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3.10 Questioner: Then if an individual is totally informed with respect to the Law of One, and lives and is the Law of One, such things as the building of a pyramid by direct mental effort would be commonplace. Is that what I am to understand? Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. You are incorrect in that there is a distinction between the individual power through the Law of One and the combined, or societal memory complex mind/body/spirit understanding of the Law of One.

In the first case, only the one individual, purified of all flaws, could move a mountain. In the case of mass understanding of unity, each individual may contain an acceptable amount of distortion and yet the mass mind could move mountains.

The progress is normally from the understanding which you now seek to a dimension of understanding which is governed by the Laws of Love, and which seeks the Laws of Light. Those who are vibrating with the Law of Light seek the Law of One. Those who vibrate with the Law of One seek the Law of Foreverness.

We cannot say what is beyond this dissolution of the unified self with all that there is, for we still seek to become all that there is, and still are we Ra. Thus our paths go onward.

51.10 Questioner: Immediately after the death of the physical body, you have stated that the—I believe I’m correct in saying that—primary activated body is the indigo, and you stated that it is the form-maker. Why is this so? Can you answer that?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this session of working.

The indigo body may be seen to be an analogue for intelligent energy. It is, in microcosm, the Logos. The intelligent energy of the mind/body/spirit complex totality draws its existence from intelligent infinity, or the Creator. This Creator is to be understood, both in macrocosm and microcosm, to have, as we have said, two natures: the unpotentiated infinity which is intelligent—this is all that there is.*

Free Will has potentiated both the Creator of us all and our selves as co-Creators with intelligent infinity which has will. This will may be drawn upon by the indigo, or form-making, body, and its wisdom used to then choose the appropriate locus and type of experience which this co-Creator, or sub-sub-Logos you call so carelessly a person, will take.

I am Ra. This is the time for any brief queries.

93.24 Questioner: I am assuming that you mean one full question, and I’ll make that question: I’d like to know the significance of the shape of the crux ansata, and if that’s too much of an answer I will just ask if there is anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. There are mathematical ratios within this image which may yield informative insights to one fond of riddles. We shall not untangle the riddle.

We may indicate that the crux ansata is a part of the concept complexes of the archetypical mind: the circle indicating the magic of the spirit; the cross indicating that nature of manifestation which may only be valued by the losing. Thus the crux ansata is intended to be seen as an image of the eternal in and through manifestation, and beyond manifestation, through the sacrifice and transformation of that which is manifest.

The support group functions well. The swirling waters experienced by the instrument since our previous working have substantially aided the instrument in its lessening of the distortion of pain.

All is well. The alignments are well guarded.

We leave you, my friends, in the love and the light of the Infinite One. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite and Glorious Creator. Adonai.

83.7 Questioner: One thing I don’t understand is why, if there was no veil, that the review of incarnation after the incarnation would help the process, since it seems to me that the entity should already be aware of what was happening. Possibly this has to do with the nature of space/time and time/space. Could you clear that up, please?

Ra: I am Ra. It is true that the nature of time/space is such that a lifetime may be seen whole as a book or record, the pages studied, riffled through, and re-read. However, the value of review is that of the testing as opposed to the studying. At the testing, when the test is true, the distillations of all study are made clear.

During the process of study (which you may call the incarnation), regardless of an entity’s awareness of the process taking place, the material is diffused, and over-attention is almost inevitably placed upon detail.

The testing upon the cessation of the incarnative state is not that testing which involves the correct memorization of many details. This testing is, rather, the observing of self by self, often with aid, as we have said. In this observation one sees the sum of all the detailed study: that being an attitude, or complex of attitudes, which bias the consciousness of the mind/body/spirit.

52.9 Questioner: Well, I would just include the question as to why time of harvest is selected by so many wanderers as time for incarnation?

Ra: I am Ra. There are several reasons for incarnation during harvest. They may be divided by the terms self and other-self.

The overriding reason for the offering of these Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow in incarnative states is the possibility of aiding other-selves by the lightening of the planetary-consciousness distortions and the probability of offering catalyst to other-selves which will increase the harvest.

There are two other reasons for choosing this service which have to do with the self.

The wanderer, if it remembers and dedicates itself to service, will polarise much more rapidly than is possible in the far more etiolated realms of higher-density catalyst.*

The final reason is within the mind/body/spirit totality or the social memory complex totality which may judge that an entity, or members of a societal entity, can make use of third-density catalyst to recapitulate a learning/teaching which is adjudged to be less than perfectly balanced. This especially applies to those entering into and proceeding through sixth density wherein the balance between compassion and wisdom is perfected.

56.4 Questioner: Is there an apex angle that is the angle for maximum efficiency in the pyramid?

Ra: I am Ra. Again, to conserve this instrument’s energy, I am assuming that you intend to indicate the most appropriate angle of apex for healing work. If the shape is such that it is large enough to contain an individual mind/body/spirit complex at the appropriate off-set position within it, the 76° 18′, approximate, angle is useful and appropriate. If the position varies, the angle may vary. Further, if the healer has the ability to perceive distortions with enough discrimination, the position within any pyramid shape may be moved about until results are effected.

However, we found this particular angle to be useful. Other social memory complexes, or portions thereof, have determined different apex angles for different uses, not having to do with healing but with learning. When one works with the cone or, shall we say, the silo type of shape, the energy for healing may be found to be in a general circular pattern unique to each shape as a function of its particular height and width and, in the cone shape, the angle of apex. In these cases there are no corner angles. Thus the spiralling energy works in circular motion.

4.14 Questioner: [Aside: Jim, did you understand?] I’m a little confused. I partially understood you; I’m not sure that I fully understood you. Could you restate that in another way?

Ra: I can restate that in many ways, given this instrument’s knowledge of your vibratory sound complexes. I will strive for a shorter distortion at this time.

Two kinds there are who can heal: those such as yourself who, having the innate distortion towards knowledge-giving of the Law of One, can heal but do not; and those who, having the same knowledge but showing no significant distortion consciously towards the Law of One in mind, body, or spirit, yet and nevertheless, have opened a channel to the same ability. The point being that there are those who, without proper training, shall we say, nevertheless, heal.

It is a further item of interest that those whose life does not equal their work may find some difficulty in absorbing the energy of intelligent infinity and thus become quite distorted in such a way as to cause disharmony in themselves and others, and perhaps even find it necessary to cease the healing activity. Therefore, those of the first type, those who seek to serve and are willing to be trained in thought, word, and action are those who will be able to comfortably maintain the distortion towards service in the area of healing.

1.0 Ra: I am Ra. I have not spoken through this instrument before. We had to wait until she was precisely tuned, as we send a narrow-band vibration. We greet you in the love and in the light of our Infinite Creator.

We have watched your group. We have been called to your group, for you have a need for the diversity of experiences in channelling which go with a more intensive, or as you might call it, advanced approach to the system of studying the patterns of the illusions of your body, your mind, and your spirit, which you call seeking the truth. We hope to offer you a somewhat different slant upon the information which is always and ever the same.

The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has only one important statement. That statement, my friends, as you know, is: “All things, all of life, all of the creation is part of One Original Thought.”

We will exercise each channel if we are able to. The reception of our beam is a somewhat more advanced feat than some of the more broad vibration channels opened by other members for more introductory and intermediate work.

Let us for a moment consider thought. What is it, my friends, to take thought? Took you then thought today? What thoughts did you think today? What thoughts were part of the Original Thought today? In how many of your thoughts did the creation abide? Was love contained? And was service freely given?

You are not part of a material universe. You are part of a thought. You are dancing in a ballroom in which there is no material. You are dancing thoughts. You move your body, your mind, and your spirit in somewhat eccentric patterns, for you have not completely grasped the concept that you are part of the Original Thought.

We would at this time transfer to an instrument known as Don. I am Ra.

[Two-minute pause.]

I am Ra. I am again with this instrument. We are close to initiating a contact but are having difficulty penetrating a certain mental tension and distraction that is somewhat characteristic of this channel. We will, therefore, describe the type of vibration which is being sent. The instrument will find us entering the energy field at a slight angle towards the back of the top of the head in a narrow but strong area of intensity. We are not able to offer any conditioning due to our own transmitting limitations. Therefore, if the instrument can feel this particular effect he may then speak our thoughts as they come to him. We will again attempt this contact. I am Ra.

[Ninety-second pause.]

This instrument is resisting our contact. However, we assure her that we are satisfied that contact with the one known as Don is not at this time preferable to that instrument. We will, therefore, move on to the one known as Leonard. Again we caution the instrument that it is a narrow-band communication which is felt as a vibration entering the aura. We will now transfer this contact. I am Ra.

[Ninety-second pause.]

I am Ra. We greet you once more in the love and the light of our Infinite Creator. We ask that you be patient with us, for we are a difficult channel to receive. However, we may perhaps add some dimensions to your understanding.

At this time we would be glad to attempt to speak to any subject or question which those entities in the room may have potential use in the requesting.

94.30 Questioner: I would just state that this card, being male, would indicate that as experience is gained the mind becomes the motivator or that which reaches or “does” more than the simple experiencer prior to the catalytic action. That is, there is a greater tendency for the mind to direct the mind/body/spirit complex.

And other than that I would just ask if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. In the context of your penultimate query we would suggest that you ponder again the shape of the garment which the image wears. Such habiliment is not natural.* The shape is significant and is so along the lines of your query.

The support group cares well for the instrument. We would ask that care be taken as the instrument has been offered the gift of a distortion towards extreme cold by the fifth-density friend which greets you.

Although you may be less than pleased with the accoutrements, may we say that all was as carefully prepared as each was able. More than that none can do. Therefore, we thank each for the careful alignments. All is well.

We leave you, my friends, in the love and in the light of the One Glorious Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One. Adonai.

99.10 Questioner: In that case I will just ask one additional short question as we terminate for this session. May I ask if the Logos of this system planned for the mating process as possibly depicted in Card Six—I don’t know if this is related—by some type of DNA imprinting as has been studied by our science? Many second-density creatures seem to have some sort of imprinting that creates a lifetime mating relationship, and I was wondering if this was designed by the Logos for that particular mechanism, and if it was also carried into third density?

Ra: I am Ra. There are some of your second-density fauna which have instinctually imprinted monogamous mating processes. The third-density physical vehicle which is the basic incarnational tool of manifestation upon your planet arose from entities thusly imprinted, all the aforesaid being designed by the Logos.

The free will of third-density entities is far stronger than the rather mild carryover from second-density DNA encoding, and it is not part of the conscious nature of many of your mind/body/spirit complexes to be monogamous due to the exercise of free will. However, as has been noted there are many signposts in the deep mind indicating to the alert adept the more efficient use of catalyst. As we have said, the Logos of your peoples has a bias towards kindness.

3.8 Questioner: How were the blocks moved?

Ra: I am Ra. You must picture the activity within all that is created. The energy is, though finite, quite large compared to the understanding-distortion of your peoples. This is an obvious point well known to your peoples, but little considered.

This energy is intelligent. It is hierarchical. Much as your mind/body/spirit complex dwells within an hierarchy of vehicles and retains, therefore, the shell, or shape, or field, and the intelligence of each ascendingly intelligent or balanced body, so does each atom of such a material as rock. When one can speak to that intelligence, the finite energy of the physical, or chemical, rock/body is put into contact with that infinite power which is resident in the more well-tuned bodies, be they human or rock.

With this connexion made, a request may be given. The intelligence of infinite rock-ness communicates to its physical vehicle, and that splitting and moving which is desired is then carried out through the displacement of the energy field of rock-ness from finity to a dimension which we may conveniently call, simply, infinity.

