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40.3 Questioner: Thank you. I was also wondering if the first density corresponded somehow to the colour red, the second to the colour orange, the third to the colour yellow and so on through the densities corresponding to the colours, in perhaps a way so that the basic vibration that forms the photon that forms the core of all atomic particles would have a relationship to that colour in the density. And that that vibration would step up for second, third, and fourth density corresponding to the increase in the vibration of the colours. Is this in any way correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is more correct than you have stated.
Firstly, you are correct in positing a quantum, if you will, as the nature of each density and further correct in assuming that these quanta may be seen to be of vibratory natures corresponding to colour, as you grasp this word. However, it is also true, as you have suspected but not asked, that each density is of the metaphysical characteristic complex of its ray.
Thus, in first density the red ray is the foundation for all that is to come. In second density the orange ray is that of movement and growth of the individual, this ray striving towards the yellow ray of self-conscious manifestations of a social nature as well as individual; third density being the equivalent, and so forth—each density being primarily its ray plus the attractions of the following ray pulling it forward in evolution and, to some extent, colouring, or shading, the chief colour of that density.
41.14 Questioner: Is this energy centre, then, on a very small scale, related to the orange energy centre in man?
Ra: I am Ra. The true colour is precisely the same. However, the consciousness of the second-density beginning is primitive and the use of orange ray limited to the expression of self which may be seen to be movement and survival.
In third density, at this time, those clinging to orange ray have a much more complex system of distortions through which orange ray is manifested. This is somewhat complicated. We shall endeavour to simplify.
The appropriate true colour for third density is, as you have ascertained, yellow. However, the influences of the true-colour green acting upon yellow-ray entities have caused many entities to revert to the consideration of self rather than the stepping forward into consideration of other-self, or green ray.
This may not be seen to be of a negatively polarised nature, as the negatively polarised entity is working very intensively with the deepest manifestations of yellow-ray group energies, especially the manipulations of other-self for service to self. Those reverting to orange ray—and we may add these are many upon your plane at this time—are those who feel the vibrations of true-colour green and, therefore, respond by rejecting governmental and societal activities as such and seek once more the self.
However, not having developed the yellow ray properly so that it balances the personal vibratory rates of the entity, the entity then is faced with the task of further activation and balancing of the self in relation to the self, thus the orange-ray manifestations at this space/time nexus.
Thus true-colour orange is that which it is, without difference. However, the manifestations of this, or any ray, may be seen to be most various depending upon the vibratory levels and balances of the mind/body or mind/body/spirit complexes which are expressing these energies.
48.7 Questioner: Thank you. I would like to take as an example an entity, at birth, who is roughly high on the seniority list for positive polarisation and possible harvestability at the end of this cycle, and follow a full cycle of his experience starting before his incarnation—which body is activated, process of becoming incarnate, the activation of the third-density physical body process as the body moves through this density and is acted upon by catalyst, and then the process of death, and the activation of the various bodies—so that we make a full circuit from a point prior to incarnation back around through incarnation and death and back to that position, you might say, in one cycle of incarnation in this density. Could you do that for me?
Ra: I am Ra. Your query is most distorted, for it assumes that creations are alike. Each mind/body/spirit complex has its own patterns of activation and its own rhythms of awakening. The important thing for harvest is the harmonious balance between the various energy centres of the mind/body/spirit complex. This is to be noted as of relative import. We grasp the thrust of your query and will make a most general answer stressing the unimportance of such arbitrary generalisations.
The entity, before incarnation, dwells in the appropriate, shall we say, place in time/space. The true-colour type of this location will be dependent upon the entity’s needs. Those entities, for instance, which, being wanderers, have the green, blue, or indigo true-colour core of mind/body/spirit complex will have rested therein.
Entrance into incarnation requires the investment, or activation, of the indigo-ray, or etheric body, for this is the form maker. The young, or small, physical mind/body/spirit complex has the seven energy centres potentiated before the birthing process. There are also analogues in time/space of these energy centres corresponding to the seven energy centres in each of the seven true-colour densities. Thus in the microcosm exists all the experience that is prepared. It is as though the infant contains the universe.
The patterns of activation of an entity of high seniority will undoubtedly move with some rapidity to the green-ray level which is the springboard to primary blue. There is always some difficulty in penetrating blue primary energy, for it requires that which your people have in great paucity; that is, honesty. Blue ray is the ray of free communication with self and with other-self.
Having accepted that an harvestable or nearly harvestable entity will be working from this green-ray springboard, one may then posit that the experiences in the remainder of the incarnation will be focused upon activation of the primary blue ray of freely given communication; of indigo ray, that of freely shared intelligent energy; and, if possible, moving through this gateway, the penetration of violet-ray intelligent infinity. This may be seen to be manifested by a sense of the consecrate, or hallowed, nature of everyday creations and activities.
