The Law of One Definitions

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Concept Complex

Questioner: You stated that each archetype is a concept complex. Would you please define what you mean by that statement?

Ra: I am Ra. Upon the face of it such a definition is without merit, being circular. A concept complex is a complex of concepts just as a molecule is a complex structure made up of more than one type of energy nexus or atom. Each atom within a molecule is its unique identity and, by some means, can be removed from the molecule. The molecule of water can, by chemical means, be caused to separate into hydrogen and oxygen. Separately they cannot be construed to equal water. When formed in the molecular structure which exemplifies water the two are irrefragably water.*

Just in this way each archetype has within it several root atoms of organisational being. Separately the overall structure of the complex cannot be seen. Together, the concept complex is irrefragably one thing.

However, just as it is most useful in grasping the potentials in your physical systems of the constituting nature of water, so in grasping the nature of an archetype it is useful to have a sense of its component concepts.

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Crystallised Entity

Questioner: Can you define what you mean by a “crystallised entity”?

Ra: I am Ra. We have used this particular term because it has a fairly precise meaning in your language. When a crystalline structure is formed of your physical material the elements present in each molecule are bonded in a regularised fashion with the elements in each other molecule. Thus the structure is regular and, when fully and perfectly crystallised, has certain properties. It will not splinter or break; it is very strong without effort; and it is radiant, traducing light into a beautiful refraction giving pleasure of the eye to many.

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Questioner: Could you define the word density as we have been using it to give us a little greater idea of the concept of this term when used by you?

Ra: I am Ra. The term density is a, what you would call, mathematical one. The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each density there are seven sub-densities. Within each sub-density, seven sub-sub-densities, and so on infinitely.

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Energy Transfer

Questioner: Thank you. Could you tell me of the number of possible energy transfers between two or more mind/body/spirit complexes? Is it very large, or are there few [inaudible]?

Ra: I am Ra. The number is infinite, for is not each mind/body/spirit complex unique?

Questioner: Could you define this statement “energy transfer between two mind/body/spirit complexes?”

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this working. This entity still has transferred energy available, but we find rapidly increasing distortions towards pain in the neck, the dorsal area, and the wrists and manual appendages.

The physical energy transfer may be done numerous ways.

We shall give two examples. Each begins with some sense of the self as Creator or in some way the magical personality being invoked. This may be consciously or unconsciously done. Firstly, that exercise of which we have spoken called the exercise of fire: this is, though physical energy transfer, not that which is deeply involved in the body complex combinations. Thusly the transfer is subtle and each transfer unique in what is offered and what is accepted. At this point we may note that this is the cause for the infinite array of possible energy transfers.

The second energy transfer of which we would speak is the sexual energy transfer. This takes place upon a non-magical level by all those entities which vibrate green ray active.

It is possible, as in the case of this instrument which dedicates itself to the service of the One Infinite Creator, to further refine this energy transfer. When the other-self also dedicates itself in service to the One Infinite Creator, the transfer is doubled. Then the amount of energy transferred is dependent only upon the amount of polarised sexual energy created and released. There are refinements from this point onward leading to the realm of the high sexual magic.

In the realm of the mental bodies there are variations of mental energy transferred. This is, again, dependent upon the knowledge sought and the knowledge offered. The most common mental energy transfer is that of the teacher and the pupil. The amount of energy is dependent upon the quality of this offering upon the part of the teacher as regards the purity of the desire to serve and the quality of information offered and, upon the part of the student, the purity of the desire to learn and the quality of the mind vibratory complex which receives knowledge.

Another form of mental energy transfer is that of the listener and the speaker. When the speaker is experiencing mental/emotional-complex distortions towards anguish, sorrow, or other mental pain, from what we have said before, you may perhaps garner knowledge of the variations possible in this transfer.

The spiritual energy transfers are at the heart of all energy transfers, as a knowledge of self and other-self as Creator is paramount, and this is spiritual work. The varieties of spiritual energy transfer include those things of which we have spoken this day as we spoke upon the subject of the adept.

Are there any brief queries before we leave this working?

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Questioner: Only one, other than what we can do to make the instrument more comfortable. I have only one other question. I would like to have brief information of the word you use, “galaxy.”

Ra: I am Ra. We use the term known to your people by the sound vibration complex “galaxy.” We accept that some galaxies contain one system of planetary and solar groups, others containing several. However, the importance of the locus in infinite time/space dimensionality is so little that we accept the distortion implicit in such an ambiguous term.

