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23.16 Questioner: Thank you. Now, I understand, if I am correct, that a South American contact was also made. Can you tell me of the . . . approximately the same question I asked about your contact, with respect to the attitude or . . . about the contact, and its ramifications, and the plan for the contact, and why the people were contacted in South America?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the final full question of this session. The entities who walked among those in your South American continent were called by a similar desire upon the part of the entities therein to learn of the manifestations of the sun. They worshipped this source of light and life.

Thus, these entities were visited by light beings not unlike ourselves. Instructions were given, and they were more accepted and less distorted than ours. The entities themselves began to construct a series of underground and hidden cities including pyramid structures.

These pyramids were somewhat at variance from the design that we had promulgated. However, the original ideas were the same with the addition of a desire, or intention, of creating places of meditation and rest, a feeling of the presence of the One Creator; these pyramids then being for all people, not only initiates and those to be healed.

They left this density when it was discovered that their plans were solidly in motion and, in fact, had been recorded. During the next approximately three thousand five hundred [3,500] years these plans became, though somewhat distorted, in a state of near-completion in many aspects.

Therefore, as is the case in all breakings of the quarantine, the entity who was helping the South American entities along the South American ways you call, in part, the Amazon River went before the Council of Saturn to request a second attempt to correct in person the distortions which had occurred in their plans. This having been granted, this entity, or social memory complex, returned, and the entity chosen as messenger came among the peoples once more to correct the errors.

Again, all was recorded, and the entity rejoined its social memory complex and left your skies.

As in our experience, the teachings were, for the most part, greatly and grossly perverted to the extent, in later times, of actual human sacrifice rather than healing of humans. Thus, this social memory complex is also given the honour/duty of remaining until those distortions are worked out of the distortion complexes of your peoples.

May we ask if there are any questions of a brief nature before we close?

60.16 Questioner: The pyramid shape, then, as I understand it, was deemed by your social memory complex at that time to be of paramount importance as, shall I say, a physical training aid for spiritual development. At this particular time in the evolution of our planet it seems that you place little or no emphasis on this shape. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. It is our honour/duty to attempt to remove the distortions that the use of this shape has caused in the thinking of your peoples and in the activities of some of your entities. We do not deny that such shapes are efficacious, nor do we withhold the general gist of this efficacy. However, we wish to offer our understanding, limited though it is, that—contrary to our naïve beliefs many thousands of your years ago—the optimum shape for initiation does not exist.

Let us expand upon this point. When we were aided by sixth-density entities during our own third-density experiences, we, being less bellicose in the extreme, found this teaching to be of help. In our naïveté in third density we had not developed the interrelationships of your barter or money system, and power. We were, in fact, a more philosophical third-density planet than your own, and our choices of polarity were much more centred about the, shall we say, understanding of sexual energy transfers and the appropriate relationships between self and other-self.

We spent a much larger portion of our space/time working with the unmanifested being. In this less complex atmosphere it was quite instructive to have this learn/teaching device, and we benefited without the distortions we found occurring among your peoples.

We have recorded these differences meticulously in the Great Record of Creation that such naïveté shall not be necessary again.

At this space/time we may best serve you, we believe, by stating that the pyramid for meditation, along with other rounded and arched, or pointed, circular shapes, is of help to you.

However, it is our observation that due to the complexity of influences upon the unmanifested being at this space/time nexus among your planetary peoples, it is best that the progress of the mind/body/spirit complex take place without, as you call them, training aids—because when using a training aid an entity then takes upon itself the Law of Responsibility for the quickened or increased rate of learn/teaching. If this greater understanding, if we may use this misnomer, is not put into practise in the moment by moment experience of the entity, then the usefulness of the training aid becomes negative.

15.12 Questioner: How does an individual go about balancing himself? What is the first step?

Ra: I am Ra. The steps are only one; that is, an understanding of the energy centres which make up the mind/body/spirit complex. This understanding may be briefly summarised as follows.

The first balancing is of the Malkuth, or Earth, vibratory energy complex, called the red-ray complex. An understanding and acceptance of this energy is fundamental.

The next energy complex which may be blocked is the emotional, or personal, complex also known as the orange-ray complex. This blockage will often demonstrate itself as personal eccentricities or distortions with regard to self-conscious understanding, or acceptance, of self.

The third blockage resembles most closely that which you have called ego. It is the yellow-ray, or solar plexus, centre. Blockages in this centre will often manifest as distortions towards power manipulation and other social behaviours concerning those close and those associated with the mind/body/spirit complex.

Those with blockages in these first three energy centres, or nexi, will have continuing difficulties in ability to further their seeking of the Law of One.

The centre of heart, or green ray, is the centre from which third-density beings may springboard, shall we say, towards infinite intelligence. Blockages in this area may manifest as difficulties in expressing what you may call universal love, or compassion.

The blue-ray centre of energy streaming is the centre which, for the first time, is outgoing as well as inpouring. Those blocked in this area may have difficulty in grasping the spirit/mind complexes of its own entity, and further difficulty in expressing such understandings of self. Entities blocked in this area may have difficulties in accepting communication from other mind/body/spirit complexes.

The next centre is the pineal, or indigo-ray, centre. Those blocked in this centre may experience a lessening of the influx of intelligent energy due to manifestations which appear as unworthiness. This is that of which you spoke. As you can see, this is but one of many distortions due to the several points of energy influx into the mind/body/spirit complex.

The indigo-ray balancing is quite central to the type of work which revolves about the spirit complex (which has its influx then into the transformation, or transmutation, of third density to fourth density), it being the energy centre receiving the least distorted outpourings of love/light from intelligent energy and having also the potential for the key to the gateway of intelligent infinity.

The remaining centre of energy influx is simply the total expression of the entity’s vibratory complex of mind, body, and spirit. It is as it will be. “Balanced” or “imbalanced” has no meaning at this energy level, for it gives and takes in its own balance. Whatever the distortion may be, it cannot be manipulated as can the others and, therefore, has no particular importance in viewing the balancing of an entity.

35.1 Questioner: I would like to say that we consider this a great privilege to be doing this work, and hope that we are going to question in a direction that will be of value to the readers of this material.

This session, I thought that possibly inspecting the effect on the rays of different well-known figures in our history might be of help in understanding how the catalyst of the illusion creates spiritual growth. I was making a list here, and the first I thought we might possibly hit the high points on (as to the effect of catalyst of the individual’s working life) would be the one we know as Franklin D. Roosevelt. Could you say something about that entity?

Ra: I am Ra. It is to be noted that in discussing those who are well known among your peoples there is the possibility that information may be seen to be specific to one entity whereas, in actuality, the great design of experience is much the same for each entity. It is with this in mind that we would discuss the experiential forces which offered catalyst to an individual.

It is further to be noted that in the case of those entities lately incarnate upon your plane much distortion may have taken place in regard to misinformation and misinterpretation of an entity’s thoughts or behaviours.

We shall now proceed to, shall we say, speak of the basic parameters of the one known as Franklin. When any entity comes into third-density incarnation, each of its energy centres is potentiated but must be activated by the self using experience.

The one known as Franklin developed very quickly up through red, orange, yellow, and green, and began to work in the blue-ray energy centre at a tender age, as you would say. This rapid growth was due, firstly, to previous achievements in the activation of these rays; secondly, to the relative comfort and leisure of its early existence; thirdly, due to the strong desire upon the part of the entity to progress. This entity mated with an entity whose blue-ray vibrations were of a strength more than equal to its own, thus acquiring catalyst for further growth in that area that was to persist throughout the incarnation.

This entity had some difficulty with continued green-ray activity due to the excessive energy which was put into the activities regarding other-selves in the distortion towards acquiring power. This was to have its toll upon the physical vehicle, as you may call it.

