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Questioner: Then there is no other service that we can at this time offer that fifth-density entity of the Orion group who is so constantly with us. As I see it now there is nothing that we can do for him from your point of view? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. There is great humour in your attempt to be of polarised service to the opposite polarity. There is a natural difficulty in doing so since what you consider service is considered by this entity non-service. As you send this entity love and light and wish it well it loses its polarity and needs to regroup. Thus it would not consider your service as such.

On the other hand, if you allowed it to be of service by removing this instrument from your midst, you might, perhaps, perceive this as not being of service.

You have here a balanced and polarised view of the Creator: two services offered, mutually rejected, and in a state of equilibrium in which free will is preserved and each allowed to go upon its own path of experiencing the One Infinite Creator.

Questioner: Do I understand, then, that death, whether it is by natural means, or accidental death, or suicide—all deaths of this type would create the same after-death condition which would avail an entity to its protection from friends? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We presume you mean to inquire whether in the death experience, no matter what the cause, the negative friends are not able to remove an entity. This is correct largely because the entity without the attachment to the space/time physical complex is far more aware and without the gullibility which is somewhat the hallmark of those who love wholeheartedly.

However, the death, if natural, would undoubtedly be the more harmonious; the death by murder being confused and the entity needing some time/space in which to get its bearings, so to speak; the death by suicide causing the necessity for much healing work and, shall we say, the making of a dedication to the third density for the renewed opportunity of learning the lessons set by the higher self.

Questioner: Now here is the point of my confusion. If, after physical death, a wanderer would return to his home planet, shall I say, why cannot the same entity be extracted from negative time/space to the home planet rather than incarnating in negative space/time?

Ra: I am Ra. As we stated, the position in negative time/space, of which we previously were speaking, is that position which is pre-incarnative. After the death of the physical complex in yellow-ray activation, the mind/body/spirit complex moves to a far different portion of time/space in which the indigo body will allow much healing and review to take place before any movement is made towards another incarnative experience.

I perceive a basic miscalculation upon your part in that time/space is no more homogenous than space/time. It is as complex and complete a system of illusions, dances, and pattern as is space/time, and has as structured a system of what you may call natural laws.

Questioner: Is he back with us at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. No. The attempt to speak was due to the vigilant eye of the minions of this entity which noted what one may call a surge of natural telepathic ability upon the part of the instrument. This ability is cyclical, of the eighteen diurnal period cycle, as we have mentioned aforetimes.* Thusly, this entity determined to attempt another means of access to the instrument by free will.

Questioner: That is perfectly fine with us. That noise occurs at the forty-five minute time since the tape is forty-five minutes on a side.

I would just ask as a final question then: If the new table that Jim has built for the appurtenances is satisfactory to hold them since it will give us more room to walk around the bed, and if it is better to leave it in its natural condition as it is, or to coat it with linseed oil or varnish or paint?

Ra: I am Ra. We view this appurtenance. It sings with joy. The pine vibrates in praise. Much investment of this working in wood has been done. It is acceptable. We may suggest it be left either as it is or rubbed with the oil which also is easily magnetised and holds the proffered vibration to a profound extent.

Questioner: Which group was it that contacted Henry Puharich in Israel, right around 1972?

Ra: I am Ra. We must refrain from answering this query due to the possibility/probability that the one you call Henry will read this answer. This would cause distortions in his future. It is necessary that each being use free and complete discernment from within the all-self which is at the heart of the mind/body/spirit complex.

Questioner: Does that also apply to answering who was contacting the group that I originally was in, in 1962?

Ra: I am Ra. This query may be answered. The group contacted was the Confederation.

Questioner: Does the Orion group use this principle to create conditions brought about to suit their purpose?

Ra: I am Ra. We will answer more specifically than the question. The Orion group uses daydreams of hostile or other negative vibratory natures to feed back, or strengthen, these thought-forms.

Questioner: Then are all of the landings that have occurred—except for the landing when Eisenhower was contacted—are all of those landings of the Orion group or similar type groups?

Ra: I am Ra. Except for isolated instances of those of, shall we say, no affiliation, this is correct.

Questioner: I have often wondered about the action of random and programmed catalyst with respect to the entity with the very strong positive or negative polarisation. Would one or either be free to a great extent from random catalyst occurring such as great natural catastrophes, or warfare, or something like that that generates a lot of random catalyst in the physical vicinity of a highly polarised entity? Does this great cat, then, have effect on such random catalyst upon the right-hand path?