Upon the bodily complex death, as you call this transition, the entity will immediately, upon realisation of its state, return to the indigo form-maker body and rest therein until the proper future placement is made.
Here we have the anomaly of harvest. In harvest the entity will then transfer its indigo body into violet-ray manifestation as seen in true-colour yellow. This is for the purpose of gauging the harvestability of the entity. After this anomalous activity has been carefully completed, the entity will move into indigo body again and be placed in the correct true-colour locus in space/time and time/space, at which time the healings and learn/teachings necessary shall be completed and further incarnation needs determined.
27.17 Questioner: Now, this— Then light which forms the densities has what we call colour, and this colour is divided into seven categories of colour. Can you tell me, is there a reason or an explanation for these categories of colour? Can you tell me something about that?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last complete question of this session as this instrument is low on vital energy. We will answer briefly, and then you may question further in consequent sessions.
The nature of the vibratory patterns of your universe is dependent upon the configurations placed upon the original material, or Light, by the focus, or Love, using Its intelligent energy to create a certain pattern of illusions, or densities, in order to satisfy Its own intelligent estimate of a method of knowing Itself. Thus the colours, as you call them, are as strait, or narrow, or necessary as is possible to express, given the will of Love.
There is further information which we shall be happy to share by answering your questions. However, we do not wish to deplete this instrument. Is there a short query necessary before we leave?
33.4 Questioner: I would think that you could achieve a true colour by passing the light through a crystal of the particular colour. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This would be one way of approaching accuracy in colour. It is a matter of what you would call quality control that the celluloid used is of a varying colour. This is not a great, or even visible, variation; however, it does make some difference given specific applications.
40.6 Questioner: Would— This is a guess. Would the frequency going from second to third increase from the middle orange frequency, or average orange frequency, to the middle yellow frequency, or average yellow frequency?
Ra: I am Ra. This query is indeterminate. We shall attempt to be of aid. However, the frequency that is the basis of each density is what may be called a true colour. This term is impossible to define given your system of sensibilities and scientific measurements, for colour has vibratory characteristics both in space/time and in time/space. The true colour is then overlaid and tinged by the rainbow of the various vibratory levels within that density and the attraction vibrations of the next true-colour density.
40.5 Questioner: Thank you. Taking as an example the transition between second and third density: when this transition takes place, does the frequency of vibration which forms the photon (the core of all particles of the density), does this frequency increase from a frequency corresponding to second density or orange, the colour orange, the frequency we measure for the colour orange, to the frequency we measure for the colour yellow? What I am getting at is, do all the vibrations that form the density, basic vibrations of the photon, increase in a quantum fashion over a relatively short period of time?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Then you see within each density the gradual upgrading of vibratory levels.
33.3 Questioner: Thank you very much. The instrument has a device for so-called colour therapy, and since we were on, in the past session, the concept of the different colours I was wondering if these, in some way, apply to the principle of colour therapy in the shining of particular colours on the physical body. Does this have any beneficial effect, and can you tell me something about it?
Ra: I am Ra. This therapy, as you call it, is a somewhat clumsy and variably useful tool for instigating in an entity’s mind/body/spirit complex an intensification of energies, or vibrations, which may be of aid to the entity. The variableness of this device is due, firstly, to the lack of true colours used; secondly, to the extreme variation in sensitivity to vibration among your peoples.
32.12 Questioner: Can you give me an idea how the different colours . . . this is a difficult question to ask. I hardly have any words.
What I’m trying to get at is how the different colours, I might say, originate as these functions . . . or the essence, you might say, of the origin of these colours as functions for these different expressions in consciousness. I don’t know if this question is sufficient.
Ra: I am Ra. This question is sufficiently clear for us to attempt explanation of what, as you have observed, is not easily grasped material for the intellectual mind. The nature of vibration is such that it may be seen as having mathematically strait or narrow steps. These steps may be seen as having boundaries. Within each boundary there are infinite gradations of vibration or colour.
However, as one approaches a boundary, an effort must be made to cross that boundary. These colours are a simplistic way of expressing the boundary divisions of your density. There is also the time/space analogy which may be seen as the colour itself in a modified aspect.
33.20 Questioner: Just as a slight appendage to that question: what would the rays of fifth and sixth density look like?
Ra: I am Ra. We may speak only approximately. However, we hope you understand, shall we say, that there is a distinctive difference in the colour structure of each density.
Fifth density is perhaps best described as extremely white in vibration.
The sixth density of a whiteness which contains a golden quality as you would perceive it; these colours having to do with the blending into wisdom of the compassion learned in fourth density, then in sixth the blending of wisdom back into an unified understanding of compassion viewed with wisdom. This golden colour is not of your spectrum but is what you would call alive.