The limitation of the non-movement of a portion of the physical vehicle opened once again, for this entity, the opportunity for concentration upon the more, shall we say, universal, or idealistic, aspects of power; that is, the non-abusive use of power. Thus at the outset of a bellicose action this entity had lost some positive polarity due to excessive use of the orange- and yellow-ray energies at the expense of green- and blue-ray energies, then had regained the polarity due to the catalytic effects of a painful limitation upon the physical complex.

This entity was not of a bellicose nature, but rather, during the conflict, continued to vibrate in green ray working with the blue-ray energies. The entity who was the one known as Franklin’s teacher also functioned greatly during this period as blue-ray activator, not only for its mate but also in a more universal expression. This entity polarised continuously in a positive fashion in the universal sense while, in a less universal sense, developing a pattern of what may be called karma; this karma having to do with inharmonious-relationship distortions with the mate/teacher.

48.7 Questioner: Thank you. I would like to take as an example an entity, at birth, who is roughly high on the seniority list for positive polarisation and possible harvestability at the end of this cycle, and follow a full cycle of his experience starting before his incarnation—which body is activated, process of becoming incarnate, the activation of the third-density physical body process as the body moves through this density and is acted upon by catalyst, and then the process of death, and the activation of the various bodies—so that we make a full circuit from a point prior to incarnation back around through incarnation and death and back to that position, you might say, in one cycle of incarnation in this density. Could you do that for me?

Ra: I am Ra. Your query is most distorted, for it assumes that creations are alike. Each mind/body/spirit complex has its own patterns of activation and its own rhythms of awakening. The important thing for harvest is the harmonious balance between the various energy centres of the mind/body/spirit complex. This is to be noted as of relative import. We grasp the thrust of your query and will make a most general answer stressing the unimportance of such arbitrary generalisations.

The entity, before incarnation, dwells in the appropriate, shall we say, place in time/space. The true-colour type of this location will be dependent upon the entity’s needs. Those entities, for instance, which, being wanderers, have the green, blue, or indigo true-colour core of mind/body/spirit complex will have rested therein.

Entrance into incarnation requires the investment, or activation, of the indigo-ray, or etheric body, for this is the form maker. The young, or small, physical mind/body/spirit complex has the seven energy centres potentiated before the birthing process. There are also analogues in time/space of these energy centres corresponding to the seven energy centres in each of the seven true-colour densities. Thus in the microcosm exists all the experience that is prepared. It is as though the infant contains the universe.

The patterns of activation of an entity of high seniority will undoubtedly move with some rapidity to the green-ray level which is the springboard to primary blue. There is always some difficulty in penetrating blue primary energy, for it requires that which your people have in great paucity; that is, honesty. Blue ray is the ray of free communication with self and with other-self.

Having accepted that an harvestable or nearly harvestable entity will be working from this green-ray springboard, one may then posit that the experiences in the remainder of the incarnation will be focused upon activation of the primary blue ray of freely given communication; of indigo ray, that of freely shared intelligent energy; and, if possible, moving through this gateway, the penetration of violet-ray intelligent infinity. This may be seen to be manifested by a sense of the consecrate, or hallowed, nature of everyday creations and activities.

Upon the bodily complex death, as you call this transition, the entity will immediately, upon realisation of its state, return to the indigo form-maker body and rest therein until the proper future placement is made.

Here we have the anomaly of harvest. In harvest the entity will then transfer its indigo body into violet-ray manifestation as seen in true-colour yellow. This is for the purpose of gauging the harvestability of the entity. After this anomalous activity has been carefully completed, the entity will move into indigo body again and be placed in the correct true-colour locus in space/time and time/space, at which time the healings and learn/teachings necessary shall be completed and further incarnation needs determined.

20.10 Questioner: Then the concept of service to self or service to others is mandatory if we wish to have work, whether it be work in consciousness or work in the mechanical, or Newtonian concept in the physical. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct with one addendum. The coil, as you may understand this term, is wound, is potential, is ready. The thing that is missing without polarising is the charge.

38.12 Questioner: But I am just assuming that they . . . their method of movement is not a function of mechanical leverage such as ours, but a direct function of the mind somehow connected with the magnetic action of a planet. Is this right?

Ra: I am Ra. This is largely correct. It is an electromagnetic phenomenon which is controlled by thought impulses of a weak electrical nature.

41.18 Questioner: Now, the animal in second density is composed of light as are all things. What I am trying to get at is the relationship between the light that the various bodies of the animal are created of, and the relationship of this to the energy centres which are active, and the ones which are not active, and how this is linked with the Logos. It is a difficult question to ask.

Can you give me some kind of answer on that?

Ra: I am Ra. The answer is to redirect your thought processes from any mechanical view of evolution. The will of the Logos posits the potentials available to the evolving entity. The will of the entity, as it evolves, is the single measure of the rate and fastidiousness of the activation and balancing of the various energy centres.

106.6 Questioner: Is there anything with respect to the present spiritual, or metaphysical condition, or physical condition of this [house address] that we’re contemplating that Ra could tell us about that would be deleterious to the instrument’s health?

Ra: I am Ra. We may speak to this subject only to note that there are mechanical electrical devices which control humidity. The basement level is one location, the nature of which is much like that which you have experienced at the basement level of your previous domicile. Less humid conditions would remove the opportunity for the growth of those spores to which the instrument has sensitivity. The upper portions of the domicile are, almost in every case, at acceptable levels of humidity.

67.19 Questioner: I will ask about that in a later session—since I don’t want to get off the track—because it has something to do with the mechanics of time, which I am very puzzled about.

But I would ask then: the fifth-density entity in coming here to offer us service, as you mentioned, penetrated the quarantine. Was this done through one of the windows, or was this because of his, shall I say, magical ability?

Ra: I am Ra. This was done through a very slight window which less magically oriented entities or groups could not have used to advantage.

96.12 Questioner: This seems to be connected with the concept of the birds being messengers in the tarot, and this is a demonstration of this concept in the tarot, and I was wondering about the mechanics, you might say, of this type of a message. I assume the hawk was a messenger. And I assume that as I thought of the possible meaning of this with respect to our activities I was, in the state of free will, getting a message through the appearance of this very unusual bird—unusual, I say, in that it came so close. I would be very interested to know the origin of the message. (Of course, the origin is the One Creator.) The mechanics of this are very mystifying to me. Would Ra comment on this, please?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

5.3 Questioner: Is the instrument comfortable? Is there any other thing that would increase the instrument’s comfort? That’s all.

Ra: I am Ra. The candle could be rotated clockwise approximately 10° each session to improve the flow of spiralled energy through the being’s receiving mechanisms. This particular configuration is well otherwise. But we ask that the objects described and used be centred with geometric care and checked from time to time. Also that they not be exposed to that space/time in which work is not of importance.

I am Ra. I leave this instrument in the love and light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

33.17 Questioner: Do we have enough time left to ask the second part of this question, which is to list all major mechanisms designed to provide the catalyst that include action with other-self? Do we have enough time for that?

Ra: I am Ra. You have much time for this, for we may express this list in one of two ways. We could speak infinitely, or we could simply state that any interaction betwixt self and other-self has whatever potential for catalyst that there exists in the potential difference between self and other-self, this moderated and undergirded by the constant fact of the Creator as self and as other-self. You may ask to this question further if you wish specific information.

46.7 Questioner: I was just wondering, if an entity polarises toward the service-to-self path, would the anger have the same physical effect that it affects an entity polarised toward the service-to-others path? Would it also cause cancer, or is it just a catalytic effect working in the positively polarised entity?