Ra: I am Ra. In two circumstances this is so:

Firstly, if there has been the pre-incarnative choice that, for instance, one shall not take life in the service of the cultural group, events shall fall in a protective manner.

Secondly, if any entity is able to dwell completely in unity, the only harm that may occur to it is the changing of the outward physical, yellow-ray vehicle into the more light-filled mind/body/spirit complex’s vehicle by the process of death. All other suffering and pain is as nothing to one such as this.

We may note that this perfect configuration of the mind, body, and spirit complexes while within the third-density vehicle is extraordinarily rare.

Questioner: Could you tell me the simplest and first entity to have both orange- and yellow-ray energy centres?

Ra: I am Ra. Upon your planetary sphere those having the first yellow-ray experiences are those of animal and vegetable natures which find the necessity for reproduction by bisexual techniques, or who find it necessary to depend in some way upon other-selves for survival and growth.

Questioner: Was the recipient of the laws, of the Ten Commandments, positively or negatively oriented?

Ra: The recipient was one of extreme positivity, thus accounting for some of the pseudo-positive characteristics of the information received. As with contacts which are not successful, this entity, vibratory complex Moishe, did not remain a credible influence among those who had first heard the philosophy of One, and this entity was removed from this third-density vibratory level in a lessened or saddened state, having lost what you may call the honour and faith with which he had begun the conceptualization of the Law of One and the freeing of those who were of his tribes, as they were called at that time/space.

Questioner: This question may be meaningless, but would a fifth-density entity of the Confederation who was positively polarised transmit on the same frequency as our negatively polarised fifth-density companion?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and is the reason that the questioning of all contacts is welcomed by the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator.

Questioner: Who, shall we say, supervises the determination of further incarnation needs and sets up the seniority list, shall I say, for incarnation?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a query with two answers.

Firstly, there are those directly under the Guardians who are responsible for the incarnation patterns of those incarnating automatically—that is, without conscious self-awareness of the process of spiritual evolution. You may call these beings angelic if you prefer. They are, shall we say, local, or of your planetary sphere.

The seniority of vibration is to be likened unto placing various grades of liquids in the same glass. Some will rise to the top; others will sink to the bottom. Layers and layers of entities will ensue. As harvest draws near, those filled with the most light and love will naturally, and without supervision, be in line, shall we say, for the experience of incarnation.

When the entity becomes aware in its mind/body/spirit complex totality of the mechanism for spiritual evolution, it, itself, will arrange and place those lessons and entities necessary for maximum growth and expression of polarity in the incarnative experience before the forgetting process occurs. The only disadvantage of this total free will of those senior entities choosing the manner of incarnation experiences is that some entities attempt to learn so much during one incarnative experience that the intensity of catalyst disarranges the polarised entity and the experience thus is not maximally useful as intended.

Questioner: I’m guessing that there are enough people who would understand what you are saying, interested enough, for us to make a book of communications with it, and I wondered if you would agree to this, us making a book. And if so, I was thinking that possibly a bit of historical background on yourself would be in order.

Ra: I am Ra. The possibility of communication, as you would call it, from the One to the One through distortion acceptable for meaning, is the reason we contacted this group. There are few who will grasp, without significant distortion, that which we communicate through this connexion with this mind/body/spirit complex.

However, if it be your desire to share our communications with others, we have the distortion towards a perception that this would be most helpful in regularising and crystallising your own patterns of vibration upon the levels of experience which you call the life. If one is illuminated, are not all illuminated? Therefore, we are oriented towards speaking for you in whatever supply of speakingness you may desire. To teach/learn is the Law of One in one of its most elementary distortions.

Questioner: I would like to apologise for my past and any future stupid questions due to the fact that I am searching for the proper entry into investigating the Law of One. We will be eliminating the stupid ones from the book.*

I would like to ask if the use of the instrument is a function of the time we use the instrument, or the amount of information, or the number of words the instrument gives? In other words, do I have to hurry and ask the questions, or can I take my time to ask the questions?

Ra: I am Ra. There are two portions to your query. Firstly, this instrument’s reserve of vital energy, which is a product of body, mind, and spirit distortions in the various complexes, is the key to the length of time which we may expend using this instrument. We searched your group when we contacted you, for each in your group possesses significantly more vital energy of the body complex. However, this instrument was tuned most appropriately by the mind/body/spirit-complex distortions of its beingness in this illusion. Therefore, we remained with this instrument.