You may ask one more question briefly.
40.15 Questioner: Thank you. A very important concept. Does the fact that basic vibration that we experience now is green true colour, or fourth density, account for the fact that there are many mental effects upon material objects that are now observable for the first time in a mass way, like the bending of metal by mind?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the final query, in total, of this working. This is not only correct but we suggest you take this concept further and understand the great number of entities with the so-called mental diseases being due to the effect of this green-ray true colour upon the mental configurations of those unready, mentally, to face the self for the first time.
Are there any brief queries before we close?
54.11 Questioner: I will make another statement. The mind/body/spirit complex may choose, because of the First Distortion, a mental configuration that is sufficiently displaced from the configuration of the intelligent energy in a particular frequency or colour of instreaming energy so as to block a portion of instreaming energy in that particular frequency or colour. Is this statement correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
54.12 Questioner: This question may be no good, but I’ll ask it. Can you give me an idea of the maximum percentage of this energy it’s possible to block in any one colour, or does that make any sense?
Ra: I am Ra. There may be, in an entity’s pattern of instreaming energy, a complete blockage in any energy, or colour, or combination of energies, or colours.
47.3 Questioner: We chose the values of . . . or were given the values of better than 50% service to others for fourth-density positive and better than 95% service to self for fourth-density negative social memory complexes. Do these two values correspond to the same rate, shall I say, of vibration?
Ra: I am Ra. I perceive you have difficulty in expressing your query. We shall respond in an attempt to clarify your query.
The vibratory rates are not to be understood as the same in positive and negative orientations. They are to be understood as having the power to accept and work with intelligent infinity to a certain degree or intensity. Due to the fact that the primary colour, shall we say, or energy blue is missing from the negatively oriented system of power, the green/blue vibratory energies are not seen in the vibratory schedules or patterns of negative fourth and fifth rates of vibration.
The positive, upon the other hand, shall we say, has the full spectrum of true-colour time/space vibratory patterns and thus contains a variant vibratory pattern or schedule. Each is capable of doing fourth-density work. This is the criterion for harvest.
48.10 Questioner: Could you tell me how the various bodies, red through violet, are linked to the energy centre, centres red through violet? Are they linked in some way?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working.
As we have noted, each of the true-colour densities has the seven energy centres, and each entity contains all this in potentiation. The activation, while in yellow ray, of violet-ray intelligent infinity is a passport to the next octave of experience.
There are adepts who have penetrated many, many of the energy centres and several of the true colours. This must be done with utmost care while in the physical body, for as we noted when speaking of the dangers of linking red/orange/yellow circuitry with true-colour blue circuitry, the potential for disarrangement of the mind/body/spirit complex is great. However, the entity who penetrates intelligent infinity is basically capable of walking the universe with unfettered tread.
Is there any brief query before we leave this instrument?
49.6 Questioner: What process would be the recommended process for correctly awakening, as they say, the kundalini, and of what value would that be?
Ra: I am Ra. The metaphor of the coiled serpent being called upwards is vastly appropriate for consideration by your peoples. This is what you are attempting when you seek. There are, as we have stated, great misapprehensions concerning this metaphor and the nature of pursuing its goal.* We must generalise and ask that you grasp the fact that this, in effect, renders far less useful that which we share. However, as each entity is unique, generalities are our lot when communicating for your possible edification.
We have two types of energy. We are attempting, then, as entities in any true colour of this octave, to move the meeting place of inner and outer natures further and further along, or upward along, the energy centres. The two methods of approaching this with sensible method are first, the seating within one’s self of those experiences which are attracted to the entity through the south pole. Each experience will need to be observed, experienced, balanced, accepted, and seated within the individual. As the entity grows in self-acceptance and awareness of catalyst, the location of the comfortable seating of these experiences will rise to the new true-colour entity. The experience, whatever it may be, will be seated in red ray and considered as to its survival content and so forth.
Each experience will be sequentially understood by the growing and seeking mind/body/spirit complex in terms of survival, then in terms of personal identity, then in terms of social relations, then in terms of universal love, then in terms of how the experience may beget free communication, then in terms of how the experience may be linked to universal energies, and finally in terms of the sacramental nature of each experience.
Meanwhile the Creator lies within. In the north pole the crown is already upon the head and the entity is potentially a god. This energy is brought into being by the humble and trusting acceptance of this energy through meditation and contemplation of the self and of the Creator.
Where these energies meet is where the serpent will have achieved its height. When this uncoiled energy approaches universal love and radiant being the entity is in a state whereby the harvestability of the entity comes nigh.