Ra: I am Ra. The catalytic mechanisms are dependent not upon the chosen polarity of a mind/body/spirit complex, but upon the use, or purpose, to which this catalysis is put. Thus the entity which uses the experience of anger to polarise consciously, positively or negatively, does not experience the bodily catalyst but rather uses the catalyst in mental configuration.

48.4 Questioner: Knowing what you know now about our planetary condition and methods of communication, etc., if you, yourself, as an individual, had gone through the process of incarnation here as a wanderer and now have memory of a sufficient way to have the objective that you just stated, what mechanisms would you seek out for the process of teach/learning in our present state of communication?

Ra: I am Ra. My brother, we perceive you have made certain unspoken connexions. We acknowledge these and, for this reason, cannot infringe upon your confusion.

82.17 Questioner: Certainly.

Ra: I am Ra. Your queries seem to be pursuing the possibility/probability that the mechanisms of experience in third density are different if a mind/body/spirit is attempting them rather than a mind/body/spirit complex. The nature of third density is constant. Its ways are to be learned the same now and ever.

Thusly, no matter what form the entity facing these lessons, the lessons and mechanisms are the same. The Creator will learn from Itself. Each entity has unmanifest portions of learning and, most importantly, learning which is involved with other-selves.

3.14 Questioner: This is slightly trivial, but I was wondering why, in that case, the pyramid was made of many blocks rather than the whole thing being created at once.

Ra: I am Ra. There is a law which we believe to be one of the more significant primal distortions of the Law of One. That is the Law of Confusion. You have called this the Law of Free Will.

We wished to make an healing machine, or time/space ratio complex which was as efficacious as possible. However, we did not desire to allow the mystery to be penetrated by the peoples in such a way that we became worshipped as builders of a miraculous pyramid. Thus it appears to be made, not thought.

8.13 Questioner: Specifically, what do they do when they land?

Ra: There are two types of landings. In the first, entities among your peoples are taken on their craft and programmed for future use. There are two or three levels of programming. First, the level that will be discovered by those who do research. Second, a triggering programme. Third, a second and most deep triggering programme crystallising the entity thereby rendering it lifeless and useful as a kind of beacon. This is a form of landing.

The second form is that of landing beneath the earth’s crust which is entered from water. Again, in the general area of your South American and Caribbean areas and close to the so-called northern pole. The bases of these people are underground.

8.24 Questioner: Where are these craft constructed?

Ra: These craft are constructed one by one in two locations: in the desert or arid regions of your so-called New Mexico and in the desert or arid regions of your so-called Mexico, both installations being under the ground.

9.7 Questioner: What race is that, and how did they get from Mars to here?

Ra: I am Ra. The race is a combination of the mind/body/spirit complexes of those of your so-called Red Planet and a careful series of genetical adjustments made by the Guardians of that time. These entities arrived, or were preserved, for the experience upon your sphere by a type of birthing which is non-reproductive, but consists of preparing genetic material for the incarnation of the mind/body/spirit complexes of those entities from the Red Planet.

10.8 Questioner: Is there any danger of this happening to Earth at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. We feel this evaluation of your planetary mind/body/spirit complex’s so-called future may be less than harmless. We say only the conditions of mind exist for such development of technology and such deployment.

It is the distortion of our vision/understanding that the mind and spirit complexes of those of your people need orientation rather than the “toys” needing dismantlement, for are not all things that exist part of the Creator? Therefore, freely to choose is your honour/duty.

11.4 Questioner: Is there a planet behind our sun, opposite to us in orbit, that we do not know about?

Ra: I am Ra. There is a sphere in the area opposite your sun of a very, very cold nature but large enough to skew certain statistical figures. This sphere should not properly be called a planet as it is locked in first density.

12.20 Questioner: Is the robot what is normally called “Men in Black?”

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.

13.7 Questioner: After this, what happened?

Ra: Awareness led to the focus of infinity into infinite energy. You have called this by various vibrational sound complexes, the most common to your ears being “Logos” or “Love.” The Creator is the focusing of infinity as an aware or conscious principle called by us, as closely as we can create understanding/learning in your language, intelligent infinity.

14.12 Questioner: George Van Tassel built a machine in our western desert called an “Integratron.” Will this machine work for that purpose of increasing the life span?

Ra: I am Ra. The machine is incomplete and will not function for the above-mentioned purpose.

14.13 Questioner: Who gave George the information on how to build it?

Ra: I am Ra. There were two contacts which gave the entity with vibratory sound complex, George, this information. One was of the Confederation. The second was of the Orion group. The Confederation was caused to find the distortion towards non-contact due to the alteration of the vibrational mind complex patterns of the one called George. Thus, the Orion group used this instrument; however, this instrument, though confused, was a mind/body/spirit complex devoted at the heart to service to others, so the, shall we say, worst that could be done was to discredit this source.

14.28 Questioner: Can you tell me who was responsible for transmitting the book Oahspe?

Ra: I am Ra. This was transmitted by one of Confederation social memory complex status whose idea, as offered to the Council, was to use some of the known physical history of the so-called religions, or religious distortions, of your cycle in order to veil and partially unveil aspects or primal distortions of the Law of One. All names can be taken to be created for their vibrational characteristics. The information buried within has to do with a deeper understanding of love and light and the attempts of infinite intelligence through many messengers to teach/learn those entities of your sphere.

14.30 Questioner: The Urantia Book, which I haven’t read. Who gave that?

Ra: I am Ra. This was given by a series of discarnate entities of your own Earth planes, the so-called inner planes. This material is not passed by the Council.

15.15 Questioner: I don’t mean to ask the same question twice, but there are some areas I consider so important that greater understanding may be obtained by possible restatement in other words. I thank you very much for your patience.

Yesterday, you also mentioned that when there was no harvest at the end of the last 25,000-year period: “There were harvestable entities who shall choose the manner of their entrance into the fourth density.” Can you tell me what you mean by how “they will choose the manner of their entrance into the fourth density”?

Ra: I am Ra. These shepherds, or, as some have called them, the “Elder Race,” shall choose the time/space of their leaving. They are unlikely to leave until their other-selves are harvestable also.

16.19 Questioner: If this entity was positively oriented, how was the Orion group able to contact him?

Ra: I am Ra. This was an intensive, shall we say, battleground between positively oriented forces of Confederation origin and negatively oriented sources. The one called Moishe was open to impression and received the Law of One in its most simple form. However, the information became negatively oriented due to his people’s pressure to do specific physical things in the third-density planes. This left the entity open for the type of information and philosophy of a self-service nature.

17.21 Questioner: Then in which density does the entity known as Jesus now reside?

Ra: I am Ra. This information is harmless though unimportant. This entity studies now the lessons of the wisdom vibration, the fifth density, also called the light vibration.

18.21 Questioner: Why did they want larger and stronger organisms?

Ra: The ones of Yahweh were attempting to create an understanding of the Law of One by creating mind/body complexes capable of grasping the Law of One. The experiment was a decided failure from the view of the desired distortions due to the fact that rather than assimilating the Law of One, it was a great temptation to consider the so-called social complex, or sub-complex, as elite or different, and better, than other-selves, this one of the techniques of service to self.

20.3 Questioner: So more and more second-density entities are making it into third density. Can you give me an example of a second-density entity coming into third density, say, in the recent past?

Ra: I am Ra. Perhaps the most common occurrence of second-density graduation during third-density cycle is the so-called pet: the animal which is exposed to the individualising influences of the bond between animal and third-density entity. This individuation causes a sharp rise in the potential of the second-density entity so that, upon the cessation of physical complex, the mind/body complex does not return unto the undifferentiated consciousness of that species, if you will.

20.36 Questioner: You use the same nomenclature for fourth-density negative as for fourth-density positive. Both are called the dimension of love or understanding. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Love and understanding, whether it be of self or of self towards other-self, is one.