Secondly, we communicate at a set rate which is dependent upon our careful manipulation of this instrument. We cannot be more, as you would say, quick. Therefore, you may ask questions speedily, but the answers we have to offer are at a set pace given.

Questioner: Then you are saying that there is no single level of, shall we say, purity required to tap intelligent energy through crystals, but there can be a wide variation in the amount of distortion that an entity may have. But each entity has to reach his particular point of, what I might call, energising the ability. Is this right?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The necessity is for the mind/body/spirit complex to be of a certain balance, this balance thus enabling it to reach a set level of lack of distortion. The critical difficulties are unique for each mind/body/spirit complex due to the experiential distillations which, in total, are the, shall we say, violet-ray beingness of each such entity.

This balance is what is necessary for work to be done in seeking the gateway to intelligent infinity through the use of crystals or through any other use. No two mind/body/spirit crystallised natures are the same. The distortion requirements, vibrationally speaking, are set.

Questioner: Thank you. In the material earlier you mentioned “magnetic attraction.” Could you define and expand upon that term?

Ra: I am Ra. We used the term to indicate that in your bisexual natures there is that which is of polarity. This polarity may be seen to be variable according to the, shall we say, male/female polarisation of each entity, be each entity biologically male or female. Thus you may see the magnetism when two entities with the appropriate balance, male/female versus female/male polarity, meeting and thus feeling the attraction which polarised forces will exert, one upon the other.

This is the strength of the bisexual mechanism. It does not take an act of will to decide to feel attraction for one who is oppositely polarised sexually. It will occur in an inevitable sense, giving the free flow of energy a proper, shall we say, avenue. This avenue may be blocked by some distortion towards a belief/condition which states to the entity that this attraction is not desired. However, the basic mechanism functions as simply as would, shall we say, the magnet and the iron.

Questioner: Do I understand from this then that the higher self, or oversoul, may break down into numerous units if the experience is required to, what we would call, simultaneously experience different types of catalyst and then oversee these experiences?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a statement we cannot say to be correct or incorrect due to the confusions of what you call time. True simultaneity is available only when all things are seen to be occurring at once. This overshadows the concept of which you speak. The concept of various parts of the being living experiences of varying natures simultaneously is not precisely accurate due to your understanding that this would indicate that this was occurring with true simultaneity. This is not the case.

The case is from universe to universe, and parallel existences can then be programmed by the higher self, given the information available from the mind/body/spirit complex totality regarding the probability/possibility vortices at any crux.

Questioner: We will attempt to work around these problems in dissemination of the Law of One. It will take some careful work to do this, but we will. I personally will not cease while still incarnate to attempt to disseminate this. I believe it will be necessary to write a book, most probably about UFOs, since the Law of One is connected with the phenomenon. It’s connected with all phenomena, but this is the . . . seems to be the easiest entry into dissemination.

My first plan is to, using the UFO in the advertising sense that it was meant by the Confederation, use this as an entry into an explanation of the process of evolution that has gone on on this planet, and how the rest of the . . . or the Confederation has been involved in a more understandable way, shall I say, for the population who will read it, using the Ra material in undistorted form just as it has been recorded here in various places through the book to amplify and clarify what we are saying in the book. This is the only way that I can see right now to create enough dissemination for the people who would like to have the Law of One for them to be able to get it. I could just go ahead and print up the material we have off the tape recorder and publish it, but we would be unable to disseminate it very well because of distribution problems.

Will you comment on my second idea of doing a general book on UFOs including the material from the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall comment. We hope that your Ra plans materialise. This is a cosmic joke. You were asking for such an example of humour, and we feel this is a rather appropriate nexus in which one may be inserted. Continue with your intentions to the best of your natures and abilities. What more can be done, my friends?

Questioner: All right, I’ll just ask this one. I have here that—

Could you give me some idea of what conditions are like on a fourth-density negative, or self-service, planet? Can you do this?

Ra: I am Ra. The graduation into fourth-density negative is achieved by those beings who have consciously contacted intelligent infinity through the use of red, orange, and yellow rays of energy. Therefore, the planetary conditions of fourth-density negative include the constant alignment and realignment of entities in efforts to form the dominant patterns of combined energy.