56.6 Questioner: Would you please do that?
Ra: The spiralling energy is beginning to be diffused at the point where it goes through the King’s Chamber position. However—although the spirals continue to intersect, closing and opening in double spiral fashion through the apex angle—the diffusion or strength of the spiralling energies, red through violet colour values, lessens if we speak of strength, and gains if we speak of diffusion until at the peak of the pyramid you have a very weak colour resolution useful for healing purposes.
Thus the King’s Chamber position is chosen as the first spiral after the centred beginning through the Queen’s Chamber position. You may visualise the diffusion angle as the opposite of the pyramid angle, but the angle being less wide than the apex angle of the pyramid, being somewhere between 33 and 54°, depending upon the various rhythms of the planet itself.
63.25 Questioner: Then at some time in the future the fourth-density sphere will be fully activated. What is the difference between full activation and partial activation for this sphere?
Ra: I am Ra. At this time the cosmic influxes are conducive to true-colour green core particles being formed and material of this nature thus being formed. However, there is a mixture of the yellow-ray and green-ray environments at this time necessitating the birthing of transitional mind/body/spirit complex types of energy distortions.
At full activation of the true-colour green density of love, the planetary sphere will be solid and inhabitable upon its own, and the birthing that takes place will have been transformed through the process of time, shall we say, to the appropriate type of vehicle to appreciate in full the fourth-density planetary environment. At this nexus the green-ray environment exists to a far greater extent in time/space than in space/time.
21.13 Questioner: At the end of this first 25,000-year cycle, then, was there any physical change that occurred rapidly like that which occurs at a 75,000-year cycle, or is this just an indexing time for a harvesting period?
Ra: I am Ra. There was no change except that which, according to intelligent energy, or what you may term physical evolution, suited physical complexes to their environment—this being of the colour of the skin due to the area of the sphere upon which entities lived, the gradual growth of peoples due to improved intake of foodstuffs.
32.3 Questioner: From the material that you transmitted February 17th you stated: “In third ray there are two possibilities. Firstly, if both vibrate in third ray there will be a mutually strengthening energy transfer.” What colour is third ray in this material?
Ra: I am Ra. The ray we were speaking of in that material should be properly the green ray or fourth ray.
32.13 Questioner: Thank you. Is it possible for an entity in third-density physical to vary widely across the entire band of colours, or is the entity pretty well zeroed in on one colour?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question of this working. Please restate for clarity.
40.11 Questioner: Starting then, forty-five years ago, and taking the entire increase in vibration that we will experience in this density change, approximately what percentage of the way through this increase of vibration are we right now?
Ra: I am Ra. The vibratory nature of your environment is true-colour green. This is at this time heavily over-woven with the orange ray of planetary consciousness. However, the nature of quanta is such that the movement over the boundary is that of discrete placement of vibratory level.
54.5 Questioner: Now, I am assuming that the different frequencies are separated, as we have said, into the seven colours; that each of these colours may be the basic frequency for a sub-Logos of our sun-Logos; and that a sub-Logos or, shall we say, an individual may activate any one of these basic frequency or colours and use the body that is generated from the activation of that frequency or colour. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. If we grasp your query correctly, this is not correct in that the sub-sub-Logos resides not in dimensionalities but only in co-Creators, or mind/body/spirit complexes.
28.2 Questioner: Well, we had yesterday arrived at a point where we were considering colours of light. You said that “the nature of the vibratory patterns of your universe is dependent upon the configurations placed on the original material, or light, by the focus of Love using Its intelligent energy to create a certain pattern of . . . of illusions or densities.” Then after this material you said that there’s further information which you’d be happy to share, but we ran out of time. Could you complete the further information on that?
Ra: I am Ra. In discussing this information we then, shall we say, snap back into the particular methods of understanding or seeing that which is that the one, sound vibration complex, Dewey, offers; this being correct for the second meaning of intelligent infinity: the potential which then through catalyst forms the kinetic.
This information is a natural progression of inspection of the kinetic shape of your environment. You may understand each colour, or ray, as being, as we had said, a very specific and accurate apportion of intelligent energy’s representation of intelligent infinity, each ray having been previously inspected in other regards.*
This information may be of aid here. We speak now nonspecifically to increase the depth of your conceptualization of the nature of what is. The universe in which you live is recapitulation, in each part, of intelligent infinity. Thus you will see the same patterns repeated in physical and metaphysical areas; the rays or apportions of light being, as you surmise, those areas of what you may call the physical illusion which rotate, vibrate, or are of a nature that may be, shall we say, counted, or categorised, in rotation manner in space/time as described by the one known as Dewey; some substances having various of the rays in a physical manifestation visible to the eye, this being apparent in the nature of your crystallised minerals which you count as precious, the ruby being red and so forth.
38.5 Questioner: Could you tell me how each of the rays, red through violet, would appear in a perfectly balanced, undistorted entity?
Ra: I am Ra. We cannot tell you this for each balance is perfect and each unique. We do not mean to be obscure.