21.7 Questioner: Were there any of these entities then incarnated in second density before the 75,000-year cycle?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. These particular entities were incarnate in time/space third density, that is, the so-called inner planes, undergoing the process of healing and approaching realisation of their action.

21.15 Questioner: Then the Confederation gardeners did nothing, I’m assuming, until some of the plants in their garden, shall I say, called them for help. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

22.12 Questioner: What type of visit did the Confederation make to this group of 150 entities?

Ra: I am Ra. A light being appeared bearing that which may be called a shield of light. It spoke of the oneness and infinity of all creation and of those things which await those ready for harvest. It described in golden words the beauties of love as lived. It then allowed a telepathic linkage to progressively show those who were interested the plight of third density when seen as a planetary complex. It then left.

23.19 Questioner: This is a dumb question, but there was a movie called Battle Beyond the Stars. I don’t know if you are familiar with it or not. I guess you are. It seemed to have what you’re telling us included in the script. Is this correct? Do you know anything about it?

Ra: I am Ra. This particular creation of your entities had some distortions of the Law of One and its scenario upon your physical plane. This is correct.

I am Ra. I leave this instrument now. I leave each of you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

24.10 Questioner: Could you state some of those after making the instrument cough, please?

Ra: [Cough.] I am Ra. This is information which you may discover. However, we will briefly point the way by indicating the so-called wheel within a wheel and the cherubim with sleepless eye.

24.14 Questioner: Then were there any prophets that we have now recorded that sprung from this era or soon after it?

Ra: I am Ra. Those of the empire were not successful in maintaining their presence for long after the approximate three zero zero zero [3,000] date in your history and were, perforce, left with the decision to physically leave the skies. The so-called prophets were often given mixed information, but the worst that the Orion group could do was to cause these prophets to speak of doom, as prophecy in those days was the occupation of those who love[d] their fellow beings and wish[ed] only to be of service to them and to the Creator.

25.11 Questioner: Well, I will first ask the answer at the end if there’s anything we can do to make the instrument really comfortable. I’ll only ask the questions that the instrument has—or answer the questions that the instrument has energy left to give, but I really would like to know of the orientation of fifth-density negative for not participating in this battle.

Ra: I am Ra. The fifth density is the density of light, or wisdom. The so-called negative service-to-self entity in this density is at an high level of awareness and wisdom and has ceased activity except by thought. The fifth-density negative is extraordinarily compacted and separated from all else.

25.12 Questioner: Thank you very much. We do not wish to deplete the instrument, so is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable?

Ra: I am Ra. You are very conscientious. As we requested previously, it would be well to observe the angles taken by the more upright posture of the entity. It is causing some nerve blockage in the portion of the body complex called the elbows.

I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

26.4 Questioner: Assuming that it is all right to continue, we’re down to the last 3,000 years of this present cycle, and I was wondering if the Law of One in either written or spoken form has been made available within this past 3,000 years in any complete way such as we’re doing now? Is it available in any other source?

Ra: I am Ra. There is no possibility of a complete source of information of the Law of One in this density. However, certain of your writings passed to you as your so-called holy works have portions of this law.

27.5 Questioner: It is not necessary to divide it. The definition of intelligent infinity as one part is sufficient. Could you please now define intelligent infinity?

Ra: I am Ra. This is exponentially simpler and less confusing. There is unity. This unity is all that there is. This unity has a potential and kinetic. The potential is intelligent infinity. Tapping this potential will yield work. This work has been called by us, intelligent energy.

The nature of this work is dependent upon the particular distortion of Free Will which, in turn, is the nature of a particular intelligent energy, or kinetic focus, of the potential of unity, or that which is all.

29.2 Questioner: Then I am assuming this sub-Logos created this planetary system in all of its densities. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The sub-Logos of your solar entity differentiated some experiential components within the patterns of intelligent energy set in motion by the Logos, which created the basic conditions and vibratory rates consistent throughout your, what you have called, major galaxy.

33.10 Questioner: I will ask you if you are familiar with the motion picture called The Ninth Configuration. Are you familiar with this?

Ra: I am Ra. We scan your mind complex and see this configuration called The Ninth Configuration.

34.4 Questioner: Thank you. Would you define karma?

Ra: I am Ra. Our understanding of karma is that which may be called inertia. Those actions which are put into motion will continue, using the ways of balancing, until such time as the controlling or higher principle, which you may liken unto your braking, or stopping, is invoked. This stoppage of the inertia of action may be called forgiveness. These two concepts are inseparable.

35.5 Questioner: Thank you. An important example, I believe. I was wondering if any of those who were subordinate to Adolf at that time were able to polarise in a harvestable nature on the negative path?

Ra: I am Ra. We can speak only of two entities who may be harvestable in a negative sense, others still being in the physical incarnation: one known to you as Hermann; the other known, as it preferred to be called, Himmler.

40.6 Questioner: Would— This is a guess. Would the frequency going from second to third increase from the middle orange frequency, or average orange frequency, to the middle yellow frequency, or average yellow frequency?

Ra: I am Ra. This query is indeterminate. We shall attempt to be of aid. However, the frequency that is the basis of each density is what may be called a true colour. This term is impossible to define given your system of sensibilities and scientific measurements, for colour has vibratory characteristics both in space/time and in time/space. The true colour is then overlaid and tinged by the rainbow of the various vibratory levels within that density and the attraction vibrations of the next true-colour density.

40.15 Questioner: Thank you. A very important concept. Does the fact that basic vibration that we experience now is green true colour, or fourth density, account for the fact that there are many mental effects upon material objects that are now observable for the first time in a mass way, like the bending of metal by mind?

Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the final query, in total, of this working. This is not only correct but we suggest you take this concept further and understand the great number of entities with the so-called mental diseases being due to the effect of this green-ray true colour upon the mental configurations of those unready, mentally, to face the self for the first time.

Are there any brief queries before we close?

41.9 Questioner: Then what is the simplest being that is manifested? I am supposing it might be a single cell or something like that. And how does it function with respect to energy centres?

Ra: I am Ra. The simplest manifest being is light, or what you have called the photon. In relationship to energy centres it may be seen to be the centre, or foundation, of all articulated energy fields.

44.2 Questioner: Could you please terminate this contact as soon as necessary since we are not aware of the vitality of the instrument at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. In your way of speaking our hands are, to a certain extent, tied. This instrument has called upon inner reserves which are dearly bought. Therefore, we have the honour/duty of using this energy to the best of our ability. When it becomes low we shall most certainly, as always, express the need for ending the working. The only way of avoiding this sharing of service at whatever cost is to refrain from the working. It is a dilemma.

33.1 Questioner: In our last session you cautioned “each to look well to the vital energies necessary for non-depletion of the instrument and the contact level.” Did that mean that we should . . . that Jim and I should look at the instrument’s . . . or be careful of the instrument’s vital energies or be careful of our own vital energies?

Ra: I am Ra. Each entity is responsible for itself. The mechanics of this process taking place involve, firstly, the use of the physical bodily complex of third density with its accompanying physical material in order to voice these words. Thus this instrument needs to watch its vital energies carefully, for we do not wish to deplete this instrument.

Secondly, the function of the supporting group may be seen to be, firstly, that of protection for this contact; secondly, that of energising the instrument and intensifying its vital energies.

This supporting group has always, due to an underlying harmony, been of a very stable nature as regards protection in love and light, thus ensuring the continuation of this narrow-band contact. However, the vital energies of either of the supporting members being depleted, the instrument must then use a larger portion of its vital energies, thus depleting itself more than would be profitable on a long-term basis.

