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Questioner: You mentioned the possibility of surgery. What would be the surgery to be done, specifically?

Ra: I am Ra. The body cannot long bear the extreme acidity which is the environment of such spasms and will develop the holes or ulcerations which then do appear upon the allopathic testings and suggest to the chirurgeon that which is to be excised.

Questioner: In that case, we’d better ask you only one question unless you deem it all right to ask any more questions than that. But the one question that is bothering us, which I got in meditation, may be an inappropriate question, but I feel it my duty to ask it because it is central to the instrument’s mental condition and ours.

It has to do with the two cats which we were going to take to have worked upon today for teeth cleaning and the small growth removed from Gandalf’s leg. I got the impression that there might be an inroad there for the Orion group, and I was primarily concerned about anything that we could do for protection for these two cats. I may be out of line in asking this, but I feel it my duty to ask it. Would you please give me information, all the information you can on that subject?

Ra: I am Ra. The entity, mind/body/spirit complex, Gandalf, being harvestable third density, is open to the same type of psychic attack to which you yourselves are vulnerable. Therefore, through the mechanism of images and dreams, it is potentially possible for negative concepts to be offered to this mind/body/spirit complex, thus having possible deleterious results. The entity, Fairchild, though harvestable through investment, does not have the vulnerability to attack in as great an amount due to a lack of the mind complex activity in the distortion of conscious devotion.

For protection of these entities we might indicate two possibilities. Firstly, the meditation putting on the armour of light. Secondly, the repetition of short ritual sentences known to this instrument from the establishment which distorts spiritual oneness for this instrument. This instrument’s knowledge will suffice. This will aid due to the alerting of many discarnate entities also aware of these ritual sentences. The meditation is appropriate at the time of the activity on behalf of these entities. The ritual may be repeated with efficacy from this time until the safe return at convenient intervals.

Questioner: Am I correct, then, in assuming that discipline of the personality, knowledge of self, and control, shall I say, in strengthening of the will would be what any fifth-density entity would see as those things of importance?

Ra: I am Ra. In actuality these things are of importance in third through early seventh densities. The only correction in nuance that we would make is your use of the word, control. It is paramount that it be understood that it is not desirable or helpful to the growth of the understanding, may we say, of an entity by itself to control thought processes or impulses except where they may result in actions not consonant with the Law of One.

Control may seem to be a shortcut to discipline, peace, and illumination. However, this very control potentiates and necessitates the further incarnative experience in order to balance this control, or repression, of that self which is perfect.

Instead, we appreciate and recommend the use of your second verb in regard to the use of the will. Acceptance of self, forgiveness of self, and the direction of the will: this is the path towards the disciplined personality. Your faculty of will is that which is powerful within you as co-Creator. You cannot ascribe to this faculty too much importance. Thus it must be carefully used and directed in service to others for those upon the positively oriented path.

There is great danger in the use of the will as the personality becomes stronger, for it may be used even subconsciously in ways reducing the polarity of the entity.

Questioner: Is there something that the instrument could do or we could do for the instrument to eliminate the problem she has as she continually experiences the cold feeling of these attacks?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

Questioner: Thank you. In the material earlier you mentioned “magnetic attraction.” Could you define and expand upon that term?

Ra: I am Ra. We used the term to indicate that in your bisexual natures there is that which is of polarity. This polarity may be seen to be variable according to the, shall we say, male/female polarisation of each entity, be each entity biologically male or female. Thus you may see the magnetism when two entities with the appropriate balance, male/female versus female/male polarity, meeting and thus feeling the attraction which polarised forces will exert, one upon the other.

This is the strength of the bisexual mechanism. It does not take an act of will to decide to feel attraction for one who is oppositely polarised sexually. It will occur in an inevitable sense, giving the free flow of energy a proper, shall we say, avenue. This avenue may be blocked by some distortion towards a belief/condition which states to the entity that this attraction is not desired. However, the basic mechanism functions as simply as would, shall we say, the magnet and the iron.

Questioner: I have analysed the hawk that I saw immediately after returning from the house in Atlanta as a message (most probably from my higher self) indicating that the plan of moving was not the best, was not too appropriate since, without the hawk, everything would have continued as planned with no added catalyst. This single catalyst of a remarkable nature then, logically, from my point of view, could only mean that there was a message as to the inappropriateness of the plan for some reason yet to be discovered. Would Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. We tread as close as possible to the Law of Confusion in suggesting that not all wingèd creatures have an archetypical meaning. We might suggest that the noticing of shared subjectively notable phenomena is common when, in another incarnational experience, work significant to the service of increased polarity has been shared.

These subjectively interesting shared phenomena then act as a means of communication, the nature of which cannot be discussed by those outside of the shared incarnational experience without the interference with the free will of each entity involved in the complex of subjectively meaningful events.

Questioner: The question was brought up recently having to do with possible records left near, in, or under the Great Pyramid at Giza. I have no idea whether this would be of benefit. I will just ask if there is any benefit in investigating in this area?

Ra: I am Ra. We apologise for seeming to be so shy of information. However, any words upon this particular subject create the possibility of infringement upon free will.

Questioner: Not completely.

Ra: I am Ra. We search your mind to find the vibration “Alrac.” It is this vibration from you which contains the largest amount of what you would call love. Others would call this entity “Carla.”

The charging of the water is done by those present placing their hands over the glass and visualising the power of love entering the water. This will charge that very effective medium with those vibrations.

This instrument is, at this time, quite fatigued. However, her heart is such that she continues to remain open to us and useful as a channel. This is why we have spent the time/space explaining how the distortions of what you may call fatigue may be ameliorated.

Under no circumstances should this instrument be touched until she has responded to her name. I do not wish to take this instrument beyond her capacity for physical energy. It grows low. Therefore, I must leave this instrument.

I leave you in the glory and peace of unity. Go forth in peace, rejoicing in the power of the One Creator. I am Ra.

Questioner: Then the yellow-ray body, from the very beginning, was designed as what Ra has called an athanor for the mind: a device, you might say, to accelerate the evolution of the mind. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. It is perhaps more accurate to note that the yellow-ray, physical vehicle is a necessity without which the mind/body/spirit complex cannot pursue evolution at any pace.

Questioner: Well, the Confederation established its quarantine, I understand, seventy-five thousand years ago. Has the Orion group been attempting to contact any part of this planet prior to that? Or did they . . . how long have they been attempting to contact this planet?

Ra: I am Ra. Approximately four five thousand [45,000] years ago an attempt was made. It was not successful. Approximately two six oh oh, two thousand six hundred [2,600], years ago the group sent an entity of social memory complex to this planetary sphere. This effort met with some success but was in the space/time continuum lessened in impact. Since approximately two three oh oh, two thousand three hundred [2,300], years ago, in your measurement, this group has constantly been working upon the harvest just as the Confederation.*

Questioner: In that case, I will ask how does the pyramid shape work?

Ra: I am Ra. We are assuming that you wish to know the principle of the shapes, angles, and intersections of the pyramid at what you call Giza.

In reality, the pyramid shape does no work. It does not work. It is an arrangement for the centralization, as well as the diffraction, of the spiralling upward light energy as it is being used by the mind/body/spirit complex.

The spiralling nature of light is such that the magnetic fields of an individual are affected by spiralling energy. Certain shapes offer an echo chamber, shall we say, or an intensifier for spiralling prana, as some have called this all-present, primal distortion of the One Infinite Creator.

If the intent is to intensify the necessity for the entity’s own will to call forth the inner light in order to match the intensification of the spiralling light energy, the entity will be placed in what you have called the Queen’s Chamber position in this particular shaped object. This is the initiatory place and is the place of resurrection.

The off-set place, representing the spiral as it is in motion, is the appropriate position for one to be healed; as in this position an entity’s vibratory magnetic nexi are interrupted in their normal flux. Thus a possibility/probability vortex ensues: a new beginning, shall we say, is offered for the entity in which the entity may choose a less distorted, weak, or blocked configuration of energy-centre-magnetic distortions.

The function of the healer and crystal may not be over-emphasised, for this power of interruption must needs be controlled, shall we say, with incarnate intelligence; the intelligence being that of one which recognises energy patterns; which, without judging, recognises blockage, weakness, and other distortion; and which is capable of visualising, through the regularity of self and of crystal, the less distorted other-self to be healed.