In this way, that which is required is accomplished due to the cooperation of the infinite understanding of the Creator indwelling in the living rock. This is, of course, the mechanism by which many things are accomplished which are not subject to your present means of physical analysis of action at a distance.

19.20 Questioner: Well, this would seem then that there is a relationship then between what we perceive as physical phenomena, say the electrical phenomena, and the phenomena of consciousness, and that they, having stemmed from the One Creator, are practically identical but have slightly different actions as we [inaudible]. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Again we oversimplify to answer your query.

The physical complex alone is created of many, many energy, or electromagnetic, fields interacting due to intelligent energy. The mental configurations, or distortions, of each complex further adding fields of electromagnetic energy and distorting the physical complex patterns of energy. The spiritual aspect serving as a further complexity of fields which is of itself perfect, but which can be realised in many distorted and unintegrated ways by the mind and body complexes of energy fields.

Thus, instead of one, shall we say, magnet with one polarity, you have in the body/mind/spirit complex one basic polarity expressed in what you would call violet-ray energy (the sum of the energy fields), but which is affected by thoughts of all kinds generated by the mind complex; by distortions of the body complex; and by the numerous relationships between the microcosm (which is the entity) and the macrocosm in many forms—which you may represent by viewing the stars, as you call them, each with a contributing energy ray which enters the electromagnetic web of the entity due to its individual distortions.

55.9 Questioner: OK. I’m sort of hunting around here for an entry into some information. I may not be looking in a productive area.

But you had stated that “we (that is, Ra) had been aided by shapes such as the pyramid, so that we could aid your people with a shape such as the pyramid.” These shapes have been mentioned many, many times, and you have also stated that the shapes themselves aren’t of too much consequence. I see a relation between these shapes and the energies that we have been studying with respect to the body, and I would like to ask a few questions on the pyramid to see if I might get an entry into some of this understanding.

You stated, “You will find the intersection of the triangle which is at the first level on each of the four sides forms a diamond in a plane which is horizontal.” Can you tell me what you meant by the word, intersection?

Ra: I am Ra. Your mathematics and arithmetic have a paucity of configurative descriptions which we might use. Without intending to be obscure, we may note that the purpose of the shapes is to work with time/space portions of the mind/body/spirit complex. Therefore, the intersection is both space/time and time/space oriented and thus is expressed in three dimensional geometry by two intersections which, when projected in both time/space and space/time, form one point.

90.30 Questioner: I have an observation on Archetype One made by Jim and request comment by Ra. I will read it. “The Matrix of the Mind is the conscious mind and is sustained by the power of the spirit, symbolised by the star, which flows to it through the subconscious mind. It contains the will which is symbolised by the sceptre of power in the Magician’s hand. All of creation is made through the power of the will directed by the conscious mind of the Magician, and the bird in the cage represents the illusion in which the self seems trapped. The Magician represents maleness or the radiance of being manifested as the creation through which each entity moves.”

Ra: I am Ra. As this instrument is becoming somewhat weary we shall not begin this considerable discussion. We would request that this series of observations be repeated at the outset of the next working. We would suggest that each concept be discussed separately or, if appropriate, a pair of concepts be related one to the other within the concept complex. This is slow work but shall make the eventual building of the concept complexes more smoothly accomplished.

Were we to have answered the observations as read by you at this space/time, as much space/time would have been given to the untangling of various concepts as to the building up of what were very thoughtful perceptions.

May we ask if there are any brief queries at this time?

48.8 Questioner: Who, shall we say, supervises the determination of further incarnation needs and sets up the seniority list, shall I say, for incarnation?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a query with two answers.

Firstly, there are those directly under the Guardians who are responsible for the incarnation patterns of those incarnating automatically—that is, without conscious self-awareness of the process of spiritual evolution. You may call these beings angelic if you prefer. They are, shall we say, local, or of your planetary sphere.

The seniority of vibration is to be likened unto placing various grades of liquids in the same glass. Some will rise to the top; others will sink to the bottom. Layers and layers of entities will ensue. As harvest draws near, those filled with the most light and love will naturally, and without supervision, be in line, shall we say, for the experience of incarnation.

When the entity becomes aware in its mind/body/spirit complex totality of the mechanism for spiritual evolution, it, itself, will arrange and place those lessons and entities necessary for maximum growth and expression of polarity in the incarnative experience before the forgetting process occurs. The only disadvantage of this total free will of those senior entities choosing the manner of incarnation experiences is that some entities attempt to learn so much during one incarnative experience that the intensity of catalyst disarranges the polarised entity and the experience thus is not maximally useful as intended.

58.23 Questioner: Is there any advantage in attempting to develop these characteristics or being able to bend metal, etc.? What I am trying to say is that, are these characteristics a signpost of the development of an entity, or are they something else? For instance, as an entity develops through his indigo would a signpost of his development be this bending?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this working.

Let us specify the three spirals of light energy which the pyramid exemplifies. Firstly, the fundamental spiral which is used for study and for healing. Second, the spiral to the apex which is used for building. Thirdly, the spiral spreading from the apex which is used for energising.

Contact with indigo ray need not necessarily show itself in any certain gift, or guidepost, as you have said. There are some whose indigo energy is that of pure being and never is manifested, yet all are aware of such an entity’s progress. Others may teach or share in many ways contact with intelligent energy. Others continue in unmanifested form seeking intelligent infinity.

Thus the manifestation is a lesser signpost than that which is sensed, or intuited, about a mind/body/spirit complex. This violet-ray beingness is far more indicative of true self.

Are there any brief queries or small matters we may clear up, if we can, before we leave this instrument?

33.8 Questioner: Thank you. Then from this I would extrapolate to the conjecture, I will say, that the orientation in mind of the entity is the only thing that is of any consequence at all. The physical catalyst that he experiences, regardless of what is happening about him, will be a function strictly of his orientation in mind. I will use as an example [example deleted], this being a statement of the orientation in mind governing the catalyst. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We prefer not to use any well-known examples, sayings, or adages in our communications to you due to the tremendous amount of distortion which any well-known saying has undergone. Therefore, we may answer the first part of your query, asking that you delete the example. It is completely true, to the best of our knowledge, that the orientation, or polarisation, of the mind/body/spirit complex is cause of the perceptions generated by each entity.

Thus a scene may be observed in your grocery store. The entity ahead of self may be without sufficient funds. One entity may then take this opportunity to steal. Another may take this opportunity to feel itself a failure. Another may unconcernedly remove the least necessary items, pay for what it can, and go about its business. The one behind the self, observing, may feel compassion, may feel an insult because of standing next to a poverty-stricken person, may feel generosity, may feel indifference.

Do you now see the analogies in a more appropriate manner?

42.7 Questioner: I would like to try to make an analogy for this in third density.

Many entities here feel great compassion toward relieving the physical problems of third-density other-selves by administering to them in many ways, bringing them food if there is hunger—as there is in the African nations now—bringing them medicine if they believe they require administering to them medically, and being selfless in all of these services to a very great extent.

This is creating a polarisation, or a vibration, that is in harmony with green ray or fourth density. However, it is not balanced with the understanding of fifth density that these entities are experiencing catalyst, and a more balanced administration to their needs would be to provide them with the learning necessary to reach the state of awareness of fourth density than it would be to administer to their physical needs at this time. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. To a mind/body/spirit complex which is starving, the appropriate response is the feeding of the body. You may extrapolate from this.

On the other hand, however, you are correct in your assumption that the green-ray response is not as refined as that which has been imbued with wisdom. This wisdom enables the entity to appreciate its contributions to the planetary consciousness by the quality of its being, without regard to activity or behaviour which expects results upon visible planes.

49.2 Questioner: Thank you. I have a question here from Jim first. He says:

“For the past nine years I have had what I call frontal lobes experiences in the pre-consciousness state of sleep just before I wake up in the morning. They are a combination of pleasure and pressure which begins in the frontal lobes and spreads in pulses through the whole brain and feels like an orgasm in my brain. I have had over 200 of these experiences, and often they are accompanied by visions and voices which seldom make much sense to me. What is the source of these frontal lobes experiences?”

Ra: I am Ra. We scan the questioner and find some pertinent information already available which regards the physiological disposition of this particular part of the brain. The experiences described and experienced are those distillations which may be experienced after a concentration of effort upon the opening of the gateway, or indigo, mind complex so that experience of a sacramental, or violet, ray may occur. These experiences are the beginnings of that which—as the body, the mind, and the spirit become integrated at the gateway, or indigo, level—may then yield not only the experience of joy but the comprehension of intelligent infinity which accompanies it. Thus the body complex orgasm and mind complex orgasm, becoming integrated, may then set forth the proper gateway for the spiritual complex integration and its use as a shuttle for the sacrament of the fully experienced presence of the One Infinite Creator. Thus there is much to which the questioner may look forward.

53.1 Questioner: I would first like to know the instrument’s condition and ask two questions for her. She would like to know if she can do one exercise of one hour a day, and is the pain she feels prior to a session due to an Orion attack?

Ra: I am Ra. The instrument’s condition is as previously stated.

In answer to the question of exercise, now that the intensive period is over, this instrument may, if it chooses, exercise one period rather than two. In scanning this instrument’s physical-complex distortions we find the current period of exercise at the limit of this instrument’s strength. This is well in the long run due to a cumulative building up of the vital energies. In the short run it is wearying to this entity. Thus we suggest the entity be aware of our previous admonitions regarding other aids to appropriate bodily distortions.

In answer to the second query, we may say that the physical complex difficulties prior to contact with our social memory complex are due to the action of the subconscious will of the instrument. This will is extremely strong and requires the mind/body/spirit complex to reserve all available physical and vital energies for the contact. Thus the discomforts are experienced due to the dramatic distortion towards physical weakness while this energy is diverted. The entity is, it may be noted, also under psychic attack, and this intensifies pre-existing conditions and is responsible for the cramping and the dizziness as well as mind-complex distortions.

86.6 Questioner: In the last session you had mentioned the properties precipitating from the veiling of the mind, the first being visioning, envisioning, or far-seeing. Would you explain the meaning of that?

Ra: I am Ra. Your language is not overstrewn with non-emotional terms for the functional qualities of what is now termed the unconscious mind. The nature of mind is something which we have requested that you ponder. However, it is, shall we say, clear enough to the casual observer that we may share some thoughts with you without infringing upon your free learn/teaching experiences.

The nature of the unconscious is of the nature of concept rather than word. Consequently, before the veiling the use of the deeper mind was that of the use of unspoken concept. You may consider the emotive and connotative aspects of a melody. One could call out, in some stylized fashion, the terms for the notes of the melody. One could say, “a quarter note A, a quarter note A, a quarter note A, whole note F.” This bears little resemblance to the beginning of the melody of one of your composers’ most influential melodies, that known to you as a symbol of victory.

This is the nature of the deeper mind. There are only stylized methods with which to discuss its functions. Thusly our descriptions of this portion of the mind, as well as the same portions of body and spirit, were given terms such as “far-seeing,” indicating that the nature of penetration of the veiled portion of the mind may be likened unto the journey too rich and exotic to contemplate adequate describing thereof.

91.7 Questioner: Now, some entities on this planet evolved through second density into third, and some were transferred from other planets to re-cycle in third density here. Did the ones who were transferred here to re-cycle in third density add to the planetary or racial mind?

Ra: I am Ra. Not only did each race add to the planetary mind, but also each race possesses a racial mind. Thus we made this distinction in discussing this portion of mind.

This portion of mind is formed in the series of seemingly non-simultaneous experiences which are chosen in freedom of will by the mind/body/spirit complexes of the planetary influence. Therefore, although this Akashic, planetary, or racial mind is, indeed, a root of mind, it may be seen in sharp differentiation from the deeper roots of mind which are not a function of altering memory, if you will.