Please understand that we ask your apology for this infringement upon your free will. However, it is our distortion-understanding that you would prefer this information rather than, being left totally to your own dedication-distortions, deplete the instrument or deplete the group to the point where the contact cannot be sustained.

47.11 Questioner: Then, after death from this incarnation we still have the yellow-ray body in potentiation, but then is, perhaps, say in the general case of our planetary population after death, would they then normally have the green-ray body manifested?

Ra: I am Ra. Not immediately. The first body which activates itself upon death is the “form-maker,” or the indigo-ray body. This body remains—you have called it the “ka”—until etherea has been penetrated and understanding has been gained by the mind/body/spirit totality. Once this is achieved, if the proper body to be activated is green-ray, then this will occur.

47.12 Questioner: Let me make a statement and see if I am correct. After death, then, if an entity is unaware, he may become what is called an earth-bound spirit until he is able to achieve the required awareness for activation of one of the bodies. And it would be possible then to activate any of the bodies—would this go all the way from red through violet?

Ra: I am Ra. Given the proper stimulus, this is correct.

53.7 Questioner: Would you do this please?

Ra: I am Ra. The most efficient mode of contact is that which you experience at this space/time. The infringement upon free will is greatly undesired. Therefore, those entities which are wanderers upon your plane of illusion will be the only subjects for the thought projections which make up the so-called “close encounters” and meetings between positively oriented social memory complexes and wanderers.

53.9 Questioner: In a “close encounter” by a Confederation type of craft I assume that this “close encounter” is with a thought-form type of craft. Do wanderers within the past few years have “close encounters” with landed thought-form type of craft?

Ra: I am Ra. This has occurred, although it is much less common than the Orion type of so-called “close encounter.” We may note that in a universe of unending unity the concept of a “close encounter” is humorous, for are not all encounters of a nature of self with self? Therefore, how can any encounter be less than very, very close?

53.10 Questioner: Well, talking about this type of encounter of self to self, do any wanderers of a positive polarisation ever encounter a so-called “close encounter” with the Orion, or negatively oriented, polarisation?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. The—

12.2 Questioner: Thank you. Continuing with the previous session, you mentioned that the Orion crusaders came here in chariots. Could you describe a chariot?

Ra: I am Ra. The term chariot is a term used in warfare among your peoples. That is its significance. The shape of the Orion craft is one of the following: firstly, the elongated, ovoid shape which is of a darker nature than silver but which has a metallic appearance if seen in the light. In the absence of light, it appears to be red or fiery in some manner.

Other craft include disc-shaped objects of a small nature approximately twelve feet in your measurement in diameter, the box-like shape approximately forty feet to a side in your measurement. Other craft can take on a desired shape through the use of thought control mechanisms. There are various civilisation complexes which work within this group. Some are more able to use intelligent infinity than others. The information is very seldom shared; therefore, the chariots vary greatly in shape and appearance.

12.9 Questioner: Well then, are most of the UFOs which are seen in our skies from the Orion group?

Ra: I am Ra. Many of those seen in your skies are of the Orion group. They send out messages. Some are received by those who are oriented towards service to others. These messages then are altered to be acceptable to those entities while warning of difficulties ahead. This is the most that self-serving entities can do when faced with those whose wish is to serve others. The contacts which the [Orion] group finds most helpful to their cause are those contacts made with entities whose orientation is towards service to self.

There are many thought-form entities in your skies which are of a positive nature and are the projections of the Confederation. Other sightings are due to the inadvertent visualisation by your peoples’ optical mechanisms of your own government’s weaponry.

55.3 Questioner: Thank you. I want to ask a couple questions about previous material that I didn’t understand. I’m hoping that this will clear up my understanding, somewhat, with respect to the mental configurations with which we have been dealing.

In the session before last you stated, “However, this is a risk for the Orion entities due to the frequency with which the harvestable negative planetary entities then attempt to bid, or order, the Orion contact, just as these entities bid planetary negative contacts.” Can you explain the mechanisms that affect polarisation in consciousness with respect to this statement?

Ra: I am Ra. The negative polarisation is greatly aided by the subjugation or enslavement of other-selves. The potential between two negatively polarised entities is such that the entity which enslaves the other or bids the other gains in negative polarity.

The entity so bidden or enslaved, in serving an other-self, will necessarily lose negative polarity, although it will gain in desire for further negative polarisation. This desire will then tend to create opportunities to regain negative polarity.

61.7 Questioner: Second question: could you give an example of how feelings affect portions of the body and the sensations of the body?

Ra: I am Ra. It is nearly impossible to speak generally of these mechanisms, for each entity of proper seniority has its own programming. Of the less aware entities we may say that the connexion will often seem random as the higher self continues producing catalyst until a bias occurs. In each programmed individual the sensitivities are far more active, and, as we have said, that catalyst not used fully by the mind and spirit is given to the body.

Thus you may see in this entity the numbing of the arms and the hands signifying this entity’s failure to surrender to the loss of control over the life. Thus, this drama is enacted in the physical-distortion complex.

In the questioner we may see the desire not to be carrying the load it carries given as physical manifestation of the soreness of those muscles for carrying used. That which is truly needed to be carried is a pre-incarnative responsibility which seems highly inconvenient.

In the case of the scribe we see a weariness and numbness of feelings ensuing from lack of using catalyst designed to sensitise this entity to quite significant influxes of unfamiliar distortion complexes of the mental/emotional and spiritual level. As the numbness removes itself from the higher, or more responsive, complexes, the bodily-complex distortions will vanish. This is true also of the other examples.

We would note at this time that the totally efficient use of catalyst upon your plane is extremely rare.

80.8 Questioner: I am sorry for my lack of penetration of these mechanisms, and I apologise for some rather stupid questions, but I think we have here a point that is somewhat central to what we are presently attempting to understand. So even though my next questions may be almost unacceptably stupid, I will attempt to try to understand what this power that our visitor seeks is and how he uses it. For it seems to me that this is central to the mind and the evolution of it in which we are involved.

As this entity that is our visitor increases his power through these works, what is the power that he increases? Can you describe it?

Ra: I am Ra. The power of which you speak is a spiritual power. The powers of the mind, as such, do not encompass such works as these.

You may, with some fruitfulness, consider the possibilities of moonlight. You are aware that we have described the Matrix of the Spirit as a night. The moonlight, then, offers either a true picture seen in shadow, or chimaera and falsity. The power of falsity is deep, as is the power to discern truth from shadow. The shadow of hidden things is an infinite depth in which is stored the power of the One Infinite Creator.

The adept, then, is working with the power of hidden things illuminated by that which can be false or true. To embrace falsity, to know it, to seek it, and to use it gives a power that is most great. This is the nature of the power of your visitor and may shed some light upon the power of one who seeks in order to serve others as well, for the missteps in the night are oh! so easy.

55.11 Questioner: This would indicate to me that in the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Queen’s Chamber, as it is called, would be the chamber for initiation. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Again, you penetrate the outer teaching.

The Queen’s Chamber would not be appropriate or useful for healing work as that work involves the use of energy in a more synergic configuration rather than the configuration of the centred being.*

56.5 Questioner: I will make a statement that you can correct. I intuitively see the spiralling energy of the Giza pyramid being spread out as it moves through the so-called King’s Chamber and then refocusing in the so-called Queen’s Chamber. I am guessing that the spread of energy in the so-called King’s Chamber is seen in the spectrum of colours, red through violet, and that the energy centres of the entity to be healed should be aligned with this spread of the spectrum so that the spectrum matches the various energy centres. Can you correct this statement?

Ra: I am Ra. We can correct this statement.

83.16 Questioner: What techniques and methods of penetration of the veil were planned, and are there any others that have occurred other than those planned?