Other shapes which are arched, groined, vaulted, conical, or as your tepees are also shapes with this type of intensification of spiralling light. Your caves, being rounded, are places of power due to this shaping.

It is to be noted that these shapes are dangerous. We are quite pleased to have the opportunity to enlarge upon the subject of shapes such as the pyramid, for we wish, as part of our honour/duty, to state that there are many wrong uses for these curved shapes; for with improper placement, improper intentions, or lack of the crystallised being functioning as channel for healing, the sensitive entity will be distorted more rather than less in some cases.

It is to be noted that your peoples build, for the most part, the cornered or square habitations, for they do not concentrate power. It is further to be noted that the spiritual seeker has, for many of your time periods of years, sought the rounded, arched, and peaked forms as an expression of the power of the Creator.

Questioner: Is the small crystal that the instrument uses upon her during the session of any benefit or detriment?

Ra: I am Ra. This crystal is beneficial as long as he who has charged it is functioning in a positively oriented manner.

Questioner: In that case I will ask only one more question and that will be having to do with the sword and the sceptre. It would seem that the sword would be the power of the negative adept indicating control over other-selves, and the sceptre would indicate the power of the positive adept with unity in mind, body, and spirit. However, they seem to be in opposite hands than I would have guessed. Would Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. These symbols are astrological in origin. The shapes, therefore, may be released from their stricture.

We may note that there is an overriding spiritual environment and protection for the environment of the mind.

We may further note that the negatively polarised adept will attempt to fashion that covenant for its own use, whereas the positively polarised entity may hold forth that which is exemplified by the astrological sword; that is, light and truth.

Questioner: I’ll study it and possibly have something tomorrow since I don’t want to overtire the instrument. The instrument had a question if you have time for a short question, and I will read it.

The instrument does not desire to do physical healing work. She already does spiritual balancing by hands. Can she read the private healing material without doing physical healing? I am assuming that she means can she read it without creating problems in her life pattern? She does not wish to incur lessening of positive polarity. Can she read this material under those conditions?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall speak shortly due to the fact that we are attempting to conserve this instrument’s vital energies during the three-month period of which we have spoken.

This entity has a[n] experiential history of healing on levels other than the so-called physical. Thus it is acceptable that this material be read. However, the exercise of fire shall never be practised by this instrument, as it is used in the stronger form for the physical healing.

Is there any short query further before we close?

Questioner: From your reading of the instrument’s condition can you approximate how often and the length of workings that we could plan in our future workings?

Ra: I am Ra. This query borders upon infringement. The information given sets up fairly followable guidelines. However, we are aware that not only can each of you not read this instrument’s aura and so see conditions of the physical complex, but also the instrument itself has considerable difficulty penetrating the precise distortion-condition of its physical complex due to its constant dependence upon its will to serve.

Therefore, we believe we are not infringing if we indicate that one working each alternate diurnal period in the matinal hours is most appropriate with the possibility of a shorter working upon the free matinal period if deemed appropriate. This is so not only during this period but in general.

Questioner: I would like to trace the energy patterns and what is actually happening with these patterns and flow of energy in a couple of instances. I will first take the pyramid shape and trace the energy that is focused, somehow, by this shape. I will make a statement and let you correct it.

I think that the pyramid can be in any orientation and provide some focusing of spiralling energy, but the greatest focusing occurs when one side of it is precisely parallel to magnetic north. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is substantially correct, with one addition. If one corner is oriented to the magnetic north, the energy will be enhanced in its focus also.

Questioner: Now, the animal in second density is composed of light as are all things. What I am trying to get at is the relationship between the light that the various bodies of the animal are created of, and the relationship of this to the energy centres which are active, and the ones which are not active, and how this is linked with the Logos. It is a difficult question to ask.

Can you give me some kind of answer on that?

Ra: I am Ra. The answer is to redirect your thought processes from any mechanical view of evolution. The will of the Logos posits the potentials available to the evolving entity. The will of the entity, as it evolves, is the single measure of the rate and fastidiousness of the activation and balancing of the various energy centres.

Questioner: Can you tell me why each mind/body/spirit complex has this unique point of distortion-ridding?

Ra: I am Ra. Each mind/body/spirit complex is an unique portion of the One Creator.

Questioner: Is there, in Ra’s opinion, any present-day value for the reuse of the tarot as an aid in the evolutionary process?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall repeat information.* It is appropriate to study one form of constructed and organised distortion of the archetypical mind in depth in order to arrive at the position of being able to become and to experience archetypes at will. You have three basic choices:

You may choose astrology—the twelve signs, as you call these portions of your planet’s energy web, and what has been called the ten planets.

You may choose the tarot with its twenty-two so-called Major Arcana.

You may choose the study of the so-called Tree of Life with its ten Sephiroth and the twenty-two relationships between the stations.

It is well to investigate each discipline, not as a dilettante, but as one who seeks the touchstone, one who wishes to feel the pull of the magnet. One of these studies will be more attractive to the seeker. Let the seeker then investigate the archetypical mind using, basically, one of these three disciplines.

After a period of study, the discipline mastered sufficiently, the seeker may then complete the more important step: that is, the moving beyond the written in order to express in an unique fashion its understanding, if you may again pardon the noun, of the archetypical mind.

Questioner: Then each entity is on a path that leads to the one destination. This is like many, many roads which travel through many, many places but eventually merge into one large centre. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct but somewhat wanting in depth of description. More applicable would be the thought that each entity contains within it all of the densities and sub-densities of the octave so that in each entity, no matter whither its choices lead it, its great internal blueprint is one with all others. Thusly its experiences will fall into the patterns of the journey back to the original Logos. This is done through free will, but the materials from which choices can be made are one blueprint.

Questioner: The entity looks to the left, indicating that the mind has the tendency to notice more easily the negative catalyst or negative essence of its environment. Would Ra comment on that observation?

Ra: I am Ra. This is substantially correct.

Questioner: Now, the fifteenth archetype, which is the Matrix of the Spirit, has been called the Devil. Can you tell me why that is so?

Ra: I am Ra. We do not wish to be facile in such a central query, but we may note that the nature of the spirit is so infinitely subtle that the fructifying influence of light upon the great darkness of the spirit is very often not as apparent as the darkness itself.

The progress chosen by many adepts becomes a confused path as each adept attempts to use the Catalyst of the Spirit. Few there are which are successful in grasping the light of the sun. By far, the majority of adepts remain groping in the moonlight and, as we have said, this light can deceive as well as uncover hidden mystery.

Therefore, the melody, shall we say, of this Matrix often seems to be of a negative and evil, as you would call it, nature.

It is also to be noted that an adept is one which has freed itself more and more from the constraints of the thoughts, opinions, and bonds of other-selves. Whether this is done for service to others or service to self, it is a necessary part of the awakening of the adept. This freedom is seen by those not free as what you would call evil or black. The magic is recognised; the nature is often not.

Questioner: Is this inconvenience imminent within a few years?

Ra: I am Ra. This inconvenience, or disharmonious vibratory complex, has begun several of your years in the past. It shall continue unabated for a period of approximately three oh, thirty [30], of your years.

Questioner: Then you are saying that if this fifth-density negative entity is successful in its attempts to transfer the mind/body/spirit complex, when that complex is in what we call the trance state, to negatively polarised time/space, then the higher self has no choice but to allow incarnation in negatively polarised space/time? Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The higher self could allow the mind/body/spirit complex to remain in time/space. However, it is unlikely that the higher self would do so indefinitely due to its distortion towards the belief that the function of the mind/body/spirit complex is to experience and learn from other-selves, thus experiencing the Creator. A highly polarised positive mind/body/spirit complex surrounded by negative portions of space/time* will experience only darkness, for, like the magnet, there is no, shall we say, likeness. Thus a barrier is automatically formed.

Questioner: Thank you. A question has been asked which I’ll ask at this time. In processing the catalyst of dreams is there a universal language of the unconscious mind which may be used to interpret the meaning of dreams? Or does each entity have a unique language of its unconscious mind which it may use to interpret the meaning of dreams?