Let us offer an example. In a particular entity—let us use this instrument—the rays may be viewed as extremely even, red, orange, yellow. The green ray is extremely bright. This is, shall we say, balanced by a dimmer indigo. Between these two the point of balance resides, the blue ray of the communicator sparkling in strength above the ordinary.
In the violet ray we see this unique spectrograph, if you will, and at the same time the pure violet surrounding the whole. This in turn, surrounded by that which mixes the red and violet ray, indicating the integration of mind, body, and spirit. This surrounded in turn by the vibratory pattern of this entity’s true density.
This description may be seen to be both unbalanced and in perfect balance. The latter understanding is extremely helpful in dealing with other-selves. The ability to feel blockages is useful only to the healer. There is not properly a tiny fraction of judgement when viewing a balance in colours. Of course, when we see many of the energy plexi weakened and blocked, we may understand that an entity has not yet grasped the baton and begun the race. However, the potentials are always there. All the rays fully balanced are there in waiting to be activated.
Perhaps another way to address your query is this: In the fully potentiated entity, the rays mount one upon the other with equal vibratory brilliance and scintillating sheen until the surrounding colour is white. This is what you may call potentiated balance in third density.
54.6 Questioner: What I meant was that a mind/body/spirit complex then can have a body activated that is one of these seven rays. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct in the same sense as it is correct to state that any one may play a complex instrument which develops an euphonious harmonic vibration complex such as your piano, and can play this so well that it might offer concerts to the public, as you would say.
In other words, although it is true that each true-colour vehicle is available, potentially, there is skill and discipline needed in order to avail the self of the more advanced or lighter vehicles.
58.20 Questioner: Why are these people able to do this? They seem to have no training; they just are able to do it.
Ra: I am Ra. They remember the disciplines necessary for this activity which is merely useful upon other true-colour vibratory experiential nexi.
63.28 Questioner: Then are these entities of which we spoke, the third-density harvestable who have been transferred, are they the ones who then will, by bisexual reproduction, create the fourth-density complexes that are necessary?
Ra: I am Ra. The influxes of true-colour green energy complexes will more and more create the conditions in which the atomic structure of cells of bodily complexes is that of the density of love. The mind/body/spirit complexes inhabiting these physical vehicles will be, and to some extent are, those of whom you spoke, and, as harvest is completed, the harvested entities of this planetary influence.
78.18 Questioner: Would you please answer that?
Ra: I am Ra. The nature of the vibratory range peculiar to each quantum of the octave is such that the characteristics of it may be described with the same certainty with which you perceive a colour with your optical apparatus if it is functioning properly.
41.19 Questioner: Thank you. In yesterday’s, or the day before yesterday’s session, you mentioned variable speed of rotation or activity of energy centres. What did you mean by that, speed of rotation?
Ra: I am Ra. Each energy centre has a wide range of rotational speed, or as you may see it more clearly in relation to colour, brilliance. The more strongly the will of the entity concentrates upon and refines, or purifies, each energy centre, the more brilliant, or rotationally active, each energy centre will be. It is not necessary for the energy centres to be activated in order in the case of the self-aware entity. Thusly, entities may have extremely brilliant energy centres while being quite unbalanced in their violet-ray aspect due to lack of attention paid to the totality of experience of the entity.
The key to balance may then be seen in the unstudied, spontaneous, and honest response of entities toward experiences, thus using experience to the utmost, then applying the balancing exercises and achieving the proper attitude for the most purified spectrum of energy centre manifestation in violet ray.
This is why the brilliance, or rotational speed, of the energy centres is not considered above the balanced aspect, or violet-ray manifestation, of an entity in regarding harvestability; for those entities which are unbalanced, especially as to the primary rays, will not be capable of sustaining the impact of the love and light of intelligent infinity to the extent necessary for harvest.
42.13 Questioner: Can you mention some exercises for helping to increase the attention span?
Ra: I am Ra. Such exercises are common among the many mystical traditions of your entities. The visualisation of a shape and colour which is of personal inspirational quality to the meditator is the heart of what you would call the religious aspects of this sort of visualisation.
The visualisation of simple shapes and colours which have no innate inspirational quality to the entity form the basis for what you may call your magical traditions.
Whether you image the rose or the circle is not important. However, it is suggested that one or the other path towards visualisation be chosen in order to exercise this faculty. This is due to the careful arrangement of shapes and colours which have been described as visualisations by those steeped in the magical tradition.
47.8 Questioner: In our esoteric literature numerous bodies are listed. I have here a list of the physical body, the etheric, the emotional, the astral, and the mental. Can you tell me if this listing is the proper number, and can you tell me the uses and purposes and effects, etc., of each of these, or any other bodies that may be in our mind/body/spirit complex?