The early fourth density is one of the most intensive struggle. When the order of authority has been established and all have fought until convinced that each is in the proper placement for power structure, the social memory complex begins. Always the fourth-density effects of telepathy and the transparency of thought are attempted to be used for the sake of those at the apex of the power structure.

This, as you may see, is often quite damaging to the further polarisation of fourth-density negative entities, for the further negative polarisation can only come about through group effort. As the fourth-density entities manage to combine, they then polarise through such services to self as those offered by the crusaders of Orion.

You may ask more specific questions in the next session of working. Are there any brief queries before we leave this instrument?

Questioner: Immediately after the death of the physical body, you have stated that the—I believe I’m correct in saying that—primary activated body is the indigo, and you stated that it is the form-maker. Why is this so? Can you answer that?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this session of working.

The indigo body may be seen to be an analogue for intelligent energy. It is, in microcosm, the Logos. The intelligent energy of the mind/body/spirit complex totality draws its existence from intelligent infinity, or the Creator. This Creator is to be understood, both in macrocosm and microcosm, to have, as we have said, two natures: the unpotentiated infinity which is intelligent—this is all that there is.*

Free Will has potentiated both the Creator of us all and our selves as co-Creators with intelligent infinity which has will. This will may be drawn upon by the indigo, or form-making, body, and its wisdom used to then choose the appropriate locus and type of experience which this co-Creator, or sub-sub-Logos you call so carelessly a person, will take.

I am Ra. This is the time for any brief queries.

Questioner: Then could you tell me what information you gave to the Egyptian priest, or Egyptian, who first was contacted or taught with respect to the first archetype? Is that possible for you to do within the limits of the First Distortion?

Ra: I am Ra. It is possible. Our first step, as we have said, was to present the descriptions in verbal form of three images: one, eight, fifteen; then the questions were asked: “What do you feel that a bird might represent?” “What do you feel that a wand might represent?” “What do you feel that the male represents?” and so forth until those studying were working upon a system whereby the images used became evocative of a system of concepts. This is slow work when done for the first time.

We may note, with sympathy, that you undoubtedly feel choked by the opposite difficulty, that of a great mass of observation upon this system, all of which has some merit as each student will experience the archetypical mind and its structure in an unique way useful to that student. We suggest that one or more of this group do that which we have suggested in order that we may, without infringement, offer observations on this interesting subject which may be of further aid to those inquiring in this area.

We would note at this time that the instrument is having almost continuous pain flares. Therefore, we ask that each of the support group be especially aware of any misinformation in order that we may correct any distortions of information the soonest possible.

Questioner: Is it possible for an entity here on Earth to be so confused as to call both the Confederation and the Orion group in an alternating way, one, then the other, [inaudible] back to [inaudible]?

Ra: I am Ra. It is entirely possible for the untuned channel, as you call that service, to receive both positive and negative communications. If the entity at the base of its confusion is oriented towards service to others, the entity will begin to receive messages of doom. If the entity at the base of the complex of beingness is oriented towards service to self, the crusaders, who in this case do not find it necessary to lie, will simply begin to give the philosophy they are here to give.

Many of your so-called contacts among your people have been confused and self-destructive because the channels were oriented towards service to others, but in the desire for proof were open to the lying information of the crusaders who then were able to neutralise the effectiveness of the channel.

Questioner: I’m sorry for getting confused on the question here and not asking it correctly. There is a philosophical point of central importance to me that I am trying to clear up here. It has to do with the fact that fourth-density negative seems to be aware of the First Distortion, and they are in a nonveiled condition. And they seem to use this knowledge of the First Distortion to maintain the situation that they maintain in their contacts with this planet.

I am trying to extract their ability to understand the mechanism of the First Distortion and the consequences of the veiling process and still remain in a mental configuration of separation on the negative path. I hope that I have made myself clear there. I have had a hard time asking this question.

Ra: I am Ra. The answer may still not satisfy the questioner. We ask that you pursue it until you are satisfied. The fourth-density negative entity has made the choice available to each at third-density harvest. It is aware of the full array of possible methods of viewing the universe of the One Creator, and it is convinced that the ignoring and non-use of the green-ray energy centre will be the method most efficient in providing harvestability of fourth density. Its operations among those of third density which have not yet made this choice are designed to offer to each the opportunity to consider the self-serving polarity and its possible attractiveness.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2024 Tobey Wheelock.

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