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19.1 Questioner: I have been thinking over the scope of this book and will read this that I have thought. We are concerned in this communication with the evolution of mind, body, and spirit. I would like to fully investigate through questioning the mechanism of evolution in order to allow those interested individuals to participate in their own evolution. It seems to me that a good place to start would be the transition from the second to third density, then to investigate, in detail, the evolution of third-density entities of Earth, paying particular attention to the mechanisms which help or hinder that evolution. This is my intent for direction of this working session. I hope that this is a correct direction.

What I would like to know first is: do all entities make a transition from second to third density, or are there some other entities who have never gone through this transition?

Ra: I am Ra. Your question presumes the space/time continuum understandings of the intelligent energy which animates your illusion. Within the context of this illusion we may say that there are some which do not transfer from one particular density to another, for the continuum is finite.

In the understanding which we have of the universe, or creation, as one infinite being—its heart beating as alive in its own intelligent energy—it merely is one beat of the heart of this intelligence from creation to creation. In this context each and every entity of consciousness has/is/will experienced/experiencing/experience each and every density.

30.9 Questioner: Now, in second density the concept of bisexual reproduction first originates. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

87.5 Questioner: Thank you. What is the present situation with respect to our fifth-density negative companion?

Ra: I am Ra. This entity has withdrawn for a period of restoration of its polarity.

92.4 Questioner: What is the present situation with the fifth-density negative visitor we have [inaudible]?

Ra: I am Ra. It is with this group.

90.12 Questioner: Was there a reason for choosing the forms that have evolved upon this planet, and if so, what was it?

Ra: I am Ra. We are not entirely sure why our Logos and several neighbouring Logoi of approximately the same space/time of flowering chose the bipedal, erect form of the second-density apes to invest. It has been our supposition—which we share with you as long as you are aware that this is mere opinion—that our Logos was interested in, shall we say, further intensifying the veiling process by offering to the third-density form the near complete probability for the development of speech taking complete precedence over concept communication or telepathy.

We also have the supposition that the so-called opposable thumb was looked upon as an excellent means of intensifying the veiling process so that, rather than rediscovering the powers of the mind, the third-density entity would, by the form of its physical manifestation, be drawn to the making, holding, and using of physical tools.

98.14 Questioner: Was it necessary for the cat, Gandalf, to be a mind/body/spirit complex harvestable third density to have the anger result in cancer?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

89.33 Questioner: What was the origin of the two entities of which you speak?

Ra: I am Ra. These entities were wanderers from early positive fifth density.

55.4 Questioner: Am I to understand then—just the fact that the third-density entity on this planet . . . just the fact that he calls or bids an Orion Crusader is a polarising type of action that affects both entities?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The calling mechanism is not congruent in the slightest degree with the bidding mechanism. In the calling, the entity which calls is a suppliant neophyte asking for aid in negative understanding, if you may excuse this misnomer. The Orion response increases its negative polarity as it is disseminating the negative philosophy, thereby enslaving, or bidding, the entity calling.

There are instances, however, when the contact becomes a contest which is prototypical of negativity. In this contest, the caller will attempt not to ask for aid but to demand results. Since the third-density, negatively oriented, harvestable entity has at its disposal an incarnative experiential nexus, and since Orion Crusaders are, in a great extent, bound by the First Distortion in order to progress, the Orion entity is vulnerable to such bidding, if properly done.

In this case, the third-density entity becomes master, and the Orion Crusader becomes entrapped and can be bid. This is rare. However, when it has occurred the Orion entity or social memory complex involved has experienced loss of negative polarity in proportion to the strength of the bidding third-density entity.

76.21 Questioner: What I am trying to understand is the difference between the plan of the Logos for these second-density entities and the generation of what I would guess to be a more-or-less runaway array of feedback to create various physical problems that act as catalyst in our present third-density condition. Could you give me an indication of that; of whether my thinking is anywhere near right on that?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument’s physical body complex is becoming more distorted towards pain. We shall, therefore, speak to this subject as our last full query of this working.

Your query contains some internal confusion which causes the answer to be, perhaps, more general than desired. We invite refinements of the query.

The Logos planned for entities of mind/body/spirit complex to gain experience until the amount of experience was sufficient for an incarnation. This varied only slightly from second-density entities whose mind/body complexes existed for the purpose of experiencing growth and seeking consciousness.

As the third density upon your planet proceeded, as has been discussed, the need for the physical body complex to cease became more rapidly approached due to intensified, and more rapidly gained, catalyst. This catalyst was not being properly assimilated. Therefore, the, shall we say, lifetimes needed to be shorter that learning might continue to occur with the proper rhythm and increment. Thus more and more opportunities have been offered, as your density has progressed, for disease.

May we ask if there are further brief queries before we close?

105.13 Questioner: We have been, you might say, experimentally determining a lot of things about the body—the next portion of the tarot—and have been experiencing some of the feedback effects, I might say, between the mind and the body. I sense, from everything that we have done so far with respect to these effects, that the great value of the third-density, yellow-ray body at this time is as a device that feeds back catalyst to a mind to create the polarisation.

I would say that this is the major value of the third-density body here, and would ask Ra if initially when the mind/body/spirit (not the mind/body/spirit complex, but the mind/body/spirit) was designed for third-density experience, if this was the major use of the yellow-ray body? And if not, what was the purpose of the yellow-ray body?