Ra: I am Ra. To answer your query fully would be the work of many sessions such as this one, for the interrelationships of the various bodies, and each body’s effects in various situations, is an enormous study. However, we shall begin by referring your minds back to the spectrum of true colours and the usage of this understanding in grasping the various densities of your octave.
We have the number seven repeated from the macrocosm to the microcosm in structure and experience. Therefore, it would only be expected that there would be seven basic bodies which we would perhaps be most lucid by stating as red-ray body, etc. However, we are aware that you wish to correspond these bodies mentioned with the colour rays. This will be confusing, for various teachers have offered their teach/learning understanding in various terms. Thus one may name a subtle body one thing and another find a different name.
The red-ray body is your chemical body. However, it is not the body which you have as clothing in the physical. It is the unconstructed material of the body, the elemental body without form. This basic unformed material body is important to understand, for there are healings which may be carried out by the simple understanding of the elements present in the physical vehicle.
The orange-ray body is the physical body complex. This body complex is still not the body you inhabit but rather the body formed without self-awareness, the body in the womb before the spirit/mind complex enters. This body may live without the inhabitation of the mind and spirit complexes. However, it seldom does so.
The yellow-ray body is your physical vehicle which you know of at this time and in which you experience catalyst. This body has the mind/body/spirit characteristics and is equal to the physical illusion, as you have called it.
The green-ray body is that body which may be seen in séance when what you call ectoplasm is furnished. This is a lighter body packed more densely with life. You may call this the astral body following some other teachings. Others have called this same body the etheric body. However, this is not correct in the sense that the etheric body is that body of gateway wherein intelligent energy is able to mould the mind/body/spirit complex.
The light body, or blue-ray body, may be called the devachanic body. There are many other names for this body, especially in your so-called Indian Sutras or writings, for there are those among these peoples which have explored these regions and understand the various types of devachanic bodies. There are many, many types of bodies in each density, much like your own.
The indigo-ray body, which we choose to call the etheric body, is, as we have said, the gateway body. In this body form is substance, and you may only see this body as that of light as it may mould itself as it desires.
The violet-ray body may perhaps be understood as what you might call the Buddha body, or that body which is complete.
Each of these bodies has an effect upon your mind/body/spirit complex in your life beingness. The interrelationships, as we have said, are many and complex.
Perhaps one suggestion that may be indicated is this: The indigo-ray body may be used by the healer once the healer becomes able to place its consciousness in this etheric state. The violet-ray, or Buddhic, body is of equal efficacy to the healer, for within it lies a sense of wholeness which is extremely close to unity with all that there is. These bodies are part of each entity, and the proper use of them, and understanding of them is, though far advanced from the standpoint of third-density harvest, nevertheless useful to the adept.
50.9 Questioner: Can you tell me how the adept then, after being able to hold the image for several minutes, what he does then to affect planetary consciousness or increase positive polarity? I still don’t quite understand about this.
Ra: I am Ra. When the positive adept touches intelligent infinity from within, this is the most powerful of connexions, for it is the connexion of the whole mind/body/spirit complex microcosm with the macrocosm. This connexion enables the, shall we say, green-ray true colour in time/space to manifest in your time/space.* In green ray, thoughts are beings. In your illusion this is normally not so.
The adepts then become living channels for love and light and are able to channel this radiance directly into the planetary web of energy nexi. The ritual will always end by the grounding of this energy in praise and thanksgiving and the release of this energy into the planetary whole.
50.7 Questioner: Thank you. Can you expand on the concept which is this: that it is necessary for an entity to, during incarnation in the physical, as we call it, become polarised or interact properly with other entities, and why this isn’t possible in between incarnations when he is aware of what he wants to do, but why must he come into an incarnation and lose memory, conscious memory, of what he wants to do and then act in a way that he hopes to act? Could you expand on that please?
Ra: I am Ra. Let us give the example of the man who sees all the poker hands. He then knows the game. It is but child’s play to gamble, for it is no risk. The other hands are known. The possibilities are known and the hand will be played correctly but with no interest.
In time/space and in the true-colour green density, the hands of all are open to the eye. The thoughts, the feelings, the troubles: all these may be seen. There is no deception and no desire for deception. Thus much may be accomplished in harmony, but the mind/body/spirit gains little polarity from this interaction.
Let us re-examine this metaphor and multiply it into the longest poker game you can imagine: a lifetime. The cards are love, dislike, limitation, unhappiness, pleasure, etc. They are dealt, and re-dealt, and re-dealt continuously. You may, during this incarnation begin—and we stress begin—to know your own cards. You may begin to find the love within you. You may begin to balance your pleasure, your limitations, etc. However, your only indication of other-selves’ cards is to look into the eyes.