Ra: I am Ra. There is what might be called a partial vocabulary of the dreams due to the common heritage of all mind/body/spirit complexes. Due to each entity’s unique incarnational experiences there is an overlay which grows to be a larger and larger proportion of the dream vocabulary as the entity gains experience.

Questioner: Both.

Ra: At one time/space, in what is your past, there was a population of third-density beings upon a planet which dwelt within your solar system. There are various names by which this planet has been named. The vibratory sound complex most usually used by your peoples is Maldek. These entities, destroying their planetary sphere, thus were forced to find room for themselves upon this third density, which is the only one in your solar system at their time/space present which was hospitable and capable of offering the lessons necessary to decrease their mind/body/spirit distortions with respect to the Law of One.

Questioner: How was the Orion entity able to act through this linkage of the “Hosanna?” Was this simply because of the mental distortion of the instrument at this period of time, because of that suggested by the music? Or was it a more physical, or more metaphysical link from the time of Christ?

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, the latter supposition is false: this entity is not linked with the entity, Jehoshua. Secondly, there is a most unique circumstance. There is an entity which has attracted the attention of an Orion light being. This is extremely rare.

This entity has an intense devotion to the teachings and example of the one it calls Jesus. This entity then vibrates in song a most demanding version, called The Mass in B Minor, by Bach, of this exemplary votive complex of sound vibrations. The entity is consciously identifying with each part of this Mass. Only thusly was the chink made available.

As you can see, it is not an ordinary occurrence and would not have happened had any ingredient been left out: exhaustion, bias in belief complexes, attention from an Orion entity, and the metaphysical nature of that particular set of words.

Questioner: By what means do these particular fourth-density entities get from their origin to our position?

Ra: I am Ra. The mechanism of calling has been previously explored.* When a distortion which may be negatively connotated is effected, this calling occurs.

In addition, the light of which we have spoken, emanating from attempts to be of service to others in a fairly clear and lucid sense, is another type of calling in that it represents that which requires balance by temptation.

Thirdly, there have been certain avenues into the mind/body/spirit complexes of this group which have been made available by your fifth-density friend.

Questioner: Is Ra familiar with the archetypical mind of some other Logos that is not the same as the one we experience?

Ra: I am Ra. There are entities of Ra which have served as far wanderers to those of another Logos. The experience has been one which staggers the intellectual and intuitive capacities, for each Logos sets up an experiment enough at variance from all others that the subtleties of the archetypical mind of another Logos are most murky to the resonating mind, body, and spirit complexes of this Logos.

Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. Continue in harmony, communication, praise, and thanksgiving.

We would note that this instrument’s distortions would be lessened were it to refrain from the speaking to some extent for a diurnal period, or perhaps two, if the difficulty remains. We would also recommend against the activity such as running which would cause rapid respiration.

This after-effect of the greeting is not necessarily long-lasting. However, as this instrument has some blood vessels in the forward regions of the skull—that is, the integument covering the skull—greatly swollen at this time, and since this instrument has the distortion known as the streptococcal infection, it is best to be full of care for a short period in order that the distortions do not catapult the entity into longer-term after-effects.

All is well. We find the alignments satisfactory.

I am Ra. I leave you in the love and light of the Infinite One. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

Questioner: Is the pyramid shape that Jim has constructed in our yard functioning properly? Is it aligned properly and built properly?

Ra: I am Ra. It is built within good tolerances though not perfect. However, its alignment should be as this resting place for maximum efficacy.

Questioner: What was the form of disease, and why did this exist at beginning third density?

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, that which you speak of as disease is a functional portion of the body complex which offers the body complex the opportunity to cease viability. This is a desirable body complex function.

The second portion of the answer has to do with second-density other-selves of a microscopic, as you would call it, size, which have in some forms long-existed, and perform their service by aiding the physical body complex in its function of ceasing viability at the appropriate space/time.

Questioner: Thank you. During my trip to Laramie certain things became apparent to me with respect to disseminating the first book of The Law of One to those who have had experiences with UFOs and other wanderers, and I will have to ask some questions now that I may have to include in Book I to eliminate a misunderstanding that I am perceiving as a possibility in Book I.* Therefore, these questions, although for the most part transient, are aimed at eliminating certain distortions of understanding with respect to the material in Book I. I hope that I am making a correct approach here. You may not be able to answer some, but that’s all right. We’ll just go on to some others then if you can’t answer the ones I ask.

First I will ask if you could tell me the affiliation of the entities that contacted Betty Andreasson.

Ra: I am Ra. This query is marginal. We will make the concession towards information with some loss of polarity due to free will being abridged. We request that questions of this nature be kept to a minimum.

The entities in this and some other vividly remembered cases are those who, feeling the need to plant Confederation imagery in such a way as not to abrogate free will, use the symbols of death, resurrection, love, and peace as a means of creating, upon the thought level, the time/space illusion of a systematic train of events which give the message of love and hope. This type of contact is chosen by careful consideration of Confederation members which are contacting an entity of like-home vibration, if you will. This project then goes before the Council of Saturn and, if approved, is completed. The characteristics of this type of contact include the non-painful nature of thoughts experienced and the message content which speaks not of doom, but of the new dawning age.

Questioner: Could you elaborate please on the nature and quality of the Matrix and the Potentiator?

Ra: I am Ra. In the mind complex the Matrix may be described as consciousness. It has been called the Magician. It is to be noted that, of itself, consciousness is unmoved. The Potentiator of consciousness is the unconscious. This encompasses a vast realm of potential in the mind.

In the body the Matrix may be seen as Balanced Working or Even Functioning. Note that here the Matrix is always active with no means of being inactive. The Potentiator of the body complex, then, may be called Wisdom, for it is only through judgement that the unceasing activities and proclivities of the body complex may be experienced in useful modes.

The Matrix of the Spirit is what you may call the Night of the Soul, or Primaeval Darkness. Again we have that which is not capable of movement or work. The potential power of this extremely receptive Matrix is such that the Potentiator may be seen as Lightning. In your archetypical system called the tarot this has been refined into the concept complex of the Lightning Struck Tower. However, the original Potentiator was light in its sudden and fiery form; that is, the lightning itself.

Questioner: I have a question here from Jim. It states: “I believe that one of my primary pre-incarnative choices was to open my green-ray energy centre for healing purposes. As I see my compassion developing, is it more appropriate to balance this compassion with wisdom in my healing exercises or to allow the compassion to develop as much as possible without being balanced?”

Ra: I am Ra. This query borders upon that type of question to which answers are unavailable due to the free-will prohibitions upon information from teach/learners.

To the student of the balancing process we may suggest that the most stringent honesty be applied. As compassion is perceived it is suggested that, in balancing, this perception be analysed. It may take many, many essays into compassion before true universal love is the product of the attempted opening and crystallisation of this all-important springboard energy centre.

Thus the student may discover many other components to what may seem to be all-embracing love. Each of these components may be balanced and accepted as part of the self, and as transitional material, as the entity’s seat of learn/teaching moves ever more fairly into the green ray.

When it is perceived that universal love has been achieved, the next balancing may or may not be wisdom. If the adept is balancing manifestations it is indeed appropriate to balance universal love and wisdom. If the balancing is of mind or spirit there are many subtleties to which the adept may give careful consideration. Love and wisdom, like love and light, are not black and white, shall we say, but faces of the same coin, if you will. Therefore, it is not in all cases that balancing consists of a movement from compassion to wisdom.

We may suggest at all times the constant remembrance of the density from which each adept desires to move. This density learns the lessons of love. In the case of wanderers there are half-forgotten overlays of other lessons and other densities.

We shall leave these considerations with the questioner and invite observations which we shall then be most happy to respond to in what may seem to be a more effectual manner.

[There is a 30-second pause here.]

Questioner: Thank you very much. I apologise for being so stupid in making my questions, but this has cleared up the point nicely for me. Thank you.

Then in the second 25,000-year major cycle was there any great civilisation that developed?

Ra: I am Ra. In the sense of greatness of technology there were no great societies during this cycle. There was some advancement among those of Deneb who had chosen to incarnate as a body in what you would call China.

There were appropriately positive steps in activating the green-ray energy complex in many portions of your planetary sphere including the Americas, the continent which you call Africa, the island which you call Australia, and that which you know as India, as well as various scattered peoples.