Questioner: Then would nine planets and our sun we have here in our system, would you refer to that as a solar galaxy?

Ra: We would not.

Questioner: How many stars, approximately, would be in a galaxy?

Ra: It depends upon the galactic system. Your own, as you know, contains many, many millions of planet entities and star bodies.

Questioner: I was just trying to get to the definition you were using for galaxy. You mentioned them a couple of times and it seemed to me that [inaudible] what you call a galaxy we call a planetary system. Is there any way to make the instrument more comfortable?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument could be made somewhat more comfortable if more support were given the body complex. Other than this, we can only repeat the request to carefully align the symbols used to facilitate this instrument’s balance. Our contact is narrow-banded and thus the influx brought in with us must be precise.

I am Ra. I leave you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

Questioner: Would you define the word galaxy as you just used it?

Ra: We use that term in this sense as you would use star systems.

Questioner: I’m a little bit confused as to how many total planets then, roughly, does the Confederation that you are in serve?

Ra: I am Ra. I see the confusion. We have difficulty with your language.

The galaxy term must be split. We call galaxy that vibrational complex that is local. Thus, your sun is what we would call the centre of a galaxy. We see you have another meaning for this term.

Questioner: Yes. In our science, the term galaxy refers to the lenticular star system that contains millions and millions of stars, and this had occurred earlier in our communications, this area of confusion. I’m glad to get it cleared up.

Now, using the term galaxy in the sense that I just gave you, of the lenticular star system that contains millions of stars, do you know of the evolution in other galaxies besides this one?

Ra: I am Ra. We are aware of life in infinite capacity. You are correct in this assumption.

Questioner: In the previous session you stated that “the other type of experience is the fourth, fifth, and sixth densities of other galaxies, and some within your own galaxy, which have learned necessary disciplines of personality to view the universe as one being, and, therefore, are able to proceed from locus to locus by thought alone, materialising the necessary craft.”

I would like to ask you when you say that “fourth, fifth, and sixth densities of other galaxies, and some within your own galaxy,” are you stating here that more of the entities in other galaxies have developed the abilities of personality than have in this galaxy for this type of, shall I say, travel? I am using the term galaxy with respect to the lenticular shape of 250 billion stars.

Ra: I am Ra. We have once again used a meaning for this term, galaxy, that does not lie within your vocabulary at this time, if you will call it so. We referred to your star system.

It is incorrect to assume that other star systems are more able to manipulate the dimensions than your own. It is merely that there are many other systems besides your own.

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Higher Self

Questioner: I’m sorry for having so much trouble with these concepts, but they are pretty difficult to translate, I am sure, into our understanding and language, and some of my questions may be rather ridiculous. But does this higher self have a physical vehicle or some type of vehicle like our physical vehicle? Does it have a bodily complex?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. The higher self is of a certain advancement within sixth density going into the seventh. After the seventh has been well entered, the mind/body/spirit complex becomes so totally a mind/body/spirit complex totality that it begins to gather spiritual mass and approach the octave density. Thus the looking backwards is finished at that point.

Questioner: Is the higher self of every entity of a sixth-density nature?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. This is an honour/duty of self to self as one approaches seventh density.

Questioner: I’m a little fuzzy on a point with respect to the higher self. Now we each, I am assuming, have a separate or different higher self at sixth-density positive level. Is this correct? Each of us in the room that is, here, the three of us?

Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full question of this working. We shall attempt to aim for the intention of your query as we understand it. Please request any additional information.

Firstly, it is correct that each in this dwelling place has one oversoul, as you may call it. However, due to the repeated harmonious interactions of this triad of entities, there may be seen to be a further harmonious interaction besides the three entities’ higher selves; that is, each social memory complex has an oversoul of a type which is difficult to describe to you in words. In this group there are two such social memory complex totalities blending their efforts with your higher selves at this time.

Questioner: In that case, we’ll go ahead with the questions we have here, continuing the last session.

You said that each third-density entity has an higher self in the sixth density which is moving to the mind/body/spirit complex of the entity as needed. Does this higher self also evolve in growth through the densities beginning with the first density, and does each higher self have a corresponding higher self advanced in densities beyond it?