Ra: I am Ra. The description which began your query is suitable for the function of the mind/body/spirit or the mind/body/spirit complex. The position in creation of physical manifestation changed not one whit when the veil of forgetting was dropped.

6.10 Questioner: Both.

Ra: At one time/space, in what is your past, there was a population of third-density beings upon a planet which dwelt within your solar system. There are various names by which this planet has been named. The vibratory sound complex most usually used by your peoples is Maldek. These entities, destroying their planetary sphere, thus were forced to find room for themselves upon this third density, which is the only one in your solar system at their time/space present which was hospitable and capable of offering the lessons necessary to decrease their mind/body/spirit distortions with respect to the Law of One.

94.2 Questioner: I have questions here from the instrument. One: “Is our fifth-density friend responsible for the instrument’s extreme distortion towards pain during and just after sessions?”

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

16.28 Questioner: Well, this first five densities—have all of them progressed from third density by knowledge and application of the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

41.17 Questioner: Well, then would an animal in second density have all of the energy centres in some way in its being, but just not activated?

Ra: I am Ra. This is precisely correct.

16.53 Questioner: All right. Continuing with what we were just talking about, namely densities: I understand then that each density has seven sub-densities, which again have seven sub-densities, which again have seven sub-densities. This expands at an extremely large rate as things are increased in powers of seven. Does this mean that in any density level anything that you can think of is happening? And many things that you never thought of are happening . . . are there . . . everything is happening . . . this is confusing . . .

Ra: I am Ra. From your confusion we select the concept with which you struggle, that being infinite opportunity. You may consider any possibility/probability complex as having an existence.

31.4 Questioner: Can you expand somewhat on the concept that this action not only allows the Creator to know Itself better but also creates, in our density, an offspring or makes available the pathway for another entity to enter the density?

Ra: I am Ra. As we have previously said, the sexual energy transfers include the red-ray transfer which is random and which is a function of the second-density attempt to grow, to survive, shall we say. This is a proper function of the sexual interaction. The offspring, as you call the incarnated entity which takes on the mind/body complex opportunity offered by this random act or event called the fertilisation of egg by seed, causes an entity to have the opportunity to then enter this density as an incarnate entity.

This gives the two who were engaged in this bisexual reproductive energy transfer the potential for great service in this area of the nurturing of the small-experienced entity as it gains in experience.

It shall be of interest at this point to note that there is always the possibility of using these opportunities to polarise towards the negative, and this has been aided by the gradual building up, over many thousands of your years, of social-complex distortions which create a tendency towards confusion, shall we say, or baffling of the service-to-others aspect of this energy transfer and subsequent opportunities for service to other-selves.

75.36 Questioner: How does the use of the magical ritual of invoking the magical personality aid the mind/body/spirit complex totality? Could you expand on the answer you gave in the last session with respect to that?

Ra: I am Ra. When the magical personality is properly and efficaciously invoked, the self has invoked its higher self. Thus a bridge betwixt space/time and time/space is made, and the sixth-density magical personality experiences directly the third-density catalyst for the duration of the working.

It is most central to deliberately take off the magical personality after the working in order that the higher self resume its appropriate configuration as analogue to the space/time mind/body/spirit.

76.19 Questioner: I am assuming that on entering into third density, for this planet, disease did not exist in any form. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.

71.18 Questioner: There are, shall I say, certain rules of white magic. I will read these few that I have written, and I would like for you to comment on the philosophical basis or reasoning behind these and add to this list any of importance that I have neglected. First, a special place of working preferably constructed by the practitioners; second, a signal or key such as a ring to summon the magical personality; third, special clothing worn only for the workings; fourth, a specific time of day; fifth, a series of ritual sound vibratory complexes designed to create the desired mental distortion; sixth, a group objective for each session. Would you comment on this list, please?

Ra: I am Ra. To comment upon this list is to play the mechanic which views the instruments of the orchestra and adjusts and tunes the instruments. You will note these are mechanical details. The art does not lie herein.

The one item of least import is what you call the time of day. This is important in those experiential nexi wherein the entities search for the metaphysical experience without conscious control over the search. The repetition of workings gives this search structure. In this particular group the structure is available without the need for inevitable sameness of times of working. We may note that this regularity is always helpful.

6.7 Questioner: How were you able to make the transition from Venus, and I assume the sixth dimension, which—would that be invisible when you reached here? Did you have to change your dimensions to walk on the earth?

Ra: You will remember the exercise of the wind. The dissolution into nothingness is the dissolution into unity, for there is no nothingness. From the sixth dimension, we are capable of manipulating, by thought, the intelligent infinity present in each particle of light, or distorted light, so that we were able to clothe ourselves in a replica visible in the third density of our mind/body/spirit complexes in the sixth density. We were allowed this experiment by the Council which guards this planet.

90.11 Questioner: Now my line of questioning . . . I am trying to link to the creation of various Logos and their original use of a system of archetypes in their creation, and I apologise for possibly a lack of efficiency in doing this, but I find this somewhat difficult. Now, for this particular Logos in the beginning, prior to its creation of first density, did the archetypical system which it had chosen for its creations include the forms that would evolve, and in particular third-density human form, or was this related to the archetypical concept at all?

Ra: I am Ra. The choice of form is prior to the formation of the archetypical mind. As the Logos creates Its plan for evolution, then the chosen form is invested.