None of these became what you would name great as the greatness of Lemuria or Atlantis is known to you due to the formation of strong social complexes and in the case of Atlantis, very great technological understandings.

However, in the South American area of your planetary sphere, as you know it, there grew to be a great vibratory distortion towards love. These entities were harvestable at the end of the second major cycle without ever having formed strong social or technological complexes.

This will be the final question in completion of this session. Is there a query we may answer quickly before we close, as this instrument is somewhat depleted?

Questioner: Then the continued application of Love—I will assume this is directed by a sub-Logos or a sub-sub-Logos—this continued application of Love creates rotations of these vibrations which are in discrete units of angular velocity. This then creates chemical elements in our physical illusion and, I will assume, the elements in the other, or what we would call nonphysical, or other densities in the illusion. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The Logos creates all densities. Your question was unclear. However, we shall state the Logos does create both the space/time densities and the accompanying time/space densities.

Questioner: The eleventh archetype, the Experience of the Body, represents the catalyst that has been processed by the mind/body/spirit complex and is called the Enchantress because it produces further seed for growth. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: Does the shape of the pyramid itself . . . is that a key function in the initiation process?

Ra: This is a large question. We feel that we shall begin and ask you to re-evaluate and ask further at a later session this somewhat, shall we say, informative point.

To begin, there are two main functions of the pyramid in relation to the initiatory procedures. One has to do with the body. Before the body can be initiated, the mind must be initiated. This is the point at which most adepts of your present cycle find their mind/body/spirit complexes distorted from.

When the character and personality that is the true identity of the mind has been discovered, the body then must be known in each and every way. Thus, the various functions of the body need understanding and control with detachment. The first use of the pyramid, then, is the going down into the pyramid for purposes of deprivation of sensory input so that the body may, in a sense, be dead and another life begin.

We advise, at this time, any necessary questions and a fairly rapid ending of this session. Have you any query at this time/space?

Questioner: I was just guessing that since the mind/body/spirit complex is willed from the third-density body for a particular duty of service to others, that this then would create a situation primarily with respect to the First Distortion where the opportunity for balancing this service by the negative service would be available and, therefore, shall I say, magically possible for the intrusion of the other polarisation. Is this thinking at all correct?

Ra: I am Ra. No. The free will of the instrument is, indeed, a necessary part of the opportunity afforded the Orion group. However, this free will and the First Distortion applies only to the instrument. The entire hope of the Orion group is to infringe upon free will without losing polarity. Thus this group, if represented by a wise entity, attempts to be clever.

Questioner: We have been speaking almost precisely of the portion of the Esmerelda Sweetwater book which we wrote having to do with Trostrick’s misplacement of the space girl’s mind/body/spirit complex. What is the significance of that work that we did with respect to our lives? It has been confusing to me for some time how that meshes in. Can you tell me that?

Ra: I am Ra. We scan each and find we may speak.

Questioner: [After making the correction.] Is this satisfactory?

Ra: Please check [by] your eye to make fine correction. We will explain the process by which this becomes a significant distortion balancer.

The incense acts as energizer to the physical body of this instrument, signifying its humanity. This is, therefore, a necessity that the wafted smoke is perceived from the same relative angle as the instrument perceives the opened Bible, balanced by the lighted candle signify[ing] love/light and light/love and, therefore, give the mental and emotional, shall we call it, distortion complex of this instrument the sight of paradise and peace which it seeks. Thus energised from the lower to the higher, the instrument becomes balanced and does not grow fatigued.

We appreciate your concern, for this will enable our teach/learning to proceed more easily.

Questioner: Now, is there— The two areas then that the instrument can look to for curing this problem . . . I understand that the yellow-ray blockage problem has completely repaired, shall I say. If this is not correct, could you make suggestions on that please?

Ra: I am Ra. Each entity must, in order to completely unblock yellow ray, love all which are in relationship to it, with hope only of the other-selves’ joy, peace, and comfort.

Questioner: Thank you. Card Number Six I see as the Transformation of the Mind; the male’s crossed arms representing transformation, transformation being possible either toward the left- or the right-hand path; the path being beckoned or led by the female, the Potentiator.

The one on the right having the serpent of wisdom at the brow and being fully clothed; the one on the left having less clothing and indicating that the Matrix or Potentiator would be more concerned and attracted to the physical illusion as the left-hand path is chosen, and more concerned and attracted to the mental as the right-hand path is chosen.

The creature above points an arrow at the left-hand path indicating that if this path is chosen, the chips, shall we say, will fall where they may—the path being unprotected as far as the random activity of catalyst. And the intellectual abilities of the chooser of that path would be the main guardian rather than a designed or built-in protection by the Logos for the right-hand path.

The entity firing the arrow, being what seems to be a second density entity, would indicate that this catalyst could be produced by a lesser-evolved source, you might say.

Would Ra comment on these observations of Card Six, the Transformation of the Mind?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall speak upon several aspects seriatim.* Firstly, let us examine the crossed arms of the male who is to be transformed. What, O student, do you make of the crossing? What see you in this tangle? There is a creative point to be found in this element which was not discussed overmuch by the questioner.

Let us now observe the evaluation of the two females. The observation that to the left-hand path moves the roughly physical and to the right-hand path the mental has a shallow correctness. There are deeper observations to be made concerning the relationship of the great sea of the unconscious mind to the conscious mind which may fruitfully be pursued. Remember, O student, that these images are not literal. They haunt rather than explicate.

Many use the trunk and roots of mind as if that portion of mind were a badly used, prostituted entity. Then this entity gains from this great storehouse that which is rough, prostituted, and without great virtue. Those who turn to the deep mind seeing it in the guise of the maiden go forth to court it. The courtship has nothing of plunder in its semblance and may be protracted, yet the treasure gained by such careful courtship is great. The right-hand and left-hand transformations of the mind may be seen to differ by the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own resources as well as the resources of other-selves.

We now speak of that genie, or elemental, or mythic figure, culturally determined, which sends the arrow to the left-hand transformation. This arrow is not the arrow which kills but, rather, that which, in its own way, protects. Those who choose separation, that being the quality most indicative of the left-hand path, are protected from other-selves by a strength and sharpness equivalent to the degree of transformation which the mind has experienced in the negative sense.

Those upon the right-hand path have no such protection against other-selves, for upon that path the doughty seeker shall find many mirrors for reflection in each other-self it encounters.

Questioner: What is the difference in terms of energy centre activation between a person who represses emotionally charged responses to emotionally charged situations and the person who is balanced and, therefore, truly unswayed by emotionally charged situations?

Ra: I am Ra. This query contains an incorrect assumption. To the truly balanced entity no situation would be emotionally charged. With this understood, we may say the following:

The repression of emotions depolarizes the entity insofar as it then chooses not to use the catalytic action of the space/time present in a spontaneous manner, thus dimming the energy centres. There is, however, some polarisation towards positive if the cause of this repression is consideration for other-selves.

The entity which has worked long enough with the catalyst to be able to feel the catalyst but not find it necessary to express reactions is not yet balanced but suffers no depolarization due to the transparency of its experiential continuum. Thus the gradual increase in the ability to observe one’s reactions and to know the self will bring the self ever closer to a true balance. Patience is requested and suggested, for the catalyst is intense upon your plane, and its use must be appreciated over a period of consistent learn/teaching.

Questioner: Is there anything with respect to the present spiritual, or metaphysical condition, or physical condition of this [house address] that we’re contemplating that Ra could tell us about that would be deleterious to the instrument’s health?

Ra: I am Ra. We may speak to this subject only to note that there are mechanical electrical devices which control humidity. The basement level is one location, the nature of which is much like that which you have experienced at the basement level of your previous domicile. Less humid conditions would remove the opportunity for the growth of those spores to which the instrument has sensitivity. The upper portions of the domicile are, almost in every case, at acceptable levels of humidity.

Questioner: I was wondering if this would be an appropriate time to end since the tape recorder has clicked some time ago?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a matter for your discrimination. The instrument remains open to our use although, as we have noted, the physical distortions begin to mount.

Questioner: I will save that for next session, and I will ask if there is anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. All is well. The appurtenances are most conscientiously placed. We thank this diligent group. There is much greater distortion towards harmony at this asking, and we join you in praise and thanksgiving. This is always the greatest boon to improvement of the contact, for it is the harmony of the group which supports this contact.

