The Law of One Sexual Energy Transfer

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Questioner: As you have stated before, it is a strait and narrow path. There are many distractions.

I plan to create an introduction, shall I say, to the Law of One, travelling through and hitting the high points of this 75,000 year cycle, possibly a few questions into the general future. After this introduction to the Law of One, as I call it, I would like to get directly to the main work, which is creating an understanding that can be disseminated to those who would ask for it—and only to those who would ask for it—for an understanding that can allow them to greatly accelerate their evolution. I am very appreciative and feel it a great honour and privilege to be doing this and hope that we can accomplish this next phase.

I have a question that the instrument has asked that I would like to ask for the instrument. She says, “You speak of various types of energy blockages and transfers, positive and negative, that may take place due to participation in our sexual reproductive complex of actions.” She states, “Please explain these blockages and energy transfers with emphasis upon what an individual seeking to be in accordance with the Law of One may positively do in this area.” Is it possible for you to answer this question?

Ra: I am Ra. It is partially possible, given the background we have laid. This is properly a more advanced question. Due to the specificity of the question we may give general answer.

The first energy transfer is red ray. It is a random transfer having to do only with your reproductive system.

The orange- and the yellow-ray attempts to have sexual intercourse create, firstly, a blockage if only one entity vibrates in this area, thus causing the entity vibrating sexually in this area to have a never-ending appetite for this activity. What these vibratory levels are seeking is green-ray activity. There is the possibility of orange- or yellow-ray energy transfer; this being polarising towards the negative: one being seen as object rather than other-self, the other seeing itself as plunderer, or master, of the situation.

In third* ray there are two possibilities. Firstly, if both vibrate in third ray, there will be a mutually strengthening energy transfer. The negative or female, as you call it, drawing the energy from the roots of the beingness up through the energy centres, thus being physically revitalised; the positive, or male, polarity, as it is deemed in your illusion, finding in this energy transfer an inspiration which satisfies and feeds the spirit portion of the body/mind/spirit complex; thus both being polarised and releasing the excess of that which each has in abundance by nature of intelligent energy, that is, negative/intuitive, positive/physical energies as you may call them—this energy transfer being blocked only if one or both entities have fear of possession, of being possessed, of desiring possession, or desiring being possessed.

The other green-ray possibility is that of one entity offering green-ray energy, the other not offering energy of the universal love energy, this resulting in a blockage of energy for the one not green ray, thus increasing frustration or appetite; the green-ray being polarising slightly towards service to others.

The blue-ray energy transfer is somewhat rare among your people at this time but is of great aid due to energy transfers involved in becoming able to express the self without reservation or fear.

The indigo-ray transfer is extremely rare among your people. This is the sacramental portion of the body complex whereby contact may be made through the violet ray with intelligent infinity. No blockages may occur at these latter two levels due to the fact that if both entities are not ready for this energy, it is not visible, and neither transfer nor blockage may take place. It is as though the distributor were removed from a powerful engine.

This instrument was able, as an example of this working, to baffle the Orion group during [tape blank] experiences, as you call this substance, due to the fact that it effectively completely opened other-self to third-ray—we correct this instrument, it is growing low in vital energy—green-ray energy and partially open other-self to blue-ray interaction.**

May we ask if you have any queries before we close?

Questioner: OK. What I’m going to do is use the information that we did at the end of the previous book that you suggested would be more appropriate for more advanced material. We will put it in the book at this point, as we are talking about bisexual reproduction, and I would like to expand on this material a little bit to get some definitions and better understandings.

You speak in this material of sexual energy transfer. Could you define that energy transfer and expand upon its meaning, please?

Ra: I am Ra. Energy transfer implies the release of potential energies across, shall we say, a potentiated space. The sexual energy transfers occur due to the polarizations of two mind/body/spirit complexes, each of which have some potential difference, one to the other. The nature of the transfer of energy, or of the blockage of this energy, is then a function of the interaction of these two potentials. In the cases where transfer takes place, you may liken this to a circuit being closed. You may also see this activity, as all experiential activities, as the Creator experiencing Itself.