88.5 Questioner: The instrument has mentioned what she refers to as bleed-through or being aware, during these sessions sometimes, of the communication. Would you comment on this?

Ra: I am Ra. We have the mind/body/spirit complex of the instrument with us. As this entity begins to awaken from the metaphorical crib of experiencing light and activity in our density, it is beginning to be aware of the movement of thought. It does not grasp these thoughts any more than your third-density infant may grasp the first words it perceives.

The experience should be expected to continue, and is an appropriate outgrowth of the nature of these workings and of the method by which this instrument has made itself available to our words.

6.11 Questioner: How did they come here?

Ra: They came through the process of harvest and were incarnated through the processes of incarnation from your higher spheres within this density.

30.16 Questioner: Well then, could you generally say that as you get closer to the centre of this major galactic system that there is a greater spiritual density, I’ll use the term, or that this general spiritual quality is advanced at that area?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question of this session as this instrument is somewhat uncomfortable. We do not wish to deplete the instrument.

The spiritual density, or mass, of those more towards the centre of your galaxy is known. However, this is due simply to the varying timelessness states during which the planetary spheres may coalesce, this process of space/time beginnings occurring earlier, shall we say, as you approach the centre of the galactic spiral. We welcome any short [tape ends].

36.8 Questioner: I’m sorry for having so much trouble with these concepts, but they are pretty difficult to translate, I am sure, into our understanding and language, and some of my questions may be rather ridiculous. But does this higher self have a physical vehicle or some type of vehicle like our physical vehicle? Does it have a bodily complex?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. The higher self is of a certain advancement within sixth density going into the seventh. After the seventh has been well entered, the mind/body/spirit complex becomes so totally a mind/body/spirit complex totality that it begins to gather spiritual mass and approach the octave density. Thus the looking backwards is finished at that point.

43.20 Questioner: I’m guessing that it is not necessary to ingest food in fifth density. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. However, the vehicle needs food which may be prepared by thought.

86.3 Questioner: Am I correct in assuming that you’re speaking of incarnate third-density entities that were creating the condition of use of the vital energy?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

36.13 Questioner: Then using Himmler as an example, was his higher self at the time he was incarnate in the 1940s a sixth-density positively oriented higher self?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

82.21 Questioner: Then even though, from our point of view, there was great evolutionary experience it was deemed at some point by the evolving Logos that an experiment to create a greater experience was appropriate. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and may benefit from comment. The Logos is aware of the nature of the third-density requirement for what you have called graduation. All the previous, if you would use this term, experiments, although resulting in many experiences, lacked what was considered the crucial ingredient: that is, polarisation.

There was little enough tendency for experience to polarise entities that entities repeated, habitually, the third-density cycles many times over. It was desired that the potential for polarisation be made more available.

17.39 Questioner: Then is it necessary to penetrate one plane at a time as we move from what we call third-density physical through these planes?

Ra: I am Ra. It has been our experience that some penetrate several planes at one time. Others penetrate them slowly. Some in eagerness attempt to penetrate the higher planes before penetrating the energies of the so-called lower, or more fundamental, planes. This causes energy imbalance.

You will find ill health, as you call this distortion, to frequently be the result of a subtle mismatch of energies in which some of the higher energy levels are being activated by the conscious attempts of the entity while the entity has not penetrated the lower energy centres, or sub-densities, of this density.

20.5 Questioner: This would be a human in our form, then, who would be beginning the understandings of third density. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

16.46 Questioner: Are these thought-forms able to attack only cattle, or can they also attack human beings?

Ra: I am Ra. These thought-forms cannot attack third-density beings.

75.24 Questioner: The answer to this question probably has to do with our distorted view of time, but I see wanderers in this density who have come from fifth or sixth density— It seems to me that they should already be of a relatively high degree of adeptness and must follow a slightly or somewhat different path back to the adeptness that they previously had in a higher density and get as close to it as they can in third density. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Your query is less than perfectly focused. We shall address the subject in general.

There are many wanderers whom you may call adepts who do no conscious work in the present incarnation. It is a matter of attention. One may be a fine catcher of your game sphere, but if the eye is not turned as this sphere is tossed, then perchance it will pass the entity by. If it turned its eyes upon the sphere, catching would be easy.

In the case of wanderers which seek to recapitulate the degree of adeptness which each had acquired previous to this life experience, we may note that, even after the forgetting process has been penetrated, there is still the yellow-ray activated body which does not respond as does the adept which is of a green- or blue-ray activated body. Thusly, you may see the inevitability of frustrations and confusion due to the inherent difficulties of manipulating the finer forces of consciousness through the chemical apparatus of the yellow-ray activated body.

87.6 Questioner: Would you expand upon the concept of the acquisition of polarity by this particular entity, and its use, specifically, of this polarity other than with the simple, obvious need for sixth-density harvest, if this is possible, please?

Ra: I am Ra. We would. The nature of the densities above your own is that a purpose may be said to be shared by both positive and negative polarities. This purpose is the acquisition of the ability to welcome more and more the less and less distorted love/light and light/love of the One Infinite Creator.

Upon the negative path the wisdom density is one in which power over others has been refined until it is approaching absolute power. Any force such as the force your group and those of Ra offer which cannot be controlled by the power of such a negative fifth-density mind/body/spirit complex then depolarizes the entity which has not controlled other-selves.