I am Ra. I leave you in the love and the light of the One. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

Questioner: Whose reactor?

Ra: I am Ra. This was what you may call a “drone” sent by Confederation which malfunctioned. It was moved to an area where its destruction would not cause infringement upon the will of mind/body/spirit complexes. It was then detonated.

Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. The physical complex energy deficit is considerable at this space/time. There has been also a significant loss of the vital energies. However, these energies are still well within the distortion you may call strength.

Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. The physical energy deficit is significantly greater than the last asking. There has been substantive lessening also of the vital energies, although the perquisite degree of energy for mental/emotional distortions of normalcy are yet available.

Questioner: How many of these craft does the United States have?

Ra: I am Ra. The United States has five hundred seven three, five seven three [573] at this time. They are in the process of adding to this number.

Questioner: Would these sounds, then, be of a musical nature in that there would be a musical arrangement of many different sound vibrations, or would this apply to just one single note? Or which would it apply more to?

Ra: I am Ra. This query is not easily answered. In some cases only the intoned vowel has effect. In other cases, most notably Sanskrit combinations, the selection of harmonic intervals is also of resonant nature.

Questioner: In the last session you said, “The self, if conscious to a great enough extent of the workings of the catalyst of fasting, and the techniques of programming, may, through concentration of the will and the faculty of faith alone, cause reprogramming without the analogy of fasting, diet, or other analogous body complex disciplines.”

What are the techniques of programming which the higher self uses to ensure that the desired lessons are learned or attempted by the third-density self in our third-density incarnational laboratory?

Ra: I am Ra. There is but one technique for this growing, or nurturing, of will and faith, and that is the focusing of the attention. The attention span of those you call children is considered short. The spiritual attention span of most of your peoples is that of the child. Thus it is a matter of wishing to become able to collect one’s attention and hold it upon the desired programming.

This, when continued, strengthens the will. The entire activity can only occur when there exists faith that an outcome of this discipline is possible.

Questioner: Just . . . it’s unimportant, but just roughly how many other of these galaxies has Ra, shall we say, travelled to?

Ra: I am Ra. We have opened our hearts in radiation of love to the entire creation. Approximately 90 percent of the creation is, at some level, aware of the sending and able to reply. All of the infinite Logoi are one in the consciousness of love. This is the type of contact which we enjoy rather than travel.

Questioner: The instrument would like to know if two short exercise periods a day would be better for her than one long one?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The proper configuration of the physical complex exercising during the three-month period wherein the instrument is vulnerable to physical-complex-distortion intensifications needs the strengthening of the physical complex. This may appropriately be seen to be one major period of the exercising followed late in your diurnal cycle, before the evening meditation, by an exercise period approximately one-half the length of the first. This will be seen to be wearing upon the instrument. However, it will have the effect of strengthening the physical complex and lessening the vulnerability which might be taken advantage of.

Questioner: The instrument asks if it will be all right to keep the small gold cross on while she is in one of these sessions, or will it cause some distortion that is not advisable?

Ra: I am Ra. We scan the mental distortions of the instrument. Although the presence of the metallic substance is in general not recommended, in this instance, as we find those distortions weakening the mental/emotional complex of the instrument due to its empathic distortions, the figure is specifically recommended for use by this instrument. We would request that should any strengthening be done to the chain (as we find intended by this instrument) the strengthening links which symbolise eternity to this instrument be as high in purity, or higher, than the remainder of the device.

In this nexus that which this device represents to this instrument is a much-needed strengthener of the mental/emotional patterns which have been much disrupted from the usual configuration of distortions.

Questioner: I may be re-covering a little ground already covered in previous questioning today, but I am trying to get a clearer picture of some things that I don’t understand and possibly develop a plan of my own for activity in the future.

I have the impression that in the near future the seeking will increase by many who now are incarnate in the physical on this planet. Their seeking will increase because they will become more aware of the creation as it is, opposed, I might say, to the creation of man. Their orientation and their thinking will, by catalyst of a unique nature, be reoriented to thinking of the more basic concepts, shall I say. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The generalities of expression can never be completely correct. However, we may note that when faced with a hole in the curtain, an entity’s eyes may well peer for the first time through the window beyond. This tendency is probable given the possibility/probability vortices active within your space/time and time/space continua at this nexus.

Questioner: I didn’t mean to cover previously covered material. I meant to add any of this to specifically focus on at this time, the best possible thing that we or the instrument could do to improve these energies, the salient activity.

Ra: I am Ra. Before responding we ask your vigilance during pain flares as the channel is acceptable but is being distorted periodically by the severe physical distortions of the yellow-ray, chemical body of the instrument.

Those salient items for the support group are praise and thanksgiving in harmony. These the group has accomplished with such a degree of acceptability that we cavil not at the harmony of the group.*

As to the instrument, the journey from worth-in-action to worth-in-esse is arduous.** The entity has denied itself in order to be free from that which it calls addiction.*** This sort of martyrdom—and here we speak of the small but symbolically great sacrifice of the clothing—causes the entity to frame a selfhood in poorness which feeds unworthiness, unless the poverty is seen to be true richness.

In other words, good works for the wrong reasons cause confusion and distortion. We encourage the instrument to value itself and to see that its true requirements are valued by the self. We suggest contemplation of true richness of being.

Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. The instrument’s distortion towards physical energy complex deficit has slightly increased since the last asking. The vital energy levels have had significant calls upon them and are somewhat less than the last asking also.

Questioner: Then, as I understand it, the best thing for us to do is advise the instrument to drink much more liquid. And I would imagine the spring water would be best. And we will, of course, move. We could move her out of here immediately, tomorrow, say, if necessary. Would this be considerably better than waiting two to three weeks for the allergies and everything else?

Ra: I am Ra. Such decisions are a matter for free-will choice. Be aware of the strength of the group harmony.

Questioner: Then how could we solve this paradox?

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that you have no ability not to serve the Creator since all is the Creator. In your individual growth patterns appear the basic third-density choice. Further, there are overlaid memories of the positive polarizations of your home density. Thus your particular orientation is strongly polarised towards service to others and has attained wisdom as well as compassion.

You do not have merely two opposite requests for service. You will find an infinite array of contradictory requests for information, or lack of information from this source if you listen carefully to those whose voices you may hear. This is all one voice to which you resonate upon a certain frequency. This frequency determines your choice of service to the One Creator. As it happens this group’s vibratory patterns and those of Ra are compatible and enable us to speak through this instrument with your support. This is a function of free will.

A portion, seemingly, of the Creator rejoices at your choice to question us regarding the evolution of spirit. A seemingly separate portion would wish for multitudinous answers to a great range of queries of a specific nature. Another seemingly separate group of your peoples would wish this correspondence through this instrument to cease, feeling it to be of a negative nature. Upon the many other planes of existence there are those whose every fibre rejoices at your service and those, such as the entity of whom you have been speaking, which wish only to terminate the life upon the third-density plane of this instrument. All are the Creator. There is one vast panoply of biases and distortions, colours and hues, in an unending pattern.

In the case of those with whom you, as entities and as a group, are not in resonance, you wish them love, light, peace, joy, and bid them well. No more than this can you do, for your portion of the Creator is as it is, and your experience and offering of experience, to be valuable, needs be more and more a perfect representation of who you truly are.

Could you, then, serve a negative entity by offering the instrument’s life? It is unlikely that you would find this a true service.

Thus you may see, in many cases, the loving balance being achieved: the love being offered, light being sent, and the service of the service-to-self oriented entity gratefully acknowledged while being rejected as not being useful in your journey at this time. Thus you serve One Creator without paradox.

Questioner: Can you tell me what causes that phenomenon?

Ra: I am Ra. Picture, if you will, a forest. One tree is struck by lightning. It burns. Lightning does not strike elsewhere. Elsewhere does not burn. There are random occurrences which do not have to do with the entity but with the window phenomenon of which we spoke.