Questioner: Would this then be the primal mechanism for the Creator to experience Self?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not a proper term. Perhaps the adjective would be “one appropriate” way of the Creator knowing Itself, for in each interaction, no matter what the distortion, the Creator is experiencing Itself. The bisexual knowing of the Creator by Itself has the potential for two advantages.

Firstly, in the green-ray activated being there is the potential for a direct and simple analogue of what you may call joy—the spiritual, or metaphysical, nature which exists in intelligent energy. This is a great aid to comprehension of a truer nature of beingness.

The other potential advantage of bisexual reproductive acts is the possibility of a sacramental understanding, or connexion, shall we say, with the gateway to intelligent infinity, for with appropriate preparation, work in what you may call magic may be done, and experiences of intelligent infinity may be had. The positively oriented individuals concentrating upon this method of reaching intelligent infinity, then, through the seeking or the act of will, are able to direct this infinite intelligence to the work these entities desire to do, whether it be knowledge of service, or ability to heal, or whatever service to others is desired.

These are two advantages of this particular method of the Creator experiencing Itself. As we have said before, the corollary of the strength of this particular energy transfer is that it opens the door, shall we say, to the individual mind/body/spirit complex’s desire to serve in an infinite number of ways an other-self, thus polarising towards positive.

Questioner: Can you expand somewhat on the concept that this action not only allows the Creator to know Itself better but also creates, in our density, an offspring or makes available the pathway for another entity to enter the density?

Ra: I am Ra. As we have previously said, the sexual energy transfers include the red-ray transfer which is random and which is a function of the second-density attempt to grow, to survive, shall we say. This is a proper function of the sexual interaction. The offspring, as you call the incarnated entity which takes on the mind/body complex opportunity offered by this random act or event called the fertilisation of egg by seed, causes an entity to have the opportunity to then enter this density as an incarnate entity.

This gives the two who were engaged in this bisexual reproductive energy transfer the potential for great service in this area of the nurturing of the small-experienced entity as it gains in experience.

It shall be of interest at this point to note that there is always the possibility of using these opportunities to polarise towards the negative, and this has been aided by the gradual building up, over many thousands of your years, of social-complex distortions which create a tendency towards confusion, shall we say, or baffling of the service-to-others aspect of this energy transfer and subsequent opportunities for service to other-selves.

Questioner: If a sexual energy transfer occurs in green ray—and I am assuming in this case that there is no red-ray energy transfer—does this mean it is impossible then for this particular transfer to include fertilisation and the birthing of an entity?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. There is always the red-ray energy transfer due to the nature of the body complex. The random result of this energy transfer will be as it will be, as a function of the possibility of fertilisation at a given time in a given pairing of entities.

The green-ray energy transfer occurs due to the vibratory rate of each entity being undistorted in any vital sense by the yellow- or orange-ray energies; thus the gift, shall we say, being given freely, no payment being requested either of the body, of the mind, or of the spirit. The green ray is one of complete universality of love. This is a giving without expectation of return.

Questioner: I was wondering if there was some principle behind the fact that a sexual union does not necessarily lead to fertilisation. I’m not interested in the chemical, or physical, principles of it. I’m interested in whether or not there is some metaphysical principle that leads to the couple having a child or not, or is it purely random?

Ra: I am Ra. This is random within certain limits. If an entity has reached the seniority whereby it chooses the basic structure of the life experience, this entity may then choose to incarnate in a physical complex which is not capable of reproduction. Thus we find some entities which have chosen to be unfertile. Other entities, through free will, make use of various devices to insure nonfertility. Except for these conditions, the condition is random.

Questioner: Thank you. In the material earlier you mentioned “magnetic attraction.” Could you define and expand upon that term?

Ra: I am Ra. We used the term to indicate that in your bisexual natures there is that which is of polarity. This polarity may be seen to be variable according to the, shall we say, male/female polarisation of each entity, be each entity biologically male or female. Thus you may see the magnetism when two entities with the appropriate balance, male/female versus female/male polarity, meeting and thus feeling the attraction which polarised forces will exert, one upon the other.