We must ask your patience at this time. This channel has become somewhat unclear due to the movement of the cover which touches this instrument. We ask that the opening sentences be repeated and the breath expelled.

[The microphones attached to the cover upon the instrument were pulled slightly as a rug was being placed over a noisy tape recorder. The Circle of One was walked; breath was expelled two feet above the instrument’s head from her right to her left; and the Circle of One was walked again as requested.]

I am Ra. We communicate now.

61.12 Questioner: Could you tell me why it is important for the appurtenances, and other things, to be so carefully aligned with respect to the instrument, and why just a small ruffle in the sheet by the instrument causes a problem with the reception of Ra?

Ra: I am Ra. We may attempt an explanation. This contact is narrow-band. The instrument is highly sensitive. Thus we have good entry into it and can use it to an increasingly satisfactory level.

However, the trance condition is, shall we say, not one which is without toll upon this instrument. Therefore, the area above the entrance into the physical complex of this instrument must be kept clear to avoid discomfort to the instrument, especially as it re-enters the body complex.

The appurtenances give to the instrument sensory input and mental visualisation which aid in the trance beginning. The careful alignment of these is important for the energising group in that it is a reminder to that support group that it is time for a working.

The ritualistic behaviours are triggers for many energies of the support group. You may have noticed more energy being used in workings as the number has increased due to the long-term, shall we say, effect of such ritualistic actions.

This would not aid another group as it was designed for this particular system of mind/body/spirit complexes and especially the instrument.

There is enough energy transferred for one more long query. We do not wish to deplete this instrument.

19.1 Questioner: I have been thinking over the scope of this book and will read this that I have thought. We are concerned in this communication with the evolution of mind, body, and spirit. I would like to fully investigate through questioning the mechanism of evolution in order to allow those interested individuals to participate in their own evolution. It seems to me that a good place to start would be the transition from the second to third density, then to investigate, in detail, the evolution of third-density entities of Earth, paying particular attention to the mechanisms which help or hinder that evolution. This is my intent for direction of this working session. I hope that this is a correct direction.

What I would like to know first is: do all entities make a transition from second to third density, or are there some other entities who have never gone through this transition?

Ra: I am Ra. Your question presumes the space/time continuum understandings of the intelligent energy which animates your illusion. Within the context of this illusion we may say that there are some which do not transfer from one particular density to another, for the continuum is finite.

In the understanding which we have of the universe, or creation, as one infinite being—its heart beating as alive in its own intelligent energy—it merely is one beat of the heart of this intelligence from creation to creation. In this context each and every entity of consciousness has/is/will experienced/experiencing/experience each and every density.

99.8 Questioner: Thank you. Card Number Six I see as the Transformation of the Mind; the male’s crossed arms representing transformation, transformation being possible either toward the left- or the right-hand path; the path being beckoned or led by the female, the Potentiator.

The one on the right having the serpent of wisdom at the brow and being fully clothed; the one on the left having less clothing and indicating that the Matrix or Potentiator would be more concerned and attracted to the physical illusion as the left-hand path is chosen, and more concerned and attracted to the mental as the right-hand path is chosen.

The creature above points an arrow at the left-hand path indicating that if this path is chosen, the chips, shall we say, will fall where they may—the path being unprotected as far as the random activity of catalyst. And the intellectual abilities of the chooser of that path would be the main guardian rather than a designed or built-in protection by the Logos for the right-hand path.

The entity firing the arrow, being what seems to be a second density entity, would indicate that this catalyst could be produced by a lesser-evolved source, you might say.

Would Ra comment on these observations of Card Six, the Transformation of the Mind?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall speak upon several aspects seriatim.* Firstly, let us examine the crossed arms of the male who is to be transformed. What, O student, do you make of the crossing? What see you in this tangle? There is a creative point to be found in this element which was not discussed overmuch by the questioner.

Let us now observe the evaluation of the two females. The observation that to the left-hand path moves the roughly physical and to the right-hand path the mental has a shallow correctness. There are deeper observations to be made concerning the relationship of the great sea of the unconscious mind to the conscious mind which may fruitfully be pursued. Remember, O student, that these images are not literal. They haunt rather than explicate.

Many use the trunk and roots of mind as if that portion of mind were a badly used, prostituted entity. Then this entity gains from this great storehouse that which is rough, prostituted, and without great virtue. Those who turn to the deep mind seeing it in the guise of the maiden go forth to court it. The courtship has nothing of plunder in its semblance and may be protracted, yet the treasure gained by such careful courtship is great. The right-hand and left-hand transformations of the mind may be seen to differ by the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own resources as well as the resources of other-selves.

We now speak of that genie, or elemental, or mythic figure, culturally determined, which sends the arrow to the left-hand transformation. This arrow is not the arrow which kills but, rather, that which, in its own way, protects. Those who choose separation, that being the quality most indicative of the left-hand path, are protected from other-selves by a strength and sharpness equivalent to the degree of transformation which the mind has experienced in the negative sense.

Those upon the right-hand path have no such protection against other-selves, for upon that path the doughty seeker shall find many mirrors for reflection in each other-self it encounters.

61.7 Questioner: Second question: could you give an example of how feelings affect portions of the body and the sensations of the body?

Ra: I am Ra. It is nearly impossible to speak generally of these mechanisms, for each entity of proper seniority has its own programming. Of the less aware entities we may say that the connexion will often seem random as the higher self continues producing catalyst until a bias occurs. In each programmed individual the sensitivities are far more active, and, as we have said, that catalyst not used fully by the mind and spirit is given to the body.

Thus you may see in this entity the numbing of the arms and the hands signifying this entity’s failure to surrender to the loss of control over the life. Thus, this drama is enacted in the physical-distortion complex.

In the questioner we may see the desire not to be carrying the load it carries given as physical manifestation of the soreness of those muscles for carrying used. That which is truly needed to be carried is a pre-incarnative responsibility which seems highly inconvenient.

In the case of the scribe we see a weariness and numbness of feelings ensuing from lack of using catalyst designed to sensitise this entity to quite significant influxes of unfamiliar distortion complexes of the mental/emotional and spiritual level. As the numbness removes itself from the higher, or more responsive, complexes, the bodily-complex distortions will vanish. This is true also of the other examples.

We would note at this time that the totally efficient use of catalyst upon your plane is extremely rare.

1.7 Questioner: [The question was lost because the questioner was sitting too far from the tape recorder to be recorded.]

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.

That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define that infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colours stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.

In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity, for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things.

You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.

May we enunciate this law in more detail?

31.3 Questioner: Would this then be the primal mechanism for the Creator to experience Self?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not a proper term. Perhaps the adjective would be “one appropriate” way of the Creator knowing Itself, for in each interaction, no matter what the distortion, the Creator is experiencing Itself. The bisexual knowing of the Creator by Itself has the potential for two advantages.

Firstly, in the green-ray activated being there is the potential for a direct and simple analogue of what you may call joy—the spiritual, or metaphysical, nature which exists in intelligent energy. This is a great aid to comprehension of a truer nature of beingness.

The other potential advantage of bisexual reproductive acts is the possibility of a sacramental understanding, or connexion, shall we say, with the gateway to intelligent infinity, for with appropriate preparation, work in what you may call magic may be done, and experiences of intelligent infinity may be had. The positively oriented individuals concentrating upon this method of reaching intelligent infinity, then, through the seeking or the act of will, are able to direct this infinite intelligence to the work these entities desire to do, whether it be knowledge of service, or ability to heal, or whatever service to others is desired.

These are two advantages of this particular method of the Creator experiencing Itself. As we have said before, the corollary of the strength of this particular energy transfer is that it opens the door, shall we say, to the individual mind/body/spirit complex’s desire to serve in an infinite number of ways an other-self, thus polarising towards positive.

76.21 Questioner: What I am trying to understand is the difference between the plan of the Logos for these second-density entities and the generation of what I would guess to be a more-or-less runaway array of feedback to create various physical problems that act as catalyst in our present third-density condition. Could you give me an indication of that; of whether my thinking is anywhere near right on that?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument’s physical body complex is becoming more distorted towards pain. We shall, therefore, speak to this subject as our last full query of this working.

Your query contains some internal confusion which causes the answer to be, perhaps, more general than desired. We invite refinements of the query.

The Logos planned for entities of mind/body/spirit complex to gain experience until the amount of experience was sufficient for an incarnation. This varied only slightly from second-density entities whose mind/body complexes existed for the purpose of experiencing growth and seeking consciousness.

As the third density upon your planet proceeded, as has been discussed, the need for the physical body complex to cease became more rapidly approached due to intensified, and more rapidly gained, catalyst. This catalyst was not being properly assimilated. Therefore, the, shall we say, lifetimes needed to be shorter that learning might continue to occur with the proper rhythm and increment. Thus more and more opportunities have been offered, as your density has progressed, for disease.

May we ask if there are further brief queries before we close?

94.10 Questioner: From the previous session the statement was made that much is veiled to the most apparently clear observation. Would Ra expand on what was meant by that statement? I assume that this means the veiling of all of that that is outside the limits of what we call our physical perception having to do with the spectrum of light, etc., but I also intuit there is more than that veiled. Would Ra expand on that concept?

Ra: I am Ra. You are perceptive in your supposition. Indeed, we meant not any suggestions that the physical apparatus of your current illusion were limited as part of the veiling process. Your physical limits are as they are.

However, because of the unique biases of each mind/body/spirit complex, there are sometimes quite simple instances of distortion when there is no apparent cause for such distortion. Let us use the example of the virile and immature male who meets and speaks clearly with a young female whose physical form has the appropriate configuration to cause, for this male entity, the activation of the red-ray sexual arousal.

The words spoken may be upon a simple subject such as naming, information as to the occupation, and various other common interchanges of sound vibratory complex. The male entity, however, is using almost all the available consciousness it possesses in registering the desirability of the female. Such may also be true of the female.

Thusly an entire exchange of information may be meaningless because the actual catalyst is of the body. This is unconsciously controlled and is not a conscious decision. This example is simplistic.

67.4 Questioner: We would welcome the services of the entity who uses, and I will use the misnomer, you might say, of attack, since I do not consider this an attack but an offering of service, and we welcome this offering of service—but we would be able, I believe, to make more full use of the service if it were not physically disabling the instrument in a minor way. For with a greater physical ability she would be able to more appreciate the service. We would greatly appreciate it if the service was carried on in some manner which we could welcome in even greater love than at present. This, I assume, would be some service that would not include the dizzying effect.

I am trying to understand the mechanism of this service by the entity that seems to be constantly with us, and I am trying to understand the origin of this entity and the mechanism of greeting us. I will make a statement that is probably not only incorrect but is a function of my extreme limitation in understanding the other densities and how they work.

I am guessing that this particular entity is a member of the Orion Confederation and is possibly, or possibly not, incarnate in a body of the appropriate density, which I assume is the fifth, and by mental discipline he has been able to project a portion if not all of his consciousness to our coordinates, you might say, here, and it is possibly one of the seven bodies that make up his mind/body/spirit complex. Is any of this correct, and can you tell me what is correct or incorrect about that statement?

Ra: I am Ra. The statement is substantially correct.

80.8 Questioner: I am sorry for my lack of penetration of these mechanisms, and I apologise for some rather stupid questions, but I think we have here a point that is somewhat central to what we are presently attempting to understand. So even though my next questions may be almost unacceptably stupid, I will attempt to try to understand what this power that our visitor seeks is and how he uses it. For it seems to me that this is central to the mind and the evolution of it in which we are involved.

As this entity that is our visitor increases his power through these works, what is the power that he increases? Can you describe it?