It is not within your conscious selves to stand against such refined power, but rather it has been through the harmony, the mutual love, and the honest calling for aid from the forces of light which have given you the shield and buckler.

30.5 Questioner: I would like to know how the mind/body/spirit complexes originate. How, going back as far as necessary, does the— Do they originate by spirit forming mind and mind forming body? Can you tell me this?

Ra: I am Ra. We ask you to consider that you are attempting to trace evolution. This evolution is as we have previously described:* the consciousness being first, in first density, without movement, a random thing. Whether you may call this mind or body complex is a semantic problem. We call it mind/body complex, recognising always that in the simplest iota of this complex exists, in its entirety, the One Infinite Creator.

This mind/body complex then in second density discovering the growing and turning towards the light, thus awakening what you may call the spirit complex, that which intensifies the upward spiralling towards the love and light of the Infinite Creator.

The addition of this spirit complex, though apparent rather than real, it having existed potentially from the beginning of space/time, perfects itself by graduation into third density. When the mind/body/spirit complex becomes aware of the possibility of service to self or other-self, then the mind/body/spirit complex is activated.

82.27 Questioner: Then I am assuming this awareness was somehow reduced as they went into the yellow-ray third-density incarnative state, even though there was no veil. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is distinctly incorrect.

26.10 Questioner: Thank you. Have you communicated with any of our population in the third-density incarnate state in recent times?

Ra: I am Ra. Please restate, specifying “recent times” and the pronoun, “you.”

80.19 Questioner: Then for the twentieth archetype I’m guessing that this is the Transformation of the Spirit, possibly analogous to the sixth-density merging of the paths. Is this in any way correct?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

64.7 Questioner: Would it be helpful if Ra were to describe the techniques used while Ra was in third density to evolve in mind, body, and spirit?

Ra: I am Ra. This query lies beyond the Law of Confusion.

16.26 Questioner: Well, roughly how many total planets in this galaxy of stars that we’re in have aware life regardless of density?

Ra: I am Ra. Approximately six seven, oh oh oh, oh oh oh [67,000,000].

68.9 Questioner: Incarnation in negative space/time, then, in a condition like that would result in incarnation into which density level for, let us take as an example, the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. The answer to this query violates the First Distortion.

96.6 Questioner: Was the unusual sound on the instrument’s tape recorder that occurred while she was trying to record her singing a greeting from our fifth-density negative associate?

Ra: I am Ra. No. Rather it was a greeting from a malfunctioning electronic machine.

99.4 Questioner: Is there anything further that needs to be done for or by the instrument to remove the magical working, or any of its after-effects, on her throat area by our fifth-density negative companion?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

52.9 Questioner: Well, I would just include the question as to why time of harvest is selected by so many wanderers as time for incarnation?

Ra: I am Ra. There are several reasons for incarnation during harvest. They may be divided by the terms self and other-self.

The overriding reason for the offering of these Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow in incarnative states is the possibility of aiding other-selves by the lightening of the planetary-consciousness distortions and the probability of offering catalyst to other-selves which will increase the harvest.

There are two other reasons for choosing this service which have to do with the self.

The wanderer, if it remembers and dedicates itself to service, will polarise much more rapidly than is possible in the far more etiolated realms of higher-density catalyst.*

The final reason is within the mind/body/spirit totality or the social memory complex totality which may judge that an entity, or members of a societal entity, can make use of third-density catalyst to recapitulate a learning/teaching which is adjudged to be less than perfectly balanced. This especially applies to those entering into and proceeding through sixth density wherein the balance between compassion and wisdom is perfected.

64.6 Questioner: Could you describe or tell me of rituals or technique used by Ra in seeking in the direction of service?

Ra: I am Ra. To speak of that which sixth-density social memory complexes labour within in order to advance is at best misprision of plain communication, for much is lost in transmission of concept from density to density, and the discussion of sixth density is inevitably distorted greatly.*

However, we shall attempt to speak to your query, for it is an helpful one in that it allows us to express once again the total unity of creation. We seek the Creator upon a level of shared experience to which you are not privy, and rather than surrounding ourselves in light, we have become light. Our understanding is that there is no other material except light. Our rituals, as you may call them, are an infinitely subtle continuation of the balancing processes which you are now beginning to experience.

We seek now without polarity. Thus we do not invoke any power from without, for our search has become internalised as we become light/love and love/light. These are the balances we seek, the balances between compassion and wisdom which, more and more, allow our understanding of experience to be informed that we may come closer to the unity with the One Creator which we so joyfully seek.

Your rituals at your level of progress contain the concept of polarisation, and this is most central at your particular space/time.

We may answer further if you have specific queries.

17.9 Questioner: Can you tell me who that wanderer was that brought through the equation?

Ra: I am Ra. This information seems harmless as this entity is no longer of your planetary third density. This entity was named, sound vibration complex, Albert.

13.19 Questioner: By striving toward light, what do you mean?

Ra: I am Ra. A very simplistic example of second-density growth striving towards light is that of the leaf striving towards the source of light.

92.5 Questioner: What prompted its return?

Ra: I am Ra. The promptings were duple. There was the recovery of much negative polarity upon the part of your friend of fifth density and, at the same approximate nexus, a temporary lessening of the positive harmony of this group.