This is the strength of the bisexual mechanism. It does not take an act of will to decide to feel attraction for one who is oppositely polarised sexually. It will occur in an inevitable sense, giving the free flow of energy a proper, shall we say, avenue. This avenue may be blocked by some distortion towards a belief/condition which states to the entity that this attraction is not desired. However, the basic mechanism functions as simply as would, shall we say, the magnet and the iron.

Questioner: Timothy Leary, doing research, wrote that at the time of puberty, and up through that time, there is an imprint occurring on the DNA coding of an entity and that, for instance, sexual biases are imprinted due to early sexual experiences or some of the first sexual experiences of the entity. Does anything like this actually happen?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. Due to the nature of solitary sexual experiences, it is in most cases unlikely that what you call masturbation has an imprinting effect upon later experiences.

This is similarly true with some of the encounters which might be seen as homosexual among those of this age group. These are often, instead, innocent exercises in curiosity.

However, it is quite accurate that the first experience in which the mind/body/spirit complex is intensely involved will indeed imprint upon the entity, for that life experience, a set of preferences.

Questioner: Does the Orion group use this, shall we say, as a gateway to impressing upon entities, shall we say, preferences which could create negative polarisation?

Ra: I am Ra. Just as we of the Confederation attempt to beam our love and light whenever given the opportunity, including sexual opportunities, so the Orion group will use an opportunity, if it is negatively oriented, or if the individual is negatively oriented.

Questioner: Is there any emotional bias that has nothing to do with male/female sexual polarity that can create sexual energy buildup in an entity?

Ra: I am Ra. The sexual energy buildup is extremely unlikely to occur without sexual bias upon the part of the entity. Perhaps we did not understand your question, but it seems obvious that it would take an entity with the potential for sexual activity to experience a sexual energy buildup.

Questioner: I was thinking more of the possibility of the Orion group having influenced, say, certain members of the Third Reich who I have read reports of having sexual gratification from the observation of the, in some cases, the gassing and killing of entities in the gas chambers.

Ra: I am Ra. We shall repeat: these entities had the potential for sexual energy buildup. The choice of stimulus is certainly the choice of the entity. In the case of which you speak, these entities were strongly polarised orange ray, thus finding the energy blockage of power over others, the putting to death being the ultimate power over others; this then being expressed in a sexual manner, though solitary.

In this case the desire would continue unabated and be virtually unquenchable.

You will find, if you observe the entire spectrum of sexual practises among your peoples, that there are those who experience such gratification from domination over others either from rape or from other means of domination. In each case this is an example of energy blockage which is sexual in its nature.

Questioner: Would the Orion group then be able, shall we say, to impress on entities this orange-ray effect? Or did they— Is this the way that this came about, is what I’m trying to get at. Is this the way these concepts came about on this planet? Because if we go back to the beginning of third density, there must be a primal cause of this.

Ra: I am Ra. The cause of this is not Orion. It is the free choice of your peoples. This is somewhat difficult to explain. We shall attempt.

The sexual energy transfers and blockages are more a manifestation, or example, of that which is more fundamental than the other way about. Therefore, as your peoples became open to the concepts of bellicosity and the greed of ownership, these various distortions then began to filter down through the tree of mind into body complex expressions, the sexual expression being basic to that complex. Thus these sexual energy blockages, though Orion influenced and intensified, are basically the product of the beingness chosen freely by your peoples.

This will be the final question unless we may speak further upon this question to clarify, or answer any short queries before we close.

Questioner: Thank you very much. I will now continue with the material from day before yesterday. Our subject is how sexual polarity acts as a catalyst in evolution and how to best make use of this catalyst. Going back to that material, I will fill in a few gaps that we possibly don’t understand at this point too well.

Can you tell me the difference between orange- and yellow-ray activation? I am going to work up from red ray right on through the violet, and we covered red ray, so what’s the difference between orange- and yellow-ray activation?

Ra: I am Ra. The orange ray is that influence, or vibratory pattern, wherein the mind/body/spirit expresses its power on an individual basis. Thus power over individuals may be seen to be orange ray. This ray has been quite intense among your peoples on an individual basis. You may see in this ray the treating of other-selves as non-entities, slaves, or chattel, thus giving other-selves no status whatever.