Ra: I am Ra. The power of which you speak is a spiritual power. The powers of the mind, as such, do not encompass such works as these.

You may, with some fruitfulness, consider the possibilities of moonlight. You are aware that we have described the Matrix of the Spirit as a night. The moonlight, then, offers either a true picture seen in shadow, or chimaera and falsity. The power of falsity is deep, as is the power to discern truth from shadow. The shadow of hidden things is an infinite depth in which is stored the power of the One Infinite Creator.

The adept, then, is working with the power of hidden things illuminated by that which can be false or true. To embrace falsity, to know it, to seek it, and to use it gives a power that is most great. This is the nature of the power of your visitor and may shed some light upon the power of one who seeks in order to serve others as well, for the missteps in the night are oh! so easy.

37.4 Questioner: I have been very hesitant to ask certain questions for fear that they would be regarded, as I regard them, as questions of unimportance or too great a specificity and, thereby, reduce our contact with you. In order to disseminate some of the information that I consider to be of extreme importance—that is, the non-transient type of information, information having to do with the evolution of mind, body, and spirit—it seems almost necessary, in our society, to include information that is of little value, simply because that’s how our . . . our society works and how the system of distribution appraises that which is offered for distribution.

Could you comm— Will . . . will you comment on this problem that I have?

Ra: I am Ra. We comment as follows: It is quite precisely correct that the level and purity of this contact is dependent upon the level and purity of information sought. Thusly, the continued requests for specific information, from this particular source, is deleterious to the substance of your purpose.

Moreover, as we scanned your mind to grasp your situation as regards the typescript of some of our words, we found that you had been criticised for the type of language construction used to convey data. Due to our orientation with regard to data, even the most specifically answered question would be worded by our group in such a way as to maximise the accuracy of the nuances of the answer. This, however, mitigates against what your critic desires in the way of simple, lucid prose.

More than this we cannot say. These are our observations of your situation. What you wish to do is completely your decision, and we remain at your service in whatever way we may be without breaking the Way of Confusion.

57.12 Questioner: How does the healing that you just told us about relate to the healing done in the King’s Chamber in the Giza pyramid?

Ra: I am Ra. There are two advantages to doing this working in such a configuration of shapes and dimensions.

Firstly, the disruption, or interruption, of the violet/red armoring, or protective shell, is automatic.

In the second place, the light is configured by the very placement of this position in the seven distinctive colour, or energy, vibratory rates, thus allowing the energy through the crystallised being, focused with the crystal, to manipulate with great ease the undisturbed and, shall we say, carefully delineated palette of energies, or colours, both in space/time and in time/space.

Thus the unarmored being may be adjusted rapidly. This is desirable in some cases, especially when the armoring is the largest moiety of the possibility of continued function of body complex activity in this density.* The trauma of the interruption of this armoring vibration is then seen to be lessened.

We take this opportunity to pursue our honour/duty, as some of those creating the pyramid shape, to note that it is in no way necessary to use this shape in order to achieve healings, for seniority of vibration has caused the vibratory complexes of mind/body/spirit complexes to be healed to be less vulnerable to the trauma of the interrupted armoring.

Furthermore, as we have said, the powerful effect of the pyramid, with its mandatory disruption of the armoring—if used without the crystallised being, used with the wrong intention, or in the wrong configuration—can result in further distortions of entities which are, perhaps, the equal of some of your chemicals which cause disruptions in the energy fields in like manner.

68.16 Questioner: Well how does the fifth-density entity go about this working from the very start of his being alerted to the fact that we exist. How does that occur? Can you please trace the steps that he involves himself in? Please.

Ra: I am Ra. The entity becomes aware of power. This power has the capacity of energising those which may be available for harvest. This entity is desirous of disabling this power source. It sends its legions. Temptations are offered. They are ignored or rejected. The power source persists and, indeed, improves its inner connexions of harmony and love of service.

The entity determines that it must needs attempt the disabling itself. By means of projection it enters the vicinity of this power source. It assesses the situation. It is bound by the First Distortion but may take advantage of any free-will distortion. The free-will, pre-incarnative distortions of the instrument with regards to the physical vehicle seem the most promising target. Any distortion away from service to others is also appropriate.

When the instrument leaves its physical vehicle it does so freely. Thus the misplacement of the mind/body/spirit complex of the instrument would not be a violation of its free will if it followed the entity freely. This is the process.

We are aware of your pressing desire to know how to become impervious, as a group, to any influences such as this. The processes which you seek are a matter of your free choice. You are aware of the principles of magical work. We cannot speak to advise, but can only suggest, as we have before, that it would be appropriate for this group to embark upon such a path as a group, but not individually, for obvious reasons.

38.5 Questioner: Could you tell me how each of the rays, red through violet, would appear in a perfectly balanced, undistorted entity?

Ra: I am Ra. We cannot tell you this for each balance is perfect and each unique. We do not mean to be obscure.

Let us offer an example. In a particular entity—let us use this instrument—the rays may be viewed as extremely even, red, orange, yellow. The green ray is extremely bright. This is, shall we say, balanced by a dimmer indigo. Between these two the point of balance resides, the blue ray of the communicator sparkling in strength above the ordinary.

In the violet ray we see this unique spectrograph, if you will, and at the same time the pure violet surrounding the whole. This in turn, surrounded by that which mixes the red and violet ray, indicating the integration of mind, body, and spirit. This surrounded in turn by the vibratory pattern of this entity’s true density.

This description may be seen to be both unbalanced and in perfect balance. The latter understanding is extremely helpful in dealing with other-selves. The ability to feel blockages is useful only to the healer. There is not properly a tiny fraction of judgement when viewing a balance in colours. Of course, when we see many of the energy plexi weakened and blocked, we may understand that an entity has not yet grasped the baton and begun the race. However, the potentials are always there. All the rays fully balanced are there in waiting to be activated.

Perhaps another way to address your query is this: In the fully potentiated entity, the rays mount one upon the other with equal vibratory brilliance and scintillating sheen until the surrounding colour is white. This is what you may call potentiated balance in third density.

65.17 Questioner: Then we deal with an entity that has not yet formed a social memory but is yet an entity, just as one of us can be called a single entity. Can we continue this observation of the, shall I say, conglomerate entity through the galactic entity, or shall I say, small planetary system type of entity? Let me try to phrase it this way. Could I look at a single sun in its planetary system as an entity and then look at a major galaxy with its billions of stars as an entity? Can I continue this extrapolation in this way?

Ra: I am Ra. You can but not within the framework of third-density space/time.

Let us attempt to speak upon this interesting subject. In your space/time you and your peoples are the parents of that which is in the womb. The earth, as you call it, is ready to be born, and the delivery is not going smoothly. When this entity has become born it will be instinct with the social memory complex of its parents which have become fourth-density positive. In this density there is a broader view.

You may begin to see your relationship to the Logos, or sun, with which you are most intimately associated. This is not the relationship of parent to child but of Creator (that is Logos) to Creator (that is the mind/body/spirit complex as Logos).

When this realisation occurs you may then widen the field of “eyeshot,” if you will, infinitely recognising parts of the Logos throughout the One Infinite Creation and feeling—with the roots of mind informing the intuition—the parents aiding their planets in evolution in reaches vast and unknown in the creation, for this process occurs many, many times in the evolution of the creation as an whole.

60.20 Questioner: Thank you. In trying to understand the energies—creative energies—it has occurred to me that I really do not understand why unusable heat is generated as our earth moves from third into fourth density. I know it has to do with disharmony between the vibrations of third and fourth density, but why this would show up as a physical heating within the earth is beyond me. Can you enlighten me on that?

Ra: I am Ra. The concepts are somewhat difficult to penetrate in your language. However, we shall attempt to speak to the subject.

If an entity is not in harmony with its circumstances it feels a burning within. The temperature of the physical vehicle does not yet rise, only the heat of the temper or the tears, as we may describe this disharmony. However, if an entity persists for a long period of your space/time in feeling this emotive heat and disharmony, the entire body complex will begin to resonate to this disharmony, and the disharmony will then show up as the cancer or other degenerative distortions from what you call health.

When an entire planetary system of peoples and cultures repeatedly experiences disharmony on a great scale, the earth under the feet of these entities shall begin to resonate with this disharmony. Due to the nature of the physical vehicle, disharmony shows up as a blockage of growth or an uncontrolled growth, since the primary function of a mind/body/spirit complex’s bodily complex is growth and maintenance.

In the case of your planet, the purpose of the planet is the maintenance of orbit and the proper location or orientation with regards to other cosmic influences. In order to have this occurring properly the interior of your sphere is hot, in your physical terms. Thus, instead of uncontrolled growth you begin to experience uncontrolled heat and its expansive consequences.

7.15 Questioner: What is the density of the Orion group?

Ra: I am Ra. Like the Confederation, the densities of the mass consciousnesses which comprise that group are varied. There are a very few third density, a larger number of fourth density, a similarly large number of fifth density,* and very few sixth-density entities comprising this organisation. Their numbers are perhaps one-tenth ours at any point in the space/time continuum as the problem of spiritual entropy causes them to experience constant disintegration of their social memory complexes.

Their power is the same as ours. The Law of One blinks neither at the light or the darkness but is available for service to others and service to self. However, service to others results in service to self, thus preserving and further harmonising the distortions of those entities seeking intelligent infinity through these disciplines.

Those seeking intelligent infinity through the use of service to self create the same amount of power but, as we said, have constant difficulty because of the concept of separation which is implicit in the manifestations of the service to self which involve power over others. This weakens and eventually disintegrates the energy collected by such mind/body/spirit complexes who call the Orion group and the social memory complexes which comprise the Orion group.

It should be noted, carefully pondered, and accepted, that the Law of One is available to any social memory complex which has decided to strive together for any seeking of purpose, be it service to others or service to self. The laws, which are the primal distortions of the Law of One, then are placed into operation, and the illusion of space/time is used as a medium for the development of the results of those choices freely made.

Thus all entities learn, no matter what they seek. All learn the same, some rapidly, some slowly.

41.14 Questioner: Is this energy centre, then, on a very small scale, related to the orange energy centre in man?

Ra: I am Ra. The true colour is precisely the same. However, the consciousness of the second-density beginning is primitive and the use of orange ray limited to the expression of self which may be seen to be movement and survival.

In third density, at this time, those clinging to orange ray have a much more complex system of distortions through which orange ray is manifested. This is somewhat complicated. We shall endeavour to simplify.

The appropriate true colour for third density is, as you have ascertained, yellow. However, the influences of the true-colour green acting upon yellow-ray entities have caused many entities to revert to the consideration of self rather than the stepping forward into consideration of other-self, or green ray.

This may not be seen to be of a negatively polarised nature, as the negatively polarised entity is working very intensively with the deepest manifestations of yellow-ray group energies, especially the manipulations of other-self for service to self. Those reverting to orange ray—and we may add these are many upon your plane at this time—are those who feel the vibrations of true-colour green and, therefore, respond by rejecting governmental and societal activities as such and seek once more the self.

However, not having developed the yellow ray properly so that it balances the personal vibratory rates of the entity, the entity then is faced with the task of further activation and balancing of the self in relation to the self, thus the orange-ray manifestations at this space/time nexus.

Thus true-colour orange is that which it is, without difference. However, the manifestations of this, or any ray, may be seen to be most various depending upon the vibratory levels and balances of the mind/body or mind/body/spirit complexes which are expressing these energies.

5.2 Questioner: We have decided to accept, if offered, the honour/duty of learning/teaching the healing process. I would ask as to the first step which we should accomplish in becoming effective healers.

Ra: I am Ra. We shall begin with the first of the three teachings/learnings.