Ra: I am Ra. To simplify this concept is our intent. The higher self is a manifestation given to the late sixth-density mind/body/spirit complex as a gift from its future selfness. The mid-seventh density’s last action before turning towards the allness of the Creator and gaining spiritual mass is to give this resource to the sixth-density self, moving, as you measure time, in the stream of time.

This self, the mind/body/spirit complex of late sixth density, has then the honour/duty of using both the experiences of its total living bank, or memory, of experienced thoughts and actions and using the resource of the mind/body/spirit complex totality left behind as a type of infinitely complex thought-form.

In this way you may see your self, your higher self or oversoul, and your mind/body/spirit complex totality as three points in a circle. The only distinction is that of your time/space continuum. All are the same being.

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Questioner: Can you tell me a little more about this honour/responsibility concept?

Ra: I am Ra. Each responsibility is an honour; each honour, a responsibility.

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Questioner: Was this inspiration a— Would an entity impress the person desiring the information with thoughts? Would this be the mechanism of inspiration?

Ra: I am Ra. The mechanism of inspiration involves an extraordinary faculty of desire, or will, to know or to receive in a certain area accompanied by the ability to open to and trust in what you may call intuition.

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Intelligent Infinity

Questioner: It is not necessary to divide it. The definition of intelligent infinity as one part is sufficient. Could you please now define intelligent infinity?

Ra: I am Ra. This is exponentially simpler and less confusing. There is unity. This unity is all that there is. This unity has a potential and kinetic. The potential is intelligent infinity. Tapping this potential will yield work. This work has been called by us, intelligent energy.

The nature of this work is dependent upon the particular distortion of Free Will which, in turn, is the nature of a particular intelligent energy, or kinetic focus, of the potential of unity, or that which is all.

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Questioner: As an ending question I will just ask is it possible, then, for the Ipsissimus to have either positive or negative polarity, or must he be neither?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall respond to the meaning of this term in a specialised sense. The Ipsissimus is one who has mastered the Tree of Life and has used this mastery for negative polarisation.

Is there any brief query which we may respond to as we take leave of this instrument?

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Questioner: Thank you. Would you define karma?

Ra: I am Ra. Our understanding of karma is that which may be called inertia. Those actions which are put into motion will continue, using the ways of balancing, until such time as the controlling or higher principle, which you may liken unto your braking, or stopping, is invoked. This stoppage of the inertia of action may be called forgiveness. These two concepts are inseparable.

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Mind, Body, Spirit

Questioner: Thank you. Would you define mind, body, and spirit separately?

Ra: I am Ra. These terms are all simplistic descriptive terms which equal a complex of energy focuses; the body, as you call it, being the material of the density which you experience at a given space/time or time/space; this complex of materials being available for distortions of what you would call physical manifestation.

The mind is a complex which reflects the inpourings of the spirit and the up-pourings of the body complex. It contains what you know as feelings, emotions, and intellectual thoughts in its more conscious complexities. Moving further down the tree of mind we see the intuition, which is of the nature of the mind more in contact, or in tune, with the total beingness complex. Moving down to the roots of mind we find the progression of consciousness which gradually turns from the personal to the racial memory to the cosmic influxes, and thus becomes a direct contactor of that shuttle which we call the spirit complex.

This spirit complex is the channel whereby the inpourings from all of the various universal, planetary, and personal inpourings may be funnelled into the roots of consciousness, and whereby consciousness may be funnelled to the gateway of intelligent infinity through the balanced intelligent energy of body and mind.

You will see by this series of definitive statements that mind, body, and spirit are inextricably intertwined and cannot continue, one without the other. Thus we refer to the mind/body/spirit complex rather than attempting to deal with them separately, for the work, shall we say, that you do during your experiences is done through the interaction of these three components, not through any one.

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Mind/Body/Spirit Complex Totality

Questioner: In previous communications you have spoken of the mind/body/spirit complex totality. Would you please give us a definition of the mind/body/spirit complex totality?

Ra: I am Ra. There is a dimension in which time does not have sway. In this dimension the mind/body/spirit, in its eternal dance of the present, may be seen in totality, and before the mind/body/spirit complex, which then becomes a part of the social memory complex, is willingly absorbed into the allness of the One Creator, the entity knows itself in its totality.