You cannot remember your hand, their hands, perhaps even the rules of this game. This game can only be won by those who lose their cards in the melting influence of love; can only be won by those who lay their pleasures, their limitations, their all upon the table face up and say inwardly: “All, all of you players, each other-self, whatever your hand, I love you.”
This is the game: to know, to accept, to forgive, to balance, and to open the self in love. This cannot be done without the forgetting, for it would carry no weight in the life of the mind/body/spirit beingness totality.
57.12 Questioner: How does the healing that you just told us about relate to the healing done in the King’s Chamber in the Giza pyramid?
Ra: I am Ra. There are two advantages to doing this working in such a configuration of shapes and dimensions.
Firstly, the disruption, or interruption, of the violet/red armoring, or protective shell, is automatic.
In the second place, the light is configured by the very placement of this position in the seven distinctive colour, or energy, vibratory rates, thus allowing the energy through the crystallised being, focused with the crystal, to manipulate with great ease the undisturbed and, shall we say, carefully delineated palette of energies, or colours, both in space/time and in time/space.
Thus the unarmored being may be adjusted rapidly. This is desirable in some cases, especially when the armoring is the largest moiety of the possibility of continued function of body complex activity in this density.* The trauma of the interruption of this armoring vibration is then seen to be lessened.
We take this opportunity to pursue our honour/duty, as some of those creating the pyramid shape, to note that it is in no way necessary to use this shape in order to achieve healings, for seniority of vibration has caused the vibratory complexes of mind/body/spirit complexes to be healed to be less vulnerable to the trauma of the interrupted armoring.
Furthermore, as we have said, the powerful effect of the pyramid, with its mandatory disruption of the armoring—if used without the crystallised being, used with the wrong intention, or in the wrong configuration—can result in further distortions of entities which are, perhaps, the equal of some of your chemicals which cause disruptions in the energy fields in like manner.
59.23 Questioner: Previously you stated that one of the base sides should be aligned with magnetic north. Which is better, to align with magnetic north or to align with 20° east of magnetic north?
Ra: I am Ra. This is at your discretion. The proper alignment for you of this sphere at this time is magnetic north. However, in your query you asked specifically about a structure which has been used by specific entities whose energy vortices are more consonant with the, shall we say, true-colour green orientation. This would be the 20° east of north.
There are advantages to each orientation. The effect is stronger at magnetic north and can be felt more clearly. The energy, though weak, coming from the now-distant-but-soon-to-be-paramount direction is more helpful.
The choice is yours. It is the choice between quantity and quality, or wide-band and narrow-band aid in meditation.
Ra: You must see the Earth, as you call it, as being seven Earths. There is red, orange, yellow, and there will soon be a completed green-colour vibratory locus for fourth-density entities which they will call Earth. During the fourth-density experience, due to the lack of development of fourth-density entities, the third-density planetary sphere is not useful for habitation since the early fourth-density entity will not know, precisely, how to maintain the illusion that fourth density cannot be seen or determined from any instrumentation available to any third density.
Thus in fourth density the red, orange, and green energy nexi of your planet will be activated while the yellow is in potentiation, along with the blue and the indigo.
May we ask at this time if there be any brief queries?
74.4 Questioner: In a previous session there was a question on the archetypical mind that was not fully answered. I would like to continue with the answer to that question. Could you please continue with that, or would it be necessary for me to read the entire question over again?
Ra: I am Ra. As a general practise it is well to vibrate the query at the same space/time as the answer is desired. However, in this case it is acceptable to us that a note be inserted at this point in your recording of these sound vibratory complexes referring to the location of the query in previous workings.*
The query, though thoughtful, is in some degree falling short of the realisation of the nature of the archetypical mind. We may not teach/learn for any other to the extent that we become learn/teachers. Therefore, we shall make some general notations upon this interesting subject and allow the questioner to consider and further refine any queries.
The archetypical mind may be defined as that mind which is peculiar to the Logos of this planetary sphere. Thusly, unlike the great cosmic all-mind, it contains the material which it pleased the Logos to offer as refinements to the great cosmic beingness. The archetypical mind, then, is that which contains all facets which may affect mind or experience.
The Magician was named as a significant archetype. However, it was not recognised that this portion of the archetypical mind represents not a portion of the deep subconscious, but the conscious mind and, more especially, the will. The archetype called by some the High Priestess, then, is the corresponding intuitive, or subconscious faculty.
Let us observe the entity as it is in relationship to the archetypical mind. You may consider the possibilities of utilising the correspondences between the mind/body/spirit in microcosm and the archetypical mind/body/spirit closely approaching the Creator.
For instance, in your ritual performed to purify this place you use the term “Ve Geburah.” It is a correct assumption that this is a portion or aspect of the One Infinite Creator. However, there are various correspondences with the archetypical mind which may be more and more refined by the adept. “Ve Geburah” is the correspondence of Michael, of Mars, of the positive, of maleness. “Ve Gedulah” has correspondences to Jupiter, to femaleness, to the negative, to that portion of the Tree of Life concerned with Auriel.