The yellow ray is a focal and very powerful ray, and concerns the entity in relation to, shall we say, groups, societies, or large numbers of mind/body/spirit complexes. This orange—we correct ourselves—this yellow-ray vibration is at the heart of bellicose actions in which one group of entities feel the necessity and right of dominating other groups of entities and bending their wills to the wills of the masters.

The negative path, as you would call it, uses a combination of the yellow ray and the orange ray in its polarisation patterns. These rays, used in a dedicated fashion, will bring about a contact with intelligent infinity. The usual nature of sexual interaction, if one is yellow or orange in primary vibratory patterns, is one of blockage and then insatiable hunger due to the blockage. When there are two selves vibrating in this area, the potential for polarisation through the sexual interaction is begun, one entity experiencing the pleasure of humiliation and slavery, or bondage, the other experiencing the pleasure of mastery and control over another entity. In this way a sexual energy transfer of a negative polarity is experienced.

Questioner: OK. Thank you. I believe that for the time being we’ve amply covered green ray, so I am going to skip over green ray and go to blue ray.

Could you tell me the difference that occurs between green and blue with the emphasis on blue ray?

Ra: I am Ra. With the green-ray transfer of energy you now come to the great turning point sexually as well as in each other mode of experience. The green ray may then be turned outward, the entity then giving rather than receiving. The first giving beyond green ray is the giving of acceptance, or freedom, thus allowing the recipient of blue-ray energy transfer the opportunity for a feeling of being accepted, thus freeing that other-self to express itself to the giver of this ray.

It will be noted that once green-ray energy transfer has been achieved by two mind/body/spirits in mating, the further rays are available without both entities having the necessity to progress equally. Thus a blue-ray vibrating entity or indigo-ray vibrating entity whose other ray vibrations are clear may share that energy with the green-ray other-self, thus acting as catalyst for the continued learn/teaching of the other-self. Until an other-self reaches green ray, such energy transfers through the rays is not possible.

Questioner: My next question had to do with indigo ray. Is there any difference between indigo and blue-ray energy transfer?

Ra: I am Ra. The indigo ray is the ray of, shall we say, awareness of the Creator as self; thus one whose indigo-ray vibrations have been activated can offer the energy transfer of Creator to Creator. This is the beginning of the sacramental nature of what you call your bisexual reproductive act. It is unique in bearing the allness, the wholeness, the unity in its offering to other-self.

Questioner: And then finally, the violet ray. What is the difference between violet ray and the others?

Ra: I am Ra. The violet ray, just as the red ray, is constant in the sexual experience. Its experience by other-self may be distorted, or completely ignored, or not apprehended by other-self. However, the violet ray, being the sum and substance of the mind/body/spirit complex, surrounds and informs any action by a mind/body/spirit complex.

Questioner: Do the energy transfers of this nature occur in fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh density? I mean, of all the rays?

Ra: I am Ra. The rays, as you understand them, have such a different meaning in the next density, and the next, and so forth, that we must answer your query in the negative. Energy transfers only take place in fourth, fifth, and sixth densities. These are still of what you would call a polarised nature. However, due to the ability of these densities to see the harmonies between individuals, these entities choose those mates which are harmonious, thus allowing constant transfer of energy and the propagation of the body complexes which each density uses.

The process is different in the fifth and the sixth density than you may understand it. However, it is in these cases still based upon polarity. In the seventh density there is not this particular energy exchange as it is unnecessary to recycle body complexes.

Questioner: I have a question from the instrument that I will read: “You have suggested several times that sexual energy transfers aid the instrument’s vital energy and this contact. It seems that this is not true for all people; that the sexual circuitry and the spiritual circuitry are not the same. Is this instrument an anomaly, or is the positive effect of sexual activity on spiritual energy normal for all third-density beings?”