We begin with the mental learn/teachings necessary for contact with intelligent infinity. The prerequisite of mental work is the ability to retain silence of self at a steady state when required by the self. The mind must be opened like a door. The key is silence.

Within the door lies an hierarchical construction you may liken unto geography and in some ways geometry, for the hierarchy is quite regular, bearing inner relationships.

To begin to master the concept of mental discipline it is necessary to examine the self. The polarity of your dimension must be internalised. Where you find patience within your mind you must consciously find the corresponding impatience and vice versa. Each thought that a being has, has in its turn an antithesis. The disciplines of the mind involve, first of all, identifying both those things of which you approve and those things of which you disapprove within yourself, and then balancing each and every positive and negative charge with its equal. The mind contains all things. Therefore, you must discover this completeness within yourself.

The second mental discipline is acceptance of the completeness within your consciousness. It is not for a being of polarity in the physical consciousness to pick and choose among attributes, thus building the roles that cause blockages and confusions in the already-distorted mind complex. Each acceptance smooths part of the many distortions that the faculty you call judgement engenders.

The third discipline of the mind is a repetition of the first but with the gaze outward towards the fellow entities that it meets. In each entity there exists completeness. Thus, the ability to understand each balance is necessary. When you view patience, you are responsible for mirroring in your mental understanding patience/impatience. When you view impatience, it is necessary for your mental configuration of understanding to be impatience/patience. We use this as a simple example. Most configurations of mind have many facets, and understanding of either self polarities, or what you would call other-self polarities, can and must be understood as subtle work.

The next step is the acceptance of the other-self polarities, which mirrors the second step.

These are the first four steps of learning mental discipline. The fifth step involves observing the geographical and geometrical relationships and ratios of the mind, the other mind, the mass mind, and the infinite mind.

The second area of learn/teaching is the study/understanding of the body complexes. It is necessary to know your body well. This is a matter of using the mind to examine how the feelings, the biases—what you would call the emotions—affect various portions of the body complex. It shall be necessary to both understand the bodily polarities and to accept them, repeating in a chemical/physical manifestation the work you have done upon the mind bethinking the consciousness.

The body is a creature of the mind’s creation. It has its biases. The biological bias must be first completely understood and then the opposite bias allowed to find full expression in understanding. Again, the process of acceptance of the body as a balanced, as well as polarised, individual may then be accomplished.

It is then the task to extend this understanding to the bodies of the other-selves whom you will meet. The simplest example of this is the understanding that each biological male is female; each biological female is male. This is a simple example. However, in almost every case wherein you are attempting the understanding of the body of self or other-self, you will again find that the most subtle discernment is necessary in order to fully grasp the polarity complexes involved.

At this time we would suggest closing the description until the next time of work so that we may devote time to the third area commensurate with its importance.

We can answer a query if it is a short one before we leave this instrument.

3.6 Questioner: At the last session we had two questions we were saving for this session: one having to do with the possible capstone of the Great Pyramid at Giza; the other with how you moved the heavy blocks. I know these questions are of no importance at all with respect to the Law of One, but it was my judgement, which you may correct, that this would provide an easy entry for the reader of the material. We are very grateful for your contact and will certainly take suggestions about how we should proceed with this. This is just one guess.

Ra: I am Ra. I will not suggest the proper series of questions. This is your prerogative as free agent of the Law of One, having learn/understood that our social memory complex cannot effectually discern the distortions of the societal mind/body/spirit complex of your peoples. We wish now to fulfil our teach/learning honour/responsibility by answering what is asked. This only will suffice, for we cannot plumb the depths of the distortion complexes which infect your peoples.

The first question, therefore, is the capstone. We iterate the unimportance of this type of data.

The so-called Great Pyramid had two capstones. One was of our design and was of smaller and carefully contrived pieces of the material upon your planet which you call “granite.” This was contrived for crystalline properties and for the proper flow of your atmosphere via a type of what you would call “chimney.”

At a time when we as a people had left your density, the original was taken away and a more precious one substituted. It consisted, in part, of a golden material. This did not change the properties of the pyramid, as you call it, at all, and was a distortion due to the desire of a few to mandate the use of the structure as a royal place only.

Do you wish to query further upon this first question?

7.9 Questioner: I have a question here, I believe, about that Council from Jim. Who are the members, and how does the Council function?

Ra: I am Ra. The members of the Council are representatives from the Confederation and from those vibratory levels of your inner planes bearing responsibility for your third density. The names are not important because there are no names. Your mind/body/spirit complexes request names, and so, in many cases, the vibratory sound complexes which are consonant with the vibratory distortions of each entity are used. However, the name concept is not part of the Council. If names are requested, we will attempt them. However, not all have chosen names.

In number, the Council that sits in constant session—though varying in its members by means of balancing which takes place, what you would call, irregularly—is nine. That is the Session Council. To back up this Council, there are twenty-four entities which offer their services as requested. These entities faithfully watch and have been called the Guardians.

The Council operates by means of, what you would call, telepathic contact with the oneness or unity of the nine, the distortions blending harmoniously so that the Law of One prevails with ease. When a need for thought is present, the Council retains the distortion-complex of this need, balancing it as described, and then recommends what it considers as appropriate action. This includes: one, the duty of admitting social memory complexes to the Confederation; two, offering aid to those who are unsure how to aid the social memory complex requesting aid in a way consonant with both the call, the Law, and the number of those calling (that is to say, sometimes the resistance of the call); three, internal questions in the Council are determined.

These are the prominent duties of the Council. They are, if in any doubt, able to contact the twenty-four who then offer consensus judgement/thinking to the Council. The Council then may reconsider any question.

27.1 Questioner: This session I thought we would start Book II of The Law of One,* which will focus on what we consider to be the only important aspect of our being.

However, Jim has felt the obligation to ask two questions that were asked of him by Paul Shockley, and I will ask those two first, in case you are able to answer them before we really get started. First question is: Paul Shockley is presenting channelling—correction, Paul Shockley is presently channelling the same source which Edgar Cayce channelled, and Paul has received information that he took part in the design and construction of the Egyptian pyramids. Can you tell us what his role was in that effort?

Ra: I am Ra. This was in your space/time continuum two periods and two lifetimes. The first of a physical nature working with Confederation entities in what you know of as Atlantis, this approximately thirteen thousand [13,000] of your years ago. This memory, shall we say, being integrated into the unconscious of the mind/body/spirit complex of this entity due to its extreme desire to remember the service of healing and polarisation possible by the mechanisms of the crystal and the charged healer.

The second experience being approximately one thousand [1,000] of your years later during which experience this entity prepared, in some part, the consciousness of the people of what you now call Egypt, that they were able to offer the calling that enabled those of our social memory complex to walk among your peoples. During this life experience this entity was of a priest and teaching nature and succeeded in remembering in semi-distorted form the learn/teachings of the Atlantean pyramidal experiences. Thus, this entity became a builder of the archetypal thought of the Law of One with distortion towards healing, which aided our people in bringing this through into a physical manifestation at what you would call a later period in your time measurement.

72.7 Questioner: We have here, I believe, a very important principle with respect to the Law of One. You have stated that the attitude of the individual is of paramount importance for the Orion entity to be able to be effective. Would you please explain how this mechanism works with respect to the Law of One, and why the attitude of the entity is of paramount importance, and why this allows for action by the Orion entity?

Ra: I am Ra. The Law of Confusion, or Free Will, is utterly paramount in the workings of the infinite creation. That which is intended has as much intensity of attraction to the polar opposite as the intensity of the intention or desire.

Thus those whose desires are shallow or transitory experience only ephemeral configurations of what might be called the magical circumstance. There is a turning point, a fulcrum which swings as a mind/body/spirit complex tunes its will to service. If this will and desire is for service to others, the corresponding polarity will be activated.

In the circumstance of this group there are three such wills acting as one with the instrument in the, shall we say, central position of fidelity to service. This is as it must be for the balance of the working and the continuance of the contact. Our vibratory complex is one-pointed in these workings also, and our will to serve is also of some degree of purity. This has created the attraction of the polar opposite which you experience.

We may note that such a configuration of free will, one-pointed in service to others, also has the potential for the alerting of a great mass of light strength. This positive light strength, however, operates also under free will, and must be invoked.

We could not speak to this and shall not guide you, for the nature of this contact is such that the purity of your free will must, above all things, be preserved. Thus you wend your way through experiences discovering those biases which may be helpful.

[There is a 30-second pause between the end of this answer and the beginning of the next question.]

96.2 Questioner: Could you tell me the cause of the lessening of the physical and vital energies?

Ra: I am Ra. We found the need of examining the mental configurations of the instrument before framing an answer due to our reluctance to infringe upon its free will. Those concepts relating to the spiritual contemplation of personal catalyst have been appreciated by the entity, so we may proceed.

This entity has an habitual attitude which is singular; that is, when there is some necessity for action the entity is accustomed to analysing the catalyst in terms of service and determining a course. There was a most unusual variation in this configuration of attitude when this instrument beheld the dwelling which is to be inhabited by this group.

The instrument perceived those elementals and beings of astral character of which we have spoken. The instrument desired to be of service by achieving the domicile in question but found its instincts reacting to the unwelcome presences. The division of mind configuration was increased by the continuing catalyst of lack of control. Had this entity been able to physically begin cleansing the dwelling, the, shall we say, opening would not have occurred.

Although this entity attempted clear communication upon this matter, and although each in the support group did likewise, the amount of blue-ray work necessary to uncover and grasp the nature of the catalyst was not effected. Therefore, there was an opening quite rare for this mind/body/spirit complex, and into this opening the one which greets you moved and performed what may be considered to be the most potent of its purely magical manifestations to this present nexus, as you know time.

It is well that this instrument is not distorted towards what you may call hysteria, for the potential of this working was such that had the instrument allowed fear to become greater than the will to persevere when it could not breathe, each attempt at respiration would have been even more nearly impossible until the suffocation occurred, which was desired by the one which greets you in its own way. Thus the entity would have passed from this incarnation.

61.6 Questioner: I want to ask a few questions Jim had here about the healing exercises. The first is, in the healing exercise concerning the body, what do you mean by the disciplines of the body having to do with the balance between love and wisdom in the use of the body in its natural functions?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall speak more briefly than usual due to this instrument’s use of the transferred energy. We, therefore, request further queries if our reply is not sufficient.

The body complex has natural functions. Many of these have to do with the unmanifested self and are normally not subject to the need for balancing.

There are natural functions which have to do with other-self. Among these are touching, loving, the sexual life, and those times when the company of another is craved to combat the type of loneliness which is the natural function of the body, as opposed to those types of loneliness which are of the mind/emotion complex or of the spirit.

When these natural functions may be observed in the daily life they may be examined in order that the love of self and love of other-self versus the wisdom regarding the use of natural functions may be observed. There are many fantasies and stray thoughts which may be examined in most of your peoples in this balancing process.

Equally to be balanced is the withdrawal from the need for these natural functions with regard to other-self. On the one hand there is an excess of love. It must be determined whether this is love of self or other-self or both. On the other hand there is an over-balance towards wisdom.

It is well to know the body complex so that it is an ally, balanced and ready to be clearly used as a tool; for each bodily function may be used in higher and higher, if you will, complexes of energy with other-self.

No matter what the behaviour, the important balancing is the understanding of each interaction on this level with other-selves, so that whether the balance may be love/wisdom or wisdom/love, the other-self is seen by the self in a balanced configuration, and the self is, thus, freed for further work.

104.2 Questioner: The instrument would like to know what’s the optimum amount of aerobics, walking, and whirlpool exercises for the best condition at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall answer in two ways:

Firstly, to speak to the general case, which pertains to this instrument in varying degree, each form of exercise is well accomplished approximately three to four times per your week. The amount of exercise, all quantified as one sum, is approximately one hour per diurnal period.