93.2 Questioner: What is the position and condition of our fifth-density negatively oriented visitor?

Ra: I am Ra. This entity is with this group but in a quiescent state due to some bafflement as to the appropriate method for enlarging upon its chosen task.

36.18 Questioner: Are there any examples of sixth-density negatively polarised wanderers in our historical past?

Ra: I am Ra. This information could be harmful. We withhold it. Please attempt to view the entities about you as part of the Creator. We can explain no further.

17.10 Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me who, before incarnation into this density, was the one known as Jesus of Nazareth?

Ra: I am Ra. I have difficulty with this question as it is phrased. Can you discover another form for this query?

70.13 Questioner: The higher self existing in mid-sixth density seems to be at the point where the negative and positive paths of experience merge into one. Is there a reason for this?

Ra: I am Ra. We have covered this material previously.*

88.14 Questioner: Was the concept given to . . . let me ask . . . you say it originated there . . . was this concept devised for a training tool for those inhabiting Venus at that time, or was it devised by those of Venus as a training tool for those of Earth?

Ra: I am Ra. The tarot was devised by the third-density population of Venus a great measure of your space/time in your past.

As we have noted, the third-density experience of those of Venus dealt far more deeply and harmoniously with what you would call relationships with other-selves, sexual energy transfer work, and philosophical or metaphysical research. The product of many, many generations of work upon what we conceived to be the archetypical mind produced the tarot which was used by our peoples as a training aid in developing the magical personality.

27.13 Questioner: Is Love . . . is there a manifestation of Love that we could call vibration?

Ra: I am Ra. Again we reach semantic difficulties. The vibration, or density, of love, or understanding, is not a term used in the same sense as the Second Distortion, Love; the distortion Love being the great activator and primal co-Creator of various creations using intelligent infinity; the vibration love being that density in which those who have learned to do an activity called “loving” without significant distortion, then seek the Ways of Light or Wisdom.

Thus in vibratory sense love comes into light. In the sense of the activity of unity in its free will, love uses light and has the power to direct light in its distortions. Thus vibratory complexes recapitulate in reverse the creation in its unity, thus showing the rhythm, or flow, of the great heartbeat, if you will use this analogy.

80.3 Questioner: Has our fifth-density visitor been less able to affect the instrument during our more recent workings?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall answer in two parts.

Firstly, during the workings themselves the entity has been bated to a great extent.

Secondly, in the general experiential circumstance of your space/time experience, this fifth-density entity is able to greet this entity with the same effectiveness upon the physical body complex as always since the inception of its contact with your group. This is due to the several physical-complex distortions of the instrument.

However, the instrument has become more mentally and spiritually able to greet this entity with love, thereby reducing the element of fear which is an element the entity counts as a great weapon in the attempt to cause cessation, in any degree, of the Ra contact.

17.17 Questioner: Can you tell me what the Orion group did in order to try to cause his downfall?

Ra: I am Ra. We may describe in general what occurred. The technique was that of building upon other negatively oriented information. This information had been given by the one whom your peoples called Yahweh. This information involved many strictures upon behaviour and promised power of the third-density, service-to-self nature. These two types of distortions were impressed upon those already oriented to think these thought-forms.

This eventually led to many challenges of the entity known as Jesus. It eventually led to one, sound vibration complex Judas, as you call this entity, who believed that it was doing the appropriate thing in bringing about, or forcing upon the one you call Jesus, the necessity for bringing in the third-density planetary-power distortion of third-density rule over others.

This entity, Judas, felt that, if pushed into a corner, the entity you call Jesus would then be able to see the wisdom of using the power of intelligent infinity in order to rule others. The one you call Judas was mistaken in this estimation of the reaction of the entity, Jesus, whose teach/learning was not oriented towards this distortion. This resulted in the destruction of the bodily complex of the one known as Jesus to you.

60.30 Questioner: What civilisation was it that helped Ra using the pyramid shape while Ra was in third density?

Ra: I am Ra. Your people have a fondness for the naming. These entities have begun their travel back to the Creator and are no longer experiencing time.

36.1 Questioner: In previous communications you have spoken of the mind/body/spirit complex totality. Would you please give us a definition of the mind/body/spirit complex totality?

Ra: I am Ra. There is a dimension in which time does not have sway. In this dimension the mind/body/spirit, in its eternal dance of the present, may be seen in totality, and before the mind/body/spirit complex, which then becomes a part of the social memory complex, is willingly absorbed into the allness of the One Creator, the entity knows itself in its totality.

This mind/body/spirit complex totality functions as, shall we say, a resource for what you perhaps would call the higher self. The higher self, in turn, is a resource for examining the distillations of third-density experience and programming further experience. This is also true of densities four, five, and six with the mind/body/spirit complex totality coming into consciousness in the course of seventh density.

79.7 Questioner: Specifically, in the experience where only the service-to-others polarity in third density evolved for continued evolution into the higher densities, was the veil that is drawn with respect to knowledge of previous incarnations, etc., in effect for those entities?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

40.7 Questioner: How long was the time of transition on this planet between second and third density? Generation and a half, I believe. Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, the time measured in your years being approximately one thousand three hundred and fifty [1,350].

30.13 Questioner: I was wondering if the male cat, Gandalf, has benefited by that mechanism in some way, or by other mechanisms, in increasing spiritual potential or understanding.

