and in the love and support of other-selves.

Are there any brief queries before this working is at an end?

90.21 Questioner: Then what you are saying is that once the path is recognised, either the positive or the negative polarised entity can find hints along his path as to the efficiency of that path. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. That which you say is correct upon its own merits but is not a repetition of our statement. Our suggestion was that within the experiential nexus of each entity, within its second-density environment and within the roots of mind, there were placed biases indicating to the watchful eye the more efficient of the two paths. Let us say, for want of a more precise adjective, that this Logos has a bias towards kindness.

74.3 Questioner: Could you please describe the trance state as I am somewhat confused with respect to how, when in trance, pain can affect the instrument since I was of the opinion that there would be no feeling of pain of the bodily complex in the trance state?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. The instrument has no awareness of this or other sensations. However, we of Ra use the yellow-ray activated physical complex as a channel through which to speak. As the mind/body/spirit complex of the instrument leaves this physical shell in our keeping it is finely adjusted to our contact.

However, the distortion which you call pain, when sufficiently severe, mitigates against proper contact, and—when the increased distortion is violent—can cause the tuning of the channel to waver. This tuning must then be corrected which we may do as the instrument offers us this opportunity freely.

78.7 Questioner: Thank you. In utilising the energetic displacements of thought-forms energising the instrument during contact most efficiently, what specifically could we do?

Ra: I am Ra. Each of the support group has an excess of love and light to offer the instrument during the working. Already each sends to the instrument love, light, and thoughts of strength of the physical, mental, and spiritual configurations. These sendings are forms. You may refine these sendings until the fullest manifestations of love and light are sent into the energy web of this entity which functions as instrument. Your exact sending is, in order to be most potent, the creature of your own making.

64.16 Questioner: Let us assume that a bodily distortion occurs within a particular entity who then has a choice of seeking allopathic aid or experiencing the catalyst of the distortion and not seeking correction of the distortion. Can you comment on the two possibilities for this entity and his analysis of each path?

Ra: I am Ra. If the entity is polarised towards service to others, analysis properly proceeds along the lines of consideration of which path offers the most opportunity for service to others.

For the negatively polarised entity the antithesis is the case.

For the unpolarized entity the considerations are random and, most likely, in the direction of the distortion towards comfort.

76.21 Questioner: What I am trying to understand is the difference between the plan of the Logos for these second-density entities and the generation of what I would guess to be a more-or-less runaway array of feedback to create various physical problems that act as catalyst in our present third-density condition. Could you give me an indication of that; of whether my thinking is anywhere near right on that?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument’s physical body complex is becoming more distorted towards pain. We shall, therefore, speak to this subject as our last full query of this working.

Your query contains some internal confusion which causes the answer to be, perhaps, more general than desired. We invite refinements of the query.

The Logos planned for entities of mind/body/spirit complex to gain experience until the amount of experience was sufficient for an incarnation. This varied only slightly from second-density entities whose mind/body complexes existed for the purpose of experiencing growth and seeking consciousness.

As the third density upon your planet proceeded, as has been discussed, the need for the physical body complex to cease became more rapidly approached due to intensified, and more rapidly gained, catalyst. This catalyst was not being properly assimilated. Therefore, the, shall we say, lifetimes needed to be shorter that learning might continue to occur with the proper rhythm and increment. Thus more and more opportunities have been offered, as your density has progressed, for disease.

May we ask if there are further brief queries before we close?

10.12 Questioner: Then although many entities are not aware of this, what they really desire is to accelerate their growth, and it is their job to discover this while incarnate. Is it correct that they can accelerate their growth much more while incarnate in third density than in between incarnations of this density?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. We shall attempt to speak upon this concept.

The Law of One has, as one of its primal distortions, the Free Will distortion. Thus each entity is free to accept, reject, or ignore the mind/body/spirit complexes about it and ignore the creation itself. There are many among your social memory complex-distortion who, at this time/space, engage daily, as you would put it, in the working upon the Law of One in one of its primal distortions; that is, the Ways of Love.

However, if this same entity—being biassed from the depths of its mind/body/spirit complex towards love/light—were then to accept responsibility for each moment of the time/space accumulation of present moments available to it, such an entity can empower its progress in much the same way as we described the empowering of the call of your social complex-distortion to the Confederation.*

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2024 Tobey Wheelock.

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