We now answer in a second way, distorted in this response to the duple conditions of yellow-ray, physical difficulty and mind-complex distortion. The swirling waters then must needs be viewed as being appropriate four to five of your times per week. The walking and the exercising, as much as is desired by the entity. The total of all these should in no case exceed ninety minutes per diurnal period.

The yellow-ray, physical body has been experiencing that which is called lupoid changes in much tissue of muscle and some of the organs as well. The exercise regains the wasting physical muscular strength. In some ways the walking is the more appropriate exercise due to the proximity of the entity to second-density creatures, particularly your trees.

However, the habitation you enjoy does not offer such opportunity, and instead offers the proximity to creations of mind/body/spirit complexes. This does not feed the mental/emotional needs of this entity although it produces the same physical result. The exercise fulfils more of the mental/emotional need due to the entity’s fondness for rhythmic expressions of the body such as those found in athletic endeavours derivative of the artefact system which is known among your peoples as the dance.*

We suggest the support group encourage any exercise except that which exceeds the time limit, which is already far beyond the physical limitations of this body complex.

It is the way of distortion that in order to balance a distortion one must accentuate it. Thusly, the over-wearing of the body may, if correctly motivated, produce a lack of deficit, at which juncture the lesser exercise limitations should be put into practise.

85.16 Questioner: I have a question here from Jim. It states: “I believe that one of my primary pre-incarnative choices was to open my green-ray energy centre for healing purposes. As I see my compassion developing, is it more appropriate to balance this compassion with wisdom in my healing exercises or to allow the compassion to develop as much as possible without being balanced?”

Ra: I am Ra. This query borders upon that type of question to which answers are unavailable due to the free-will prohibitions upon information from teach/learners.

To the student of the balancing process we may suggest that the most stringent honesty be applied. As compassion is perceived it is suggested that, in balancing, this perception be analysed. It may take many, many essays into compassion before true universal love is the product of the attempted opening and crystallisation of this all-important springboard energy centre.

Thus the student may discover many other components to what may seem to be all-embracing love. Each of these components may be balanced and accepted as part of the self, and as transitional material, as the entity’s seat of learn/teaching moves ever more fairly into the green ray.

When it is perceived that universal love has been achieved, the next balancing may or may not be wisdom. If the adept is balancing manifestations it is indeed appropriate to balance universal love and wisdom. If the balancing is of mind or spirit there are many subtleties to which the adept may give careful consideration. Love and wisdom, like love and light, are not black and white, shall we say, but faces of the same coin, if you will. Therefore, it is not in all cases that balancing consists of a movement from compassion to wisdom.

We may suggest at all times the constant remembrance of the density from which each adept desires to move. This density learns the lessons of love. In the case of wanderers there are half-forgotten overlays of other lessons and other densities.

We shall leave these considerations with the questioner and invite observations which we shall then be most happy to respond to in what may seem to be a more effectual manner.

[There is a 30-second pause here.]

66.13 Questioner: I have observed many activities known as psychic surgery in the area of the Philippine Islands. It was my assumption that these healers are providing what I would call a training aid, or a way of creating a reconfiguration of the mind of the patient to be healed, as the relatively naïve patient observes the action of the healer in seeing the materialised blood, etc., then reconfigures the roots of mind to believe, you might say, the healing is done and, therefore, heals himself. Is this analysis that I made correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. We may speak slightly further upon this type of opportunity.

There are times when the malcondition to be altered is without emotional, mental, or spiritual interest to the entity and is merely that which has, perhaps by chance genetic arrangement, occurred. In these cases that which is apparently dematerialized will remain dematerialized and may be observed as so by any observer.

The malcondition which has an emotional, mental, or spiritual charge is likely not to remain dematerialized in the sense of the showing of the objective referent to an observer. However, if the opportunity has been taken by the seeker, the apparent malcondition of the physical complex will be at variance with the actual health, as you call this distortion, of the seeker; and the lack of experiencing the distortions which the objective referent would suggest still held sway.

For instance, in this instrument the removal of three small cysts was the removal of material having no interest to the entity. Thus these growths remained dematerialized after the so-called psychic surgery experience.

In other psychic surgery the kidneys of this instrument were carefully offered a new configuration of beingness which the entity embraced. However, this particular portion of the mind/body/spirit complex carried a great deal of emotional, mental, and spiritual charge due to this distorted functioning being the cause of great illness, in a certain configuration of events, which culminated in this entity’s conscious decision to be of service. Therefore, any objective scanning of this entity’s renal complex would indicate the rather extreme dysfunctional aspect which it showed previous to the psychic surgery experience, as you call it.

The key is not in the continuation of the dematerialization of distortion to the eye of the beholder but, rather, lies in the choosing of the newly materialised configuration which exists in time/space.

71.6 Questioner: As an entity goes through the death process in third density and finds itself in time/space, it finds itself in a different set of circumstances. Would you please describe the properties or circumstances of time/space and then the process of healing of incarnative experiences that some entities encounter?

Ra: I am Ra. Although this query is difficult to answer adequately due to the limitations of your space/time sound vibration complexes, we shall respond to the best of our ability.

The hallmark of time/space is the inequity between time and space. In your space/time the spatial orientation of material causes a tangible framework for illusion. In time/space the inequity is upon the shoulders of that property known to you as time. This property renders entities and experiences intangible in a relative sense. In your framework each particle, or core vibration, moves at a velocity which approaches what you call the speed of light from the direction of supraluminal velocities.

Thus the time/space, or metaphysical, experience is that which is very finely tuned and, although an analogue of space/time, lacking in its tangible characteristics. In these metaphysical planes there is a great deal of what you call time which is used to review and re-review the biases and learn/teachings of a prior, as you would call it, space/time incarnation.

The extreme fluidity of these regions makes it possible for much to be penetrated which must needs be absorbed before the process of healing of an entity may be accomplished. Each entity is located in a somewhat immobile state, much as you are located in space/time in a somewhat immobile state in time. In this immobile space the entity has been placed by the form-maker and higher self so that it may be in the proper configuration for learn/teaching that which it has received in the space/time incarnation.

Depending upon this time/space locus there will be certain helpers which assist in this healing process. The process involves seeing in full the experience, seeing it against the backdrop of the mind/body/spirit complex total experience, forgiving the self for all missteps as regards the missed guideposts during the incarnation and, finally, the careful assessment of the next necessities for learning. This is done entirely by the higher self until an entity has become conscious in space/time of the process and means of spiritual evolution, at which time the entity will consciously take part in all decisions.

49.6 Questioner: What process would be the recommended process for correctly awakening, as they say, the kundalini, and of what value would that be?

Ra: I am Ra. The metaphor of the coiled serpent being called upwards is vastly appropriate for consideration by your peoples. This is what you are attempting when you seek. There are, as we have stated, great misapprehensions concerning this metaphor and the nature of pursuing its goal.* We must generalise and ask that you grasp the fact that this, in effect, renders far less useful that which we share. However, as each entity is unique, generalities are our lot when communicating for your possible edification.

We have two types of energy. We are attempting, then, as entities in any true colour of this octave, to move the meeting place of inner and outer natures further and further along, or upward along, the energy centres. The two methods of approaching this with sensible method are first, the seating within one’s self of those experiences which are attracted to the entity through the south pole. Each experience will need to be observed, experienced, balanced, accepted, and seated within the individual. As the entity grows in self-acceptance and awareness of catalyst, the location of the comfortable seating of these experiences will rise to the new true-colour entity. The experience, whatever it may be, will be seated in red ray and considered as to its survival content and so forth.

Each experience will be sequentially understood by the growing and seeking mind/body/spirit complex in terms of survival, then in terms of personal identity, then in terms of social relations, then in terms of universal love, then in terms of how the experience may beget free communication, then in terms of how the experience may be linked to universal energies, and finally in terms of the sacramental nature of each experience.

Meanwhile the Creator lies within. In the north pole the crown is already upon the head and the entity is potentially a god. This energy is brought into being by the humble and trusting acceptance of this energy through meditation and contemplation of the self and of the Creator.

Where these energies meet is where the serpent will have achieved its height. When this uncoiled energy approaches universal love and radiant being the entity is in a state whereby the harvestability of the entity comes nigh.

52.2 Questioner: Thank you. I think that possibly I am on an important point here because it seems to me that the great work in evolution is the discipline of personality, and it seems that we have two types of moving around the universe, one stemming from disciplines of personality, and the other stemming from what you call the slingshot effect. I won’t even get into the sub-light speeds because I don’t consider that too important. And I only consider this material important with respect to the fact that we are investigating discipline of the personality.

Does the use of the slingshot effect for travel—is that a what you might call an intellectual, or a left brain, type of involvement of understanding rather than a right brain type?

Ra: I am Ra. Your perception on this point is extensive. You penetrate the outer teaching. We prefer not to utilise the terminology of right and left brain due to the inaccuracies of this terminology. Some functions are repetitive or redundant in both lobes, and further, to some entities the functions of the right and left are reversed. However, the heart of the query is worth some consideration.

The technology of which you, as a social complex, are so enamoured at this time is but the birthing of the manipulation of the intelligent energy of the sub-Logos which, when carried much further, may evolve into technology capable of using the gravitic effects of which we spoke. We note that this term is not accurate, but there is no closer term.

Therefore, the use of technology to manipulate that outside the self is far, far less of an aid to personal evolution than the disciplines of the mind/body/spirit complex resulting in the whole knowledge of the self in the microcosm and macrocosm.

To the disciplined entity, all things are open and free. The discipline which opens the universes opens also the gateways to evolution. The difference is that of choosing either to hitchhike to a place where beauty may be seen, or to walk, step by step, independent and free in this independence to praise the strength to walk, and the opportunity for the awareness of beauty.

The hitchhiker, instead, is distracted by conversation and the vagaries of the road and, dependent upon the whims of others, is concerned to make the appointment in time. The hitchhiker sees the same beauty, but has not prepared itself for the establishment, in the roots of mind, of the experience.

65.12 Questioner: Then each of the wanderers here acts as a function of the biases he has developed in any way he sees fit to communicate—or simply be in his polarity—to aid the total consciousness of the planet.

Is there any, shall I say, more physical way that he aids in— What I mean is, do his vibrations somehow add to the process, just as electrical polarity or charging a battery or something? Does that also aid the planet, just the physical presence of the wanderers?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, and the mechanism is precisely as you state. We intended this meaning in the second portion of our previous answer.

You may at this time note that as with any entities, each wanderer has its unique abilities, biases, and specialties, so that from each portion of each density represented among the wanderers comes an array of pre-incarnative talents which then may be expressed upon this plane which you now experience; so that each wanderer, in offering itself before incarnation, has some special service to offer in addition to the doubling effect of planetary love and light and the basic function of serving as beacon or shepherd.

Thus there are those of fifth density whose abilities to express wisdom are great. There are fourth- and sixth-density wanderers whose ability to serve as, shall we say, passive radiators or broadcasters of love and love/light are immense. There are many others whose talents brought into this density are quite varied.

Thus wanderers have three basic functions once the forgetting is penetrated, the first two being basic, the tertiary one being unique to that particular mind/body/spirit complex.

We may note at this point while you ponder the possibility/probability vortices, that although you have many, many items which cause distress and thus offer seeking and service opportunities, there is always one container in that store of peace, love, light, and joy. This vortex may be very small, but to turn one’s back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment. Could your planet polarise towards harmony in one fine, strong moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends. It is not probable; but it is ever possible.