Ra: I am Ra. We examine this information and find it harmless. The second-density entity, sound vibration Gandalf, is a rare sample of its species due first to previous individualization, secondly due to a great amount of investment in this particular life experience. This is the greatest catalyst in this entity’s progress.

It is very unusual, as we have said. However, the experiences of bisexual reproduction which were of the nature of the entity Gandalf were, to a small extent, of spiritual benefit due to an unusual relationship with another entity, this also what you call a cat. This entity also being of an unusually third-density orientation, or investment, from previous life experiences. Thus the formation of what could be seen to be recognisably love did exist in this relationship.

19.13 Questioner: I will make a statement with respect to my understanding, then, and ask if I am correct. There is a, what I would call, a physical catalyst operating at all times upon the entities in third density. I assume this operated approximately the same way in second density. It’s a catalyst that acts through what we call pain and emotion.

Is the primary reason for the weakening of the physical body and the elimination of body hair, etc., so that this catalyst would act more strongly upon the mind and therefore create the evolutionary process?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not entirely correct, although closely associated with the distortions of our understanding.

Consider, if you will, the tree for instance. It is self-sufficient. Consider, if you will, the third-density entity. It is self-sufficient only through difficulty and deprivation. It is difficult to learn alone, for there is a built-in handicap, at once the great virtue and the great handicap of third density. That is the rational/intuitive mind.

Thus, the weakening of the physical vehicle, as you call it, was designed to distort entities towards a predisposition to deal with each other. Thus, the lessons which approach a knowing of love can be begun.

This catalyst then is shared between peoples as an important part of each self’s development as well as the experiences of the self in solitude and the synthesis of all experience through meditation. The quickest way to learn is to deal with other-selves. This is a much greater catalyst than dealing with the self. Dealing with the self without other-selves is akin to living without what you would call mirrors. Thus, the self cannot see the fruits of its beingness. Thus, each may aid each by reflection. This is also a primary reason for the weakening of the physical vehicle, as you call the physical complex.

60.22 Questioner: And the honey-comb nature—are there third-density incarnate entities living in the honey-combed areas? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This was at one time correct. This is not correct at this present space/time.

88.18 Questioner: I will ask the following questions to clear up . . . possibly . . . only . . . the method of teaching these concepts which may give me important clues to understanding the concepts themselves. Did Ra use cards similar to the tarot cards for the training purpose in third density?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

90.19 Questioner: Then did our Logos hope to see generated a positive and negative harvest from each density up to the sixth, starting with the third, as being the most efficient form of generating experience known to It at the time of Its construction of this system of evolution?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

28.4 Questioner: OK. This light then can condense into material as we know it in our density, into all of our chemical elements because of rotations of the vibration at quantized intervals, or units, of angular velocity. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.

41.10 Questioner: When first density is formed, we have fire, air, earth, and water. There is at some time the first movement, or individuation, of life into a portion of consciousness that is self-mobile. Could you describe the process of the creation of this and what type of energy centre that it has?

Ra: I am Ra. The first, or red-ray, density, though attracted towards growth, is not in the proper vibration for those conditions conducive to what you may call the spark of awareness. As the vibratory energies move from red to orange the vibratory environment is such as to stimulate those chemical substances, which lately had been inert, to combine in such a fashion that love and light begin the function of growth.

The supposition which you had earlier made concerning single-celled entities, such as the polymorphous dinoflagellate, is correct. The mechanism is one of the attraction of upward spiralling light. There is nothing random about this or any portion of evolution.

36.2 Questioner: Then would the mind/body/spirit complex totality be responsible for programming changes in catalyst during, say, a third-density experience of the mind/body/spirit complex so that the proper catalyst would be added, shall we say, as conditions for that complex changed during third-density experience? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The higher self, as you call it—that is, that self which exists with full understanding of the accumulation of experiences of the entity—aids the entity in achieving healing of the experiences which have not been learned properly and assists, as you have indicated, in further life experience programming, as you may call it.

The mind/body/spirit complex totality is that which may be called upon by the higher self aspect, just as the mind/body/spirit complex calls upon the higher self. In the one case you have a structured situation within the space/time continuum with the higher self having available to it the totality of experiences which have been collected by an entity and a very firm grasp of the lessons to be learned in this density.

The mind/body/spirit complex totality is as the shifting sands and is, in some part, a collection of parallel developments of the same entity. This information is made available to the higher self aspect. This aspect may then use these projected probability/possibility vortices in order to better aid in what you would call future life programming.

71.4 Questioner: Would you explain the concept of working with the unmanifested being in third density to create the evolution?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a many-layered question, and which stria we wish to expose is questionable.* Please restate giving any further depth of information requested, if possible.

16.59 Questioner: The many wanderers coming to this planet now and in the recent past—are they subject to Orion thoughts?

Ra: I am Ra. As we have said before, wanderers become completely the creature of third density in mind/body complex. There is just as much chance of such influence to a wanderer entity as to a mind/body/spirit complex of this planetary sphere. The only difference occurs in the spirit complex which, if it wishes, has an armour of light, if you will, which enables it to recognise more clearly that which is not as it would appropriately be desired by the mind/body/spirit complex. This is not more than a bias and cannot be called an understanding.