Ra: I am Ra. There were none planned by the first great experiment. As all experiments, this rested upon the nakedness of hypothesis. The outcome was unknown.

It was discovered, experientially and empirically, that there were as many ways to penetrate the veil as the imagination of mind/body/spirit complexes could provide. The desire of mind/body/spirit complexes to know that which was unknown drew to them the dreaming and the gradual opening to the seeker of all of the balancing mechanisms leading to adepthood and communication with teach/learners which could pierce this veil.

The various unmanifested activities of the self were found to be productive, in some degree, of penetration of the veil. In general we may say that by far the most vivid and even extravagant opportunities for the piercing of the veil are a result of the interaction of polarised entities.

89.44 Questioner: I didn’t mean to get so far off the track of my original direction of questioning, but I think some of these excursions are very enlightening and will help in understanding of the basic mechanisms that we are so interested in in evolution.

Ra stated that archetypes are helpful when used in a controlled way. Would you give me an example of what you mean by using an archetype in a controlled way?

Ra: I am Ra. We speak with some regret in stating that this shall be our last query of length. There is substantial energy left, but this instrument has distortions that rapidly approach the limit of our ability to maintain secure contact.

The controlled use of the archetype is that which is done within the self for the polarisation of the self—and to the benefit of the self, if negatively polarised, or others, if positively polarised—upon the most subtle of levels.

Keep in mind at all times that the archetypical mind is a portion of the deep mind and informs thought processes. When the archetype is translated without regard for magical propriety into the manifested daily actions of an individual, the greatest distortions may take place, and great infringement upon the free will of others is possible.

This is more nearly acceptable to one negatively polarised. However, the more carefully polarised of negative mind/body/spirits* will also prefer to work with a finely tuned instrument.

May we ask if there are any brief queries before we leave this working?

90.23 Questioner: Would this be the reason for the greater positive harvests? I suspect that it isn’t, but would there be Logoi that have greater negative percentage harvests because of this type of biassing?

Ra: I am Ra. No. There have been Logoi with greater percentages of negative harvests. However, the biassing mechanisms cannot change the requirements for achieving harvestability either in the positive or in the negative sense.

There are Logoi which have offered a neutral background against which to polarise. This Logos chose not to do so but instead to allow more of the love and light of the Infinite Creator to be both inwardly and outwardly visible and available to the sensations and conceptualizations of mind/body/spirits* undergoing Its care in experimenting.

101.4 Questioner: In this particular case, which avenue was the one that produced the catalyst of the bite?

Ra: I am Ra. The nature of catalyst is such that there is only one source, for the catalyst and experience are further attempts at specificity in dealing with the architecture of the unconscious mind of the self. Therefore, in an incarnational experience the self as Creator, especially the higher self, is the base from which catalyst stands to offer its service to the mind, body, or spirit.

In the sense which we feel you intend, the source was the fifth-density negative friend which had noted the gradual falling away of the inharmonious patterns of the distortion called anger/frustration in the entity. The insect was easily led to an attack, and the physical vehicle, which had long-standing allergies and sensitivities, was also easily led into the mechanisms of the failure of lymphatic function and the greatly diminished ability of the immune system to remove from the yellow-ray body that which distorted it.

59.14 Questioner: Then is the coherence and organisation multiplied once more at the start of the second spiral? Is there just a doubling effect or an increasing effect?

Ra: I am Ra. This is difficult to discuss in your language. There is no doubling effect but a transformation across boundaries of dimension so that light, which was working for those using it in space/time–time/space configuration, becomes light working in what you might consider an inter-dimensional time/space–space/time configuration. This causes an apparent diffusion and weakness of the spiralling energy. However, in position two, as you have called it, much work may be done inter-dimensionally.

60.11 Questioner: The next statement that I make may or may not be enlightening to me in my investigation of the pyramid energy, but it has occurred to me that the so-called effect in the so-called Bermuda Triangle is possibly due to the large pyramid beneath the water which releases this third spiral at discrete and varying intervals, and when other entities, or craft, are in the vicinity of this it creates a situation where they change space/time continuum in some way. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

62.11 Questioner: Who would the appropriate healers be, and how would we bring them in contact with the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. There are four. The difficulty being at all noticed as bodily distortion, the one known as Don and the one known as Jim may work upon the instrument’s bodily complex by means of the practises which are developing in each entity. Given persistence of distortion, the one known as Stuart shall be seen. Given the continued difficulty past the point of one of your cycles called the fortnight, the one known as Douglas shall be seen.

4.2 Questioner: Does the shape of the pyramid have effect upon the initiation?

Ra: I am Ra. As we began the last session question, you have already recorded in your individual memory complex the first use of the shape having to do with the body complex initiation. The initiation of spirit was a more carefully designed type of initiation as regards the time/space ratios about which the entity to be initiated found itself.

If you will picture with me the side of the so-called pyramid shape and mentally imagine this triangle cut into four equal triangles, you will find the intersection of the triangle which is at the first level on each of the four sides forms a diamond in a plane which is horizontal. The middle of this plane is the appropriate place for the intersection of the energies streaming from the infinite dimensions and the mind/body/spirit complex’s various interwoven energy fields.

Thus it was designed that the one to be initiated would, by mind, be able to perceive and then channel this, shall we say, gateway to intelligent infinity. This, then, was the second point of designing this specific shape.

May we provide a further description of any kind to your query?

7.14 Questioner: I’ll just ask about Orion. You mentioned Orion as a source of some of the contacts of UFOs. Can you tell me something of that contact, its purpose?

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, a simple example of intentions which are bad/good. This example is Adolf. This is your vibratory sound complex. The intention is to presumably unify by choosing the distortion complex called elite from a social memory complex, and then enslaving, by various effects, those who are seen as the distortion of not-elite. There is then the concept of taking the social memory complex thus weeded and adding it to a distortion thought of by the so-called Orion group as an empire.

The problem facing them is that they face a great deal of random energy released by the concept of separation. This causes them to be vulnerable as the distortions amongst their own members are not harmonised.

9.3 Questioner: The healing exercises that you gave to us are of such a nature that it is best to concentrate on a particular exercise at a time. I would like to ask at this time what exercise I should concentrate on. Possibly a little exercise change . . . should concentrate on [inaudible], say tonight?

Ra: I am Ra. Again, to direct your judgement is an intrusion upon your space/time-continuum distortion called future. To speak of past or present within our distortion/judgement limits is acceptable. To guide rather than teach/learn is not acceptable to our distortion in regards to teach/learning. We instead can suggest a process whereby each chooses the first of the exercises given in the order in which we gave them, which you, in your discernment, feel is not fully appreciated by your mind/body/spirit complex.

This is the proper choice—building from the foundation, making sure the ground is good for the building. We have assessed for you the intensity of this effort in terms of energy expended. You will take this in mind and be patient, for we have not given a short or easy programme of consciousness learn/teaching.

10.14 Questioner: For general development of the reader of this book, could you state some of the practises or exercises to perform to produce an acceleration toward the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra.

Exercise One. This is the most nearly centred and usable within your illusion complex. The moment contains love. That is the lesson/goal of this illusion or density. The exercise is to consciously seek that love in awareness and understanding-distortions. The first attempt is the cornerstone. Upon this choosing rests the remainder of the life-experience of an entity. The second seeking of love within the moment begins the addition. The third seeking powers the second, the fourth powering or doubling the third. As with the previous type of empowerment, there will be some loss of power due to flaws within the seeking in the distortion of insincerity. However, the conscious statement of self to self of the desire to seek love is so central an act of will that, as before, the loss of power due to this friction is inconsequential.

Exercise Two. The universe is one being. When a mind/body/spirit complex views another mind/body/spirit complex, see the Creator. This is an helpful exercise.