This mind/body/spirit complex totality functions as, shall we say, a resource for what you perhaps would call the higher self. The higher self, in turn, is a resource for examining the distillations of third-density experience and programming further experience. This is also true of densities four, five, and six with the mind/body/spirit complex totality coming into consciousness in the course of seventh density.

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Social Memory Complex

Questioner: At what stage does a planet achieve social memory?

Ra: I am Ra. A mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking. The group memory lost to the individuals in the roots of the tree of mind then become[s] known to the social complex, thus creating a social memory complex. The advantages of this complex are the relative lack of distortion in understanding the social beingness and the relative lack of distortion in pursuing the direction of seeking, for all understanding-distortions are available to the entities of the society.

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Spiritual Mass

Questioner: Thank you. Thank you for that explanation of the mathematics, too. That was bothering me.

Could you define spiritual mass?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question of this session.

Spiritual mass is that which begins to attract the out-moving and ongoing vibratory oscillations of beingness into the gravity, speaking in a spiritual sense, well of the Great Central Sun, core, or Creator of the infinite universes.

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Questioner: In trying to build an understanding from the start, you might say, starting with intelligent infinity and getting to our present condition of being, I am having some difficulty, but I think I should go back and investigate our sun since it is the sub-Logos that creates all that we experience in this particular planetary system.

Will you give me a description of the sun, of our sun?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a query which is not easily answered in your language, for the sun has various aspects in relation to intelligent infinity, to intelligent energy, and to each density of each planet, as you call these spheres. Moreover, these differences extend into the metaphysical, or time/space, part of your creation.

In relationship to intelligent infinity, the sun body is, equally with all parts of the infinite creation, part of that infinity.

In relation to the potentiated intelligent infinity which makes use of intelligent energy, it is the offspring, shall we say, of the Logos for a much larger number of sub-Logoi. The relationship is hierarchical in that the sub-Logos uses the intelligent energy in ways set forth by the Logos and uses its free will to co-create the, shall we say, full nuances of your densities as you experience them.

In relationship to the densities, the sun body may physically, as you would say, be seen to be a large body of gaseous elements undergoing the processes of fusion and radiating heat and light.

Metaphysically, the sun achieves a meaning to fourth through seventh density according to the growing abilities of entities in these densities to grasp the living creation and co-entity, or other-self, nature of this sun body. Thus by the sixth density the sun may be visited and inhabited by those dwelling in time/space, and may even be partially created from moment to moment by the processes of sixth-density entities in their evolution.

Questioner: Thank you. What I want to do now is investigate, as the first density is formed, what happens and how energy centres are first formed in beings. Let me first ask you, does it make any sense to ask you if the sun itself has a density, or is it all densities?

Ra: I am Ra. The sub-Logos is of the entire octave and is not that entity which experiences the learning/teachings of entities such as yourselves.

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Questioner: Could you tell me the difference between space/time and time/space?

Ra: I am Ra. Using your words, the difference is that between the visible and invisible, or the physical and metaphysical. Using mathematical terms, as does the one you call Larson, the difference is that between s/t and t/s.

Questioner: Thank you. I want to go on more questioning on the pyramid, but I want to ask a question [name] has here. I’ll throw it in at this point. Could you please expand on the concept of space/time and time/space and how to get past this, the concept of these things? And at what density level do these concepts no longer affect the individual?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this working. This instrument has some vital energy left. However, we become concerned with the increasing distortions of the body complex towards pain.

The space/time and time/space concepts are those concepts describing, as mathematically as possible, the relationships of your illusion: that which is seen to that which is unseen. These descriptive terms are clumsy. They, however, suffice for this work.

In the experiences of the mystical search for unity these need never be considered, for they are but part of an illusory system. The seeker seeks the One. This One is to be sought, as we have said, by the balanced and self-accepting self, aware both of its apparent distortions and its total perfection.

Resting in this balanced awareness, the entity then opens the self to the universe, which it is. The light energy of all things may then be attracted by this intense seeking, and wherever the inner seeking meets the attracted cosmic prana, realisation of the One takes place.

The purpose of clearing each energy centre is to allow that meeting place to occur at the indigo-ray vibration, thus making contact with intelligent infinity and dissolving all illusions. Service-to-others is automatic at the released energy generated by this state of consciousness.

The space/time and time/space distinctions, as you understand them, do not hold sway except in third density. However, fourth, fifth, and to some extent, sixth, work within some system of polarised space/time and time/space.