Furthermore, the wanderer is, in its own mind/body/spirit complex, less distorted towards the, shall we say, deviousness of third-density positive/negative confusions. Thus, it often does not recognise, as easily as a more negative individual, the negative nature of thoughts or beings.

32.13 Questioner: Thank you. Is it possible for an entity in third-density physical to vary widely across the entire band of colours, or is the entity pretty well zeroed in on one colour?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question of this working. Please restate for clarity.

16.38 Questioner: And then the Law of One is truly universal in creating the progression toward the eighth density, or octave, in all galaxies. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. There are infinite forms, infinite understandings, but the progression is one.

70.12 Questioner: Then what we are looking at is a long path of experience through the densities up to mid-sixth density which is a function totally of free will and results in the awareness of the higher self in mid-sixth density. But since time is illusory and there is a, shall I say, unification of time and space, or an eradication of what we think of as time, then all of this experience that results in the higher self—the cause of evolvement through the densities—is existing while the evolvement takes place, since it’s all simultaneous. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We refrain from speaking of correctness due to our understanding of the immense difficulty of absorbing the concepts of metaphysical existence. In time/space, which is precisely as much of your self as is space/time, all times are simultaneous just as in your geography your cities and villages are all functioning, bustling, and alive with entities going about their business at once. So it is in time/space with the self.

40.4 Questioner: Then the bodily energy centres for an individual would be, assuming that the individual evolves in a straight line from first through to eighth density . . . would each of these energy centres, centres or chakras, be activated to completion if everything worked as it should? Would each be activated to completion and greatest intensity by the end of the experience in each density?

Ra: I am Ra. Hypothetically speaking, this is correct. However, the fully activated being is rare. Much emphasis is laid upon the harmonies and balances of individuals. It is necessary for graduation across densities for the primary energy centres to be functioning in such a way as to communicate with intelligent infinity and to appreciate and bask in this light in all of its purity.

However, to fully activate each energy centre is the mastery of few, for each centre has a variable speed of rotation or activity. The important observation to be made, once all necessary centres are activated to the minimal necessary degree, is the harmony and balance between these energy centres.

42.12 Questioner: In the last session you said, “The self, if conscious to a great enough extent of the workings of the catalyst of fasting, and the techniques of programming, may, through concentration of the will and the faculty of faith alone, cause reprogramming without the analogy of fasting, diet, or other analogous body complex disciplines.”

What are the techniques of programming which the higher self uses to ensure that the desired lessons are learned or attempted by the third-density self in our third-density incarnational laboratory?

Ra: I am Ra. There is but one technique for this growing, or nurturing, of will and faith, and that is the focusing of the attention. The attention span of those you call children is considered short. The spiritual attention span of most of your peoples is that of the child. Thus it is a matter of wishing to become able to collect one’s attention and hold it upon the desired programming.

This, when continued, strengthens the will. The entire activity can only occur when there exists faith that an outcome of this discipline is possible.

103.6 Questioner: What is the present situation with respect to our fifth-density, service-to-self oriented companion?

Ra: I am Ra. This entity has, for some period of your space/time, been at rest. However, it has been alerted to the workings taking place and is soon to be your companion once again.

17.42 Questioner: How long has this been going on, this type of allocation?

Ra: I am Ra. This has been going on since the first individual entity became conscious of its need to learn the lessons of this density. This was the beginning of what you may call a seniority by vibration.

90.8 Questioner: I see. Very roughly, if you were to move a third-density entity from some other planet to this planet, roughly what percentage of all of those within the knowledge of Ra would look enough like those entities of Earth so that they would go unnoticed in a crowd?

Ra: I am Ra. Perhaps five percent.

79.9 Questioner: Is it possible to give a time of incarnation with respect to our years, and would you do so if it is?

Ra: I am Ra. The optimal incarnative period is somewhere close to a measure you call a millennium. This is, as you may say, a constant regardless of other factors of the third-density experience.

82.25 Questioner: I don’t grasp too well the condition of incarnation, and time between incarnation, prior to the veil in that I do not understand what was the difference other than the manifestation of the third-density, yellow-ray body. Was there any mental difference upon what we call death? Was there any— I don’t see the necessity for what we call a review of the incarnation if the consciousness was uninterrupted. Could you clear that point for me?

Ra: I am Ra. No portion of the Creator audits the course, to use your experiential terms. Each incarnation is intended to be a course in the Creator knowing Itself.

A review or, shall we say, to continue the metaphor, each test is an integral portion of the process of the Creator knowing Itself. Each incarnation will end with such a test. This is so that the portion of the Creator may assimilate the experiences in yellow-ray, physical third density, may evaluate the biases gained, and may then choose, either by means of automatically provided aid, or by the self, the conditions of the next incarnation.

88.15 Questioner: I’ll make a guess that those of Venus third density who were the initial ones to partially penetrate the veil gleaned information as to the nature of the archetypical mind and the veiling process, and from this designed the tarot as a method of teaching others. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. It is so.

85.3 Questioner: What is the current situation with respect to our fifth-density, service-to-self polarised companion, shall I say?

Ra: I am Ra. Your companion has never been more closely associated with you than at the present nexus. You may see a kind of crisis occurring upon the so-called magical level at this particular space/time nexus.

27.2 Questioner: The second question is: Paul has also received information that mentions that there were other beings aiding in the construction of the pyramids who were not fully materialised in the third density. They were materialised from the waist up to their heads, but were not materialised from the waist down to their feet. Did such entities exist in the construction of the pyramids, and who were they?