2.3 Questioner: We are very interested in the entire story that you have to tell and in getting into the Law of One in quite some detail. There will be several questions that I’ll ask as we go along that may or may not be related directly to understanding the Law of One. However, I believe that the proper way of presenting this as a teach/learning vehicle to the population of the planet that will read it, at this time, is to investigate different facets of what you tell us.

You spoke of crystal healing. (One other thing I might mention is that when the instrument becomes fatigued we want to cut off communication and resume it at a later time after the instrument is recharged.) And if the instrument is suitable at this time I would like a little discussion of the crystal healing that you mentioned.

Ra: I am Ra. The principle of crystal healing is based upon an understanding of the hierarchical nature of the structure of the illusion which is the physical body, as you would call it. There are crystals which work upon the energies coming into the spiritual body; there are crystals which work upon the distortions from spirit to mind; there are crystals which balance the distortions between the mind and the body. All of these crystal healings are charged through purified channels. Without the relative crystallisation of the healer working with the crystal, the crystal will not be properly charged.

The other ingredient is a proper alignment with the energy fields of the planet upon which you dwell, and the holistic or cosmic distortions or streamings which enter the planetary aura in such a manner that an appropriate ratio of shapes and placement within these shapes is of indicated aid in the untangling or balancing process.

To go through the various crystals to be used would be exhaustive to this instrument, although you may ask us if you wish in another session. The delicacy, shall we say, of the choosing of the crystal is very critical and, in truth, a crystalline structure such as a diamond or ruby can be used by a purified channel who is filled with the love/light of One in almost any application.

This, of course, takes initiation, and there have never been many to persevere to the extent of progressing through the various distortion leavings which initiation causes.

May we further inform you in any fairly brief way upon this or another subject?

51.1 Questioner: As we begin this session, Book III of The Law Of One, there are a couple of questions, one of fairly non-transient importance and one which I consider to be a bit transient, that I feel obligated to ask because of communication with others.

The first is just clearing up final points about harvest for our friend Leo Sprinkle. And I was wondering if there is a supervision over the harvest, and if so, why this supervision is necessary, and how it works since an entity’s harvestability is the violet ray? Is it necessary for entities to supervise the harvest, or is it automatic? Could you answer this please?

Ra: I am Ra. In time of harvest there are always harvesters. The fruit is formed as it will be, but there is some supervision necessary to ensure that this bounty is placed as it should be, without the bruise or the blemish.

There are those of three levels watching over harvest.

The first level is planetary and that which may be called angelic. This type of guardian includes the mind/body/spirit complex totality or higher self of an entity and those inner plane entities which have been attracted to this entity through its inner seeking.

The second class of those who ward this process are those of the Confederation who have the honour/duty of standing in the small places at the edge of the steps of light/love so that those entities being harvested will not, no matter how confused or unable to make contact with their higher self, stumble and fall away for any reason other than the strength of the light. These Confederation entities catch those who stumble and set them aright so that they may continue into the light.

The third group watching over this process is that group you call the Guardians. This group is from the octave above our own and serves in this manner as light-bringers. These Guardians provide the precise emissions of light/love in exquisitely fastidious disseminations of discrimination so that the precise light/love vibration of each entity may be ascertained.

Thus the harvest is automatic in that those harvested will respond according to that which is unchangeable during harvest. That is the violet-ray emanation. However, these helpers are around to ensure a proper harvesting so that each entity may have the fullest opportunity to express its violet-ray selfhood.

73.22 Questioner: Could you define this statement “energy transfer between two mind/body/spirit complexes?”

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this working. This entity still has transferred energy available, but we find rapidly increasing distortions towards pain in the neck, the dorsal area, and the wrists and manual appendages.

The physical energy transfer may be done numerous ways.

We shall give two examples. Each begins with some sense of the self as Creator or in some way the magical personality being invoked. This may be consciously or unconsciously done. Firstly, that exercise of which we have spoken called the exercise of fire: this is, though physical energy transfer, not that which is deeply involved in the body complex combinations. Thusly the transfer is subtle and each transfer unique in what is offered and what is accepted. At this point we may note that this is the cause for the infinite array of possible energy transfers.

The second energy transfer of which we would speak is the sexual energy transfer. This takes place upon a non-magical level by all those entities which vibrate green ray active.

It is possible, as in the case of this instrument which dedicates itself to the service of the One Infinite Creator, to further refine this energy transfer. When the other-self also dedicates itself in service to the One Infinite Creator, the transfer is doubled. Then the amount of energy transferred is dependent only upon the amount of polarised sexual energy created and released. There are refinements from this point onward leading to the realm of the high sexual magic.

In the realm of the mental bodies there are variations of mental energy transferred. This is, again, dependent upon the knowledge sought and the knowledge offered. The most common mental energy transfer is that of the teacher and the pupil. The amount of energy is dependent upon the quality of this offering upon the part of the teacher as regards the purity of the desire to serve and the quality of information offered and, upon the part of the student, the purity of the desire to learn and the quality of the mind vibratory complex which receives knowledge.

Another form of mental energy transfer is that of the listener and the speaker. When the speaker is experiencing mental/emotional-complex distortions towards anguish, sorrow, or other mental pain, from what we have said before, you may perhaps garner knowledge of the variations possible in this transfer.

The spiritual energy transfers are at the heart of all energy transfers, as a knowledge of self and other-self as Creator is paramount, and this is spiritual work. The varieties of spiritual energy transfer include those things of which we have spoken this day as we spoke upon the subject of the adept.

Are there any brief queries before we leave this working?

56.3 Questioner: In that case, I will ask how does the pyramid shape work?

Ra: I am Ra. We are assuming that you wish to know the principle of the shapes, angles, and intersections of the pyramid at what you call Giza.

In reality, the pyramid shape does no work. It does not work. It is an arrangement for the centralization, as well as the diffraction, of the spiralling upward light energy as it is being used by the mind/body/spirit complex.

The spiralling nature of light is such that the magnetic fields of an individual are affected by spiralling energy. Certain shapes offer an echo chamber, shall we say, or an intensifier for spiralling prana, as some have called this all-present, primal distortion of the One Infinite Creator.

If the intent is to intensify the necessity for the entity’s own will to call forth the inner light in order to match the intensification of the spiralling light energy, the entity will be placed in what you have called the Queen’s Chamber position in this particular shaped object. This is the initiatory place and is the place of resurrection.

The off-set place, representing the spiral as it is in motion, is the appropriate position for one to be healed; as in this position an entity’s vibratory magnetic nexi are interrupted in their normal flux. Thus a possibility/probability vortex ensues: a new beginning, shall we say, is offered for the entity in which the entity may choose a less distorted, weak, or blocked configuration of energy-centre-magnetic distortions.

The function of the healer and crystal may not be over-emphasised, for this power of interruption must needs be controlled, shall we say, with incarnate intelligence; the intelligence being that of one which recognises energy patterns; which, without judging, recognises blockage, weakness, and other distortion; and which is capable of visualising, through the regularity of self and of crystal, the less distorted other-self to be healed.

Other shapes which are arched, groined, vaulted, conical, or as your tepees are also shapes with this type of intensification of spiralling light. Your caves, being rounded, are places of power due to this shaping.

It is to be noted that these shapes are dangerous. We are quite pleased to have the opportunity to enlarge upon the subject of shapes such as the pyramid, for we wish, as part of our honour/duty, to state that there are many wrong uses for these curved shapes; for with improper placement, improper intentions, or lack of the crystallised being functioning as channel for healing, the sensitive entity will be distorted more rather than less in some cases.

It is to be noted that your peoples build, for the most part, the cornered or square habitations, for they do not concentrate power. It is further to be noted that the spiritual seeker has, for many of your time periods of years, sought the rounded, arched, and peaked forms as an expression of the power of the Creator.

3.9 Questioner: I am reminded of the statement, approximately, if you had enough faith, you could say to a mountain to move and the mountain would move. I assume this is approximately what you are saying, and I am assuming that if you are fully aware of the Law of One, then you are able to do these things. Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The vibratory distortion of sound, “faith,” is perhaps one of the stumbling blocks between those of what we may call the infinite path and those of the finite proving-understanding.

You are precisely correct in your understanding of the congruency of faith and intelligent infinity; however, one is a spiritual term, the other more acceptable perhaps to the conceptual-framework distortions of those who seek with measure and pen.

18.18 Questioner: Can you tell me Yahweh’s purpose in making the genetic sexual changes?

Ra: I am Ra. The purpose, seven five oh oh oh [75,000] years ago, as you measure time, [of] the changes subsequent to that time were of one purpose only: that to express in the mind/body complex those characteristics which would lead to further and more speedy development of the spiritual complex.

18.19 Questioner: How did these characteristics go about leading to the more spiritual development?

Ra: I am Ra. The characteristics which were encouraged included sensitivity of all the physical senses to sharpen the experiences and the strengthening of the mind complex in order to promote the ability to analyse these experiences.

23.7 Questioner: When you spoke of pyramid healing, I am assuming that the primary healing was for the mind. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. The healing, if it is to be effectuated, must be a funnelling without significant distortion of the instreamings through the spiritual complex into the tree of mind. There are parts of this mind which block energies flowing to the body complex. In each case, in each entity, the blockage may well differ.

First, however, it is necessary to activate the sense of the spiritual channel or shuttle. Then whether the blockage is from spiritual to mental, or from mental to physical, or whether it may simply be a random and purely physical trauma, healing may then be carried out.

29.16 Questioner: Can you tell me how the gravity comes about?

Ra: I am Ra. This that you speak of as gravity may be seen as the pressing towards the inner light/love, the seeking towards the spiral line of light which progresses towards the Creator. This is a manifestation of a spiritual event or condition of livingness.

29.19 Questioner: Then the black hole would be a point . . . am I correct in saying it would be a point at which the environmental material had succeeded in uniting with unity or the Creator? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The black hole which manifests third density is the physical complex manifestation of this spiritual, or metaphysical, state. This is correct.

29.20 Questioner: Thank you. Then when our planet Earth here gets fully into fourth density, will there be a greater gravity?

Ra: I am Ra. There will be a greater spiritual gravity thus causing a denser illusion.

29.21 Questioner: This denser illusion, then, I will assume would increase the gravitational acceleration above the measured 32.2 feet per second squared that we now experience. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Your entities do not have the instrumentation to measure spiritual gravity but only to observe a few of its extreme manifestations.

29.22 Questioner: This I know, that we can’t measure spiritual gravity, but I was just wondering if the . . . the physical effect would be measurable as an increase in the gravitational constant? That was my question.

Ra: I am Ra. The increase measurable by existing instrumentation would, and will be, statistical in nature only and not significant.

30.12 Questioner: Does the process of bisexual reproduction, or the philosophy of it, play a part in the spiritual growth of second-density entities?

Ra: I am Ra. In isolated instances this is so due to efficient perceptions upon the part of entities or species. For the greater part, by far, this is not the case in second density, the spiritual potentials being those of third density.

30.16 Questioner: Well then, could you generally say that as you get closer to the centre of this major galactic system that there is a greater spiritual density, I’ll use the term, or that this general spiritual quality is advanced at that area?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question of this session as this instrument is somewhat uncomfortable. We do not wish to deplete the instrument.

The spiritual density, or mass, of those more towards the centre of your galaxy is known. However, this is due simply to the varying timelessness states during which the planetary spheres may coalesce, this process of space/time beginnings occurring earlier, shall we say, as you approach the centre of the galactic spiral. We welcome any short [tape ends].

37.8 Questioner: Thank you. Thank you for that explanation of the mathematics, too. That was bothering me.

Could you define spiritual mass?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question of this session.