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument, though not anomalous, is somewhat less distorted towards the separation of mind, body, and spirit than many of your third-density entities. The energies of sexual transfer would, if run through the undeveloped spiritual, electrical, or magnetic complex which you call circuitry, effectually blow out that particular circuit. Contrarily, the full spiritual energies run through bodily complex circuitry will also adversely affect the undeveloped circuit of the bodily complex.

Some there are, such as this instrument, who have not, in the particular incarnation, chosen at any time to express sexual energy through the bodily circuitry. Thus from the beginning of such an entity’s experience the body and spirit express together in any sexual action. Therefore, to transfer sexual energy for this instrument is to transfer spiritually as well as physically. This instrument’s magnetic field, if scrutinised by one sensitive, will show these unusual configurations.

This is not unique to one entity but is common to a reasonable number of entities who, having lost the desire for orange- and green-ray* sexual experiences, have strengthened the combined circuitry of spirit, mind, and body to express the totality of beingness in each action. It is for this reason also that the social intercourse and companionship is very beneficial to this instrument, it being sensitive to the more subtle energy transfers.

Questioner: Is it possible to over-energise the instrument with sexual energy transfers?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

Questioner: Thank you. I’m going to ask a rather long, complex question here, and I would request that the answer to each portion of this question be given if there was a significant difference prior to the veil than following the veil so that I can get an idea of how what we experience now is used for better polarisation.

Asking if there is any significant difference, and what was the difference, before the veil in the following while incarnate in third density: sleep, dreams, physical pain, mental pain, sex, disease, catalyst programming, random catalyst, relationships, or communication with the higher self or with the mind/body/spirit totality, or any other mind, body, or spirit functions before the veil that would be significant with respect to their difference after the veil?

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, let us establish that both before and after the veil the same conditions existed in time/space; that is, the veiling process is a space/time phenomenon.

Secondly, the character of experience was altered drastically by the veiling process. In some cases, such as the dreaming and the contact with the higher self, the experience was quantitatively different due to the fact that the veiling is a primary cause of the value of dreams and is also the single door against which the higher self must stand awaiting entry.

Before veiling, dreams were not for the purpose of using the so-called unconscious to further utilise catalyst but were used to learn/teach from teach/learners within the inner planes, as well as those of outer origin of higher density.

As you deal with each subject of which you spoke you may observe, during the veiling process, not a quantitative change in the experience but a qualitative one.

Let us, as an example, choose your sexual activities of energy transfer. If you have a desire to treat other subjects in detail please query forthwith. In the instance of the sexual activity of those not dwelling within the veiling, each activity was a transfer. There were some transfers of strength. Most were rather attenuated in the strength of the transfer due to the lack of veiling.

In the third density, entities are attempting to learn the Ways of Love. If it can be seen that all are one being it becomes much more difficult for the undisciplined personality to choose one mate and, thereby, initiate itself into a programme of service. It is much more likely that the sexual energy will be dissipated more randomly without either great joy or great sorrow depending from these experiences.

Therefore, the green-ray energy transfer, being almost without exception the case in sexual energy transfer prior to veiling, remains weakened and without significant crystallisation. The sexual energy transfers and blockages after veiling have been discussed previously.*

It may be seen to be a more complex study but one far more efficient in crystallising those who seek the green-ray energy centre.

Questioner: Thank you. Going back to the previous session, it was stated that each sexual activity was a transfer before the veil. I am assuming from that that you mean that there was a transfer of energy for each sexual activity before the veil which indicates to me that a transfer doesn’t take place every time. Taking the case before the veil, would you trace the flow of energy that is transferred and tell me if that was the planned activity or a planned transfer by the designing Logos?

Ra: I am Ra. The path of energy transfer before the veiling during the sexual intercourse was that of the two entities possessed of green-ray capability. The awareness of all as Creator is that which opens the green energy centre. Thusly there was no possibility of blockage due to the sure knowledge of each by each that each was the Creator. The transfers were weak due to the ease with which such transfers could take place between any two polarised entities during sexual intercourse.

Questioner: What I was getting at more precisely was: is the path of energy transfer— When we close an electrical circuit, it’s easy to follow the path of energy. It goes along the conductor. I am trying to determine whether this transfer is between the heart chakras of each entity. I am trying to trace the physical flow of the energy to try to get an idea of blockages after the veil. I may be off on a wrong track here. If I’m wrong, we’ll just drop it. Can you tell me something about that?