We could go forward with more and more refinements of these two entries into the archetypical mind. We could discuss colour correspondences, relationships with other archetypes, and so forth. This is the work of the adept, not the teach/learner.
We may only suggest that there are systems of study which may address themselves to the aspects of the archetypical mind, and it is well to choose one and study carefully. It is more nearly well if the adept go beyond whatever has been written and make such correspondences that the archetype can be called upon at will.
[There is a 34-second pause between the end of this answer and the beginning of the next question.]
77.17 Questioner: Now, would it be possible for this work of our density to be performed if all of the sub-Logoi chose the same polarity in any particular expression or evolution of a Logos? Let us make the assumption that our sun created nothing but, through the First Distortion, there was no product except positive polarity. Would work then be done in fourth density and higher as a function only of this positive polarisation evolving from our original creation of sub-Logoi?
Ra: I am Ra. Elements of this query illustrate the reason I was unable to answer your previous question without knowledge of the Logos involved.
To turn to your question, there were Logoi which chose to set the plan for the activation of mind/body/spirit complexes through each true-colour body without recourse to the prior application of free will. It is, to our knowledge, only in an absence of free will that the conditions of which you speak obtain. In such a procession of densities you find an extraordinarily long, as you measure time, third density; likewise, fourth density. Then, as the entities begin to see the Creator, there is a very rapid, as you measure time, procession towards the eighth density. This is due to the fact that one who knows not, cares not.
Let us illustrate by observing the relative harmony and unchanging quality of existence in one of your, as you call it, primitive tribes. The entities have the concepts of lawful and taboo, but the law is inexorable and all events occur as predestined. There is no concept of right and wrong, good or bad. It is a culture in monochrome. In this context you may see the one you call Lucifer as the true light-bringer in that the knowledge of good and evil both precipitated the mind/body/spirits of this Logos from the Edenic conditions of constant contentment but also provided the impetus to move, to work, and to learn.
Those Logoi whose creations have been set up without free will have not, in the feeling of those Logoi, given the Creator the quality and variety of experience of Itself as have those Logoi which have incorporated free will as paramount. Thusly you find those Logoi moving through the timeless states at what you would see as a later space/time to choose the free will character when elucidating the foundations of each Logos.
92.34 Questioner: I will just, then, attempt an example of the Potentiator of Mind acting. Would, as the infant gains time in incarnation, it experience the Potentiator offering both positive and negative potential acts (or thoughts, shall I say) for the Matrix to experience, which then begin to accumulate in the Matrix, and colour it one way or the other in polarity depending upon its continuing choice of that polarity offered by the Potentiator? Is this in any way correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, again may we distinguish between the archetypical mind and the process of incarnational experience of the mind/body/spirit complex.
Secondly, each potentiation which has been reached for by the Matrix is recorded by the Matrix but experienced by the Significator.
The experience of the Significator of this potentiated activity is, of course, dependent upon the acuity of its processes of Catalyst and Experience.
May we ask if there are briefer queries before we leave this instrument?
94.18 Questioner: In Card Three the feet of the female entity are upon the unstable platform, signifying dual polarity by its colour. In Card Four, one foot pointed indicates that if the male entity stands on the toe it would be carefully balanced. The other foot is pointed to the left. Would Ra comment on my observation that if the entity stands on this foot it will be very, very carefully balanced?
Ra: I am Ra. This is an important perception, for it is a key to not only this concept complex but to others as well.
You may see the T-square which at times riven as is one foot from secure fundament by the nature of experience, yet still—by this same nature of experience—is carefully, precisely, and architecturally placed in the foundation of this concept complex, and, indeed, in the archetypical mind complex.*
Experience** has the nature of more effectively and poignantly expressing the architecture of experience, both the fragility of structure and the surety of structure.
71.21 Questioner: When you say you searched for this group, what do you mean? What was your process of search? I ask this question to understand more the illusion of time and space.
Ra: I am Ra. Consider the process of one who sees the spectrograph of some complex of elements. It is a complex paint sample, let us say for ease of description. We of Ra knew the needed elements for communication which had any chance of enduring. We compared our colour chip to many individuals and groups over a long span of your time. Your spectrograph matches our sample.
In response to your desire to see the relationship betwixt space/time and time/space, may we say that we conducted this search in time/space, for in this illusion one may quite readily see entities as vibratory complexes and groups as harmonics within vibratory complexes.
[There is a 33-second pause between the end of this answer and the beginning of the next question.]
The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2025 Tobey Wheelock.
Questions? Comments? Email me: tw at law of one dot info.