Questioner: I am fully aware that you are primarily interested in disseminating the Law of One. However, it is my judgement—could be wrong—that in order to disseminate this material it will be necessary to include questions such as the one I have just asked for the purpose of creating the widest possible dissemination of the material. If this is not the objective, I could limit my questions only to the application of the Law of One. But I understand that at this time it is the objective to widely disseminate this material. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This perception is only slightly distorted in your understand/learning. We wish you to proceed as you deem proper. That is your place. We, in giving this information, find our distortion of understanding of our purpose to be that not only of the offering of information, but the weighting of it according to our distorted perceptions of its relative importance. Thus, you will find our statements, at times, to be those which imply that a question is unimportant. This is due to our perception that the given question is unimportant. Nevertheless, unless the question contains the potential for answer-giving which may infringe upon free will, we offer our answers.

Questioner: How serious and critical is this renal problem? Is drinking liquids (I assume water is the best) the only thing we can do for that, or is there something else?

Ra: I am Ra. Note the interrelationship of mind and body complexes. This is one example of such interweaving of the design of catalyst and experience. The period of renal delicacy is serious, but only potentially. Should the instrument desire to leave this incarnational experience, the natural and non-energised opportunity to do so has been in-built—just as the period during which the same entity did, in fact, leave the incarnational experience and then return by choice was inlaid.*

However, the desire to leave and be no more a portion of this particular experiential nexus can and has been energised. This is a point for the instrument to ponder, and an appropriate point for the support group to be watchful in regards to care for the instrument. So are mind and body plaited up as the tresses of hair of a maiden.

The nature of this entity is gay and sociable so that it is fed by those things we have mentioned previously: the varieties of experience with other-selves and other locations and events being helpful, as well as the experience of worship and the singing, especially of sacred music.

This entity chose to enter a worshipful situation with a martyr’s role when first in this geographical location. Therefore, the feeding by worship has taken place only partially. Similarly the musical activities, though enjoyable and therefore of a feeding nature, have not included the aspect of praise to the Creator.

The instrument is in a state of relative hunger for those spiritual homes which it gave up when it felt a call to martyrdom and turned from the planned worship at the location you call the Cathedral of St. Philip. This, too, shall be healed gradually due to the proposed alteration in location of this group.

Questioner: Then what is the motivation for the . . . oh, let me finish that question first.

What is the motiv— What is the mechanism that this unusual sixth-density entity would wish to gain to polarise more negatively through wandering?

Ra: I am Ra. The wanderer has the potential of greatly accelerating the density whence it comes in its progress in evolution. This is due to the intensive life experiences and opportunities of the third density. Thusly the positively oriented wanderer chooses to hazard the danger of the forgetting in order to be of service to others by radiating love of others. If the forgetting is penetrated the amount of catalyst in third density will polarise the wanderer with much greater efficiency than shall be expected in the higher and more harmonious densities.

Similarly, the negatively oriented wanderer dares to hazard the forgetting in order that it might accelerate its progress in evolution in its own density by serving itself in third density, by offering to other-selves the opportunity to hear the information having to do with negative polarisation.

Questioner: In the last session you mentioned “least distorted complex protein” and that the body complex of the instrument was capable of greatly increased distortion. Would you define the protein of which you spoke? And we would like to know: increased distortion in which direction, towards health or ill-health?

Ra: I am Ra. We were, in the cautionary statement about complex protein, referring to the distortions of the animal protein which has been slaughtered and preservatives added in order to maintain the acceptability to your peoples of this non-living, physical material. It is well to attempt to find those items which are fresh and of the best quality possible in order to avoid increasing this particular entity’s distortions which may be loosely termed allergic.

We were speaking of the distortion towards disease which is potential at this space/time.

Questioner: Is there no process or way by which the entity, once misplaced, and . . . I am assuming this misplacement must be a function of his free will in some way. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is absolutely correct.

Questioner: Let’s take, then, since we are on the subject of sex, the relationship before and after the veil of disease, in this particular case venereal disease. Was this type of disease in existence prior to the veil?

Ra: I am Ra. There has been that which is called disease, both of this type and others, before and after this great experiment. However, since the venereal disease is in large part a function of the thought-forms of a distorted nature which are associated with sexual energy blockage, the venereal disease is almost entirely the product of mind/body/spirit complexes’ interaction after the veiling.

Questioner: I sense, possibly, a connexion between what you just said and why so many wanderers have selected harvest time on this planet to incarnate. Am I correct? This is a vague notion.

Ra: I am Ra. It is correct that, in the chance to remember that which has been lost in the forgetting, there is a nimiety of opportunity for positive polarisation.* We believe this is the specific thrust of your query. Please ask further if it is not.

Questioner: Will there be any lasting effect from this attack as far as the instrument’s physical vehicle is concerned?

Ra: I am Ra. This is difficult to say. We are of the opinion that no lasting harm, or distortion, will occur.

The healer was strong, and the bonds taking effect in the remoulding of these renal distortions were effective.

It is at this point a question of two forms of the leavings of what you may call a spell or a magic working—the healer’s distortions versus the attempt at Orion distortions: the healer’s distortions full of love, the Orion distortions also pure in separation. It seems that all is well except for some possible discomfort which shall be attended if persistent.

Questioner: Thank you. That cleared it up very well. A very important point.

Can you tell me how positive and negative polarizations in fourth and fifth density are used to cause work in consciousness?

Ra: I am Ra. There is very little work in consciousness in fourth and in fifth densities compared to the work done in third density. The work that is accomplished in positive fourth is that work whereby the positive social memory complex, having through slow stages harmoniously integrated itself, goes forth to aid those of less positive orientation which seek their aid. Thus their service is their work.

And through this dynamic between the societal self and the other-self which is the object of love, greater and greater intensities of understanding or compassion are attained. This intensity continues until the appropriate intensity of the light may be welcomed. This is fourth-density harvest.

Within fourth-density positive there are minor amounts of catalyst of a spiritual- and mental-complex distortion. This occurs during the process of harmonising to the extent of forming the social memory complex. This causes some small catalyst and work to occur, but the great work of fourth density lies in the contact betwixt the societal self and less polarised other-self.

In fourth-density negative much work is accomplished during the fighting for position which precedes the period of the social memory complex. There are opportunities to polarise negatively by control of other-selves. During the social memory complex period of fourth-density negative, the situation is the same. The work takes place through the societal reaching out to less polarised other-self in order to aid in negative polarisation.

In fifth-density positive and negative the concept of work done through a potential difference is not particularly helpful as fifth-density entities are, again, intensifying rather than potentiating.

In positive, the fifth-density complex uses sixth-density teach/learners to study the more illuminated understandings of unity, thus becoming more and more wise. Fifth-density positive social memory complexes often will choose to divide their service to others in two ways: first, the beaming of light to creation; second, the sending of groups to be of aid as instruments of light such as those whom you’re familiar with through channels.

In fifth-density negative, service to self has become extremely intense and the self has shrunk or compacted so that the dialogues with the teach/learners are used exclusively in order to intensify wisdom. There are very, very few fifth-density negative wanderers for they fear the forgetting. There are very, very few fifth-density Orion members for they do not any longer perceive any virtue in other-selves.*

Questioner: Would you tell me how to use that crystal for this purpose?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a large question.

You first, as a mind/body/spirit complex, balance and polarise the self, connecting the inner light with the upward spiralling inpourings of the universal light. You have done exercises to regularise the processes involved. Look to them for the preparation of the crystallised being.

Take, then, the crystal, and feel your polarised and potentiated, balanced energy channelled in green-ray healing through your being, going into and activating the crystalline regularity of frozen light, which is the crystal. The crystal will resound with the charged light of incarnative love and light energy and will begin to radiate in specified fashion, beaming, in required light vibrations, healing energy, focused and intensified towards the magnetic field of the mind/body/spirit complex which is to be healed. This entity requesting such healing will then open the armour of the overall violet/red-ray protective vibratory shield.

Thus the inner vibratory fields, from centre to centre in mind, body, and spirit, may be interrupted and adjusted momentarily, thus offering the one to be healed the opportunity to choose a less distorted inner complex of energy fields and vibratory relationships.

Questioner: Who, shall we say, supervises the determination of further incarnation needs and sets up the seniority list, shall I say, for incarnation?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a query with two answers.

Firstly, there are those directly under the Guardians who are responsible for the incarnation patterns of those incarnating automatically—that is, without conscious self-awareness of the process of spiritual evolution. You may call these beings angelic if you prefer. They are, shall we say, local, or of your planetary sphere.