The calculations necessary to move from one system to another through the dimensions are somewhat difficult. Therefore, we have the most difficulty sharing numerical concepts with you and take this opportunity to repeat our request that you monitor our numbers and query any that seem questionable.

Is there a brief query that we may answer before we leave this instrument?

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Unconscious Mind

Questioner: In the last session you had mentioned the properties precipitating from the veiling of the mind, the first being visioning, envisioning, or far-seeing. Would you explain the meaning of that?

Ra: I am Ra. Your language is not overstrewn with non-emotional terms for the functional qualities of what is now termed the unconscious mind. The nature of mind is something which we have requested that you ponder. However, it is, shall we say, clear enough to the casual observer that we may share some thoughts with you without infringing upon your free learn/teaching experiences.

The nature of the unconscious is of the nature of concept rather than word. Consequently, before the veiling the use of the deeper mind was that of the use of unspoken concept. You may consider the emotive and connotative aspects of a melody. One could call out, in some stylized fashion, the terms for the notes of the melody. One could say, “a quarter note A, a quarter note A, a quarter note A, whole note F.” This bears little resemblance to the beginning of the melody of one of your composers’ most influential melodies, that known to you as a symbol of victory.

This is the nature of the deeper mind. There are only stylized methods with which to discuss its functions. Thusly our descriptions of this portion of the mind, as well as the same portions of body and spirit, were given terms such as “far-seeing,” indicating that the nature of penetration of the veiled portion of the mind may be likened unto the journey too rich and exotic to contemplate adequate describing thereof.

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Unmanifested Being

Questioner: Define, please, the unmanifested being.

Ra: I am Ra. We may see that you wish to pursue the deeper stratum of information. We shall, therefore, answer in a certain way which does not exhaust the query but is designed to move beneath the outer teachings somewhat.

The unmanifested being is, as we have said, that being which exists and does its work without reference to, or aid from, other-selves. To move into this concept you may see the inevitable connexion between the unmanifested self and the metaphysical, or time/space, analogue of the space/time self. The activities of meditation, contemplation, and what may be called the internal balancing of thoughts and reactions are those activities of the unmanifested self more closely aligned with the metaphysical self.

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Vital Energy

Questioner: Could you give me a definition of vital energy?

Ra: I am Ra. Vital energy is the complex of energy levels of mind, body, and spirit. Unlike physical energy, it requires the integrated complexes vibrating in an useful manner.

The faculty of will can, to a variable extent, replace missing vital energy, and this has occurred in past workings, as you measure time, in this instrument. This is not recommended. At this time, however, the vital energies are well-nourished in mind and spirit, although the physical energy level is, in and of itself, low at this time.

Questioner: Would I be correct in guessing that vital energy is a function of the awareness, or bias, of the entity with respect to its polarity, or general unity, with the Creator or creation?

Ra: I am Ra. In a nonspecific sense we may affirm the correctness of your statement. The vital energy may be seen to be that deep love of life or life experiences, such as the beauty of creation, and the appreciation of other-selves, and the distortions of your co-Creators’ making which are of beauty.

Without this vital energy the least distorted physical complex will fail and perish. With this love, or vital energy, or élan, the entity may continue though the physical complex is greatly distorted.

Questioner: In the last session you mentioned that if the instrument used any of the increased vital energy that she experiences now for physical activity she would pay a “harsh toll.” Could you tell me the nature of that harsh toll, and why it would be experienced?

Ra: I am Ra. The physical energy level is a measure of the amount of available energy of the body complex of a mind/body/spirit complex. The vital energy measurement is one which expresses the amount of energy of being of the mind/body/spirit complex.

This entity has great distortions in the direction of mind complex activity, spirit complex activity, and that great conduit to the Creator, the will. Therefore, this instrument’s vital energy, even in the absence of any physical reserve measurable, is quite substantial.

However, the use of this energy of will, mind, and spirit for the things of the physical complex causes a far greater distortion in the lessening of the vital energy than would the use of this energy for those things which are in the deepest desires and will of the mind/body/spirit complex. In this entity these desires are for service to the Creator. This entity sees all service as service to the Creator, and this is why we have cautioned the support group and the instrument itself in this regard. All services are not equal in depth of distortion. The over-use of this vital energy is, to be literal, the rapid removal of life force.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2024 Tobey Wheelock.

Questions? Comments? Email me: tw at law of one dot info.

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