Exercise Three. Gaze within a mirror. See the Creator.

Exercise Four. Gaze at the creation which lies about the mind/body/spirit complex of each entity. See the Creator.

The foundation or prerequisite of these exercises is a predilection towards what may be called meditation, contemplation, or prayer. With this attitude, these exercises can be processed. Without it, the data will not sink down into the roots of the tree of mind, thus enabling and ennobling the body and touching the spirit.

62.15 Questioner: I’ll make this statement, and you correct me. The Orion group has as an objective the bringing of service-to-self polarised entities to harvest, as great a harvest as possible. This harvest will build their potential, or their ability to do work in consciousness, as given by the distortion of the Law of One called the Law of Squares or Doubling. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

62.16 Questioner: Are there other groups of those who are on the service-to-self path joined with those from the Orion constellation? For instance, those of Southern Cross, are they presently working for the same type of harvest with respect to Earth?

Ra: I am Ra. These you mention of Southern Cross are members of the Orion group. It is not, shall we say, according to understood wording that a group from various galaxies should be named by one. However, those planetary social memory complexes of the so-called Orion constellation have the upper hand and thus rule the other members. You must recall that in negative thinking there is always the pecking order, shall we say, and the power against power in separation.

63.1 Questioner: Could you give me an indication of the condition of the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument’s vital energies are at the distortion which is normal for this mind/body/spirit complex. The body complex is distorted due to psychic attack in the area of the kidneys and urinary tract. There is also distortion continuing due to the distortion called arthritis.

You may expect this psychic attack to be constant, as this instrument has been under observation by negatively oriented force for some time.

64.13 Questioner: I have no ability to judge at what point, at what level of abilities the adept would reach this point of being, shall we say, independent of the cyclical action. Can you give me an indication of what level of “adeptness” that would be necessary to be so independent?

Ra: I am Ra. We are fettered from speaking specifically due to this group’s work, for to speak would seem to be to judge. However, we may say that you may consider this cycle in the same light as the so-called astrological balances within your group; that is, they are interesting but not critical.

13.15 Questioner: Primarily, then, how the, shall we say, the planetary system that we are in now evolved—was it all created at once, or was there first our sun created and this [inaudible] was created?

Ra: I am Ra. The process is from the larger, in your illusion, to the smaller. Thus the co-Creator, individualising the galaxy, created energy patterns which then focused in multitudinous focuses of further conscious awareness of intelligent infinity. Thus, the solar system of which you experience inhabitation is of its own patterns, rhythms, and so-called natural laws which are unique to itself. However, the progression is from the galaxy spiralling energy, to the solar spiralling energy, to the planetary spiralling energy, to the experiential circumstances of spiralling energy which begin the first density of awareness, or consciousness, of planetary entities.

13.23 Questioner: How does a third-density planet become a fourth-density?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question.

The fourth density is, as we have said, as regularised in its approach as the striking of a clock upon the hour. The space/time of your solar system has enabled this planetary sphere to spiral into space/time of a different vibrational configuration. This causes the planetary sphere to be able to be moulded by these new distortions. However, the thought-forms of your people during this transition period are such that the mind/body/spirit complexes of both individual and societies are scattered throughout the spectrum instead of becoming able to grasp the needle, shall we say, and point the compass in one direction.

Thus, the entry into the vibration of love, sometimes called by your people the vibration of understanding, is not effective with the present societal complex. Thus, the harvest shall be such that many will repeat the third-density cycle. The energies of your wanderers, your teachers, and your adepts at this time are all bent upon increasing the harvest. However, there are few to harvest.

14.10 Questioner: Does the balancing refer to balancing of the individual who is initiated in the pyramid, or does it refer to the physical balancing of the earth on its axis in space?

Ra: I am Ra. The balancing pyramidal structures could [be] and were used for individual initiation. However, the use of these pyramids was also designed for the balancing of the planetary energy web.

The other pyramids are not placed properly for earth healing but for healing of mind/body/spirit complexes. It came to our attention that your density was distorted towards, what is called by our distortion-understanding of third density, a premature ageing process. We were attempting to aid in giving the mind/body/spirit complexes of third density on your planetary sphere more of a time/space continuum in one incarnation pattern in order to have a fuller opportunity to learn/teach the Laws, or Ways, of the primal distortion of the Law of One which is Love.

14.32 Questioner: Where did the information come from that Edgar Cayce channelled?

Ra: I am Ra. We have explained before that the intelligent infinity is brought into intelligent energy from eighth density, or the octave.* The one, vibratory sound complex called Edgar, used this gateway to view the present, which is not the continuum you experience but the potential social memory complex of this planetary sphere. The term your peoples have used for this is the “Akashic Record” or the “Hall of Records.” This is the last question which you may now ask.

16.59 Questioner: The many wanderers coming to this planet now and in the recent past—are they subject to Orion thoughts?

Ra: I am Ra. As we have said before, wanderers become completely the creature of third density in mind/body complex. There is just as much chance of such influence to a wanderer entity as to a mind/body/spirit complex of this planetary sphere. The only difference occurs in the spirit complex which, if it wishes, has an armour of light, if you will, which enables it to recognise more clearly that which is not as it would appropriately be desired by the mind/body/spirit complex. This is not more than a bias and cannot be called an understanding.

Furthermore, the wanderer is, in its own mind/body/spirit complex, less distorted towards the, shall we say, deviousness of third-density positive/negative confusions. Thus, it often does not recognise, as easily as a more negative individual, the negative nature of thoughts or beings.

17.18 Questioner: Then if the entity Jesus was fourth density, and there are wanderers on the planet today who came from fifth and sixth density, what was it that Jesus did that enabled him to be such a good healer, and could these fifth- and sixth-density beings here today do the same?

Ra: I am Ra. Those who heal may be of any density which has the consciousness of the spirit. This includes third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh. The third density can be one in which healing takes place just as the others. However, there is more illusory material to understand, to balance, to accept, and to move forward from.

The gate to intelligent infinity can only be opened when an understanding of the instreamings of intelligent energy are opened unto the healer. These are the so-called Natural Laws of your local space/time continuum and its web of electromagnetic sources, or nexi, of instreaming energy.

Know then, first, the mind and the body. Then as the spirit is integrated and synthesised, those are harmonised into a mind/body/spirit complex which can move among the dimensions and which can open the gateway to intelligent infinity, thus healing self by light and sharing that light with others.

True healing is simply the radiance of the self causing an environment in which a catalyst may occur which initiates the recognition of self, by self, of the self-healing properties of the self.

65.4 Questioner: I noticed that you are speaking more slowly than usual. Is there a reason for this?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is somewhat weak and, although strong in vital energy and well able to function at this time, is somewhat more fragile than the usual condition we find. We may note a continuing bearing of the physical distortion called pain which has a weakening effect upon physical energy. In order to use the considerable store of available energy without harming the instrument we are attempting to channel even more narrow-band than is our wont.

65.20 Questioner: I don’t know if this question is related to what I am trying to get at or not, but I’ll ask it and see. You mentioned in speaking of the pyramids that the resonating chamber was used so that the adept could meet the self. Would you explain what you meant by that?

Ra: I am Ra. One meets the self in the centre, or deeps, of the being. The so-called resonating chamber may be likened unto the symbology of the burial and resurrection of the body wherein the entity dies to self, and, through this confrontation of apparent loss and realisation of essential gain, is transmuted into a new and risen being.

18.3 Questioner: You just stated that you had some problems with the instrument because of the ingestion, by the instrument, of some chemical substance. Can you tell me what the substance was?