The seniority of vibration is to be likened unto placing various grades of liquids in the same glass. Some will rise to the top; others will sink to the bottom. Layers and layers of entities will ensue. As harvest draws near, those filled with the most light and love will naturally, and without supervision, be in line, shall we say, for the experience of incarnation.

When the entity becomes aware in its mind/body/spirit complex totality of the mechanism for spiritual evolution, it, itself, will arrange and place those lessons and entities necessary for maximum growth and expression of polarity in the incarnative experience before the forgetting process occurs. The only disadvantage of this total free will of those senior entities choosing the manner of incarnation experiences is that some entities attempt to learn so much during one incarnative experience that the intensity of catalyst disarranges the polarised entity and the experience thus is not maximally useful as intended.

Questioner: Then could you tell me what information you gave to the Egyptian priest, or Egyptian, who first was contacted or taught with respect to the first archetype? Is that possible for you to do within the limits of the First Distortion?

Ra: I am Ra. It is possible. Our first step, as we have said, was to present the descriptions in verbal form of three images: one, eight, fifteen; then the questions were asked: “What do you feel that a bird might represent?” “What do you feel that a wand might represent?” “What do you feel that the male represents?” and so forth until those studying were working upon a system whereby the images used became evocative of a system of concepts. This is slow work when done for the first time.

We may note, with sympathy, that you undoubtedly feel choked by the opposite difficulty, that of a great mass of observation upon this system, all of which has some merit as each student will experience the archetypical mind and its structure in an unique way useful to that student. We suggest that one or more of this group do that which we have suggested in order that we may, without infringement, offer observations on this interesting subject which may be of further aid to those inquiring in this area.

We would note at this time that the instrument is having almost continuous pain flares. Therefore, we ask that each of the support group be especially aware of any misinformation in order that we may correct any distortions of information the soonest possible.

Questioner: Thank you. What I want to do now is investigate, as the first density is formed, what happens and how energy centres are first formed in beings. Let me first ask you, does it make any sense to ask you if the sun itself has a density, or is it all densities?

Ra: I am Ra. The sub-Logos is of the entire octave and is not that entity which experiences the learning/teachings of entities such as yourselves.

Questioner: Thank you. Would you define karma?

Ra: I am Ra. Our understanding of karma is that which may be called inertia. Those actions which are put into motion will continue, using the ways of balancing, until such time as the controlling or higher principle, which you may liken unto your braking, or stopping, is invoked. This stoppage of the inertia of action may be called forgiveness. These two concepts are inseparable.

Questioner: In the fourth archetype the card shows a male whose body faces forward. I assume this indicates that the Experience of the Mind will reach for catalyst. However, the face is to the left, indicating to me that, in reaching for catalyst, negative catalyst will be more apparent in its power and effect than the positive. Would Ra comment on this?

Ra: I am Ra. The archetype of Experience of the Mind reaches not, O student, but with firm authority grasps what it is given. The remainder of your remarks are perceptive.

Questioner: I would like to carry that on to find out what specific functions of the mind were most effectual, and the three or four most effective changes brought about to create the polarisation.

Ra: I am Ra. This is an interesting query. The primary veiling was of such significance that it may be seen to be analogous to the mantling of the earth over all the jewels within the earth’s crust; whereas previously all facets of the Creator were consciously known. After the veiling, almost no facets of the Creator were known to the mind. Almost all was buried beneath the veil.

If one were to attempt to list those functions of mind most significant in that they might be of aid in polarisation, one would need to begin with the faculty of visioning, envisioning, or far-seeing. Without the veil the mind was not caught in your illusory time. With the veil, space/time is the only obvious possibility for experience.

Also upon the list of significant veiled functions of the mind would be that of dreaming. The so-called dreaming contains a great deal which, if made available to the conscious mind and used, shall aid it in polarisation to a great extent.

The third function of the mind which is significant and which has been veiled is that of the knowing of the body. The knowledge of and control over the body, having been lost to a great extent in the veiling process, is thusly lost from the experience of the seeker. Its knowledge before the veiling is of small use. Its knowledge after the veiling, and in the face of what is now a dense illusion of separation of body complex from mind complex, is quite significant.

Perhaps the most important and significant function that occurred due to the veiling of the mind from itself is not in itself a function of mind but rather is a product of the potential created by this veiling. This is the faculty of will or pure desire.

We may ask for brief queries at this time. Although there is energy remaining for this working we are reluctant to continue this contact, experiencing continual variations due to pain flares, as you call this distortion. Although we are unaware of any misgiven material, we are aware that there have been several points during which our channel was less-than-optimal. This instrument is most faithful, but we do not wish to misuse this instrument. Please query as you will.

Questioner: I have an observation on Archetype One made by Jim and request comment by Ra. I will read it. “The Matrix of the Mind is the conscious mind and is sustained by the power of the spirit, symbolised by the star, which flows to it through the subconscious mind. It contains the will which is symbolised by the sceptre of power in the Magician’s hand. All of creation is made through the power of the will directed by the conscious mind of the Magician, and the bird in the cage represents the illusion in which the self seems trapped. The Magician represents maleness or the radiance of being manifested as the creation through which each entity moves.”

Ra: I am Ra. As this instrument is becoming somewhat weary we shall not begin this considerable discussion. We would request that this series of observations be repeated at the outset of the next working. We would suggest that each concept be discussed separately or, if appropriate, a pair of concepts be related one to the other within the concept complex. This is slow work but shall make the eventual building of the concept complexes more smoothly accomplished.

Were we to have answered the observations as read by you at this space/time, as much space/time would have been given to the untangling of various concepts as to the building up of what were very thoughtful perceptions.

May we ask if there are any brief queries at this time?

Questioner: If you would please make the instrument cough, I will ask one—two quick things.

Ra: [Cough.]

Questioner: I notice that the time we have used has gone slightly over an hour. I would prefer to continue, but I want to ask at this time as to the condition of the instrument.

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is in balance. It is well to continue if you desire.

Questioner: All right. Continuing with what we were just talking about, namely densities: I understand then that each density has seven sub-densities, which again have seven sub-densities, which again have seven sub-densities. This expands at an extremely large rate as things are increased in powers of seven. Does this mean that in any density level anything that you can think of is happening? And many things that you never thought of are happening . . . are there . . . everything is happening . . . this is confusing . . .

Ra: I am Ra. From your confusion we select the concept with which you struggle, that being infinite opportunity. You may consider any possibility/probability complex as having an existence.

Questioner: Then is there any relationship between the archetypes and the planets of our solar system?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not a simple query. Properly, the archetypes have some relationship to the planets. However, this relationship is not one which can be expressed in your language. This, however, has not halted those among your people who have become adepts from attempting to name and describe these relationships.

To most purely understand, if we may use this misnomer, the archetypes it is well to view the concepts which make up each archetype and reserve the study of planets and other correspondences for meditation.

Questioner: Could you state some of those after making the instrument cough, please?

Ra: [Cough.] I am Ra. This is information which you may discover. However, we will briefly point the way by indicating the so-called wheel within a wheel and the cherubim with sleepless eye.

Questioner: You stated that you were called by 352,000 Earth entities. Does this mean that this number is the number who will understand and accept the Law of One? Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We cannot estimate the correctness of your statement, for those who call are not in every case able to understand the answer to their calling. Moreover, those who were not calling previously may, with great trauma, discover the answers to the call nearly simultaneously with their late call. There is no time/space in call. Therefore, we cannot estimate the number of your mind/body/spirit complexes which will, in your space/time-continuum distortion, hear and understand.

Questioner: The only question is, is there anything that we have done wrong, or anything that we could do to make the instrument more comfortable?

Ra: We scan this instrument.

This instrument has been much aided by these precautions. We suggest only some attention to the neck which seems in this body-distortion to be distorted in the area of strength/weakness. More support, therefore, to the neck area may be an aid.

Questioner: In our culture there is a great saying that he will return. Can you tell me if this is planned?

Ra: I am Ra. I will attempt to sort out this question. It is difficult. This entity became aware that it was not an entity of itself but operated as a messenger of the One Creator, whom this entity saw as Love. This entity was aware that this cycle was in its last portion and spoke to the effect that those of its consciousness would return at the harvest.