Ra: I am Ra. In such a drawing or schematic representation of the circuitry of two mind/body/spirits, or mind/body/spirit complexes, in sexual or other energy transfer, the circuit opens always at the red or base centre and moves as possible through the intervening energy centres. If baffled, it will stop at orange. If not, it shall proceed to yellow. If still unbaffled, it shall proceed to green.

It is well to remember in the case of the mind/body/spirit that the chakras, or energy centres, could well be functioning without crystallisation.

Questioner: In other words, they would be functioning, but it would be equivalent in electrical circuitry to having a high resistance, shall we say. Although the circuit would be complete, red through green, the total quantity of energy transferred would be less. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We might most closely associate your query with the concept of voltage. The uncrystallized, lower centres cannot deliver the higher voltage. The crystallised centres may become quite remarkable in the high voltage characteristics of the energy transfer as it reaches green ray. And indeed, as green ray is crystallised, this also applies to the higher energy centres until such energy transfers become an honestation for the Creator.*

Questioner: Would you please correct me on this statement, then? I’m guessing that what happens is that, when a transfer takes place, the energy is that light energy that comes in through the feet of the entity, and starts the— The voltage or potential difference starts with the red energy centre and, in the case of the green-ray transfer, terminates at the green energy centre and then must leap or flow from the green energy centre of one entity to the green of the other, and then something happens to it. Could you clear up my thinking on that?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

Questioner: Would you please do that?

Ra: I am Ra. The energy transfer occurs in one releasing of the potential difference. This does not leap between green and green energy centres but is the sharing of the energies of each from red ray upwards. In this context it may be seen to be at its most efficient when both entities have orgasm simultaneously.

However, it functions as transfer if either has the orgasm. And, indeed, in the case of the physically expressed love between a mated pair which does not have the conclusion you call orgasm, there is nonetheless a considerable amount of energy transferred due to the potential difference which has been raised, as long as both entities are aware of this potential and release its strength to each other by desire of the will in a mental or mind complex dedication. You may see this practise as being used to generate energy transfers in some of your practises of what you may call other than Christian religious-distortion systems of the Law of One.

Questioner: Would you give me an example of that last statement?

Ra: I am Ra. We preface this example with the reminder that each system is quite distorted and its teachings always half-lost. However, one such system is that called the tantric yoga.

Questioner: Considering individual A and individual B, if individual A experiences the orgasm is the energy, then, transferred to individual B in a greater amount? Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Your query is incomplete. Please restate.

Questioner: What I am trying to determine is the direction of energy transfer as a function of orgasm. Which entity gets the transferred energy? I know it’s a dumb question, but I want to be sure I have it cleared up.

Ra: I am Ra. If both entities are well polarised and vibrating in green-ray love, any orgasm shall offer equal energy to both.

Questioner: After the veil, in our particular case now, we have, in the circuitry of which we were speaking, what you’d call a blockage that first occurs in orange ray. Could you describe what occurs with this first blockage and what its effects are on each of the entities, assuming that one blocks, and the other does not, or if both are blocked?

Ra: I am Ra. This material has been covered previously.* If both entities are blocked, both will have an increased hunger for the same activity, seeking to unblock the baffled flow of energy.

If one entity is blocked and the other vibrates in love, the entity baffled will hunger still but have a tendency to attempt to continue the procedure of sating the increasing hunger with the one vibrating green ray due to an impression that this entity might prove helpful in this endeavour.

The green-ray active individual shall polarise slightly in the direction of service to others but have only the energy with which it began.

Questioner: I didn’t mean to cover previously covered material. I was trying to work into a better understanding of what we’re talking about, with background of the veiling process, and what I was actually attempting to do was to discover something new in asking the question, so please if I ask any questions in the future that have already been covered don’t bother to repeat the material.