Spiritual mass is that which begins to attract the out-moving and ongoing vibratory oscillations of beingness into the gravity, speaking in a spiritual sense, well of the Great Central Sun, core, or Creator of the infinite universes.

39.5 Questioner: Then in the equation that I have here on this page, would Mᵢ refer to spiritual mass, I am assuming. Is this correct?

Mᵢ = (m₀C²) / √(1 - v² / c²)

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

40.2 Questioner: Our astronomers have noticed that the light from spiral galaxies is approximately seven times less than it should be, from their calculations of what their mass should be. I was just wondering if that was due to the increase of spiritual mass in the galaxies in what we call white dwarf stars?

Ra: I am Ra. This is basically correct and is a portion of the way, or process, of creation’s cycle.

43.9 Questioner: In the next density, or the . . . in the fourth density, is the catalyst of physical pain used as a mechanism for experiential balancing?

Ra: I am Ra. The use of physical pain is minimal, having only to do with the end of the fourth-density incarnation. This physical pain would not be considered severe enough to treat, shall we say, in third density. The catalysts of mental and spiritual pain are used in fourth density.

50.13 Questioner: Right now I’m getting two feelings simultaneously. Is this normal to get two at once?

Ra: I am Ra. The most normal for the adept is the following: the indigo stimulation, activating that great gateway into healing, magical work, prayerful attention, and the radiance of being; and the stimulation of the violet ray which is the spiritual giving and taking from and to Creator, from Creator to Creator.

This is a desirable configuration.

Is there a brief query before we leave this instrument?

53.11 Questioner: [Interrupting] Why does this occur?

Ra: I am Ra. When it occurs it is quite rare and occurs either due to the Orion entities’ lack of perception of the depth of positivity to be encountered or due to the Orion entities’ desire to, shall we say, attempt to remove this positivity from this plane of existence. Orion tactics normally are those which choose the simple distortions of mind which indicate less mental and spiritual complex activity.

55.2 Questioner: Is there any specific thing that we can do that you have already told us? Or otherwise to alleviate this psychic attack or to help the instrument the most?

Ra: I am Ra. We scan this instrument and find its distortion towards appreciation of each entity and each entity’s caring, as you may call it. This atmosphere, shall we say, offers the greatest contrast to the discomfort of such psychic attacks, being the reciprocal, that is, the atmosphere of psychic support.

This each of you do as a subconscious function of true attitudinal, mental, emotional, and spiritual distortions towards this instrument. There is no magic greater than honest distortion toward love.

60.26 Questioner: There has been, for the past 30 years, a lot of information and a lot of confusion, and in fact, I would say the Law of Confusion has been [chuckles] working overtime, to make a small joke, in bringing information for spiritual catalysis to groups requesting it. And we know that both the positively and the negatively oriented social memory complexes have been adding to this information as they can. This has led to somewhat of a condition of apathy in a lot of cases with respect to the information by many who are truly seeking but have been thwarted by a condition of what I might call spiritual entropy in this information.

Can you comment on this and the mechanisms of alleviating these problems?

Ra: I am Ra. We can comment on this.

63.31 Questioner: It would seem to me the heating effect that takes place on the planet is analogous to a disease in the body and would have as a root cause the same, or analogous, mental configuration. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct except that the spiritual configuration as well as mental biases of your peoples has been responsible for these distortions of the body complex of your planetary sphere.

[There is a 39-second pause between the end of this answer and the beginning of the next question.]

65.5 Questioner: Thank you. Now, have I properly analysed the condition that creates the possibility of greater service as follows: One, seniority by vibration of incarnation has greatly polarised those upon the surface now, and the influx of wanderers has greatly increased the mental configuration, I might say, toward things of a more spiritual nature. This, I would assume, would be one of the factors creating a better atmosphere for service. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

66.27 Questioner: How many applications of thirty minutes or less during a diurnal period would be appropriate?

Ra: I am Ra. In most cases, no more than one. In a few cases, especially where the energy will be used for spiritual work, experimentation with two shorter periods might be possible, but any feeling of sudden weariness would be a sure sign that the entity had been over-radiated.

77.22 Questioner: In that case, you would have, as a Logos, you would have the advantage of selecting the form of acceleration, I might say, of spiritual evolution by planning for what we call the major archetypical philosophical foundation and planning these as a function of the polarity that would be gained in third density. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is exquisitely correct.

78.6 Questioner: What was the experience that caused the healing of the time/space kidney?

Ra: I am Ra. This experience was the healing of self by self with the catalyst of the spiritual healer whom you call Pachita.

78.7 Questioner: Thank you. In utilising the energetic displacements of thought-forms energising the instrument during contact most efficiently, what specifically could we do?

Ra: I am Ra. Each of the support group has an excess of love and light to offer the instrument during the working. Already each sends to the instrument love, light, and thoughts of strength of the physical, mental, and spiritual configurations. These sendings are forms. You may refine these sendings until the fullest manifestations of love and light are sent into the energy web of this entity which functions as instrument. Your exact sending is, in order to be most potent, the creature of your own making.

80.4 Questioner: What is the reason for the fact that the entity is able to act through physical distortions that are already present as opposed to being unable to act on an entity who’s had no physical distortions at all?

Ra: I am Ra. The key to this query is the term “distortion.” Any distortion—be it physical, mental, or spiritual in complex nature—may be accentuated by the suggestion of one able to work magically; that is, to cause changes in consciousness.

This entity has many physical distortions. Each in the group has various mental distortions. Their nature varies. The less balanced the distortion by self-knowledge, the more adeptly the entity may accentuate such a distortion in order to mitigate against the smooth functioning and harmony of the group.

91.19 Questioner: Secondly, we have the wand which has been seen as the power of will. Would Ra comment?

Ra: I am Ra. The concept of will is indeed pouring forth from each facet of the image of the Matrix of the Mind. The wand, as the will, however, is, shall we say, an astrological derivative of the out-reaching hand forming the, shall we say, magical gesture.

The excellent portion of the image—which may be seen distinctly as separate from the concept of the wand—is that sphere which indicates the spiritual nature of the object of the will of one wishing to do magical acts within the manifestation of your density.

93.18 Questioner: The third card also shows the wand (I am assuming it is) in the right hand; the ball at the top being the round magical shape. Am I in any way correct in guessing that Catalyst of the Mind suggests possible eventual use of the magic depicted by this wand?

Ra: I am Ra. The wand is astrological in its origin and as an image may be released from its stricture. The sphere of spiritual power is an indication, indeed, that each opportunity is pregnant with the most extravagant magical possibilities for the far-seeing adept.

94.8 Questioner: Thank you. I really didn’t mean to go over previous material. I should have phrased my question more carefully so that . . . that is what I expected. I was trying to get confirmation of the fact that I suspected that. I will be more careful in questioning from now on.

From the instrument we have the question: “While vacationing I uncovered a lot about myself not consciously known before. It seems to me that I coast on the spiritual gifts given at birth and never have spent any time getting to know my human self which seems to be a child, immature and irrational. Is this so?”

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct.

106.6 Questioner: Is there anything with respect to the present spiritual, or metaphysical condition, or physical condition of this [house address] that we’re contemplating that Ra could tell us about that would be deleterious to the instrument’s health?

Ra: I am Ra. We may speak to this subject only to note that there are mechanical electrical devices which control humidity. The basement level is one location, the nature of which is much like that which you have experienced at the basement level of your previous domicile. Less humid conditions would remove the opportunity for the growth of those spores to which the instrument has sensitivity. The upper portions of the domicile are, almost in every case, at acceptable levels of humidity.

30.15 Questioner: Thank you. I was wondering if any of the other planets had a metaphysical evolution.

You stated yesterday that much of this major galactic system dwells spiritually as a part of the Logos. By that do you mean that nearer the centre of this major galactic system that the stars there do not have planetary systems? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The Logos has distributed itself throughout your galactic system. However, the time/space continua of some of your more central sun systems is much further advanced.

76.16 Questioner: Third density, then, it appears, is, compared to the rest of the densities—all of them—nothing but a uniquely short period of what we consider to be time and is then for the purpose of this choice.

Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is precisely correct. The prelude to choice must encompass the laying of the foundation, the establishment of the illusion and the viability of that which can be made spiritually viable. The remainder of the densities is continuous refining of the choice. This also is greatly lengthened, as you would use the term.

The choice is, as you put it, the work of a moment, but is the axis upon which the creation turns.

16.18 Questioner: Was the recipient of the laws, of the Ten Commandments, positively or negatively oriented?

Ra: The recipient was one of extreme positivity, thus accounting for some of the pseudo-positive characteristics of the information received. As with contacts which are not successful, this entity, vibratory complex Moishe, did not remain a credible influence among those who had first heard the philosophy of One, and this entity was removed from this third-density vibratory level in a lessened or saddened state, having lost what you may call the honour and faith with which he had begun the conceptualization of the Law of One and the freeing of those who were of his tribes, as they were called at that time/space.

16.19 Questioner: If this entity was positively oriented, how was the Orion group able to contact him?

Ra: I am Ra. This was an intensive, shall we say, battleground between positively oriented forces of Confederation origin and negatively oriented sources. The one called Moishe was open to impression and received the Law of One in its most simple form. However, the information became negatively oriented due to his people’s pressure to do specific physical things in the third-density planes. This left the entity open for the type of information and philosophy of a self-service nature.

16.30 Questioner: Can you tell me what percentage of third-, fourth-, and fifth-density planets which you have spoken of here are negatively polarised, polarised towards service for self?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not a query to which we may speak given the Law of Confusion. We may say only that the negatively, or self-service, oriented planetary spheres are much fewer. To give you exact numbers would not be appropriate.

21.14 Questioner: Then we have a condition where at the end of the first 25,000-year period, I would say the— I am guessing that the Guardians discovered that there was no harvest of either positive or negatively oriented entities. Tell me then what happened? What action was taken, etc.?

Ra: I am Ra. There was no action taken except to remain aware of the possibility of a calling for help or understanding among the entities of this density. The Confederation is concerned with the preservation of the conditions conducive to learning. This, for the most part, revolves about the primal distortion of Free Will.

26.7 Questioner: Which has more of the Law of One in it, the Old Testament or the New Testament?

Ra: I am Ra. Withdrawing from each of the collections of which you speak the portions having to do with the Law of One, the content is approximately equal. However, the so-called Old Testament has a larger amount of negatively influenced material, as you would call it.

36.18 Questioner: Are there any examples of sixth-density negatively polarised wanderers in our historical past?

Ra: I am Ra. This information could be harmful. We withhold it. Please attempt to view the entities about you as part of the Creator. We can explain no further.

44.3 Questioner: Can you tell me what the tone was that I heard in my left ear when you started your communication?

Ra: I am Ra. This was a negatively oriented signal.

44.5 Questioner: Are there any other negatively oriented signals that I get?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. You are able to receive thought-forms, word-forms, and visions. However, you seem able to discriminate.

46.10 Questioner: Then as I understand it you are saying that if the positively polarising entity fails to accept the other-self or if the negatively polarising entity fails to control the other-self, either of these conditions will cause cancer, possibly. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. The first acceptance or control, depending upon polarity, is of the self. Anger is one of many things to be accepted and loved as a part of self or controlled as a part of self, if the entity is to do work.

46.12 Questioner: A repression of what?

Ra: I am Ra. Any mind-complex distortion which you may call emotional, which is of itself disorganised, needs, in order to be useful to the negatively oriented entity, to be repressed and then brought to the surface in an organised use. Thus you may find, for instance, negatively polarised entities controlling and repressing such basic bodily complex needs as the sexual desire in order that in the practise thereof the will may be used to enforce itself upon the other-self with greater efficiency when the sexual behaviour is allowed.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
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