The particular mind/body/spirit complex you call Jesus is, as what you would call an entity, not to return except as a member of the Confederation occasionally speaking through a channel. However, there are others of the identical congruency of consciousness that will welcome those to the fourth density. This is the meaning of the returning.

Questioner: May anyone in third density accomplish some degree of healing if they have the proper will, desire, and polarity, or is there a minimal balance of the energy centres of the healer that is also necessary?

Ra: I am Ra. Any entity may, at any time, instantaneously clear and balance its energy centres. Thus in many cases those normally quite blocked, weakened, and distorted may, through love and strength of will, become healers momentarily. To be a healer by nature one must indeed train its self in the disciplines of the personality.

Questioner: Can you tell me something of the little growth on Gandalf’s leg, what caused it and if it is a danger to him?

Ra: I am Ra. The cause of such growths has been previously discussed. The danger to the physical body complex is slight given the lack of repeated stimulus to anger.

Questioner: Yes.

Ra: Again, I am Ra. Please blow across the face and heart of the instrument.

[This was done as directed.]

I am Ra. We shall continue. The atmosphere has been meticulously prepared. However, there are those elements which cause difficulty to the instrument: the neurasthenia of the right side of the face being added to other arthritically energised pain flares.

Such an operation would be of aid in the event that the entity chose this physical cleansing as an event which collaborated with changes in the mental, mental/emotional, and physical orientations of the entity. Without the latter choice, the distortion would recur.

Questioner: We have been attempting to figure out how to provide the instrument with the swirling water, which we hope to do very soon. Is there any other thing that we can do to improve this situation?

Ra: I am Ra. Continue in peace and harmony. Already the support group does much. There is the need for the instrument to choose the manner of its beingness. It has the distortion, as we have noted, towards the martyrdom. This can be evaluated and choices made only by the entity.

Questioner: I would like to ask the reason for this session having been longer than most previous sessions, and also if there is anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument was given far more than the, shall we say, usual amount of transferred energy. There is a limit to the amount of energy of this type which may with safety be used when the instrument is itself without physical reserves. This is inevitably due to the various distortions such as we mentioned previously in this working having to do with growing dorsal discomfort.

The alignments are fastidious. We appreciate your conscientiousness. In order to enhance the comfort of the instrument it might be suggested that careful manipulation of the dorsal area be accomplished before a working.

It is also suggested that, due to the attempt at psychic attack, this instrument will require warmth along the right side of the physical complex. There has been some infringement, but it should not be long-lasting. It is, however, well to swaddle this instrument sufficiently to ward off any manifestation of this cold in physical form.

I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, merrily rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

Questioner: Is the fact that the instrument already was consciously aware of this the reason that the First Distortion was not in force in making it impossible for you to communicate this to us?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not only correct for this entity, which has been consciously aware of these learn/teachings for some of your years, but also true of each of the support group. The possibility of some of this information being offered was not there until this session.

Questioner: Then it seems that those on the positive path, as opposed to those on the negative path, would have precisely the reciprocal objective in the first three rays; red, orange, and yellow. Each path would be attempting to utilise the rays in precisely opposite manners. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. It is partially, and even substantially, correct. There is an energy in each of the centres needed to keep the mind/body/spirit complex, which is the vehicle for experience, in correct conformation and composition. Both negative and positive entities do well to reserve this small portion of each centre for the maintenance of the integrity of the mind/body/spirit complex. After this point, however, it is correct that the negative will use the three lower centres for separation from and control over others—by sexual means, by personal assertion, and by action in your societies.

Contrary-wise, the positively oriented entity will be transmuting strong red-ray sexual energy into green-ray energy transfers and radiation in blue and indigo, and will be similarly transmuting selfhood and place in society into energy transfer situations in which the entity may merge with and serve others and then, finally, radiate unto others without expecting any transfer in return.

Questioner: Would you do that?

Ra: I am Ra. You are correct in assuming that the energy of which we speak in discussing sexual energy transfers is a form of vibratory bridge between space/time and time/space. Although this distinction is not apart from that which follows, that which follows may shed light upon that basic statement:

Due to the veiling process the energy transferred from male to female is different than that transferred from female to male. Due to the polarity difference of the mind/body/spirit complexes of male and female, the male stores physical energy; the female, mental and mental/emotional energy. When third-density sexual energy transfer is completed the male will have offered the discharge of physical energy. The female is, thereby, refreshed, having far less physical vitality. At the same time, if you will use this term, the female discharges the efflux of its stored mental and mental/emotional energy, thereby offering inspiration, healing, and blessing to the male which by nature is less vital in this area.

At this time may we ask for one more full query.

Questioner: I will make this statement, and you correct me. What we have is, as our planet is spiralled by the spiralling action of the entire major galaxy, as the big wheel in the sky turns, and our planetary system spirals into the new position, the fourth-density vibrations become more and more pronounced. These atomic core vibrations begin to create, more and more completely, the green— That is the green core vibrations complete more and more completely the fourth-density sphere and the fourth-density bodily complexes for inhabitation of that sphere. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. To be corrected is the concept of the creation of green-ray density bodily complexes. This creation will be gradual and will take place beginning with your third-density type of physical vehicle and, through the means of bisexual reproduction, become, by evolutionary processes, the fourth-density body complexes.

Questioner: In invoking the alerted light, then, it would seem to me that the visualisation of the invocation would be dependent upon what the use was to be of the light. The use could be for healing, could be for communication, or it could be for the general awareness, you might say, of the creation and the Creator. Would you please speak on this process and my correctness in making this assumption?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall offer some thoughts, though it is doubtful that we may exhaust this subject. Each visualisation, regardless of the point of the working, begins with some work within the indigo ray. As you may be aware, the ritual which you have begun is completely working within the indigo ray. This is well, for it is the gateway. From this beginning, light may be invoked for communication or for healing.

You may note that in the ritual which we offered you to properly begin the Ra workings the first focus is upon the Creator.

We would further note a point which is both subtile and of some interest.* The upward spiralling light developed in its path by the will, and ultimately reaching an high place of mating with the inward fire of the One Creator, still is only preparation for the work upon the mind/body/spirit which may be done by the adept. There is some crystallisation of the energy centres used during each working so that the magician becomes, more and more, that which it seeks.

More importantly, the time/space mind/body/spirit analogue, which is evoked as the magical personality, has its only opportunity to gain rapidly from the experience of the catalytic action available to the third-density space/time mind/body/spirit. Thus the adept is aiding the Creator greatly by offering great catalyst to a greater portion of the creation which is identified as the mind/body/spirit totality of an entity.

Questioner: The choice of polarity being the unique circumstance, shall I say, for the archetypical basis for the evolution of consciousness in our particular experience indicates to me that we have arrived, through a long process of the Creator knowing Itself, we’ve arrived at a position of present or maximum efficiency for the design of a process of experience. That design for maximum efficiency is in the roots of consciousness and is the archetypical mind and is a product of everything that has gone before. There are, unquestionably, relatively pure archetypical concepts for the seven concepts for mind, body, and spirit. I feel that the language that we have for these is somewhat inadequate.

However, we will continue to attempt to understand—and that is a poor word also—the foundation for this, and I am hoping that I have laid the foundation with some degree of accuracy in attempting to set a background for the development of the archetypes of our Logos. Have I left out anything or made any errors, or could you make any comments on my attempt to lay a background for the construction that our Logos used for the archetypes?

Ra: I am Ra. Your queries are thoughtful.

Questioner: Thank you. I don’t know if this question will result in any usable direction, but I think I must ask it. What was the Ark of the Covenant, and what was its use?

Ra: I am Ra. The Ark of the Covenant was that place wherein those things most holy, according to the understanding of the one called Moishe, [were] placed. The article placed therein has been called by your peoples two tablets called the Ten Commandments. There were not two tablets. There was one writing in scroll. This was placed along with the most carefully written accounts by various entities of their beliefs concerning the creation by the One Creator.

This Ark was designed to constitute the place wherefrom the priests, as you call those distorted towards the desire to serve their brothers, could draw their power and feel the presence of the One Creator. However, it is to be noted that this entire arrangement was designed, not by the one known to the Confederation as Yahweh, but rather was designed by negative entities preferring this method of creating an elite called the Sons of Levi.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
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