Ra: I am Ra. The substance of which we speak is called vibratory sound complex LSD. It does not give poor contact if it is used in conjunction with the contact. The difficulty of this particular substance is that there is, shall we say, a very dramatic drop-off of the effect of this substance. In each case this instrument began the session with the distortion towards extreme vital energy which this substance produces.

However, this entity was, during the session, at the point where this substance no longer was in sufficient strength to amplify the entity’s abilities to express vital energy. Thus, first the phenomenon of, shall we say, a spotty contact, and then, as the instrument relies again upon its own vibrational complexes of vital energy, the vital energy being in this case very low, it became necessary to abruptly cut off communication in order to preserve and nurture the instrument. This particular chemical substance is both helpful and unhelpful in these contacts for the causes given.

26.23 Questioner: Could you please give me an example from, let us say, Hiroshima or Nagasaki of how this is done?

Ra: I am Ra. Those who were destroyed, not by radiation, but by the trauma of the energy release, found not only the body/mind/spirit complex made unviable, but also a disarrangement of that unique vibratory complex you have called the spirit complex, which we understand as a mind/body/spirit complex, to be completely disarranged without possibility of re-integration. This would be the loss to the Creator of part of the Creator, and thus we were given permission not to stop the events, but to ensure the survival of the, shall we say, disembodied mind/body/spirit complex. This we did in those events which you mention, losing no spirit, or portion, or holograph, or microcosm of the macrocosmic Infinite One.

26.36 Questioner: Then I am assuming all of the UFO groups who were getting telepathic contact from the Confederation were, shall we say, high-priority targets for the Orion crusaders, and I would assume that a large percentage of them were, shall we say, had their information polluted then.

Can you tell me, do you have any idea what percentage of these groups were heavily polluted by the Orion information, and if any of them were able to remain purely a Confederation channel?

Ra: I am Ra. To give you this information would be to infringe upon the free will, or confusion, of some living. We can only ask each group to consider the relative effect of philosophy and your so-called specific information. It is not the specificity of the information which attracts negative influences; it is the importance placed upon it.

This is why we iterate quite often, when asked for specific information, that it pales to insignificance, just as the grass withers and dies while the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator redounds to the very infinite realms of creation forever and ever, creating and creating itself in perpetuity.

Why, then, be concerned with the grass that blooms, withers, and dies in its season only to grow once again due to the infinite love and light of the One Creator? This is the message we bring. Each entity is only superficially that which blooms and dies. In the deeper sense, there is no end to beingness.

28.1 Questioner: I may be backtracking a little bit and make a few false starts today because I think we are at possibly the most important part of what we are doing in trying to make it apparent, through questioning, how everything is one, and how it comes from one intelligent infinity. This is difficult for me to do, so please bear with my errors in questioning.

The concept that I have right now of the process, using both what you have told me and some of Dewey Larson’s material having to do with the physics of the process— I have the concept that intelligent infinity expands outward from all locations everywhere. It expands outward in every direction uniformly like the surface of a balloon or a bubble, expanding outward from every point everywhere. It expands outward at what’s called unit velocity, or the velocity of light. This is Larson’s idea of the progression of what he calls space/time. Is this concept correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This concept is incorrect, as is any concept of the one intelligent infinity. This concept is correct in the context of one particular Logos, or Love, or focus of this Creator which has chosen Its, shall we say, natural laws and ways of expressing them mathematically and otherwise.

The one undifferentiated intelligent infinity, unpolarized, full and whole, is the macrocosm of the mystery-clad being. We are messengers of the Law of One. Unity, at this approximation of understanding, cannot be specified by any physics but only be activated, or potentiated, intelligent infinity due to the catalyst of free will. This may be difficult to accept. However, the understandings we have to share begin and end in mystery.

67.3 Questioner: I will ask if I am correct in this analysis. We would consider that the entity making this so-called attack is offering its service with respect to its distortion in our polarised condition now so that we may more fully appreciate its polarity, and we are appreciative and thank this entity for its attempt to serve our One Creator in bringing to us knowledge in, shall I say, a more complete sense. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. There is no correctness or incorrectness to your statement. It is an expression of a positively polarised and balanced view of negatively polarised actions which has the effect of debilitating the strength of the negatively polarised actions.

67.16 Questioner: Are you familiar with a book that the instrument and I wrote approximately twelve years ago called The Crucifixion Of Esmerelda Sweetwater, in particular the banishing ritual used to bring the entities to Earth?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

67.22 Questioner: Thank you. Is this so-called attack offered to myself and Jim as well as the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct

69.21 Questioner: You mean the character Trostrick?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. We referred to Esmerelda, as this imagined entity was called.

We may note that long practise at the art which each intuits here would be helpful. We cannot speak of methodology, for the infringement would be most great. However, to speak of group efforts is, as we scan each, merely confirmation of what is known. Therefore, this we may do.

We have the available energy for one fairly brief query.

69.22 Questioner: There are many techniques and ways of practising so-called white magical arts. Are rituals designed by a particular group for their own particular use just as good, or possibly better, than those that have been practised by groups such as the Order of the Golden Dawn and other magical groups?

Ra: I am Ra. Although we are unable to speak with precision on this query, we may note some gratification that the questioner has penetrated some of the gist of a formidable system of service and discipline.

I am Ra. May we thank you again, my friends, for your conscientiousness. All is well. We leave you rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth with joy. Adonai.

29.33 Questioner: I’ll study it and possibly have something tomorrow since I don’t want to overtire the instrument. The instrument had a question if you have time for a short question, and I will read it.

The instrument does not desire to do physical healing work. She already does spiritual balancing by hands. Can she read the private healing material without doing physical healing? I am assuming that she means can she read it without creating problems in her life pattern? She does not wish to incur lessening of positive polarity. Can she read this material under those conditions?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall speak shortly due to the fact that we are attempting to conserve this instrument’s vital energies during the three-month period of which we have spoken.

This entity has a[n] experiential history of healing on levels other than the so-called physical. Thus it is acceptable that this material be read. However, the exercise of fire shall never be practised by this instrument, as it is used in the stronger form for the physical healing.

Is there any short query further before we close?

30.17 Questioner: The instrument would like to know if you could tell her whether or not this item which is called Sam Millar’s polarizer would help her physical well-being. Can you do that?

Ra: I am Ra. As we scan the instrument, we find anomalies of the magnetic field which are distorted towards our abilities to find narrow-band channel into this instrument’s mind/body/spirit complex. The polarizer of which you speak, as it is, would not be helpful. A careful reading of this instrument’s aura by those gifted in this area, and subsequent alterations of the magnetising forces of this polarizer, would assist the entity, Sam, in creating such a polarizer that would be of some aid to the instrument. However, we would suggest that no electrical or magnetic equipment not necessary for the recording of our words be brought into these sessions, for we wish no distortions that are not necessary.

36.12 Questioner: Let me take as an example the one you said was called Himmler. We are assuming from this that his higher self was of sixth density, and it was stated that Himmler had selected the negative path. Would his higher self then dwell in a sixth-density negative type of situation? Could you expand on this concept?

Ra: I am Ra. There are no [negative]* beings which have attained the oversoul manifestation, which is the honour/duty of the mind/body/spirit complex totality of late sixth density, as you would term it in your time measurements. These negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes have a difficulty which, to our knowledge, has never been overcome, for after fifth-density graduation wisdom is available but must be matched with an equal amount of love. This love/light is very, very difficult to achieve in unity when following the negative path, and during the earlier part of the sixth density, society complexes of the negative orientation will choose to release the potential and leap into the sixth-density positive.

Therefore, the oversoul which makes its understanding available to all who are ready for such aid is towards the positive. However, the free will of the individual is paramount, and any guidance given by the higher self may be seen in either the positive or negative polarity depending upon the choice of a mind/body/spirit complex.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
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