I am just searching the same area for the possibility of greater enlightenment with respect to the particular area, since it seems to be one of the major areas of experience in our present condition of veiling that produces a very large amount of catalyst. And I am trying to understand, to use a poor term, how this veiling process created a greater experience, and how this experience evolved, shall I say. The questions are very difficult at times to ask.

It occurs to me that many statues or drawings of the one known as Lucifer, or the Devil, is shown with an erection. Is this a function of this orange-ray blockage? And was this, shall we say, known by, in some minimal way, you might say, by those who devised these statues and drawings etc.?

Ra: I am Ra. There is, of course, much other distortion involved in a discussion of any mythic archetypical form. However, we may answer in the affirmative and note that you are perceptive.

Questioner: Then, with respect to the green, blue, and indigo transfers of energy: How would the mechanism for these transfers differ in making them possible or setting the groundwork for them than the orange ray?

I know this is very difficult to ask, and I may not be making any sense, but what I am trying to do is get to an understanding of the foundation for transfers in each of the rays, and the preparations for the transfers, you might say, or the fundamental requirements and biases and potentials for these transfers. Could you expand on that for me please? I am sorry for the poor question.

Ra: I am Ra. We would take a moment to state in reply to a previous comment that we shall answer each query, whether or not it has been previously covered, for not to do so would be to baffle the flow of quite another transfer of energy.

To respond to your query we firstly wish to agree with your supposition that the subject you now query upon is a large one, for in it lies an entire system of opening the gateway to intelligent infinity. You may see that some information is necessarily shrouded in mystery by our desire to preserve the free will of the adept.

The great key to blue, indigo, and finally that great capital of the column of sexual energy transfer, violet energy transfers, is the metaphysical bond or distortion which has the name among your peoples of unconditional love.

In the blue-ray energy transfer the quality of this love is refined in the fire of honest communication and clarity; this, shall we say, normally—meaning in general—takes a substantial portion of your space/time to accomplish, although there are instances of matings so well refined in previous incarnations and so well remembered that the blue ray may be penetrated at once.

This energy transfer is of great benefit to the seeker in that all communication from this seeker is thereby refined, and the eyes of honesty and clarity look upon a new world. Such is the nature of blue-ray energy, and such is one mechanism of potentiating and crystallising it.

As we approach indigo-ray transfer we find ourselves in a shadowland where we cannot give you information straight out or plain, for this is seen by us to be an infringement.

We cannot speak at all of violet-ray transfer as we do not, again, desire to break the Law of Confusion.

We may say that these jewels, though dearly bought, are beyond price for the seeker; and might suggest that just as each awareness is arrived at through a process of analysis, synthesis, and inspiration, so should the seeker approach its mate and evaluate each experience, seeking the jewel.

Questioner: Is there any way to tell which ray the transfer was for an individual after the experience? Is there any way for the individual to tell in which particular ray the transfer occurred?

Ra: I am Ra. There is only a subjective yardstick or measure of such. If the energies have flowed so that love is made whole, green-ray transfer has taken place.

If, by the same entities’ exchange, greater ease in communication and greater sight has been experienced, the energy has been refined to the blue-ray energy centre.

If the polarised entities, by this same energy transfer experience, find that the faculties of will and faith have been stimulated, not for a brief while but for a great duration of what you call time, you may perceive the indigo-ray transfer.

We may not speak of the violet-ray transfer except to note that it is an opening to the gateway of intelligent infinity. Indeed, the indigo-ray transfer is also this, but, shall we say, the veil has not yet been lifted.

Questioner: Before the veil, were there— Let me put it this way: Did the Logos, or did most Logoi plan before the veil to create a system of random sexual activity, or specific pairing of entities for periods of time, or did they have an objective in this respect?

Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working.

The harvest from the previous creation was that which included the male and female mind/body/spirit. It was the intention of the original Logoi that entities mate with one another in any fashion which caused a greater polarisation. It was determined, after observation of the process of many Logoi, that polarisation increased manyfold if the mating were not indiscriminate. Consequent Logoi thusly preserved a bias towards the mated relationship which is more characteristic of more disciplined personalities and of what you may call higher densities. The free will of each entity, however, was always paramount, and a bias only could be offered.