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, the intelligent infinity present in the absorption of livingness and beingness as it becomes codified into intelligent energy due to the thought impressions of those assisting the living stone into a new shape of beingness. The release and use of intelligent infinity for a brief period begins to absorb all the consecutive, or interlocking, dimensions, thus offering brief glimpses of those projecting to the material their thought. These beings thus beginning to materialise but not remaining visible. These beings were the thought-form, or third-density-visible, manifestation of our social memory complex as we offered contact from our intelligent infinity to the intelligent infinity of the stone.

52.4 Questioner: Then I am assuming in the positively oriented social memory complexes that a much higher percentage of them use the personality disciplines for this travel. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. As positive fifth density moves into sixth there are virtually no entities which any longer use outer technology for travel or communication.

90.13 Questioner: I will guess that the system of archetypes then was devised to further extend these particular principles. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The phrasing is faulty. However, it is correct that the images of the archetypical mind are the children of the third-density physical manifestations of form of the Logos which has created the particular evolutionary opportunity.

19.6 Questioner: Who sent the aid to the second-density beings?

Ra: I am Ra. We call ourselves the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. This is a simplification in order to ease the difficulty of understanding among your people. We hesitate to use the term, sound vibration, “understanding,” but it is closest to our meaning.

29.28 Questioner: I see. Then if you are able to read the violet ray of an entity, to see that ray, is it possible then to immediately determine whether the entity could use crystals to tap intelligent energy?

Ra: I am Ra. It is possible for one of fifth density or above to do this.

91.21 Questioner: The square cage may represent the material illusion, an unmagical shape. Would Ra comment?

Ra: I am Ra. The square, wherever seen, is the symbol of the third-density illusion and may be seen either as unmagical or, in the proper configuration, as having been manifested within; that is, the material world given life.

80.6 Questioner: What would our fifth-density visitor hope to gain for himself if he were to be successful in terminating this contact?

Ra: I am Ra. As we have previously stated, the entity hopes to gain a portion of that light; that is, the mind/body/spirit complex of the instrument. Barring this, the entity intends to put out the light.

87.8 Questioner: A reflection of this could be seen in our density in many of those leaders that instigate war and have followers who support, in total conviction that the direction of conquest is correct. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Any organisation which demands obedience without question upon the basis of relative power is functioning according to the above-described plan.

16.41 Questioner: At what point in densities is it necessary for an entity to be consciously aware of the Law of One to progress?

Ra: I am Ra. The fifth-density harvest is of those whose vibratory distortions consciously accept the honour/duty of the Law of One. This responsibility/honour is the foundation of this vibration.

19.10 Questioner: Over approximately how long a period of time does . . . was this transfiguration? It must have been very short.

Ra: I am Ra. The assumption is correct, in our terms at least—within a generation and one-half, as you know these things. Those who had been harvested of this planet were able to use the newly created physical complex of chemical elements suitable for third-density lessons.

65.21 Questioner: Could I make the analogy of, in this apparent death, losing the desires that are the illusory, common desires of third density, and gaining the desires of total service to others?

Ra: I am Ra. You are perceptive. This was the purpose and intent of this chamber as well as forming a necessary portion of the King’s Chamber position’s effectiveness.

92.9 Questioner: I would like to attempt an analogy of the first archetype in that when a baby is first born and enters this density of experience, I am assuming, then, that the Matrix is new and undistorted, veiled from the Potentiator and ready for that which is to be experienced: the incarnation. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

105.10 Questioner: Are Jim’s plans and ritual for deconsecrating this dwelling sufficient, or should something be added or changed?

Ra: I am Ra. No change is necessary. The points necessary to be included in consecration or deconsecration of a place are covered. We may suggest that each second-density, woody plant which you have invested during your tenancy within this dwelling be thanked and blessed.

6.6 Questioner: Would it be possible to take one of the people at that time from our planet and place him on Venus? Would he survive? Were conditions much [inaudible]?

Ra: The third-density conditions are not hospitable to the life-forms of your peoples. The fifth and sixth dimensions of that planetary sphere are quite conducive to growing/learning/teaching.

75.21 Questioner: I think there was a little miscommunication here. The other person who sings the Mass who helped in creating this chink you said was also greeted by an Orion entity, and my question was what density was that entity that greets the person who sings the Mass?

Ra: I am Ra. We did not speak of any entity but the instrument.

11.4 Questioner: Is there a planet behind our sun, opposite to us in orbit, that we do not know about?

Ra: I am Ra. There is a sphere in the area opposite your sun of a very, very cold nature but large enough to skew certain statistical figures. This sphere should not properly be called a planet as it is locked in first density.

12.21 Questioner: Who are the Men in Black?

Ra: I am Ra. The Men in Black are a thought-form type of entity which have some beingness to their make-up. They have certain physical characteristics given them. However, their true vibrational nature is without third-density vibrational characteristics, and therefore they are able to materialise and dematerialize when necessary.

57.28 Questioner: Did you mean that teachers from your vibration, or density, were able to manifest in the Queen’s Chamber to teach those initiates, or did you mean something else?

Ra: I am Ra. In our system, experiences in the Queen’s Chamber position were solitary. In Atlantis and in South America teachers shared the pyramid experiences.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
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