May we ask if there may be any brief queries before we leave this instrument?

Questioner: OK. In our particular illusion, the sexual potential, it seems, for the male peaks somewhere prior to age twenty and the female some ten years later. What is the cause of this difference in peaking sexual energy, I will say?

Ra: I am Ra. We must make clear distinction between the yellow-ray, third-density, chemical bodily complex, and the body complex which is a portion of the mind/body/spirit complex. The male, as you call this polarity, has an extremely active yellow-ray desire at the space/time in its incarnation when its sperm is the most viable and full of the life-giving spermata. Thusly the red ray seeks to reproduce most thickly at the time when this body is most able to fulfil the red-ray requirements.

The yellow-ray, chemical body complex of the female, as you call this polarity, must needs have a continued and increasing desire for the sexual intercourse, for it can only conceive once in one fifteen to eighteen month period, given that it carries the conceived body complex, bears it, and suckles it. This is draining to the physical body of yellow ray. To compensate for this the desire increases so that the yellow-ray body is predisposed to continue in sexual congress, thus fulfilling its red-ray requirement to reproduce as thickly as possible.

The more, shall we say, integral sexuality or polarity of the body complex, which is a portion of the mind/body/spirit complex, does not concern itself with these yellow-ray manifestations but, rather, follows the ways of the seeking of energy transfer and the furthering of aid and service to others or to the self.

Questioner: In addition, why is the ratio of male to female orgasms so heavily loaded on the side of the male?

Ra: I am Ra. We refer now to the yellow-ray, physical body or, if you will, body complex (at this level the distinction is unimportant). The male orgasm which motivates the sperm forward to meet its ovum is essential for the completion of the red-ray desire to propagate the species. The female orgasm is unnecessary. Again, as mind/body/spirit complexes begin to use the sexual energy transfer to learn, to serve, and to glorify the One Infinite Creator, the function of the female orgasm becomes more clear.

Questioner: What was this ratio before the veil?

Ra: I am Ra. The ratio of male to female orgasms before the veil was closer to one-to-one by a great deal as the metaphysical value of the female orgasm was clear and without shadow.

Questioner: Is it meaningful to give this ratio in early fourth density, and if so, would you do that?

Ra: I am Ra. In many ways it is quite meaningless to speak of orgasm of male and female in higher densities as the character and nature of orgasm becomes more and more naturally a function of the mind/body/spirit complex as an unit.

It may be said that the veil in fourth density is lifted and the choice has been made. In positive polarities true sharing is almost universal. In negative polarities true blockage so that the conqueror obtains orgasm, the conquered almost never, is almost universal.

In each case you may see the function of the sexual portion of experience as being a most efficient means of polarisation.

Questioner: In our illusion we have physical definitions for possible transfers of energy. We label them as the conversion of potential to kinetic or kinetic to heat and examine this with respect to its increasing entropy. When we speak of sexual energy transfers and other more basic forms of energy I am always at a loss to properly use, you might say, the terms since I am not understanding, and probably can’t understand, the basic form of energy that we speak of.

However, I intuit that this is the energy of pure vibration; that is, at the basic level of our illusion, that vibration between the space and time portion of the space/time continuum and yet somehow is transferred into our illusion in a more basic form than that. Could you expand on this area for me, please?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

Questioner: Would you do that?

Ra: I am Ra. You are correct in assuming that the energy of which we speak in discussing sexual energy transfers is a form of vibratory bridge between space/time and time/space. Although this distinction is not apart from that which follows, that which follows may shed light upon that basic statement:

Due to the veiling process the energy transferred from male to female is different than that transferred from female to male. Due to the polarity difference of the mind/body/spirit complexes of male and female, the male stores physical energy; the female, mental and mental/emotional energy. When third-density sexual energy transfer is completed the male will have offered the discharge of physical energy. The female is, thereby, refreshed, having far less physical vitality. At the same time, if you will use this term, the female discharges the efflux of its stored mental and mental/emotional energy, thereby offering inspiration, healing, and blessing to the male which by nature is less vital in this area.

At this time may we ask for one more full query.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
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